Rich flowers bloom

085midnight panic

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a face in the mirror...

When a spirit looked at it, he only saw a corner curtain moving.

My heart beat was chaotic, and I looked back for a long time...

The shadows of several trees and flowers are either thick or light on the curtain. The curtain shakes gently and the flower shadow moves gently.

She sighed, and it was Bitong who shocked her, which scared her mind away.

She sat for a while and only felt that there were two eyes behind her looking at her gloomically, and every time she looked back, she was shocked.

She couldn't sit down and fled to **. She wrapped herself tightly with Yunsi, showing only two eyes, but soon she sweated profusely.

She forced herself to fall asleep immediately. When she encountered terrible events when she was a child, she always fell asleep and woke up with bright light. How can she remember the horror of the night before?

The lake-colored Qiuluo gauze tent was made a curtain of cold by the night light, which was slightly agitated. The three-inch-long ears decorated with a row of blue velvet flower balls hanging on the eaves also shook gently, and the silver garlic pressed on the curtain occasionally made two soft sounds, as if it were whispering in a dream. The gold-painted silver ball hanging on the hook is emitting a faint sweet fragrance, gradually soothing the messy mood.

Before going to bed, I deliberately blew out the lights so that I could clearly observe the movement outside. Through the gauze tent, the flower shadow is even more hazy. After watching it for a long time, my heart also becomes hazy.

My eyes opened and closed, and finally closed.

I don't know how long it took, and a noise came in.

When I suddenly opened my eyes, I saw a group of red trees shaking violently on the curtain, which was enchanting and strange.

There was a noise outside, and I don't know what happened. When she rushed to the terrace, she found that Bitong also ran in from the door and found that the other party was pale with the firelight that scratched her face one after another.

Before the curtain was lifted, there was a sound of smashing the door.

The two of them shook and shook together: "Who?"

The chaos outside poured in and swallowed up the trembling "who". Only a few voices with different heights and thickness shouted one after another: "Big girl - big girl -"

Cheng Xueyan was so scared that she couldn't move. I don't know what happened. Did the Eight-Nation Alliance enter Beijing? Countless cruel shots shuttled quickly in front of her eyes, and she only felt that her hands were cold, her feet were soft and her hair was dizzy...

"Big girl, the jade fox is coming..."

I picked up this sentence in the bomb, jade fox...jade fox...

It seemed that I finally remembered which one the jade fox was, but I saw Bitong walking forward and "pull" to open the curtain...

The scene outside the courtyard is quite spectacular, and countless torches gather together and shake, like stars falling in the sky.

"Big girl, let us in, the jade fox is coming this way..."

"The Savior is important. What else are you shouting? Brothers, come in with me..."

"Does the master know what to do? Are you going to die?!"

"Brother Sun, what on earth are you doing?"

Bitong's mind was particularly agile and clear-headed. She rushed downstairs quickly and just came to the front of the battle.

Cheng Xueyan couldn't hear what they were negotiating. Anyway, Bitong said that she had not seen anyone at all. If a group of men entered the inner courtyard, the master knew that not only would Bitong be punished for protecting the owner, but they would also bear the charge of disturbing the master without authorization. At that time, they would drag them out to hit 30 boards first, but they said that if it was If something happens to a girl who is not allowed to enter the door, you should not only punish them for doing things unfavorable things, but also punish Bitong to kill them directly on the spot. They quarreled endlessly, and later I don't know who came up with an idea to ask the master and wife to make a decision.

Cheng Xueyan rolled her eyes. If someone really got into this room, she might have been killed by all kinds of harm after their toss to resolve the dispute.

So she continued to be chaotic outside, and she leaned on the railing to watch the bustle.

A quarter of an hour later, a red fire wind flew over. Cheng Xueyan only surprised that the man ran so fast that the fire was still firmly lit.

The fire must be shining, and the crowd suddenly calmed down. The person who came back ordered several names, so several torches stepped into the hospital righteously.

Cheng Xueyan was placed in the bedroom by Bitong, who immediately ran back before them, and then listened to them rummaging outside. Although she tried her best to be careful, she also knocked over things over, and then Bitong made a fuss and bluff.

After tossing around for a long time, someone proposed to search the bedroom, and Bitong finally broke out: "You dare to search the girl's room. Do you still want to live?"

"The master said to protect the girl's safety..."

"Do you protect it like this? You scared the girl when you made a big noise before, and now you have to go in to search the house. How can this girl's room allow men to enter without permission? Regardless of your men, even if the master, the eldest son and the young prince want to come, you need to inform in advance. Now you still want to go over the old man. What are you doing?

For a moment, a voice said kindly, "We are also for the big girl, if something really happens..."

"If something really happens to the girl, she will be scared out by you. Who doesn't know that our girl is weak, and you rude people have to take an inch. Let me ask you, who is responsible for scaring a girl?

"Sister Bitong, you can't say that. We are also ordered to act..."

"The master told you to search the girl's bedroom?"

"Well, I didn't say that, but the master said it carefully..."

"The master means that you are afraid that you will be shocked by the girl, why don't you go out quickly?"

"But we can't go if we can't find the jade fox..."

"Bang!" I don't know what Bitong fell, and then her voice rose three times: "Are you crazy or fools? If this jade fox is not here, do you want us to make one for you?

"We obviously watched him come this way..."

"You see that you see... Do you see it now?"

"All of them have to go to the girl's bedroom..."

It was quiet for another moment, thinking that Bitong was mad because of them.

"Why don't you do this, Sister Bitong, you open the door of the bedroom, light the candles, and we can just look outside..."

"Don't dirty our girl's room with your rough eyes!" Bitong hummed softly.

"Why don't you let the girl find it by herself?"

"How can our girl's daughter do this?" Bitong stamped her feet: "I'll go in and have a look..." Then she said uneasily, "You can't follow up!"

Everyone only has a continuous sound.

Hearing this, Bitong took two steps and suddenly shouted angrily: "Don't peek!"

When Cheng Xueyan saw Bitong coming in with a candlestick, she closed the door very alertly, and then looked around. She even saw it under the chair, and opened the drawer and looked carefully.

Cheng Xueyan couldn't help laughing: "That jade fox is not a cat. How can it hide there?"

Bitong pouted: "There is no trace. I don't know whether it's a ghost or not. Maybe he has already run away..."

said, but turned over a veil on the case.

Cheng Xueyan finally laughed out loud.

Bitong walked out of the door with a red face.

"You just heard that the girl is very good!"

"Yes, yes..." Someone agreed.

"Why don't you go out?"

There was finally a sound of footsteps on the stairs, and after a while, the voices outside the door also dissipated.

Bitong came in with a calm face, took out a large handful of spices from the cylinder on the cabinet and filled it into the copper crane incense burner, muttering, "It's all their smell. Don't smell the girl. There are also two burns outside, but they stepped on the marks on the ground. You have to ask two rough girls to clean it up tomorrow."

Cheng Xueyan just wanted to say, "Why do you have a cleanliness fetish like Ling Su", but the name jumped to her heart and was just relaxed and suppressed.

"I just said that I saw someone at the Guanji Museum. Who knows? In the middle of the night, I slept in a daze. I didn't know if I was dreaming, and then I shouted that I saw people. When our people rushed there, they didn't see anyone, but they said they were coming this way..." Bi Tong muttered to herself: "Even if it is a jade fox, I'm afraid to know that Guan Juguan will go to the annual 'Screen Opening Sparrow Selection' and come to see something new. Isn't it said that all the beauties of Tianhao Kingdom are in Guanjiu Hall? However, I think they just saw a wild cat. They would like to see the jade fox, but unfortunately they may not care about them..."

She said for a long time, but saw that the girl was just in a daze. She thought she was scared and suddenly panicked.

Cheng Xueyan knew that she was woken up inexplicably and kept complaining with that group of people. At this time, she suddenly looked frightened and suddenly felt funny.

"Don't be angry, it's just a while, and there's nothing wrong now. Why don't you go to bed?"

For this reminder, Bitong couldn't help yawning. She didn't sleep all night last night and was indeed tired.

"That girl..."

"I'm sleepy too..."

Bitong stopped talking, yawned again and went out to sleep.

The room was full of strongan xi xiang. After a while, Cheng Xueyan felt that her internal organs were fragrant and sweet. No matter how frightened she was, her limbs would be weak, which drove her brain to sink softly.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier. Before he could call Bitong to extinguish the fragrance, he fell asleep.

This feeling was extremely sweet, until the sun had shining brightly on my face and I didn't want to open my eyes, but I thought that I couldn't let Bitong light such a heavyan xi xiang in the future. I caught up with the sleeping pills and almost sent her back.

She turned over lazily and hugged the pillow with her hands and feet.

This pillow is very warm and comfortable, just like her favorite fluffy rabbit a long time ago.

The face rubbed against the pillow... It's very delicate and smooth... What kind of material is this pillow?

I hugged hard again... This pillow is not very soft.

She frowned, put her head in a comfortable position, and slept with satisfaction, but had a hazy dream. As if chased by many villains, she fled desperately, but she was still caught, tied to the pillar, covered with runes. A dry old man like a Taoist priest stroked with a mahogany sword and babbling in his mouth.