The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 192 Isolation

Ruan Lingzheng went out of the camp, and the soldiers had already formed a formation ready to fight at any time. Those soldiers held long guns in their hands, and their eyes were full of killings, as if as long as the enemy appeared, the long guns in their hands would pierce each other's hearts without hesitation.

Ruan Lingzheng nodded with satisfaction. Under General Huang's order, the army began to withdraw quietly and neatly without alarming anyone.

Half an hour later...

The army of the alliance came magnificently and surrounded the camp of the army with lightning speed. Tap, tap..."

At this time, three horses slowly stepped out of the more than 100 cavalry camp with elegant steps. These three horses are tall and strong, and they are good horses at first glance.

The horse galloped all the way up a high hillside. At this time, the man on his back gently pulled the reins, and the horse stopped obediently. They looked up, with the help of favorable terrain, and looked at the army camp not far ahead, which was illuminated like daylight.

Thousands of tents on the camp are arranged according to a certain formation, surrounded by countless fire pillars. On each column, there are thick flames jumping and swaying with the wind. The golden flying dragon banner representing the Tian family is slowly swayed in the light of the fire, solemnly and majestic. Some tents are cooking smoke, and it looks like there are people cooking in the camp.

The camp was quiet, with black figures on the edge. They stood upright with long guns in their hands and monitored the whole camp.

A black steed, a middle-aged man with a tiger's back and a bear's square face suddenly turned his head to the person next to him and said, "Hragel, bring me the long bow." Then he immediately handed the bow and arrow to the man in white and said respectfully, "General, get ready to do it!"

The man did not reach for the bow and arrow, and he stared at the camp below. He said, "I feel something wrong. I will send a small team of pioneers to the camp to inquire."

"Yes." Zhu Tengyi threw his bow and arrow to Heragel, put his horse's belly in it, and disappeared into the darkness.

After standing in the dark for a while, the man in white turned his horse's head and said indifferently, "Go back." The moment he turned around, a golden mask disappeared in the night.

Returning to the army, a short time, soldiers came back from the camp in front of him. He walked frivolous and looked panicked. He came to the three people and hugged their fists and said, "The three adults are not good. The army... The camp of the army is empty, leaving only some tents and weapons. Those guards are all grassy. In addition, , I didn't find a real person!"

"What?!" Zhun Tengyi's eyes showed surprise, and suddenly turned into anger. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the man in white. His head turned, and there was a 'kaka' sound caused by a violent twist of the bone cone, which was very horrible. He said angrily, "General, they ran away overnight. They must not be able to run far. Shall we chase them?"

The eyes exposed outside the mask suddenly condensed, and a light suddenly shot out of the amber eyes. Suddenly, he sneered, but it was very cold.

"Haha... Ruan Lingzheng is really good. He deserves to have some skills and reacted so quickly. Before leaving, I didn't forget to use a trick of 'stealing beams for pillars' to stop my footsteps. Unfortunately, it's useless. Can you escape? How can infantry be compared with cavalry?

"You can go down and have a look." After saying that, he rushed to the camp in front of him.

When I came to the camp, there was no one. The man in white went to the fire that had been extinguished for heating and opened the ashes with the hilt of his sword and reached out to explore, "Huh? It's still warm. It seems that they should leave for no more than an hour.

Then, he went to the west of the camp to have a look, and then ran to the north to look. He couldn't help frowning, "Well, it's not going back to Mingzhou or in the direction of Tusala. Where can the army go in such a short time?"

I didn't give up and went south, and here I finally found what I wanted to find - the mark of the wheel crushed.

"It's actually going south, south? Does he want to..." Damn it! The man clenched his right hand tightly, and his face became particularly ugly. Since he directly transferred to southern Xinjiang, this is what he did not expect.

"What's wrong with the general? What suspicious clues have been found?" Jun Tengyi trotted over and asked.

The man closed his eyes gently, gritted his teeth and said calmly, "They went south."

Zun Tengyi said angrily, "What? It's really strange to go south. No matter how much you take a detour in the south, you can't go around Huangtian City.

He said an unintentional word, but woke him up in an instant. You can't go around Huangtian City in the south, but you can go around Humadu. Well, it turns out that he is a drunk and doesn't want to drink. From beginning to end, his purpose is Humadu!"

Ruan Lingzheng actually returned to his other person's way, which took a lot of time again and again. This time, even if they rode a horse to chase him, it was difficult to catch up.

The man felt as if he had been slapped in the face, which was very embarrassing. His eyes flashed, his face turned blue under the cold mask, and he said to Tengyi, "Go back." Turning around and strode away, the two quickly got on horseback and returned to the team.

The man in white glanced at the crowd, and finally, his eyes fell on Junteng Yifa and Hlager. "Hragal, you led 35,000 infantry to Heling County to control the whole county. I'm sure you can attack me.

Zun Tengyi grabbed his head doubtfully and asked, "General, are we going back now?"

The man snorted coldly and said impatiently, "You can choose to stay here, but tomorrow you will hear that Huma has been captured by the army, and soon you will hear that the imperial capital of Tosala has been besieged." After saying that, the man turned the horse's head and rode away without looking back.

Zun Tengyi's eyes widened, and his eyes turned red, "Ah! Unexpectedly... it didn't run away, but went north. Ruan Lingzheng, you little man, actually took the opportunity to attack my Humadu when we left. Well, good job. Let's see if Grandpa won't tear you up.

Zun Tengyi roared and vented his anger. He turned his head and saw that the men in white had gone a long way, and the soldiers under his feet were stunned one by one. His dull eyes made him so angry that his lungs explode. He shook his horse whip and scolded at the few people closest to him: "A group of idiots Goods, what are you still doing here? Why don't you go back to Humadu quickly? Raising a bunch of you idiots for nothing..."

So the group turned around and rushed back in a scolding voice.

It is said that Mo Ziyao was knocked unconscious by Ruan Lingzheng and sent her back to Huangtian City. When the carriage took her and late autumn to the Mingzhou border, Mo Ziyao finally woke up.

When she opened her eyes and found that she and Wanqiu were actually in the carriage, a sore feeling came from her neck, which reminded her of the scene where Ruan Lingzheng knocked herself unconscious.

"Late autumn, where are we going?"

Wanqiu said with a sad face, "Mother, you are awake. We are going back to Huangtian City, and now we have entered the situation of Mingzhou."

"What?" She was shocked and quickly lifted the curtain to look out. By this time, it was already dawn. He sat back and sighed, "Are you going back to the palace?" Is it so cumbersome to take me with me?"

Wanqiu looked at Mo Ziyao's gloomy face and couldn't help pulling her sleeve and whispered, "Madam, why don't we go back to find the emperor?"

Mo Ziyao's eyes turned slightly, and her originally dim eyes suddenly emitted endless light. Yes, it's still urgent to go back and chase it now.

So the two took the opportunity to kick the driver out of the carriage, got rid of the guard, and drove all the way back. I just don't know why Mo Ziyao always feels stuffy and irritable, as if something bad is going to happen.

Just as Mo Ziyao was rushing all the way back, Ruan Lingzheng's people had occupied Humadu after a hard battle in the middle of the night. At the same time, nearly 50,000 soldiers led by Liu Yanfei and more than 10,000 soldiers left by Ruan Lingzheng also rushed to Heling County and were in a bitter battle with Hegel, who had just occupied the county town not long ago.

After Humadu, Ruan Lingzheng's people occupied Humadu City, he immediately asked his guards to confisify the grain and fodder prepared by the Allies. For a while, the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers were not a problem, but there was a huge object in the imperial capital of Tusala, and then there were Allied pursuers, and Liu Yanfei's army could not catch up with it for a day. Obviously, now they have fallen into a dangerous situation of isolation and fighting back and forth.

For good, there is a complete map of the Tusala field left by the Allies in the capital. Ruan Lingzheng also knew that this was a time of crisis, and immediately invited several generals to discuss it. Not long after their discussion, a soldier hurried to report.

"Report---Your Majesty, the big deal is not good. The county is surrounded by the Allies!" The man looked panicked, sweaty, and his eyes were full of panic.

Ruan Lingzheng frowned after hearing this, but there was no panic in his eyes. Obviously, these were early as he expected.

"How many people are there in the enemy?" Ruan Lingzheng asked in a low voice.

"When you return to the emperor, there are about 68,000 people, including about 20,000 cavalry." The man said cavalry, and even his voice trembled a little. Tusala's cavalry was called 'remnant knights'. These people were not a decent army, but were recruited halfway. They were not controlled by military law and were free and scattered. However, because he has lived on horseback since he was a child, his riding skills are superb, brave and ferocious, much more cruel and vicious than ordinary bodyguards.

"I see, go down."

The man had just left, and another person rushed in, before he could say 'report'. Ruan Lingzheng asked directly, "How many people came to Humadu from the imperial capital of Sala?"

"To the emperor, there are about 30,000 reinforcements on the other side of Sala's imperial capital. They have passed Hudu and can reach Humadu in less than three hours." As the guard spoke, he couldn't help reaching out and wiping the sweat on his face.

"Hmm." Ruan Lingzheng waved his sleeves and sent the man down. As soon as it was connected to the two clear sky-like news, more than a dozen generals and commanders also became extremely heavy and ugly.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely heavy and depressing, and even breathing became a little uncomfortable. Ruan Lingzheng glanced at the whole room and put everyone's expressions into his eyes. Some people were panicked, some were suspicious, and some were ashes. Of course, there are also angry, passionate, infinite fighting spirit...

Ruan Lingzheng coughed softly and said in a low voice, "Since the enemy troops are under the city, we can't huddle in the small Humadu city and avoid it. At present, only 68,000 Allied troops are shouting under the city. If it is three hours later, when the reinforcements from the capital of Sara will arrive, it will be when our whole army will be destroyed.

Ruan Lingzheng's voice suddenly raised: "So, now we are going to fight! Although they have about 20,000 cavalry, we have 80,000 people! They didn't have a break to adjust the time all the way, so now is the best time for us to take action. When you obey your orders, you can reorganize your army and get ready to fight!"