Rich flowers bloom

See you later

"Playing, playing tricks!" Tris immediately screamed and turned to grab Han Jiangzhu: "Mr. Han, someone is cheating, you go and take care of it..."

"Let's just watch it. He will always have a way..."

Seeing that she couldn't make a plea, she turned to the side of the pavilion pillar. Her sharp nails almost sank into the wood, and her eyes stared at the river for a moment.

Cheng Xueyan hated this kind of cheating. She scolded the silver shuttle thousands of times in her heart, but suddenly saw the giant bird's wings tremble slightly, turning around as if flying, turning the silver shuttle around and chasing straight forward.

"Come on! Come on!"

Bitong, who was nervous, suddenly saw her girl jump up and shouting.

Cheng Xueyan only watched the giant bird ride the wind and waves, like an arrow from the string and went straight to the end. She didn't notice that one person in the pavilion had withdrawn his eyes from the river and fell on her face, with a playful face. A pair of deep pupils on the strong face reflected the firelight on the river, beating clusters...

"Win, win..."

The group of women cheered.

"I told you, when did Mr. Gu make a mistake?"

Tris fanned the wind with a handkerchief, but she didn't think it was enough. No matter whose wine cup it was, she grabbed it and drank it all.

"I don't know who it was just now. I was about to tear down the pillar, but the person will come over in a moment. Can you just dismantle it directly?"

Tris was about to retort, but she heard the round-faced woman ask, "Who did Mr. Xue just help?"

"Of course it's the bird."

Cheng Xueyan also felt a little lost her temper and was busy tidying up her robe and sitting upright. However, because of the same hatred, the strangeness between each other disappeared a lot, but... She felt that Han Jiangzhu always looked at herself with a smile. Did he also find that he was...

She opened the fan and pretended to shake it for a while, but it was still like sitting on pins and needles, and the man began to stare at her fan again...

She closed the fan and patted it on the table.

"I have something else to do. I'll leave first."

Wing up and leaving.

"Xue...Xiandi..." His pause made her more nervous, but she listened to him say slowly, "See you later!"

The ghost will meet you later. She thought to herself, but she still politely replied, "See you later."

Then he pulled Bitong for his life and ran away. As soon as he walked out of the pavilion, he turned around: "Thank you for your hospitality."

After only a few steps, he was dragged back by Bitong.

"Bitong, are you crazy?"

"He's there..." Bitong pulled her and walked away with her head down.

"Who is 'he'? Which one of him?

Cheng Xueyan looked back, but saw several figures blurred in the pavilion on one side.

"The person who gave you a fan!" Bitong gritted her teeth.

"No way, it's so dark, don't admit it..."

"I know him ashes!"

"Is this unforgettable?"

She smiled, but saw that the two of them were passing by Wangjiang Pavilion. Several clusters of brightly colored yarn were piled up in the pavilion at night, and the figure could not be seen, but it seemed that there were always two beams of eyes sticking to her, until she walked out of the hustle and bustle, and still couldn't get rid of it.

She looked back. Wang Jiangting had already hidden in the night. Fang was relieved. Looking around, she was suddenly shocked: "Where is this?"

I just buried my head and walked away, but I didn't know that I had come to a wilderness.

"Bitong, are we lost?" She looked around.

"'The pavilion overlooks the clear stream, and the platform is facing the green field', isn't it here?" Bitong stopped and raised her hand.

The wasteland is empty and the curtain is hanging all over the field, but looking in the direction of Bitong's fingers, there seems to be a little dim light flashing faintly.

Ghost fire?

It is said that most of these wilds are mass graves. Wild dogs often dig out dead bones from graves, and as a result, ghost fire drifts at night. Although it has been scientifically proven that this is just a spontaneous combustion of phosphorus in bones, it looks extremely terrible. Why is Bitong interested in drawing her to appreciate this?

"I think Mr. Ling has been waiting for a long time, but the girl hasn't passed yet?"

She stared at the faint light for a long time and took a hesitant step.

"Girl," Bitong suddenly stopped: "That fan... It's better to give it to me, otherwise Mr. Ling would think..."

Yes, whether it is authentic or forged, Ling Su must not think that her old feelings are unforgettable if she sees it.

But the fan... Where is the fan?

The sleeves and belt have been turned over for a long time...

"The fan is missing!" Bitong exclaimed, "It must be... It must have fallen on Wangjiang Pavilion. At that time, I remember the girl put the fan on the table. It must be! It must be!!"

Bitong said that she was about to run back, but was stopped by Cheng Xueyan.

"It's just a fan. If you lose it..."

"But that's... That's Mr. Gu's painting, which is worth a lot of silver."

"Just for silver?" Cheng Xueyan's voice lengthen.

"Yes, it's just asking the girl to sit down. How can it be worth the girl's expense?" Bitong looked angry and unfair: "If it's later, that person probably won't admit it. If he takes it away again, there will be nowhere to find it..."

"That's right, go back quickly. I'll wait for you here!" Cheng Xueyan knew what she couldn't give up in her heart.

"Girls should go to Qingxi Pavilion first. It's safer to have Mr. Ling by your side."

When she was about to run away, she remembered something and handed the girl: "Girl, do you really want to take this with you?"

It was a bucket hat decorated with a circle of yarn, which Cheng Xueyan was going to cover her slightly swollen chin.

She looked at the lady's chin: "It doesn't seem to be so serious..."

Cheng Xueyan took the hat and put it on her head.

She is not a perfectionist, but there is no guarantee that Ling Su is not, especially Ling Su, who has a cleanliness fetish.

There is a story that teaches her deeply. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty especially favored Mrs. Li. When Mrs. Li was seriously ill and was about to die, Emperor Wu went to visit her. Mrs. Li refused to see her, and Emperor Wu pleaded. Later Wudi left, and everyone was puzzled. Mrs. Li said that if you meet the emperor with a haggard appearance, those good impressions of the past will be swept away...

Most men are visual animals, and she doesn't want to take this risk. The previous life has lost, and the present life cannot be careless. It's just... tired!

She couldn't help sighing and walked to Qingxi Pavilion.

Bitong looked at her thin back and was stunned for a moment and hurried to find the fan.

The footsteps behind him gradually faded away, and there were only weeds and insects whispered in their ears.

She looked up at the sky...

I have never seen such many bright stars, set on the velvety night like diamonds. They are as close to themselves, as if they can be picked by reaching out. However, she was no longer the naive child. She thought that as long as she jumped a little higher, she could pick the brightest star.

She smiled at the stars in the sky and turned her eyes to the dim yellow in the distance.

For a moment, she thought it was gone, but in the blink of an eye, it was hazy in the night. Compared with the stars in the sky, it is so dim, but faintly warm, but like the stars, it looks close, but actually far away.

She felt that she had walked for a long time, but she could never get close. The light, hazy, seemed to wait, and seemed to refuse.

She slowed down and looked around.

So empty and so nothing, it seems to be... a dream.

Is it really a dream?

She bit her lip and it hurts, but many times, dreams often feel more real than reality. And the only thing that can prove that this is not a dream is to approach that dim yellow...

It seems to be standing still, but no matter how hard it is, it always maintains this distance that can only be seen from afar...

A burst of rapid footsteps came, and she turned back in panic, but her arm was held.

"Girl, the maidservant is back..."

She was still shocked.

"Have you found it?"

"Yes, it's the little guy. The group of people have left, leaving him waiting outside the pavilion..." Bitong patted her chest breathlessly: "Girl, why are you still standing here? I thought..."

A small lamp was lit on the stone table in the pavilion, and a bean-sized flame jumped beside it. A slender figure stood aside, saw her and smiled. The smile was like the flame of the dark night, with a little warmth. It was blown by the wind and gradually drifted away, gathering her still a little surprised heart.

Looking through the veil, I felt that he was handsome, and the simple pavilion was also shining because of him. Looking through the veil, I didn't see that he showed a trace of doubt because he wore the bucket hat, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

without asking why he came late, why he dressed up like this, or where to go, just put the veil on the veil, as if everything had become clear.

Bitong couldn't understand this realm. She saw that her master and Ling Su were still. She thought they were embarrassed by each other and hurriedly said, "Mr. Ling, have you been waiting for a long time? The girl has been delayed for a while. I hope you can forgive me.

Ling Su smiled and said nothing.

Bitong couldn't see the master's expression clearly, so she had to bravely continue to say, "Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. When I came, I saw that the road was lively. Don't you want to invite the girl to walk around?"

Ling Su still didn't say anything, gave a slight salute, and stepped out of the pavilion.

Bitong helped Cheng Xueyan follow.

The veil on the bucket hat is over the shoulder. Even if it is light, the night is dark, and the stars are far away. After only two steps, the feet are empty, and the whole person falls to the side...

A warm arm caught her.

"Be careful..."

The night of Lixia suddenly flashed in her mind. She was listening to the sound building. The flowers and snow were beautiful, and her clothes were fluttering. She once had a pair of arms supporting her when she was about to fall. The sweet and light aroma, cold and soft kisses...

The sound of insects poured into the ear again.

A pair of warm eyes are looking at themselves with concern and concentration...

My heart beat sharply and I stood up in a hurry.

"The grass is deep here, and there is a clear stream. Be careful not to wet your shoes."

Ling Su withdrew his arm and continued to move forward, still unrestrained and elegant.

Bitong laughed secretly, but she was a little upset. There was also a fragrance on his body, just like the smell of grass, but it was not... the sweetness of the night of Lixia...

Her footsteps are a little hesitant.

The wind blows the veil, sends the freshness of the summer night, and also sends the stream gurgling.


PS: Is Xiao Gu gone like this? No, he will appear again! Definitely!! Must be!!! But let's guess under what circumstances Xiao Gu and the heroine will meet?