Rich flowers bloom

084 Beauty

The room is very dark. Dai Zhen stands at the table in dark clothes of moonlight, painting a picture of sunshine pine.

Her hair was loose, and a beaded silver hairpin was inserted obliquely on it, which was extremely weak.

Seeing them coming in, he greeted them warmly, "Why does the eldest girl have time to come to me? Sit down quickly..."

But looking around, there is only a chair next to the table.

She smiled awkwardly: "There is no one to come on weekdays, so I gave up all those things... You sit down first and I'll make tea..."

She turned to the outside to get the tea jar and poured out a little bigger copper plate, but it was still too much, and returned most of it back.

Cheng Xueyan was admiring the pine tree with only half of the pine needles, but she saw that its brushwork was extraordinary and powerful, but there was only this pine on the vast mountain, which was too lonely.

At this time, the light green soft curtain was lifted, and Dai Zhen walked in with a cup of tea and a smile.

She hurriedly got up and said, "How can I bother you to make tea by yourself?"

"Nothing, I don't have anyone to come on weekdays. The big girl doesn't think it's good for me to be rude."

Bitong peeked at the scattered pieces of leaves in the porcelain tea bowl and curled her lips.

Cheng Xueyan didn't mind, but said, "Mr. Dai's life is very bitter..."

Dai Zhen looked a little sluggish and barely squeezed out a smile: "It's normal to be a person..."

Cheng Xueyan didn't want to embarrass her, so she came straight to the point, "I came to Mr. Dai this time to ask him for a favor..."

Daizhen's eyes burst into light in an instant and turned slightly hesitant, and even his smile suddenly bloomed and then returned to a decent state.

Cheng Xueyan took the clothes in Bitong's hand: "Xueyan would like to ask you to draw a few strokes on it..."

Dai Zhen pinched the material and said in shock, "Su Jin?"

Cheng Xueyan smiled and said, "Mr. Dai is really good-sighted..."

Dai Zhen touched the silky feather-like material: "I saw it a few years ago. Ceylon tribute, the emperor only rewards important ministers..."

This statement seems to confirm some people's speculation...

She withdrew her mind and smiled, "But I don't know what the big girl wants to draw?"

"Mr. Dai is a famous person in this field, but it is up to Mr. Dai."

Dai Zhen spread the long coat on the table, squinted and thought about it for a long time, and looked at Cheng Xueyan for a while: "How about painting epitabra?"


"The big girl is beautiful and talented, and it's just right to match the beauty of this month..."

"Everyone knows what 'a flash' is. I don't know why Mr. Dai chose this flower?" Bitong muttered in a dissatisfied voice.

Dai Zhen smiled, pushed the hair hanging in front of his chest to his back, and said slowly, "It is said that epileid is a flower god, which originally blooms every day. Later, she fell in love with a young man who weeded for her every day. As a result, the Jade Emperor was furious and demoted her to a flower that could only bloom for a moment in her life. In order to prevent her from seeing her lover again, he sent the young man to Lingji Mountain to be a monk, named Wei Tuo, and made him lose all his memories. However, the flower god can't forget it. She knew that every year in late spring, Venerable Wei Tuo would go up the mountain to pick spring dew and cook tea for the Buddha, so she chose to bloom at that time. She only hopes to see him, and only hopes to bloom her most beautiful moment to him, even once... once is enough. However, spring comes, flowers bloom and fade, and Wei Tuo comes and goes, but he never remembers her... A flash in the pan, just for Wei Tuo. Even if we meet, we will miss it. Although it is only a moment, it is eternal..."

The room was filled with a damp smell, trembling gently like spider silk flying outside the window.

Cheng Xueyan blinked her sour eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "This story is so beautiful. Mr. Dai, let's draw a pan-time flower..."

Dai Zhen looked at the half of the spider silk and was speechless for a long time. Finally, he took a deep breath and walked to the table.

Bitong was also moved by the story just now and walked to the table: "Mr. Dai, come and grind it."

Daizhen pushed away her hand, opened the drawer in the lower right corner of the table, took out a bottle of something, and turned his head to look at the two of them as vigilance.

Cheng Xueyan understood: "Bitong, painting needs to be quiet. Let's not hinder Mr. Dai and go for a walk in the courtyard..."

The two stood in front of the barren grass in the courtyard for a long time, and the door of the main room creaked. Looking at each other and smiling, Bitong helped her walk inward.

Cheng Xueyan only glanced at the table and was shocked.

The white brocade is sprinkled like snow, and an ink-colored flower welcomes the snow. The petals gradually fade from thick, seem to dissolve in the snow, and stand stubbornly in the cold. They stretch out, as if dancing with snow, which is extremely cold, but a few tender yellows in the stamens add a little softness and warmth.

"What do you think of the big girl?"

"Mr. Dai's painting is so wonderful that I don't know what to say..."

"The big girl's mind is clever. I still want to draw on my clothes when I see someone for the first time. I also made my own decision on a whim. Does the big girl like it?

She picked out the chest, and saw that the plain white material was hooked with a cluster of cherry blossoms with light ink, and a faint pink edge was inlaid with a few petals scattered below.

"Mr. Dai really knows more than dry..." Cheng Xueyan was excited and popped out Mr. Cao's words depicting Lin Daiyu.

Dai Zhen is naturally very useful, and he showed another masterpiece - the hem of the Luo skirt also floated a few falling Ying. At the bottom, it was either gathered or scattered to make a piece.

"I just want this white to be too plain after all, so I simply added a few strokes."

"Mr. Dai is extremely thoughtful, but the painting is so fine that I can't bear to wear it. This white is extremely dirty..."

"Don't worry, big girl, no matter how I wash this painting, it won't fade." Dai Zhen is confident.

Cheng Xueyan remembered that Dai Zhen had taken out a small bottle and thought that she had added something special to the ink, but since she didn't want to be seen by others, she was inconvenient to ask questions. She just thanked her and took out the satin box from her sleeve: "Xue Yan has prepared a small gift and wanted to thank Mr. Dai. But seeing Mr. Dai's superb painting, this little thing is dwarfed..."

Dai Zhen's eyes have been hooked by the satin box with the grape pattern of the golden sea beast. Since she is Chengfu's daughter, she will never fool people with humiliating things.

She was polite, but she took the satin box in her hand. When she opened it, she was immediately attracted by two delicate and chic jewelry, held it in her hand and played with it.

"What's the name of this jewelry? How do you want to wear it?"

Cheng Xueyan took the pearl to save flowers: "This is the stars holding the moon."

She opened the buckle and tacked it on the bun.

"This is ready to be released." She opened the hidden buckle of the jewelry full of broken diamonds and put it in Daizhen's hand.

Dai Zhen is novel about this small mechanism and keeps opening and closing.

"I saw Mr. Li's moon point Qingbo earlier, and I knew it was sent by the eldest girl. I didn't expect that I would have this blessing today..."

"Mr. Dai is overreputed, but it's just a gadget. It's good that Mr. Dai doesn't dislike it. I often make some gadgets when I have nothing to do. If Mr. Dai likes it, I'll send some more. I'm afraid there will be trouble Mr. Dai in the future..."

"Where?" Dai Zhen smiled and said, "If you have something to do..."

Seeing that she was happy, Cheng Xueyan stopped staying and said goodbye with a few more gossips.

On the way, he turned to Manxue Pavilion, gossiped with Cheng Xueman to show that he was unimped, and made an appointment to visit the lake one day. After coming out, he hesitated not to go to Yuyao Pavilion. Seeing that she was embarrassed, Bitong said that it was better to treat her, but she felt that she was not sincere enough, so she bravely went away.

Yuyao Pavilion is a common banana planted all year round. The red, yellow and delicate flowers are surrounded by more proud roses, but they are all pink, which is exactly the owner's hobby.

Cheng Xueyao was not there in Jinxiu. She was relieved and told the little maid that she had been here and said that everything was fine. Please rest assured. It's a little self-conscious, but it's all polite.

Go back to Yanran Pavilion and try on this dress again, which attracted Bitong's praise and turned out some plain clothes, thinking about using the girl's light to let Dai Zhen draw two strokes.

"It would be good if you wrote another poem on one side."

Daizhen's epitabe is painted on the lower right of the long coat, and the left side seems a little empty. Although the epitabe is also known as the beauty under the moon, it can't be circled on it.

"You can go to Mr. Du for the poem..."

Bitong was excited for a moment and forgot that her master had just been sadden by Mr. Nadu, and hurriedly looked at her.

Cheng Xueyan didn't know that Du Yingzi's calligraphy was also unique in the world, but her person... She would rather take a spider and dip it in ink to climb on her clothes than find her!

"Actually, it's also very beautiful without writing poems," Bitong hurriedly changed her words: "If the girl wears this to Guanju Hall, she will definitely cause another sensation..."

What Bitong said is not false, but she no longer cares about the sensation. I was busy all day, so I temporarily put Ling Su's affairs aside, but now that I'm free, those who have rested for a day have buckled back to her.

She took off her clothes impatiently and lay down to **.

Bitong knew why she was upset, so she silently picked up her dress. When she looked up, she suddenly saw a figure flashing outside the terrace. She couldn't help screaming and fell to the ground.

Cheng Xueyan hurriedly ran to the window and opened the window with light flowers, but only saw a quiet night.

"I think... I'm dazzled by slave maidservants..."

Bitong stroked her chest and felt that her legs were weak and she couldn't stand up for a long time.

"You didn't sleep last night, and you've been busy with me today. You must be exhausted. Go and have a rest."

Cheng Xueyan was very sorry. Just because of her own bad mood, she ignored Bitong's feelings.

"No, I still have to serve the girl to clean up..."

"Who else should serve me if I have hands and feet? Go and have a rest..."

Bitong is still very persistent, and she is upset again: "Go quickly, I want to be alone..."

Bitong's lips moved, and finally swallowed her words, bowed slightly and retreated.

She sat in front of the mirror and dispersed her hair. She combed it with a rhinoceros horn comb, and her mind was still messy.


PS: Continue to broadcast my small group, group number: 101442476, group name: Xunfeng Chu Xianxian. Welcome everyone. I usually stay at O(∩_∩)O~