Burning Shinto

Chapter 307 Star Mission

Hearing this, Qin Yanwu smiled and ordered a black electrician to go to the headquarters of the League with this disciple.

After a while, the two came to the headquarters of the League of War.

After Qin Yanwu entered the headquarters hall, he found that in addition to Ye Zhanlong and other key members of the war alliance, there were two strangers, a man and a woman.

The man's figure is unusually tall, with a tiger's back and bear waist, which gives people a sense of visual brutal oppression. His eyebrows are quite thick, his face is resolute, and his face has a straight smile. That smile gives people a feeling of getting along well with.

And the woman was wearing tight clothes. She was tall and quite plump. Under the package of the practice clothes, the exaggerated sexy curve made people's eyes a little straight. When she moved up, she saw the pretty face with a smile, her long hair was as straight, and the whole gave people a kind of gentleness. Temperament.

Looking at the two casually, Qin Yanwu felt a strong breath from the two of them. It can be said that their strength is stronger than Yan Hao. Although he knows who they are, he knows that there are actually many powerful people in the inner door, but they don't like to be too exposed.

"Big Ye, what can I do for you? Who are these two brothers and sisters? Qin Yanwu walked over and said with a faint smile.

"Hehe, come on, let me introduce first. This man's name is Dong Lei, who is the fourth of the ten heroes of the inner door, and this beautiful woman is the third of the ten heroes of the inner door, Huo Wan." Ye Zhanlong introduced it briefly and directly.

Qin Yanwu was also slightly surprised to hear the names of the man and woman. These two people are extremely famous in the inner door, but he has never seen them before, so he didn't know who they were just now.

Now after listening to Ye Zhanlong's introduction, I know that the two have come from a lot.

Although the ten heroes of the inner door are only self-apported titles of inner disciples, everyone knows that among the ten heroes, the strength of the first five people is not overshadowed. Yan Hao alone, the fifth, is already very strong, but now that Yan Hao has been defeated by Qin Yanwu and has been replaced by the latter.

"Haha, it's a little interesting. The three, four and five of the ten heroes in the inner door are all present. You are very good, and now you are a popular figure." A tall man named Dong Lei said.

"Brother Dong is flattered. Compared with you, I'm still worse than you." Qin Yanwu is modest.

"Ha ha, I know how not to be arrogant or impatient, uh-huh." Huo Wan said with a faint smile.

"You know each other, um, let's get back to business. I came to you this time to ask if you are interested in completing a star task with us?" Ye Zhanlongdao.

"What? Star mission? Qin Yanwu was slightly surprised.

In the contribution hall of the Great Waste Building, there are countless tasks that can be received by disciples in the door. These tasks are generally divided into three levels: high school and low, and these tasks are called ordinary tasks. In addition to these three levels, there is also a special task called star task.

And star-level tasks are not accessible by anyone. If you want to receive star-level tasks, you must complete a certain number of tasks to receive them.

Generally speaking, star tasks are divided into three levels, that is, one star, two stars and three stars, with the lowest one star and the highest three stars.

But even one-star tasks need to complete many other non-star tasks to receive them. It is said that if you want to receive one-star missions, you need to complete at least 100 ordinary-level tasks, including at least 20 advanced tasks, at least 30 intermediate tasks, and 50 low-level tasks. Only then can I get it.

It is not easy for ordinary people to complete an advanced task. Even if it can be completed, it takes a lot of time, not to mention 20. In addition, there are 30 intermediate and 50 low-level tasks.

Although the rewards for star missions are very rich, even advanced tasks are very difficult, not to mention star missions, which are difficult for many disciples to complete.

Among the three star missions, one star is more suitable for non-elite disciples, while two stars and three stars are usually only qualified to receive.

That is to say, the star mission mentioned in Ye Zhanlong's mouth should be a one-star mission.

"I have an interest, but I don't seem to be qualified to receive star-level tasks." Qin Yanwu shook his head.

"Ha ha, if you want to receive star-level tasks, you only need one person to be qualified, but star-level tasks will limit the members." Huo Wan said lightly.

"Well, just so, Huo Wan just completed the requirements of the one-star mission before, and now we can receive it. The reason why we are looking for you is that you defeated Yan Hao, and only five people can participate in the one-star mission this time, and your strength should be at least in the third-level martial arts. Although you have not reached the realm, your level is beyond The strength of the realm is suitable. Dong Lei nodded and said.

"I think you should know that star tasks can't be picked up, and sometimes it depends on luck. So, this time we were lucky enough to get a suitable one. Huo Wan continued.

Qin Yanwu also nodded when he heard this. Of course, he knew.

Because star task opportunities are rare, star task opportunities are not available all the time. Sometimes even if the requirements are met, it may not be possible to get a suitable star task, because it requires strict review of the sect to determine whether the requirements of star tasks are met, and only when the requirements are met can they be released.

In addition, the star task has a time limit. Once the items required for the task are not handed in within this time, the sect will automatically fail as a task, and the received disciples must give up to continue to execute, and cannot be picked up again immediately. After that, you must meet the requirements again to receive the star task. The failure of the task is equivalent to wasting an opportunity.

"We are friends with Zhanlong, and you are also a member of the War League. Now you are strong enough, so I called you. There are many strong people in the sect, but those people are relatively shallow and not suitable for us. The extremely rich rewards of this star mission are the exception. The important thing is that the place where this mission goes is the latest and fascinating. Dong Lei smiled and said.

"That's probably the case. I know you will be interested. Just meet here in three days." Ye Zhanlong patted Qin Yanwu on the shoulder and gave him a piece of paper.

"Okay, see you in three days." Qin Yanwu also nodded and responded.

After Qin Yanwu left, Huo Wan smiled and said, "Zhan Long, you have accepted a good member. Qin Yanwu seems ordinary on the surface, but I can vaguely feel his strong breath and strong self-confidence in his eyes."

"Well, it's not as simple as luck that he can defeat Yan Hao." Dong Lei also praised it.

"Ha ha, not to mention you, even I felt a little surprised. At the beginning, I just felt that he was more powerful than ordinary people, but I didn't expect that this time, even my boss, was really incredible, but he valued righteousness, attached great importance to affection, and was a person worth making friends." Ye Zhanlong's tone also showed admiration.

"Since it's settled, let's meet again in three days." Huo Wan smiled and left with Dong Lei.

After returning to his residence, Qin Yanwu was also a little excited. This was his first time to carry out a star mission, and he was somewhat looking forward to it. After all, star missions are different from those ordinary tasks. It is said that some disciples in the past have gained a lot of benefits in the process of completing star tasks, and their strength has greatly increased.

As Dong Lei said, after completing the task, the reward of the sect is only secondary. In the process of the task, what is obtained is the most attractive.

Therefore, many disciples who have reached the star task are watching the new star task all the time, hoping to receive the right one as soon as possible.

And the sect does not pay much attention to what the disciples get from the task. As long as they get one of the proofs, it can be regarded as completing the task.

This is also a disguised reward for disciples. Of course, whether you can get it or not depends on your ability. After all, not everyone is capable of completing star tasks.

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, in addition to normal cultivation, Qin Yanwu spent most of his time studying Panlongsuo and practicing the use of nine prisons, which are his strongest cards now, so he should be familiar with them.