Rich flowers bloom

070 travel together

This stream is extremely slender and buried in deep grass, like a silver chain that may break at any time.

"Although the girl looks weak, it has never dried up all year round, and the water is slightly sweet, and the tea is particularly fragrant. The nectar tea that the girl drank this morning was soaked in this clear stream water..."

Speaking of this, Bitong came to her ear: "This Mr. Ling is really a nerd. He obviously agreed to meet in this Qingxi Pavilion, but he didn't know that he would prepare a tea set to drink with the girl. The black lamp wandered around..."

"There is really nothing to see here," Ling Su suddenly stopped: "Sister Bitong just said that the road is very lively. How about we go to the market?"

Bitong knew that she was heard, and suddenly her ears had a fever. Cheng Xueyan immediately readily agreed. No matter what era, it is a happy thing for a beloved to go shopping with her, not to mention that she doesn't know what the ancient market was like.

The three of them rushed to the market in a carriage.

Cheng Xueyan silk covered her face, and outsiders couldn't see her clearly, but she could look at the people opposite.

Even in this cramps, he still has the same demeanor. The wind passed through the curtain of the car window and brushed his temples. He seemed to stare at the window of the curtain, but looked at her like angan ying, with a smile on his lips.

She hurriedly turned her eyes and pretended to look out of the window.

The market is really lively. The lanterns on the shop are hanging high, the cover is floating, and the temporary stall is also hung with a string of red or yellow lights, which makes every gadget on it look extremely precious.

Cheng Xueyan happily shuttled between the stalls and picked up the gadgets on them to play one by one.

The hawker was so knowledgeable that he was finally not shocked by her strange dress, but said that there might be some defects in the man's face.

"You have good eyesight. This hairpin was made by Jinxiulou. If you buy it there, you can't get a tael of silver. Fortunately, you met me. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival again. I'll give you a cheaper... How about two yuan?"

Cheng Xueyan put the hairpin in front of her and looked at it carefully.

The appearance is still good, and the workmanship is also exquisite, but the jade inlaid in the camellia stamen is also transparent under the light. I don't know what will happen in the sun.

She put the hairpin aside and picked up another silver bracelet.

"The prince is really... My boutique has all been selected by the prince. Although this is a silver bracelet, it is from Bicuifang. The shopkeeper of Bicuifang was originally a good player in gold and silverware, but for some reason, he suddenly washed his hands in a golden basin, so Bicuifang now only has jade ware. This silver bracelet is still his last work when he collected it many years ago. Alas, now you can't even buy it at the price of gold bracelets. I think the prince is sincere. Well, I'll take this silver bracelet as one or two. If the prince also wants the hairpin, how about I take one or two of you in total?

Cheng Xueyan can't tell which sentence in his words is true or false, but the silver bracelet is indeed exquisite, such as the staggered shape of two willow leaves, a hollow pattern, a thin chain at the mouth, and two small bells on it.

"This is called a concentric bell. If you give this to your pet, I promise that you two are 'colorless and flying wings, and your hearts are sharp'..."

Cheng Xueyan thought he was noisy, which made her feel that she couldn't help laughing.

"Which one does she like?"

Unconsciously, Ling Su also came to the stall.

"This, and this..." The hawker pointed to these two and casually pointed to other jewelry on the stall: "I said, prince, if you can't make up your mind, this prince will buy it..."

"Okay, I bought it all!"

Ling Su's voice was not loud, but the hawker was shocked, but immediately smiled: "This young man is really good-sighted. Let me tell you, even if there are many stalls, if you want to see such good goods that are cheaper than me, I will take your head down for you..."

With that, he grabbed the bracelet in Cheng Xueyan's hand, took the hairpin, and pulled a pile of things that had just been with her fingers and wrapped them separately.

Ling Su calculated the silver and took things.

"The prince is really generous. I believe that the prince will grow old with his love. Good for a hundred years..."

The hawker's blessing stopped abruptly, and then watched astonish as the young man gave things to the previous young man with a bamboo hat...

Cheng Xueyan naturally knew that he had misunderstood and fled in a hurry.

But there were so many people in the market that three people dispersed the three of them.

She stood stupidly in place, watching the crowd come and go, watching them cast strange eyes...

Suddenly, it seemed that a hand grabbed her sleeve. Before she could turn back, she was pulled vigorously from the other side by a man.

It was Ling Su, and she was immediately overjoyed.

"Girl, I just scared the slave to death."

Bitong said with tears. What's the crime of embarrassing the master to go out without permission and lose the master?

Cheng Xueyan looked back and looked at it. It seemed that someone had just pulled her sleeve, and it seemed that...

"Girl," Bitong walked beside her: "The girl is now dressed in men's clothes, so she doesn't have to be so far away from Mr. Ling, in case she is washed away again..."

Cheng Xueyan looked at Ling Su in front of her.

No matter how noisy the environment is, no matter how lively the crowd is, even if it is the back, it will always be out of the crowd. He walked slowly in front of her, looked back at her from time to time, smiled quietly, and then pushed away the crowd for her.

Bitong saw her hesitation and secretly pushed her.

She is unstable and is hitting him on the back.

Suddenly, he became bold and grabbed his hand.

His hands are slender and warm, and it is very comfortable to hold them.

He seemed to be shocked and didn't know how to move.

The two looked at each other for a long time. Cheng Xueyan smiled and let go of his palm, but held his little finger.

In her previous life, she always held Ling Su's little finger like this. The length of his little finger was exactly the width of her palm, and the same is true in this life...

Ling Su smiled and put his wrist gently.

The wide sleeve of the robe covered the tie between the two and moved forward all the way.

Someone walked by, a light passed overhead, and a sweaty wind brushed through his ears... But only he and she walked hand in hand in the vast sea of people and snuggled side by side.

There is a string of lights on the front side of the stall, elliptical as an egg, hanging all the way down. This lamp is very interesting. Characters are painted on each yellow and white veil. If you look closely, they are different. There are several poems next to each character.

She was about to come forward and take a closer look. At this time, the wind blew and the string of lights floated up.

Her eyes fell back to the original position with the lamp, but suddenly found a man beside the lamp. The white robe came to the ground, and the green silk was like a waterfall. He was slowly turning his head... His face was as bright as the moon, and the light beside his face was dim in front of him.

Huo Zichen......

She was shocked... Why was he here?

He looked at her for a moment. Although she was wearing a veil, she still seemed to be unable to escape in front of his eyes. His eyes shone like stars, which made her breathe sluggish for a while, and unconsciously clenched Ling Su's fingers, and his eyes seemed to feel something on the sleeves of the two wide robes...

"What's wrong?" Ling Su felt her nervousness and couldn't help looking over.

At this moment, another gust of wind rose, and the string of lights floated horizontally again. When it was settled again, the fairy-like man had disappeared.

Cheng Xueyan stood still and stared at the suddenly empty seat in a daze, but soon, the man was replaced.

I looked around blankly and saw the crowd.

Is it him? Why is he here? Why did it disappear again? Is it an illusion? Did he recognize me? No, no, no, I'm wearing a veil... but his eyes are clearly...

She suddenly let go of Ling Su's fingers.

Ling Su was waiting to ask, but another gust of wind passed, rolled up fine dust and hit people's faces.

I don't know who shouted, "It's going to rain--"

The crowd suddenly became chaotic.

The wind suddenly became strong, and the string of lights flew several times and suddenly flew away, like a chain of light, but it quickly fell into the crowd and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

They were hit several times by the fleeing people. Ling Su tried his best to protect her, but he heard Bitong angry and said, "What are you still doing here? Why don't you find a place to take shelter from the rain?"

Ling Su responded in panic, but the hawkers were busy closing stalls, and the shops also hurriedly put away their cover and prepared to close...

"Quick, there is a stall over there that hasn't been closed yet..." Bitong's eyes are sharp.

The three hurried over.

This is a snack, and the oilcloth covers the wind and rain like a roof. It looked like chaos outside, but the stall owner still sat leisurely. Seeing someone coming in, Fang got up with a crutch.

"What would you like to eat?"

At this time, several people hid from the rain and sweated all over.

"Jiao Laosan, give me something to eat. I'm starving!" Those people sat down and shouted loudly.

Ling Su frowned.

Cheng Xueyan knows that he is obsessed with cleanliness and disdains to associate with these rough people. But it's raining heavily outside. Isn't it unreasonable to just stand here to shelter from the rain?

"Shopkeeper, what do you have? How many have you picked?"

With six tables under the shed, Cheng Xueyan picked up the farthest one from those people and sat down.

Although it is an ordinary stall, it is very clean, and there is no oil star on the table.

Ling Su stood for a long time and couldn't stand Cheng Xueyan's frequent motions, so she sat down uncompassedly.

Later, several dishes will be placed on the table.

Cheng Xueyan put a piece of smoked dried beans into her mouth.

"It tastes good, Bitong, try it..."

Ling Su has been frowning at her and is indifferent to her concessions.

At this time, the shopkeeper took another plate of rice dumplings.

"Today's Dragon Boat Festival, every guest official will give two zongzi for free by the small shop, and several people will use it slowly."

"Jiao Laosan, why don't you cook yet? I'm afraid we can't pay the bill?" They shouted again.

Ling Su's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly.

Cheng Xueyan ate happily, as if she had returned to her previous life. Every summer night, she invited a few friends to sit in the stall and eat barbecue. That taste...


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