Rich flowers bloom

023 Gu Sanqi

Don't care if there is something wrong. Cheng Xueyan does it as soon as she says. Therefore, Chengfu has often seen the following picture recently... A well-opened flower tree suddenly swayed like a wind, while the trees next to it were very calm. When I rushed to find out, I saw a few sporadic petals hanging on the tip of the grass. Then something more strange happened. In previous seasons, Xinyuan was a beautiful spring color, but this year, there were fewer flowers in the garden day by day, leaving only the stamens standing pitifully at the end of the flower stem. Although the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, it is still windy and cold.

And the Yanran Pavilion is lively and gorgeous. The yard is covered with all kinds of silk, and the breeze is just like rolling with colorful waves.

"Bitong, pick a stone to press the blue corner. The wind is a little strong today. Be careful to blow away the petals below. Our hard work will be in vain..."

While Cheng Xueyan found a stone and pressed the water-red silk in her hand, she moved another stone uneasly, adjusted the appropriate distance, and told Bitong.

Bitong pressed the corners of the silk and wiped the sweaty temples with a handkerchief.

In the past few days, I have been collecting petals with my master, which almost damaged all the flowers in the yard, and then spread them all over the yard to dry.

She is a big maid in the room. What she usually does is nothing more than delivering tea and water. Because of Bingtong's "rebellion", the task of combing her hair and choosing clothes has also fallen on her, but now she is actually doing the work of rough maid, but since even the master has done it himself and is still full of interest, she can't say anything.

Master... It's really different...

She looked at the owner's white and red face, and the scattered sweat was like shining pearl powder, and looked like a white peony lingering in the morning light.

"Girl, should these petals be enough?"

Cheng Xueyan looked at it, and the colorful colors without leaving a trace of the empty space were almost dazzling. She occasionally feels guilty... Alas, what a luxury! And more worried, although these petals are only used in an instant according to her design, they still seem to be a little insufficient.

"If you pick it again, your wife will ask..." Bitong bit her lip.

At the beginning, the girl said that in order to avoid being found to only collect fallen flowers, the color of the fallen flowers was small. As a result, the wild geese plucking method was temporarily adopted, but she did not know how it developed into the locust predatory method. Now the flowers in several places in the garden are bald. Yesterday, Cheng Xueyao, the third girl, has complained that there is no flower plug. . In fact, she usually only likes to wear gold and jade. She doesn't even look at those flowers. Now I don't know where she knows that Yanran Pavilion uses petals, which must have deliberately reminded her to pay attention.

Bitong began to be afraid. Although the lady doesn't like the big girl, she can only blame her dissatisfaction, but if she knows that she has participated... Chengfu's worst punishment for the girl is not necessarily to drive her out of the house, but to take off her dress and kneel on the shadow wall to visit her predecessor. Although you are not beaten, what face is there to live? In her fourth year of entering the house, she saw Chunqiao in her wife's room being punished for such a day, and she hanged herself that night.

In the warm spring, she still couldn't help shivering.

"Maybe it's almost there. Anyway, there is still time. If it's not enough, let's wait until there are new flowers."

Cheng Xueyan didn't notice Bitong's sudden white face.

She really doesn't know enough about Chengfu, but she knows more or less that in such an era, the lives of ordinary people are like grass mustard. It's okay to be punished, but you can't involve others.

After listening to the master's words, Bitong's heart was only half relieved, and the other half was still hanging in her throat, afraid that the master would take her to pick flowers one day.

But she didn't allow her to think much, and the master had a new pattern.

The master asked her to get a long rope, studied the fan borrowed from the second lady and the second girl's room for a long time, wrapped the rope around the shaft, and then quickly pulled the rope to force the fan to turn quickly. At this time, the eldest son dismantled Mo Yizhai's fan and sent it back.

The master was full of joy and sad face: "The two still don't understand, but now there is another one..."

Cheng Cangyi helped for a long time, making his forehead sweaty, but he could not achieve the effect of "rotating together to achieve the maximum wind power" mentioned by Cheng Xueyan.

The boudoir could not stay for a long time, so Cheng Cangyi had to leave. Before leaving, he said that he would find someone to find a way.

Bitong looked at the master's bulging and pouted, and she couldn't help at all. She couldn't help sighing, "If Mr. Gu is there, there must be a way..."

Gu Sanzi? Gu Haoxuan?

Cheng Xueyan blinked, by the way, how did she forget the inventor? It's just that no matter how capable he is, she can't find this person. In ancient times, the woman did not move out of the door, not to mention that person was her so-called ex-husband? Even in modern times, she is not a large number of characters whose love is not in friendship, but she is still curious about the person who always wants to talk to Bitong.

"Bitong, what kind of person is Gu Sanzi?"

Bitong quickly turned her eyes, and her fingers unconsciously stirred the emerald blue belt.

Why did you mention this person again? In case the girl is stimulated...

"I know you have scruples, but I really don't remember this person at all. Anyway, I'm idle. It's strange for me to do this alone. If you tell me something about the past, I'll listen to it as a story.

Bitong looked carefully at the master's face and was really buried in her career.

So she relaxed her nerves, but still weighed the weight. To be honest, she told the master a lot about the past, and what she wants to talk about most is Gu Haoxuan, because...

"Speaking of this young master Gu San, he is really a laughing man." She blinked and couldn't help laughing: "Captain Gu has three sons and one daughter under his knees, all of whom are from his wife. Although Lieutenant Gu is high and powerful, there is only one wife. Does the girl know why?

"Is Mrs. Gu too powerful?" Cheng Xueyan was busy living without raising her head.

"Sometimes I really suspect that the girl said that her amnesia is a lie." Bitong's eyebrows flew: "Gu Haoran is the eldest son, and he became a servant of the household department in the first three years. People say it's because of Captain Gu, but they just talk about it in private. Mr. Gu is young and successful, handsome and extraordinary, and naturally his wives and concubines are in groups..."

Bitong said this and curled her lips: "Gu Haoren is the second son. Speaking of Mr. Gu, he is really a good man, but it's a pity that a good man is not good. He has been weak and sick since childhood. He has to lie in ** for 300 days a year. In addition to reading, he also reads. Because of him, it took a lot of time to get married. Although he is the son of a lieutenant, no woman is willing to marry a sick man, for fear... I may not say this, but it is also true. As a result, the second grandmother was Fuzheng's daughter, or Mrs. Gu easily agreed in the second year of marriage with the third son of Gu. Naturally, she is not satisfied with the identity of the second grandmother, but what can she do? However, the second son and the second grandmother are both good people and never beat and scold their subordinates, but why don't good people have a good life?

Bitong lost her mind and smiled again: "It is said that Mr. Gu San has been smart since he was a child. As soon as he can speak, he can recite the Hundred Family Names. If he is a little bigger, he can read it and recite it, which is most pleasing to Mrs. Gu. However, Lieutenant Gu often looked at him and said that he was not doing his job. Yes, Mr. Gu San is smart, but he never uses it for business. Captain Gu asked him to get a reputation. He said, 'It's enough to have a father who is a lieutenant and a big brother who is a servant of the household. There is no need to make the government full of officials', which made Captain Gu half angry. He not only doesn't study, but also likes to make friends, but he is mostly a nobody, and he is drunk all day..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and Bitong carefully looked at Cheng Xueyan and saw that she was indifferent, so she rest assured that she continued.

"He didn't do anything, just eat, drink and have fun. They nicknamed him 'Gu Sanxian', and sometimes he called him Sanxian. He also responded and laughed. Alas, if he is not so unreal, he is really a good man. In fact, Lieutenant Gu worried a lot about him, otherwise he would not have come to the girl to marry him. The girl was only 15 years old. The master had other arrangements for the girl, and the girl herself..." Bitong turned her eyes and didn't know what the girl would react if she mentioned: "But in this way, coupled with the lady's efforts, isn't she afraid that the girl will crush her in the future?"

"Why do you say that?"

"The girl doesn't know anything. According to the girl's conduct, it is not a problem to enter the palace. Moreover, at that time, the new emperor ascended the throne and the rear position was suspended. If the girl enters the palace, the latter position is afraid of..."

Bitong hurriedly silenced and listened for a while. She did not find the ear of the wall, but below she tried her best to lower her voice: "If the girl became the queen, even if she is just a concubine, then the lady will salute the girl when she enters the palace in the future. Can she be willing? Moreover, she knows that she has always been bad to the girl. Naturally, she is worried that the girl will revenge on her in the future. When she marries the captain's mansion, she is still the Gu Sanxian, who no one thinks will be able to become a weapon. She doesn't have to worry that the girl will be higher than her. After all, the captain's mansion is an individual destination. This is an outsider, and it can't be said that she has treated the girl badly. In addition, although Gu Sanxian is also a good-hearted son, it is restless. As soon as such a girl's life is sad, she will..."

Cheng Xueyan was chilled when she heard it. In the past, I also felt that stepmothers were terrible. They either beat or scolded their children, but they didn't expect to have such a profound calculation in addition to beating and scolding. Marriage... conspiracy... Could it be that Bitong thought too much?

"Everything is really what she wants. The girl asked Gu Sanxian to study, but he refused to let him stay at home and respect his parents, but he refused. Not only refused, but also said that the girl was as rigid as Captain Gu. He was so angry that Lieutenant Gu taught him a hard lesson with his family method. That's good. I can't go out for half a month, but it causes more trouble..."