Burning Shinto

Chapter 305 Shinto

This pain is definitely the first time in Qin Yanwu's life. I'm afraid that the previous eight tests are not as terrible as this one. At the beginning, it directly made him cry.

Vigorous tremors also appeared at this time. Every part of Qin Yanwu's whole body was trembling at this time, and even his hair was trembling. It can be imagined how terrible the pain he is now.

"You can pass the previous eight tests, which shows that you have great perseverance, great will, and have a firm belief in some aspects of your heart in the face of eight different pains. However, this final test is that countless kinds of pains are mixed together. Various painful moods will continue to appear and alternate like changes. ." When the evil dragon talked about this last test, there was also an inexplicable fear on his face.

As Xieyan Magic Dragon said, Qin Yanwu was suffering from various painful moods at this time. Originally, he was suppressing the extremely hot pain for a second. Before he could react, the extremely cold pain suddenly appeared, which made him unable to change another way to deal with it in an instant.

Otherwise, he would not be so painful now, precisely because different painful moods are constantly changing and appearing alternately, and each painful mood is extreme, not as casual as dragonflies.

Qin Yanwu's eyebrows were deeply locked at this time, and the blue veins on his neck suddenly rose because he endured strong pain, and his fists were so tightly that even his nails fell into the flesh. Of course, now he is only a soul body and does not have this kind of physical pain, but these actions are enough to show that the pain he suffered is strong. .

The evil demon dragon also stared at Qin Yanwu nervously at this time. Although he was a little rude in his words before, after all, Qin Yanwu was the inheritor chosen by his master Soul Emperor. He had blind respect for the Soul Emperor, so he would not doubt where the person selected by the Soul Emperor would be.

The previous unpleasant speech was just to let Qin Yanwu know his own ability, but the evil dragon actually hopes that the former can pass this test. After all, this is only the second soul prison. The seven soul prison in the future is more and more difficult to break through. If you can't even break through the second, how can you face the future? Trial.

Under such pain, Qin Yanwu barely endured ten minutes, but for him, every second was as long as ten thousand years had passed.

"Use your great perseverance and will to overcome it, otherwise you will not be able to survive for an hour." There is some encouragement in the tone of the evil demon dragon.

After a moment, he opened his voice again: "This ninth test is the last hell of Jiuyou Land. Its name is Senluo Hell. The so-called Senluo is endless. In this hell, there is an endless painful mood. In addition to the pain of the previous eight hells, there are countless differences. The painful mood, ordinary people enter the inside, and in a moment, their souls will collapse and die because of the impact of various painful moods.

"Those who could break into this ninth hell and did not die have the will to persist in their original heart. The so-called heart is their own way. What is the way? There are thousands of ways between the world, the way of killing, the way of benevolence, the way of evil, etc. If you want to pass this test, you need to The way to understand the heart and continue to be firm.

Ordinary people have no real way of the heart. The so-called way of the heart is to stick to the heart, just like the way of killing, which means endless killing. Only endless killing can reach the peak.

Therefore, in the world, those people only have desires, not their own way.

The evil dragon slowly eased.

Although Qin Yanwu heard it, he felt profound. He had great perseverance and great will, but he did not know what his original way was.

In his opinion, the heart of the strong is obviously not a kind of Tao. Everyone has the heart of the strong, but he is stronger than ordinary people, but it is not the real Tao.

"My way of heart!"


In Qin Yanwu's meditation, the long-unresponsive light mass actually shook at this time. This is the second thing that can appear in the soul prison except for the petal soul seal.

In the soul prison, no foreign object can appear, and even the firebird mark has no effect here. It seems to be isolated by some power of the soul prison.

However, the light mass actually broke the power of isolation and appeared in his mind.

Suddenly, the originally dark environment around suddenly became bright. With Qin Yanwu as the center, the light kept spreading around.

"What kind of power is this, ah! My soul actually trembled violently. How could it be? Even in the face of the Lord of Heaven, I didn't have such a terrible trembling feeling.

The evil dragon had just come into contact with the light, and his whole body trembled violently, and his face was pale. Although he did not have any pain on the surface, there was an extremely terrible feeling in his heart, which gave him an illusion of destruction at any time.

"How can there be foreign objects that can break into the soul prison space? A long time ago, no one could beat the master except the masters of those great clans. Why, what is this terrible thing?" The evil dragon suppressed the inner trembling, but it was still extremely shocking.

The surroundings were completely bright, and the surroundings were still full of extremely sacred breath, and the whole second soul prison immediately became like heaven.

"I didn't expect that there was such a horrible thing hidden in his body, and I don't know how he got it." Xieyan Magic Dragon stared at the figure not far away and muttered.

Qin Yanwu, who was shrouded in light, did not feel relaxed by this. At this time, he was still suffering from endless painful mood, and he did not know that the light in his mind appeared at this time.

However, he has a feeling that this is a feeling of freedom and freedom, as if he is no longer constrained by this world.

This is impossible for anyone. All living things in this world are bound by heaven and earth, because they can survive because of the energy of heaven and earth. Human cultivation needs to absorb the energy of heaven and earth. Warcraft evolution needs heaven and earth energy, plant growth needs heaven and earth energy, and everything needs heaven and earth energy. Therefore Nothing can get rid of heaven and earth and become an existence independent of heaven and earth.

However, Qin Yanwu actually had this feeling at this time. He felt a little illusory, but it made people feel real.

"Everything in heaven and earth, the one who can dominate, begins with the Shinto!"

A total of twelve words slowly appeared in Qin Yanwu's mind. These twelve words have a strong artistic conception.


Qin Yanwu slowly uttered these two words.


Suddenly, a sacred wind rolled up around. The appearance of this wind made the second soul prison tremble violently, as if it could feel collapsed at any time.

"It's even the soul prison tremble. This is an inner trembling that makes the soul prison created by the master feel so strongly. The light may have surpassed everything. Fortunately, this light is not destructive, otherwise, not to mention my evil soul prison, even the soul prison controlled by the other eight people will be destroyed." A strong fear appeared in the heart of the evil dragon. In the face of the sacred light, even he was palpitated.

"That light ball won't be that thing, right? No! Absolutely impossible!" The evil dragon seemed to think of something, but soon denied it.

At this time, a strange text appeared above Qin Yanwu's head. This text is not the text learned by human beings now. Obviously, it is an ancient word. Ordinary people don't know what this word it is at all.

However, after seeing the ancient character, the evil dragon fell into shock again, because he knew what the word was

"God is actually a god word, and this word of God is completely different from the gods in our realm. What this boy understands is actually the Shinto, a way that no one dares to understand." Xieyan Magic Dragon looked at the distance in shock, looked at the word "God", and then looked at the figure below, a little distracted.

After understanding his own way, although Qin Yanwu still suffered endless pain at this time, he was not afraid at all in the face of those painful moods.