The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 191 Please enter the urn

After the bodyguard left, Ruan Lingzheng suddenly shouted out of the tent: "General Cao, Vice General Wang and Commander Huang came to see me quickly!"

Mo Ziyao knew that they wanted to discuss big things at this moment, and it was extremely inappropriate to stay here, so Ruan Lingzheng took a look and turned into the screen.

Soon, the three came together and hugged their fists and said, "I have seen the emperor. I don't know what instructions the emperor has given?"

Ruan Lingzheng didn't talk much nonsense and waved his sleeves to signal them to avoid courtesy. His eyes paused slightly on the three people, and he went to the map and said in a low voice, "The horses we burn the enemy troops are stationed are all empty camps. The enemy has already hidden from the ambush. There are only two possibilities. First, the golden cicada is shelling. The enemy had already fled into the depths of Tusala when our army was unprepared. Second, strike east and west. The enemy has bypassed our army's ambush and attacked in one fell swoop while our army's attention was still in Humadu and the camp was unprepared. However, with the hostility, they will not retreat easily, so there is only a second possibility.

"Ah!" After listening to Ruan Lingzheng's analysis, their faces suddenly turned pale, and even their bodies trembled faintly.

Originally, they were hunters, but they didn't expect to become prey in a blink of an eye. This transformation can't help but make people thrilling. The enemy attacked the station in turn. Obviously, their target is the emperor! I didn't know that there was such a big leak, and I blamed myself for not checking it for a while. So they couldn't help but blame themselves for their negligence.

Ruan Lingzheng looked at them as if he knew what they were thinking and raised his voice and said, "But at this time, if all the scattered soldiers and horses are recalled, it is already beyond our ability. However, since they have made a trick to get rid of the golden cicada, we might as well give them a plan and let them return in vain.

"What's the plan?" Vice General Wang is a born general with a mallet. He is a brave and impatient. Hearing what Ruan Lingzheng said, he couldn't help blurting out.

Ruan Lingzheng smiled and said slowly, "Please go into the urn."

General Cao's eyebrows moved. He didn't agree with it. After thinking about it, he gently persuaded him, "Your Majesty, it's a good plan, but it's a little risky. It's better to think about it from a long time."

Ruan Lingzheng raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with a smile, "According to what General Cao said, what should I do?"

General Cao pondered for a moment, carefully sorted out the words in his heart, and said solemnly, "Weichen thought that since the enemy was prepared, we should temporarily avoid the edge, preserve our strength, and retreat to Mingzhou and then discuss it from a long-term plan. As the saying goes, it's good to keep the green mountains. Don't be afraid of firewood, emperor."

Ruan Lingzheng's face changed slightly after hearing this and sneered in his heart, "I know that this old man is a shrinking turtle who is afraid of the strong and weak. Today, it seems to be true. He is so afraid of something like this. This person is unbearable."

So he sneered and said, "Well said, since General Cao you want to preserve your strength, I will also make it difficult for you, so let's retreat to Mingzhou."

General Cao didn't expect the emperor to adopt his suggestion so quickly. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty!"

The other two looked at each other. Vice General Wang was a fighter. He would rather kill the enemy on the front line than shrink and make people laugh. So he moved to persuade him again, but he was pulled by Commander Huang beside him.

Although Commander Huang is the highest official among several people, he stayed in the barracks for the longest time. After the death of the emperor, the army reshuffled, and he remained still and his position was still preserved. This man has an exquisite heart and has heard a string voice from Ruan Lingzheng's words for a long time, but he is not quite accurate, so he simply closed his mouth and didn't say anything.

Ruan Lingzheng's eyes passed over Commander Huang and Vice General Wang, and finally said, "What does Commander Huang think?"

Commander Huang straightened up, was not afraid at all, and said respectfully, "The emperor has already made a decision in his heart, and I should obey him with all my life."

This man spoke obscurely and gently, and did not mention the two decisions. He only said that he absolutely obeyed the emperor's orders, but he did not seem to be flattering, but as if he was showing loyalty. His words make people find nothing wrong, and I have to say that this person is tactful and sophisticated.

Ruan Lingzheng nodded slightly and had a definition in his heart. He looked at General Cao and smiled and said, "General Cao, you are not young, and fighting on the battlefield is indeed not suitable for you. Leave the camp now and go back to the Mingzhou station to wait for the listening."

General Cao's body suddenly trembled, and Ruan Lingzheng's resolution was like a bolt from the blue, which made him stunned there for a moment and was at a loss. He just subconsciously shouted, "Your Majesty..."

Ruan Lingzheng didn't want to talk much to him at all and said directly, "Huang will listen to the order."

"The end of the year."

"You are also a veteran of the two dynasties, and you have made great contributions to the Jiangshan of the Ruan family. I propose you as a substitute general, and you are in charge of the arch shooting camp."

"Yes." Commander Huang was overjoyed, and his joy was beyond words, and there was not much embellishment.

Ruan Lingzheng nodded with satisfaction and continued, "I heard that you have a deputy comfort named Zhu Yan?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Well, this person is calm and careful, and can bear a great responsibility. Let him replace your original position. Well, time is running out. Without further ado, immediately command the battalion lieutenants to evacuate and go to Humadu to occupy them.

"Yes, it's just the man of the King of Peace..." General Huang stopped talking. At this time, a mouse shit may break a pot of soup. The righteous king is in the camp. He believes that the emperor will not let him free-range, but he is still afraid that the emperor will forget or the benevolence of the woman.

Ruan Lingzheng's eyes moved slightly and he was waiting to speak. Just then, there were soldiers outside the door to report.

"Report---Your Majesty, General Liu's people have entered Mingzhou to join the garrison. This is a letter sent by the general.

The letter was presented. After reading the letter, Ruan Lingzheng said to the man, "I have received the letter. Go back. As for the reply, I will send a letter to him." After saying that, he went to the premise of the case and dipped the pen in ink and waved the urgent book. After writing, I called someone who specializes in charge of communications to deal with it.

Several people in the account witnessed this scene. Knowing that the reinforcements had arrived, they no longer had any worries. After the pigeon flew away, General Huang said happily, "Well, with General Liu sitting in the rear, there is a 90% chance of winning!"

Ruan Lingzheng smiled and said, "Go down and get ready and call King Pingyi in by the way."

"Yes." Several people responded and strode away.

After a while, a lazy and faint complaining voice came from outside the account: "Oh, brother, why don't you let me go? You know that I'm just an unrestrained and idle prince. I'm the least good at fighting, but you want me to come."

As soon as the voice fell, King Pingyi had come in. He walked slowly, looking like a ghost who couldn't hold the wall with mud. His face was whiter than Mo Ziyao saw last time, and he looked so haggard that he might hang up at any time.

Mo Ziyao could easily see King Pingyi through the cracks in the screen. When she saw that this pair was completely different from his camp, she couldn't help frowning and secretly: Obviously, he was an ambitious person, but she pretended to be a dungrateful and unbearable appearance.

He doesn't care about his image, at least he is a prince.

Ruan Lingzheng didn't look at him and was completely immune to him. He said lightly, "I know you don't like war, but the war is coming. The enemy is coming fiercely and wants to occupy the foundation of the Ruan family. Naturally, you are my descendants of the Ruan family to shoulder a big responsibility! Don't you think so?"

King Pingyi nodded like pounding garlic, as if he was afraid that Ruan Lingzheng would ask him to fight to kill the enemy. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Brother, you are right, but I am a mediocre person and can't take responsibility."

Ruan Lingzheng saw that he refused even and didn't say much. He just smiled faintly and said, "Well, the royal brother won't force you. In this way, the 10,000 soldiers you brought will be at my disposal first.

King Pingyi was not a fool, and immediately realized that he had inadvertently jumped into Ruan Lingzheng's trap. The hatred in his heart, but it was not easy to show, and his face was slightly twitching. He looked unwilling when he just gave him a chance. There was nothing he could do. The back road was cut off by himself. At this time, it was already unwise to repent. After so many years of installation, I can't lose all my previous efforts at once. Let's put up with it, so I reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, "Well... well, everything is up to the royal brother."

After the king of Pingyi left, Mo Ziyao came out from behind the screen and glanced at the meals on the table that had not moved much, knowing that she could no longer eat this meal. So he went to Ruan Lingzheng and stretched out his hand to hold his palm and asked in a low voice, "Chen, when will you leave?"

But she never mentioned the matter of King Pingyi. She knew that even if King Pingyi did something wrong, he would not easily blame him. From that day, she was detained by the King of Pingyi. Ruan Lingzheng knew it and did not say anything. After all, they are brothers, and they have their own brotherhood relationship that is thicker than water. As long as he does not go too far, Ruan Lingzheng should only open a blind eye.

Ruan Lingzheng turned around and looked at her. The two looked at each other, and a resolute and firm light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he looked up into the distance, as if his eyes had penetrated the camp and landed on Humadu.

"I'm leaving now, and I'm bound to get it! Put on the armor for me." With that, he left the screen, and Mo Ziyao followed him, helped him take off his robe, removed the heavy gold armor from the bracket and put it on for him. He also helped him comb his hair on the top of his head.

After finishing this, she asked tentatively, "When everyone withdraws, the camp is no longer safe. Do I need to go with you?"

"No, you can also change your armor later and go to Mingzhou with Cao Yi and others."

Mo Ziyao frowned, and it was true, so she blinked her eyes and pleaded, "No, just let me go together. Since the enemy has left Humadu, it should be safe there. Don't worry, I will follow you and won't cause you any trouble."

Ruan Lingzheng was silent for a while and couldn't bear to sigh, "Since you have made up your mind, I will let you accompany me as a personal bodyguard." Then his voice went down, "The sword is eyeless on the battlefield. Although I will try my best to protect your safety, you have to be more careful in everything."

"Hmm." Mo Ziyao held back her joy and answered and pinned the long sword to his waist.

Ruan Lingzheng looked at her smiling like a flower, which was very touching. He reached out and held her little face and gently pecked at the tip of her nose, and then kissed her small and seductive red lips.

Mo Ziyao slowly closed her eyes and responded. Her body relaxed slightly. Suddenly, there was a tingling pain behind her neck, and her eyes darkened and she fainted.

Ruan Lingzheng held her soft body and looked at her as quiet and gentle as if she were asleep. He couldn't help gently rubing her white, smooth, sheep-like skin with his fingers, and said gently, "Yao'er, I'm sorry, it's too dangerous here. I can't leave you in the camp. I will arrange someone to take you back to the palace. Wait for me."

After saying that, he picked her up and put her on the bed, looked at her with nostalgic eyes, and turned away.