Rich flowers bloom

022 amazing plan

"I don't have a chance to enter the palace?"

She really wants to see what this palace in time and space looks like. Isn't it the Forbidden City?

"There is still a chance every festival, but I have to wait for the emperor to be summoned, and I'm in the harem..."

"I'll come to you..."

Liang Peihan couldn't help laughing: "How can the palace allow you to walk around? That rule is better than Chengfu and Gu..."

She stopped all of a sudden, so she still didn't mention Xue Yan's pain.

"You just saw that the little girl in the garden was beaten because she said something wrong. She was just beaten. If she was in the palace, she would die. Once the people in the palace make a mistake, they will be doomed. She looked more and more solemn.

Most of the girls who have been drama** feel that the court is a place where they can be capricious. Even if they make any mistakes, they can be coquettish or cry or overcome difficulties. Now when they hear the bloody facts, the traveler's back can't help blowing cold wind.

"Then what else are you going to do?" She couldn't help blurt out.

Liang Peihan smiled and was a little sad: "My father has been a five-grade magistrate for 20 years now, but Lord Cheng, a scholar of the same subject, has been an official and has run such a royal female scholar..."

"Don't think too much," she saw Cheng Xueyan's uncomfortableness: "I just don't want to see my father sigh all day. As a daughter, shouldn't I share my father's worries?"

"You entered the palace just to..."

"Not only for this. However, any woman who studies in Guanjiguan is the top priority to enter the palace. Whether it is for a concubine or a concubine, she can also get the title after giving birth to a prince and a princess. Although she is a woman, she can also honor her ancestors, shade her relatives. You also heard that Madam said that she would salute me in the future..."

"But there is no freedom in the palace..."

In Cheng Xueyan's heart, freedom is the most important thing. After only a few days in Cheng's house, she had been suppressed and screamed.

Liang Peihan smiled again, but he was firm: "Don't forget that I came from Guanju Hall. You are my boudoir. How can you make a mistake?"

Indeed, five years of study has already made Liang Peihan a standard lady. Her words and deeds were completely trained in accordance with the queen's standards, and she was directly shortlisted for the primary election and no longer participated in the re-election. Although the position has been decided, and according to her qualifications, it will be a matter of time before she enters the palace.

"I just don't understand that according to your conditions, it was easy to enter the palace. If you say something disrespectful, maybe the position of queen is yours, but I don't know..."

In the face of her exploration, Cheng Xueyan naturally knew nothing about it.

Liang Peihan sighed for Cheng Xueyan to miss the back position and fell to today, but Su bent her knees slightly: "Girl, it's not early."

Liang Peihan's eyes were immediately covered with sadness. She held Cheng Xueyan's hand and choked: "I don't know when I will see you again... Take care!"

Take out another mandarin duck bag from the sleeve.

"There are many rare treasures in Chengfu, and I don't have fun. This was embroidered for you three years ago, but I haven't had a chance to give it to you. Now I have no other intention of sending it to you. I just hope you can find a good son-in-law as soon as possible. After all, Chengfu..."

Some words are best stopped at the right time, but Cheng Xueyan won't understand.

At the end, I was speechless.

Although Cheng Xueyan met Liang Peihan for the first time, she was deeply touched by her frankness and kindness. In this world, there are still people who are really good to themselves, but they have to be separated as soon as they know each other. It is said that Houmen is as deep as the sea, and this palace gate... It's not that she hasn't seen "Golden Branch Desire". I just hope she can really get what she wants.

After Liang Peihan left, she sat alone at the table and sighed.

Farewell is always sad, coupled with the sad things that have not yet cooled down in the previous life...

Seeing that the master was in a bad mood, Bitong was on tiptoe when she walked for fear that the chaotic heartbeat would hit the ground.

In the morning, in Furongtang, she witnessed what the master did from beginning to end. In contrast, yesterday's scolding Mother Tang was just a piece of cake. Today, the master actually competed with Du Yingzi, who had always been talking and doing things, and won a complete victory. From the time the master woke up, something different happened all the time. She still couldn't tell what was wrong, but as the incident escalated, she vaguely felt that a big event was about to happen.

She couldn't help quietly looking up at her master. Although she was a gentle but firm look, she seemed to be murderous... She immediately trembled at the tip of her heart.


The master has said something! She almost knelt on her knees.

"Where is the book of divorce?"

"What's the divorce book?" She didn't understand for a moment.

"It's the one who takes care of the family..."

Cheng Xueyan wants to see what Xiu wrote. She always thought that this situation was caused by style problems, but she was led by Du Yingzi. As the saying goes, she must know what else is on the divorce book to avoid being caught off guard.

"Hugh book..."

Bitong breathed a sigh of relief, but she showed an embarrassed look, and her eyes kept looking at Cheng Xueyan's stomach.

Cheng Xueyan subconsciously covered her stomach and suddenly remembered the last time she asked Dr. Song for treatment... No wonder Bitong was so nervous. Did she expect her master to get pregnant and then return home?

In this time and space, a woman's fate will be decided so easily?

"Bitong..." Her tone couldn't help but become harsh.

Bitong glanced at her stomach again, and Fang lowered her eyebrows and said, "Have you forgotten? The girl got that, looked at it, and tore it, and then..." She lifted her eyelashes and hung down quickly: "I swallowed..."


Cheng Xueyan immediately grabbed her skirt...

A feat!

Cheng Xueyan, Cheng Xueyan, your digestive function is quite sound...

At this time, there was a creaking sound from the wooden stairs, the fine bamboo curtain was lifted, and You Cui appeared at the door.

Her expression seemed to be smiling, giving a slight salute, still with a sense of reservedness.

Cheng Xueyan sighed that this was really a flying fairy and a chicken and dog. Even Du Mizhen's personal maid was plain-looking but also very pretentious.

"Big girl, madam said that your proposal can be considered, but it is not her who can make a decision, but the girls in Guanjiguan..."

Cheng Xueyan is strange. Can't Du Mizhen cover the sky with one hand in Cheng's house?

You Cui picked up the corners of her lips and smiled. The height and curvature of the corners of her lips were simply copied from Du Mizhen.

"Madam said, as long as you can make the girls in Guan Juguan like it, this will be done."

Cheng Xueyan suddenly realized that she was a little trendy for a moment, as if she stood in the PK competition waiting for the audience to vote with expectation and tension.

But how to attract girls to support themselves? How to prevent Du Yingzi from provoking reactionary forces?

This night, she had insomnia.

When teaching singing in Furongtang, singing was only the last choice of being forced to go to Liangshan. The verbal battle with Du Yingzi was just not used to see her everywhere and arguing with reason. So far, I can't tell whether it was for myself or for the former Cheng Xueyan. After that, I almost forgot this matter, but I didn't want Du Mizhen to take it seriously. So what should we do next?

She thought over and over for a night, and finally figured out that if she wanted to win, the key was to know what others wanted, which was the key. Through the debate with Du Yingzi, she found that in this time and space, there is only one woman's career - man!

She smiled bitterly. Whether it is ancient or modern, some things are really unchanged.

There is a saying that men conquer the world and women conquer men!

And her current task is to help other women... many girls who are in love conquer many men!

Well, if possible...

She has a plan that can't ensure success yet. At first thought of it, she was excited, but it was quite troublesome to study it carefully, but she always had to try it. Since everyone has to decide, the first sight must be... amazing! Since it is the girl who plays the decisive role, the girl who is at the beginning of love, the process must be... shocking!


"Can this... work?"

Bitong listened to the master's interesting description to herself and hesitated.

Participating in the high-level plan is a criminal for the servants, but the girl has to tell her, and what she has said is unheard of. The girl's strange ideas now are really the same as that of Mr. Gu.

"There is a table, just in the East Courtyard. During the Spring Festival, the opera team outside will be invited to sing there..."

"Isn't that high? Can you make a hole?"

"Dring a hole?" Bitong was a little confused: "The tables are all made of wooden boards, but they can be removed, and if you accidentally step on the rotten board and fall down, it will fall down. Last time..."

Cheng Xueyan breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, "Is there a shelf on it? I'm talking about hiding people..."

"Yes, Zhang Feng and Xu Ding, who patrol the night, go to see if there are hidden thieves there every night..."

"Well, that's great! there a fan?"

"Fan?" Bitong was confused again: "Madam, the second lady, the second girl, the third girl is equipped with a wind wheel on the window..."

"Wind wheel? What is it?"

"It's for summer. The girl's Yanran Pavilion is in a high position, and there is also a cool breeze in summer, so she can't use that, but she suffers in winter. Do you want to come to this wind wheel or Mr. Gu San..."

"Can that thing be removed?" Cheng Xueyan interrupted her.

"Removed?" Bitong screamed.

She just felt that she was a little disappointed when she mentioned Gu Haoxuan in front of the girl, but she didn't want the girl's reaction to be so violent.

"Girl, although the wind wheel is the way Mr. Gu San came up with, but now many families use it to make summer cool things, if they are removed..." Bitong is particularly difficult.

I didn't expect that Mr. Gu was still an inventor! Cheng Xueyan thought to herself, but she didn't have time to study this so-called ex-husband.

"Where do you think you are? I want this wind wheel to be useful..."

"What's the use?"

"Don't ask, find a way to get two... Er, three, the more the better... Also, if you are free these days, let's go out to collect some petals..."

"Collect petals?"

Bitong screamed again. Is there something wrong with the master's brain?