Rich flowers bloom

086 jade-faced fox

Suddenly, he picked up a charm on the table, and the charm burned in an instant.

The Taoist priest shouted, "No, this is a demon. Why don't you burn her?"

So someone poured oil on her head and wanted to "light the skylight" her.

She struggled desperately, but was tied to death and couldn't move. She wanted to defend, but she couldn't make a sound. She could only watch the Taoist priest wait for a pair of red eyes to come with candles, smiled at her insidiously, and then lit the oil.

A mass of light suddenly lit up, and her head suddenly rose.

She couldn't see anything, only hearing sparks crackling and laughing with many people...

She trembling violently, opened her eyes, and found that it was a dream, but the top of her head was really hot...

I was shocked and hurried to touch my head, but my hand was held. At the same time, a pleasant voice sounded in my ear: "Have you had a nightmare?"

She blinked, quickly judged whether she really woke up from a dream, and moved the finger holding her hand... The hand was very slippery... It was indeed a hand...

He raised his head almost reflexively, and immediately hit his head. Then he heard the sound of pain, but he found that someone was staring at him, so he quickly put down his hand rubbing his chin, held his head on one side with the other hand, and looked at her with a smile...

Is he... a man?! there such a man? He is so beautiful that he doesn't look like a man...

Cheng Xueyan was suppressed by such beauty for a moment, but she forgot that she was hugging others without ladylike style, and just looked at him fixedly...

His skin is super good, not only as white as snow, but also can't find the pores on it even if it is so close... She also has a little consciousness that the distance is super close... It's really like a curd gel, "Pink is too white, Shi Zhu is too red"...

The eyebrows are like Cuiyu and like knives, flying obliquely into her temples, her nose is like galling, and her mouth is like vermilion... He didn't wear makeup, so he seems to be beaten out by infinite PS and put a lot of soft light in front of her, making her... Somehow, as soon as she saw this face, she came up with all the words describing the beauty she could only know, back and forth His mind is moving, but the most beautiful... No, it should be the most charming... Er, to be precise, the most charming ones are his eyes. That should be the standard Danfeng eyes, slender, slightly raised, and extremely pure, but it is because of this purity that it is charming, because she really can't believe that there will be such a pair of clear eyes in the world. She must find a trace of evil in it. As a result, when she looked at it, her soul seemed to be sucked by him and moved again. Can't move away... Shouldn't his eyes be begling?

He was also looking at her, probably thinking that her stunned look was very funny, so the corners of her lips slowly turned up, and her whole face became more and more charming, as if a snow bird sleeping all winter was about to fly against the first wisp of spring light that fell on him.

This is a man enough to make women embothrift!

"Have you seen enough?" His lips and teeth moved gently and were red and white.

I just thought the sound was beautiful, but this time I found that even the voice was so charming.

However, it was this sound that made her completely pull herself out of his poisonous eyes, and then found that her arms were around other people's necks and her legs were wrapped around their waists. The most important thing was that... these two parts were exposed in vain...

She liked to sleep naked in her previous life. If it hadn't been for Bitong's repeated desire to stop talking, I'm afraid she would have...

According to the usual practice, the normal order of finding this kind of thing should be... push him away, pick up the quilt in front of his chest, and then scream...

As soon as she called out a single tone after the skilled operation, she saw a slender finger moving over and standing on her lips... It was so easy to cut off her voice, and the remaining long cut directly fell back to her throat without even an echo.

She watched him move his fingers back and continued to look at herself with a smile: "What are you shouting, it should be my name..."

She didn't know why, so he pointed his beautiful finger to her chest...

She looked down... Well, when did her quilt become red with dark lines? Looking over... Oh, my God, she is grabbing the hem of her robe to cover her chest, making her legs very dazzling and seductive...

She hurriedly lost the robe, which revealed the belly pocket of the light fog purple embroidery gardenia, so his eyes were very pure and fascinated...

For a moment, she panicked and pulled the curtain... She only forgot that she was by the bed and hid out again. As a result, her body was crooked...

Of course, women are not allowed to fall out of bed whenever such incidents occur in the story. As soon as this idea flashed in Cheng Xueyan's mind, he stretched out his hand and put her down smoothly in **. The whole person also pressed up, and the tip of his nose was facing the tip of her nose...

It was impossible not to be afraid. At that time, his hand did not catch her. She could pinch, scratch, scratch, kick and kick, but she could not do anything to such an indescribable beautiful person, but the woman's innate instinct prompted her to open her mouth...

"Are you going to call that powerful sister Bitong over?" His smile is innocent and innocent, but extremely charming.

Her call fell back to her throat again.

"She sleeps more deeply than you..." Continue to be innocent.

She suddenly remembered last night's an xi xiang, so sweet and thick...

"You put it..."

She doesn't know the name of the bamboo pole played on TV that just breaks the window paper and blows it in.

"How smart!"

He took out a three-inch tube with a long little finger and held it to his impeccable lips and looked at her obliquely. He was charming and handsome.

How can he grow up like this? She couldn't help but be jealous.

"What do you want to do?"

He opened the distance between his two faces in surprise: "A man and a woman, what else can they do in the hibiscus account?"

"Do you dare?!"

"Why don't I dare?"

"If you dare to move, I will call someone!"

"If you could shout, you would have shouted long..." He proudly brushed a wisp of long hair between his temples.

This extremely narcissistic guy! Cheng Xueyan is indignant. Are all beautiful men narcissistic?

"Forget it!" She forced herself to take her eyes off that face.

"Forget it? You mean I can do whatever I want? His face was full of surprise, and then he smiled and scratched his beautiful paws to attack his chest.

"You won't!"

The beautiful claws stopped an inch away from the gardenia: "Why not?"

"If you wanted to do it, you would have done it long ago, and you would have waited until now?" She turned her eyes and launched infinite trust to him: "The jade fox?!"

The jade face is like a scaly face, and the charming eyes are like silk... It's really like a fox.

He was not surprised that she called out her name. He just frowned as if he was thinking, but his eyes had been staring at the gardenia on her chest, which made her feel that a little ** part of that area was breaking out.


"This flower is well embroidered!"

He suddenly said something, and then turned over and sat down.

She took a long breath, but refused to relax her vigilance. While watching him tidy up his hair and straighten his clothes, she freed a hand to slowly search for... Where is the quilt?

"Don't look for it, on the ground..."

Although the jade fox was thinking about tidying himself, he did not ignore her every move.

She blushed and hurriedly picked up the quilt and wrapped herself up.

"As early as a few years ago, I heard about the beautiful name of the daughter of the Cheng family. I just wanted to see her true face, but unfortunately, but God is fair after all. In order to repay my lovesickness, I saw it thoroughly today." He squeezed his eyes at her and laughed badly.

Her face became hotter and stared at him fiercely: "If you say it, I will..."

"What can you do?" Continue to laugh evilly: "Kill me? If you don't have that ability, you may not have the heart to send me off? So many people didn't make it yesterday. Alas, in order to protect your name, you may choose to suicide, but what will this affect me?

She didn't expect him to say such cruel words. Suddenly, she was so angry that she wanted to catch his arrogant and incredibly beautiful face immediately.

"But I won't let you die," he suddenly turned around and leaned his face to this side and looked at her carefully: "How can I give up?"

"The prodigal son!" She gritted her teeth.

"The girl's words are bad," he shook his head and sighed, "There are many people who want me to be a prodigal son, but unfortunately I'm not. I just want to exchange with Miss Xueyan..."

"What exchange?"

"As long as you don't tell others that I've been here, I won't say that we have been so 'honest'..." His eyes slipped and fell on her hand that was covered with silk on her chest.

She hid back and looked at him suspiciously. What kind of exchange is this?

"Oh, it's all caused by my parents to make them so beautiful." He lamented with a sad face: "The mouse crossed the street and everyone shouted to beat. If I show up, the girl will follow me closely. I just didn't go to Guanjiuguan to have a look yesterday, but I didn't want to be found. As a result, they insisted on capturing me into the house as if they had seen immortals..."

Obviously, he was chased to hide in the Yanran Pavilion... Isn't this man narcissistic? By the way, where did he hide? Why didn't so many people find it?

The jade fox is still narcissistic: "I just want to see who has any baby to play with for a few days - I will send it back, but I don't want to be regarded as a baby..."

If it weren't for his real beauty, she would like to vomit to her face now.

"Well, the girl saved me..."

"I didn't mean to!"

"Whhhhhh or not, girls are all my lifesavers, and I will remember you!"

His face came over again, and Cheng Xueyan moved back in disgust, but he only stared at her as if he couldn't feel it.

"No wonder people say that girls are good, but it turns out that they are really different. Aidelet alone outstanding appearance, this kind of insight is also rare. He sighed: "When other women see me, they are like cats seeing mice, and there are also valuable and interesting babies waiting for me to be hooked, and there are people everywhere to inquire about my whereabouts... Only girls can be so calm in the face of beauty without pretentious..."

Cheng Xueyan opened her face and rolled her eyes secretly.