The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Poor and Yellow Spring 5

"Ah! ......โ€

A shrill shout broke the calm bamboo forest in the evening and shocked a large number of birds in the forest.

Jiang Yunxu held his head, screamed and rushed out of the room, and ran out desperately. She ran to a thick bamboo and chopped it off, then staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground...

Jiang Yunxu grabbed the fallen leaves beside him and pinched them hard. When he released them, there was only a handful of dust left in his hand.

"Why, why is it like this?"

She muttered feebly and suddenly felt a little itchy on her fingers. She looked down and saw a brown ant climbing on the back of her hand at some point, turning around the back of her hand like a headless fly.

She looked at the ant and couldn't help but think of this scene:

It was also on a sunset evening. She and Du Xiyan walked in the forest. Suddenly, she made a 'ah' and suddenly withdrew her right foot. Due to the unstable center of gravity, she almost fell down. Du Xiyan beside her quickly held her with his eyes and hands.

"Yun Xu, what's wrong?"

She patted her chest gently and said, "It's so close that I almost stepped on these ants. Xiyan, you see, they seem to be moving!" With that, he squatted down to observe.

When Du Xiyan heard the words, she also squatted down next to her. The two stared at a group of busy little lives crawling on the ground.

At this moment, she gave a 'h'. Suddenly, he raised his arm and laughed softly. Du Xiyan looked up doubtfully and found that an ant had climbed on the back of her white hand.

She lowered her arms and gently put her palms on the ground. The ant seemed to have seen the long-lost familiar earth, so she climbed down the bridge she built with her slender fingers.

She kept watching the ant crawling away before she laughed. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Du Xiyan's eyes staring at her silently. Looking at each other, she saw the charming color in his clear eyes and the shallow smile on the corners of his lips. She couldn't help but feel hot on her face, withdrew her eyes in panic, and her hands on her knees unconsciously twisted together.

Du Xiyan held her hand with a smile in her eyes and said softly, "Let's go back."

At the moment when Du Xiyan's big hand grabbed her hand, she felt that his palm was so soft and warm...

When Jiang Yunxu broke away from her memories, she found that she had naturally drooped her finger, and the ant was slowly climbing down her middle finger.


When Jiang Yunxu heard the sound, she only felt shocked. As soon as she looked up, she saw Du Xiyan standing not far in front of her. His plain robe flew in the wind, his eyes were full of anxiety and uneasiness, his face was tired, and there was a faint smile on the corners of his lips, as clear as pear blossoms.

Jiang Yunxu looked at him so stunned and felt complicated. Her face changed, her lips trembled slightly, and her hands were unconsciously clenched in the wide sleeves.

Du Xiyan did not approach again, and Jiang Yunxu did not speak, so the two were silent.

"Why is the person I've been killing the quiet and gentle man in front of me? Why is he the one who can exchange my freedom?

"Do you really want to kill him in exchange for my freedom for the rest of my life?"

Jiang Yunxu thought randomly, and his heart suddenly hurt. She couldn't imagine how painful and desperate it would be when Du Xiyan's blood splashed on her face.

"The best time of my life is with him. How could I kill him for freedom? If it hadn't been for Du Xiyan, she would never have felt the love and love that a woman should have had.

At this time, Du Xiyan took the lead in saying, "Yun Xu, I know you are the person Di Fengluan sent to kill me. If your freedom and your future peaceful life need to be exchanged for my head, then..."

Suddenly, the knife flashed, "chi---"

A dull hum interrupted Jiang Yunxu's thoughts. Her fingertips trembled and suddenly looked up to see a bloody dagger on Du Xiyan's chest, but his hand held the knife handle inch by inch deep. Because it was too hard, he printed blue veins on the back of his white hand...

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly contracted, and her mind was blank in an instant. She didn't expect that Du Xiyan wanted to kill herself to complete her.

"Xi Yan, no!---"

Jiang Yunxu screamed and rushed over, hugged Du Xiyan's crumbling body, grabbed his hand tightly, pressed his wound, and couldn't stop flowing out of her fingers.

She couldn't help crying and said, "How can you do this? How can I live alone without you? If you say you're going to die, it should be me! Xiyan, I'm sorry for you. I, I... You hate me, don't you?"

"No... Yunxu, you didn't feel sorry for me, and I won't hate you."

He raised his hand and stroked the handwriting on Jiang Yunxu's cheek and said gently, "I think you are a gift from heaven, otherwise you would not have landed beside me. And the three words 'Du Xiyan' are destined to come together.


Jiang Yunxu felt sweet in his heart, reached out to hold him tightly, and choked and said, "Xiyan, thank you. You changed me."

Du Xiyan closed her eyes and said after a long time, "No, I shouldn't selfishly change you to what you don't want to do according to my own will."

Jiang Yunxu shook his head: "I don't want to. I like it very much."

Du Xiyan finally smiled when she heard the words.

Suddenly, he coughed heavily and his voice slowly lowered: "Now you have recovered your memory..."

Jiang Yunxu held his hand tightly and said in a hurry, "No, I won't go back. That's not the life I want."

"I don't want you to go back to that place again, but if you follow me, Di Fengluan won't let you go." Du Xiyan sighed.

Jiang Yunxu gently leaned his head on his broad shoulder and said firmly, "Yunxu just wants to be with you forever, and no one can separate us."

"Hmm. No one can separate us. Yunxu, we..."

At this moment, the mutation protrude!

A burst of applause suddenly sounded, interrupting Du Xiyan's words. Then a negative sound exploded above their heads.

"Ji Jie, it's really touching!"

As soon as the words fell, several figures slowly fell from the air. The leader was dressed in dark clothes. On his handsome face, a pair of narrow eyes faintly flashed with gloomy light, and he was holding his arms and walking towards Jiang Yunxu step by step.

When Jiang Yunxu saw the man, his pupils suddenly contracted and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. Di Fengluan! Oh, my God, why is he here? Jiang Yunxu was frightened. After a moment of panic, he quickly hid Du Xiyan behind him.

"Di Fengluan---" Jiang Yunxu's voice trembled a little.

"Three sons, we meet again." At this moment, Du Xiyan's calm and indifferent voice came from behind Jiang Yunxu.

Di Fengluan's gloomy eyes passed Jiang Yunxu's face, and only paused on her body and fell on Du Xiyan's body. Suddenly, he raised his lips and smiled and said sarcasticly, "Your Highness, are you all right? After five years, I didn't expect you to be so unremotivated. Last time, I almost couldn't even save my life for my left guardian. Why, did you take a fancy to my respected Jiang this time?

Di Fengluan's words were very light, but they sounded like a thousand pounds of stone in Jiang Yunxu's ears, hitting her heart fiercely.

It turned out that when the word 'Du Xiyan' was stabbed from her face, her fate had been fixed by Di Fengluan. It turned out that before her, there was a woman who was reduced to the same fate as her. However, it is worth getting Du Xiyan's love, even if he dies for him.

Du Xiyan didn't answer, and Di Fengluan didn't care, but turned her eyes to Jiang Yunxu and said, "Yun Xu, why don't you come?"

Jiang Yunxu stared at him fiercely and burst out a few words from between his teeth: "I won't go back with you!"

A trace of anger flashed in Di Fengluan's eyes and shook his head and said, "You really disappointed me. Didn't you swear that you would bring Du Xiyan's head back to see me? Tut, is that what you do? Are you going to betray me for a man? Humph, you should know what will happen if you betray me!"

Jiang Yunxu was unmoved by Di Fengluan's threat and sneered, "Yes, I just want to betray you, and I want to kill you!"

"Look for death!"

Di Fengluan could no longer continue to pretend to be calm. He suddenly shouted, and a hair suddenly flew up, stood up one by one like spikes, and suddenly stabbed Jiang Yunxu, and suddenly pierced her shoulder bone.

Jiang Yunxu was shocked. As soon as she raised her true anger, her body was imprisoned and could no longer move, and her body seemed to be no longer controlled by herself. She was dragged over by Di Fengluan.

" Stop it!"

Du Xiyan shouted loudly, raised her breath, desperately pulled out the witch power of her whole body, turned into a white cloth and flew over, instantly cut off Di Fengluan's hair and wrapped it around Jiang Yunxu. "Receed!" Bai Ling flew back wrapped in Jiang Yunxu.

"What!" Di Fengluan's pupils shrank slightly and looked at Du Xiyan in disbelief. His face has changed.

"How dare you know witchcraft? When did you become a member of the witch religion? Who are you?

Di Fengluan opened his mouth and asked a series of questions. Obviously, he was quite afraid of the witch religion.

Du Xiyan was injured, and in order to restore Jiang Yunxu's memory, he almost exhausted the power of his whole body. Just now, in an emergency, he used all the power of witch power into Bai Ling to save Jiang Yunxu. At this moment, he had been devoured. His internal organs seemed to be burned by the fire. He was miserable. He could only barely suppress the surging blood in his body and smiled and said, "The Venerable Tianwang is the teacher."

Di Fengluan's face suddenly became uncertain, and suddenly he laughed on his back and said, "Even if Tianwang is your master, even if he has the ability to see the past and know the future, you will die!" By the way, I forgot to tell you that Du Ximo, who pretends to be your brother in Jinhe Hall, is dead. I'm afraid you still don't know? Hahaha..."

"What! ..." Du Xiyan's heart was suddenly shocked when she heard the words, and she couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiyan!" Jiang Yunxu ignored the injury on her shoulder and hurriedly rushed over to hold Du Xiyan's body and sobbed, "It's all my fault. Otherwise, you won't lose so much power in order to restore my memory.

Di Fengluan saw that Du Xiyan actually vomited blood, and saw Jiang Yunxu's nervous and frightened face, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"It turns out that it is the end of a strong crossbow. Haha, it seems that today is your death. Du Xiyan and Jiang Yunxu, you two will die!"