Burning Shinto

Chapter 306 Nine Prisons

Established the way of his heart. At this time, Qin Yanwu was as inviolable by all laws. In the face of the endless painful mood, he seemed to be fearless, and an idea extinguished a kind of pain.

This lasted for nearly an hour.


The ancient divine character vibrated in vain, and then began to dissipate gradually. The light once again disappeared into Qin Yanwu's mind, and the evil soul prison gradually returned to its previous appearance, dark and cold.

"The owner's choice has always been so accurate. If there is no accident, he will definitely stand at the peak in the future, but I don't know if he can surpass the master at that time." Xieyan Magic Dragon suddenly felt that the pressure on his body had disappeared. He looked up at the still sitting figure and muttered to himself.

After a while, a full hour has passed, and the final test has also passed, indicating that Qin Yanwu has passed the trial of the second soul prison.

The painful mood completely disappeared, and the sitting figure's face also recovered as usual, without any painful expression.

Qin Yanwu slowly opened his eyes and saw the evil dragon not far away looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, young master, you have passed my soul prison trial." The evil dragon slowly came over.

At this time, the name of the evil dragon has also been changed to the young master.

Qin Yanwu is also a little excited in his heart. Through the second soul prison trial, it indicates that he can break through to the new realm of soul masters and have new abilities and soul flames.

He stood up with a smile on the corners of his mouth and said, "Like the ghost emperor, you just used little power, didn't you? Otherwise, even if I understand the way of my heart, I can't resist it.

"It can be said, but all this is arranged by the master. What kind of trial do you want to bear? The master has arranged it a long time ago." The evil dragon said lightly.

"I know, even if you ask you something, you won't answer."

"Well, the master once said that unless you reach a certain level, you can't tell you anything, otherwise it will only bother you."

"Some kind of realm? What kind of state is it? Wu Sheng? Or the Black Soul Master?" Qin Yanwu asked.

"I can only say that that realm is beyond the strongest in your current plane." The evil dragon shook its folding fan and said.

"The strongest person who surpasses my plane? It seems that the reason why the petal soul seal has twelve petals, and the three extra petals are the three realms that surpass the martial saint or the black soul master. Qin Yanwu suddenly understood the past.

"Smart, but now you still have to stand at the peak of this plane." Xieyan Magic Dragon was a little stunned. He didn't expect Qin Yanwu to think so keenly that he suddenly thought of it.

"What I understand is the Shinto. The Shinto is above all the ways of the heart. It seems that the heart is the master of heaven and earth, beyond everything." Qin Yanwu pondered and said secretly in his heart.

The evil demon dragon saw Qin Yanwu's meditative appearance and knew what the latter was thinking, so he said, "You don't have to think too much. The way to establish your heart is the beginning. What happens in the future depends on you to find it slowly."

Hearing this, Qin Yanwu could only nod slightly. He knew that now his original way was just the beginning. How to take steps and achieve achievements is not in one step, but gradually achieved.

No matter who, the way of establishing the original heart is only the beginning, not that the way of the original heart can suddenly become the peak strong.

"Let's talk about other things in the future. Now that you have passed my soul prison trial, you will receive a new baptism." The evil dragon smiled and said.

Qin Yanwu also answered.

Then, the evil dragon waved at the door. After the door slowly opened, a beam of soul power directly shot into Qin Yanwu's body.


Qin Yanwu only felt that his whole body was filled with infinite energy, and every part of the soul body is now full of surging soul power.

"The soul power that can break through the realm is really strong, and this time it is much more powerful than last time." At this time, Qin Yanwu was completely addicted to the baptism of soul power, and his inner feeling was extremely comfortable.

Five minutes later, the gate closed again.


Qin Yanwu shouted and shook his whole body, and a wave of soul power that was stronger than before broke out in vain. At this time, he had entered the level of green soul master.

Then, he turned his palm and condensed, and a cluster of flames appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the flame of the soul he had after breaking through the Green Soul Master.

This cluster of soul flames is not fiery red, but the extremely deep black, which is indescribably different from ordinary black.

According to common sense, the color of the general soul flame depends on the attributes, but Qin Yanwu's soul flame is actually black, which is really surprising.

However, Qin Yanwu did not show surprise, because he knew that what he inherited was the inheritance of the Soul Emperor, and the soul flame of the Soul Emperor was also this dark color.

"Oh, now you have entered the Green Soul Master, but there is still a long way to go." Evil Fire Demon Dragon Road.

"What kind of soul flame is this?" Qin Yanwu asked.

Although he was not surprised by the color of the soul flame, he felt that the soul flame was actually different from the soul flame he had seen.

"After the soul master reaches a certain level, the flame of the soul will transform. It is no longer a pure soul flame, but has a certain ability, which also depends on the ability of the manipulator himself, and what you inherit is the soul flame of the master, which is called the nine prison alchemy, which is the most powerful soul flame in heaven and earth. " The evil demon dragon has a respectful face.

"Nine prison refining? If I guess correctly, the master refined everything in the Jiuyou Land in those years, thus condensing this kind of soul flame. It seems that I'm afraid that the power of this soul flame has not been able to exert it now. Qin Yanwu thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, although you have not really exerted the power of Jiu Prison Refining Fire, the power of Jiu Prison Refining Fire is much stronger than that of ordinary people's soul. To exaggerate, you can kill your opponent in an instant. Of course, whether you can do it depends on your ability." The evil demon dragon can't be denied.

"That's enough. It's not too late to develop it slowly in the future. By the way, when I pass the first soul prison, the ghost emperor will tell me about the future soul prison. What is your subsequent soul prison like?" Qin Yanwu changed the topic and asked.

"In those years, the master used powerful means to create us. Except for me and the old ghosts, everyone else behind them used the master to absorb the mysterious power of heaven and earth, and then combined with his own strength to create it. You should have guessed it." Evil Fire Demon Dragon Road.

"Strongly ingest the mysterious power of heaven and earth to create life? How many horrible means will it take to achieve this, that is to say, the ten mysterious attributes? Qin Yanwu was shocked.

No wonder he is so shocked that ordinary people have to transform the energy of heaven and earth. However, the Soul Emperor can extract the mysterious power of a certain attribute from the energy of heaven and earth and create life with his own power, which is simply unheard of and unbelievable.

"Hehe, the two attributes of light and darkness are too difficult, even if the master can't control these two forces. As for the other eight attributes, you will know when you enter the third soul prison. It's useless for me to say more, but I can tell you that the third soul prison is the best among us. Well, I can say That's all, young master. I look forward to seeing you in the future. After saying that, the evil demon dragon slowly dissipated like a puff of smoke, and finally disappeared completely.

"Well, it seems that they are all a group of guys who are not easy to deal with." Qin Yanwu sighed.


After a while, Qin Yanwu was not in a hurry to break into a heavy soul prison, but returned to reality first.

At this time, it was almost noon, and Qin Yanwu stayed in the soul prison space for nearly ten hours.


After opening the door, Qin Yanwu went outside, took a deep breath, and looked extremely comfortable.

"Brother, have you finished practicing?" Black Power came over at this time, and Qin Yanwu had told him before.

"Hmm." Qin Yanwu answered.

At this time, Zhou Jing brought a man in. Qin Yanwu met him and was a member of the War League.

"Brother Qin, Boss Ye wants to find you."

When this man saw Qin Yanwu, his eyes were a little fanatical, obviously because the former defeated Yan Hao yesterday, which made him have a sense of worship for Qin Yanwu.