The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Poverty and Falling Yellow Spring 4

Du Xiyan's eyes moved away from Jiang Yunxu and looked out of the window. At this moment, the sky was a little dark and rainy.

His fingertips trembled slightly, remembering the scene seven days ago.

That day, he braved the heavy rain at the foot of Mishan Mountain and picked the herbs that his master needed urgently. Suddenly, a woman in black fell from the sky and was about to fall on the boulder not far ahead. He thought it was a woman who committed suicide. So he shook his head and couldn't bear to sacrifice the master's teaching to move the woman to himself. He was shocked when he found the scars all over the woman and her arms that were completely black and purple.

"This is the most common corpse poison of the Red Great Guardian around my father. Why did this woman get this poison!"

was about to come forward to investigate her injury. The woman suddenly woke up by herself. She suddenly opened her eyes and stared at herself with cold and bloody eyes, "Who are you?" Stay away from me!"

Du Xiyan was a little suspicious of her origin. When she was thinking about how to say it, she suddenly saw three small fonts on the woman's cheeks near her ear. He fixed her and saw that it turned out to be the three words 'Du Xiyan', and it seemed that the handwriting had been stabbed up for a long time. Now as she grew older, These three words have also grown a little.

Du Xiyan was very surprised. How could he not be surprised when he saw that his name was engraved on a woman's face!

"Du Xiyan." He looked at the three words and said lightly.

"What!" Jiang Yunxu suddenly stared at him with wide eyes, and murder suddenly appeared in his eyes. She pulled out a dagger from her sleeve and put it on Du Xiyan's neck and shouted, "Take your life!"

The sharp blade cut Du Xiyan's long hair hanging on her shoulder. Du Xiyan tightened her heart, twisted her body gently, avoided the dagger, and pushed away the seriously injured Jiang Yunxu.

Du Xiyan looked at the fierce Jiang Yunxu and said, "Is he your enemy? Otherwise, how could you engrave his name on your cheek!"

"What did you say!" Jiang Yunxu's face suddenly changed. With a 'bang', the dagger fell to the ground. She stroked the words on her cheek and muttered, "The words engraved on my face are actually Du Xiyan's name, Du Xiyan..."

"What, don't you know? Or are you illiterate? Du Xiyan saw that Jiang Yunxu didn't seem to be lying, so she asked.

Jiang Yunxu seemed to be greatly shocked. She didn't recover for a moment and just said, "Yes, my biggest regret is that my mother didn't have time to teach me literacy." Otherwise, how can the word 'Du Xiyan' still be on my face until now? It's him!

Jiang Yunxu suddenly remembered Di Fengluan at this moment, "It turns out that everything has been designed by him from the beginning. This time, I'm afraid either I died or Du Xiyan died. No wonder his face becomes extremely gloomy every time he sees these words, so it is!"

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps not far away, and Jiang Yunxu quickly recognized the person from the footsteps.

"Chifeng is coming!"

Jiang Yun's heart tightened and her face changed greatly. At this moment, her body had reached the limit of endurance. It won't be long before she died of poison. At this moment, it was very difficult for her to move, let alone run away.

So she grabbed the skirt in front of Du Xiyan and said in a commanding tone, "I know you are a wizard. Hurry up and use the wizard to take me out of here, or I will kill you!"

Du Xiyan looked at Jiang Yunxu. Her breathing was deep, and her face was frighteningly pale, but the veins under the white and almost transparent texture showed a purple-black color for the first time. This is a manifestation of the spread of corpse poison. I'm afraid she won't be poisoned soon.

The footsteps are gradually moving this way. Du Xiyan knows that Chifeng has found her, so did this woman save her or let her be killed by Chifeng?

Du Xiyan weighed quietly in her heart.

The th sound passed for a while. Except for the sound of rain and breathing, everything is very quiet.

"Okay, I promise you, but you have to tell me your name," Du Xiyan said lightly, looking at the trees swaying in the wind and rain. He wanted to know the name of the woman who could engrave his name on his face.

After saying that, Du Xiyan obviously felt her body tremble slightly and was obviously surprised. She lowered her eyebrows and asked, "Are you really willing to cast a spell to take me away?"

Du Xiyan nodded. Of course."

"My name is Jiang Yunxu... You... Take me out of here! ......”

After she finished speaking, her face suddenly changed, her breathing gradually became rapid, and her body trembled more and more violently. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and vomited a large mouthful of blood, and her face became more and more pale. Her body shook and was about to fall down. Du Xiyan shook her head, reached out and hooked her soft body, held her in her arms, sacrificed witchcraft, and shook their bodies, and their figures disappeared in the rain.


"Your name is Jiang Yunxu." Du Xiyan looked out of the window at the gradually bright sky and said.

"Oh, it turns out that I also have a name. So my name is Jiang Yunxu." Jiang Yunxu was happy, talking over and over again like a treasure, and his eyes were full of joy.

"Do you really... remember nothing?" Du Xiyan approached her and asked unwillingly.

When Jiang Yunxu heard the words, he frowned and thought hard, but he really couldn't remember anything, and his mind was blank. So she shook her head desperately with a blank face.

"Think about it again." Du Xiyan advised.

As soon as I thought about it, my head began to hurt violently. She couldn't help grabbing her head with her left hand and said, "I don't remember. Don't ask again. I really don't remember. Don't force me to think about it. As long as I think about it, my head hurts!"

Although Du Xiyan extremely wants to know everything about Jiang Yunxu, especially why she has her own name on her face. But when I saw her painful appearance, I finally couldn't bear it.

He picked up the medicine bowl on the table beside the couch and gently stirred it with a silver spoon and said, "Okay, okay, don't think about it if you can't remember it. Come on, drink this bowl of medicine, and your body will get better quickly and your hands can slowly resume movement."

"Oh." Jiang Yunxu answered obediently and opened his mouth to drink all the medicine in the silver spoon handed over by Du Xiyan.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Yunxu and Du Xiyan lived in the bamboo house in the valley for half a year.

Jiang Yunxu has become very different from before due to her memory loss. Now she is naive, straightforward, lively and kind, and she doesn't even dare to step on an ant in front of her feet...

Jiang Yunxu was seriously injured and took a long time to fully recover, so the two lived together for more than half a year.

Du Xiyan also seemed to be wary of her. He could not be wary of Jiang Yunxu, whose mind was like a piece of white paper. During this period, Du Xiyan not only taught her literacy, but also taught her the truth of life. She should have a kind heart and treat everything with a normal heart.

Sometimes, Du Xiyan will take her to the poor cave to give porridge, where people like to call the gentle, kind and beautiful Jiang Yunxu a fairy Bodhisattva. At this time, Jiang Yunxu would shyly lean his head on Du Xiyan's shoulder, with a faint gentle smile on the corners of his mouth, and his face gradually climbed up to the shy red glow. Du Xiyan looked sideways at such Jiang Yunxu, and her lips also raised slightly with a faint smile.

Sometimes they stay together to discuss scriptures with each other, come out of the house and sing together, sometimes go out together to give porridge water, or bandage the injured birds until they are well, and release them together...

Since then, Jiang Yunxu's mood has gradually changed. She is no longer the cold, lonely, ferocious and murderous female killer. Now she has learned to be tolerant and love others and love herself.

Du Xiyan was also delighted with her change. The relationship between the two has changed subtly. Both of them carefully maintained this beauty, hoping to be preserved.

This time is the best time in the lives of Jiang Yunxu and Du Xiyan, and they also carefully treasure these beautiful things in the bottom of their hearts.

However, Du Xiyan understands that such a beautiful day will not go on like this forever. Once the master projects Jiang Yunxu's past, once she recovers her memory, they are likely to face a military meeting.

Du Xiyan was worried. Sure enough, a few days after, his master came.

On this day, Du Xiyan's master Tianwang called him aside and showed Jiang Yunxu's past with a crystal ball that could detect the past and the future. Du Xiyan looked quietly when he saw Jiang Yunxu saying to Di Fengluan: No matter who he is, I will help you solve it and wait for Du Xiyan's head. At this time, Du Xiyan's body trembled uncontrollably.

Jiang Yunxu made him feel strange and cold. She is like a killing machine, only knows how to kill and kill...

"Are you sure you want to keep her by your side?" The Venerable Tianwang glanced at Jiang Yun, who was lying on the bed beside him and was sleeping quietly.

Du Xiyan gently closed her eyes and opened slowly. It seemed that after a long time of weight in her heart, she made up her mind and said, "Master, although Yunxu was an unforgiving killer before, she has also done many things to destroy humanity, but she can't help herself. Her nature is not bad, and she is still kind and kind in her heart. Now she has lost her memory, which can be regarded as God's punishment for her past mistakes. Why can't we accept her happily?

Du Xiyan continued: "Now she has changed her appearance and become a new person. I also know generosity and kindness. I think that even if she recovers her past memory, she will definitely choose to give up her identity as a killer and be a kind and happy person.

The Venerable Heavenly Man looked at Du Xiyan fixedly and shook his head and said, "But even if she is really willing to give up her previous identity, if you keep her by your side, it will cause murder for you. Your future..."

"Master." Du Xiyan interrupted Tianwang, "This is my choice. I am willing to bear all the consequences."

Venerable Tianwang sighed disappointedly and knew that since he had made up his mind, it would be difficult to change anything, so he carefully told him to tell him how to help Jiang Yunxu recover his memory, and got up and left.

Du Xiyan sent the venerable Tianwang out of the bamboo house and turned to Jiang Yunxu. He quietly looked at her peaceful sleepy face and said to her gently, "Yunxu, I hope that after you wake up, you can put down all the obsessions and burdens in your heart and calmly be a gentle and kind woman. No matter how hopeless our future is, I will always be by your side for the rest of the day.

With that, he pumped the power of witch to the palm of his hand according to the method told him by Tianwang Venerable, sacrificed the witchcraft, and gently pressed it on the Baihui cave above Jiang Yunxu's head...