Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 54 A Moment of Tranquility

After defeating Huangfu Yuexun's army, it naturally had the help of Wan Yanliang, so after the reluctant end of the war, the eyes of the dark school were finally not so hostile to her. Such a change finally loosened Wan Yan's cool and tense nerves. After all, he was so much by a group of people every day. It's not a good thing to miss in my heart.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Youqin Jiatian looked at Wan Yanliang, who was humming a little song on the opposite side, as if he was joking.

"I have finally proved my own value, and I will naturally feel better." Wan Yiliang did not deny it. After all, her psychological quality is not strong enough to change her face in the face of thousands of people.

Youqin Jiatian nodded with it, but his expression was as joking as ever. Wan Yiliang knew that he would laugh at her.

"Forget it, I don't care about your not gorgeous expression." Wan Yanliang rarely complains. With Qin Jiatian, he naturally listens obediently, and it seems that this way of getting along with each other is also good.

"What are you going to do next? The people in the court will certainly not give up. Huangfu Zhuotian's insidious and coolness has been seen, and Huangfu Yuexun is a person who must revenge. Coupled with a Helian Yunqian, I'm afraid that the days when he wants to completely stop are really far away.

Naturally, Qin Jiatian also knows that you can't take it lightly. These people may not stab you in the back. Besides, people have always not fought with officials. Now this knot is not small, and he should be careful.

"It's a nice day today. How about going out for a walk with me?" Wan Yiliang has always been cold. In winter, she basically curled up in bed every day, but it rarely snowed outside for the first time this winter. It seems that the weather is very refreshing, and she also wants to go out to join in the fun.

"Okay, let's go out now." Originally, at this time, people like them who want to get rid of them quickly should not walk outside, but thinking that it has not been a few days since they were together, now the hard-won string can be loosened first. With the piano and the sky, it is natural to try to meet the requirements of Wan Yiliang.

The two moved quickly. Without telling anyone, they walked to the small towns on the edge of Lin'an City. Although the place is small, there are all kinds of things and shops, and the people seem to live very satisfied. They don't recognize strangers like them. If you ask for a way, someone will lead them to go. The destination is indeed a little frightening to them.

"The people here are very simple. I haven't seen such a person for a long time." Wan Yanliang seems to be sighing and complaining. There is a sentimentality that Qin Jiatian doesn't care about her reason, but the tea here is also very good.

Wan Yanliang really felt it. Like most children born in rich families, they are destined to be used. No matter how noble their identity is, like Huangfu Yuexun, don't they wear a mask all day long? Like the people here, she really hasn't met for a long time. It's not that such people have no shortcomings. She thinks she is better than their ability to fight. After all, she can even treat her parents as a person.

"What are you thinking about? So fascinated?" There is Qin Jiatian who doesn't like Wan Yan's empty eyes. It seems that she will leave him anytime and anywhere, and he can't touch her world at all. To put it bluntly, he still doesn't have such strong confidence in their feelings.

"Nothing, just remembering some things in the past." Wan Yanliang doesn't want to bring his depressed mood to Youqin Jiatian, but how can such a shrewd person not feel what's wrong with her? The two always cover each other up like this and don't know when it will end.

"I just heard from the people here that there will be a bonfire party in the evening. Every winter, the first snow will be held once a year. Do you want to go and have a look?" At ordinary times, Qinjia would pay attention to these, but as soon as he was around, he naturally restrained his anger. Those simple people were also willing to talk to him a few more times because of this face.

"Okay, I have never participated in this kind of activity." Wan Yanliang has never taken her anywhere to play since she was a child. At most, she just doesn't limit her freedom, because she doesn't care whether her daughter is dead or alive.

Yu Qinjia touched Wan Yan's cold head fondly. The smooth long hair is simply tied up, and it naturally feels very good.

"Don't always treat me as a child, okay?" Wan Yi looked at Qin Jiatian sadly and stroked his hand. He had to admit that his hands were really beautiful, slender and powerful, and they were never ambiguous when killing people.

Where is it? You are my wife." Qin Jiatian has long had the idea of marrying her, but there are always various things hindering when they want to put it into action, and to be honest, their feelings also make him less likely to make such a decision. Both of them meet people who would rather shrink their feelings into shells than face them generously. Qin Jiatian is afraid of Wan Yan She is in a hurry. She may not hide where she is.

Wan Yiliang curled his lips and said, "Don't you want to marry me without any preparation? You think it's beautiful."

"Is it okay for my wife to give some reference for my husband?"

"Forget it, no more. I'm going to go up and have a rest. Remember to call me when it's time for the bonfire party." Wan Yanliang didn't see the loss in Qin Jiatian's eyes, but she couldn't tell whether what he said was a joke or serious. She could stay with him until she was old, but to the point of marriage, she was really timid, and the current situation does not allow them to think too much about their children.

"My wife wants to rest, and my husband will naturally stay with my wife." There was still the frivolous look on Qin Jiatian's face, as if the loss just now was completely the illusion of Wan Yanliang, but she knew that now his smile was the illusion of the two of them.

The beauty is in her arms, and she is still the person she loves. Qin Jiatian said that it is absolutely not valid to have no fantasies. However, seeing how can he have the heart to disturb her good dreams when she sleeps sweetly? It's better for him to think about it. Anyway, the people in his arms are his own people sooner or later.

The bonfire party began on time, and there was no need for Qin Jiatian to call Wan Yan to cool down. The noisy sound outside was enough for her to wake up from her sleep. There was a large mass of invisible resentment on her head, and Qin Jiatian led Wan Yanliang out of the inn.

The streets are full of people. I didn't expect that a small festival in a small town would be so united. This is unexpected, but it is more lively because there are many people.

With Qin Jiatian holding Wan Yanliang's hand tightly, he has always been uncertain about the direction of Wan Yanliang. If he gets lost, I'm afraid she won't even be able to go back to the inn just now, so he still feels more at ease.

Wang Liangdong looked around and saw all kinds of people and various decorations on the stalls on both sides of the road, all of which were liked by some little girls. Wan Yanliang's eyes were naive, but the little girls not only liked those things, but also fell in love with Youqin Jiatian.

From their departure from the inn, Wan Yanliang could feel the sight from all directions, but they all looked at her angrily and admired Qin Jiatian. I really can't see that this guy still has such a great charm, but haven't they been labeled? Those women haven't had anything to wink, or have had any chance encounters, don't they?!

As soon as the cold vinegar came out, Qin Jiatian smelled it very much. The little woman finally knew that she cared about me. Usually, she didn't care about anything and thought she didn't care about him as a man.

"What are you laughing at?!" There are more and more admirers. Wan Yanliang is on fire. As soon as he looked up, he saw that Qin Jiatian smiled more brilliantly than flowers. It was not those little girls who were upside down, but him who was here to seduce him. Wan Yanliang pinched him fiercely on the waist before he could speak.

For the pain, Qin Jiatian still has a feeling and looks at Wan Yanliang puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Wan Yanliang ignored him and accelerated the pace of his feet and wanted to get rid of Youqin Jiatian, but he clenched her hand to death. Before she took two steps, she was dragged back to her side by Youqin Jiatian.

"Are you angry?" The more the tone of Qin Jiatian rises, the more the corners of Wan Yan's cool mouth droop. If you laugh again, I will eat you.

"No." A typical dead duck has a hard mouth.

"Then why are you in a hurry to leave?"

"There are too many people here and I can't breathe." Wan Yiliang found a lame reason, which may be quite valid.

With Qinjiatian hugged Wan Yanliang, "With me by your side, you won't feel uncomfortable."

The gentleness of Qin Jiatian and I don't know how many women's eyes have turned into peach hearts. If she had known that she would have no idea to let him out, at least there are almost all men in the evil religion. How can there be any abnormality to see Qin Jiatian?

Youqin Jiatian hugged Wan Yanliang and walked along the stream of people for a while and turned into the nearest alley. Suddenly, he felt that his surroundings were not as crowded as before, but there was nothing good about it?

"We are going to stay here all the time?" If it is cool, you won't do it.

"No, this is not our destination yet." Youqin Jiatian picked up Wan Yanliang, jumped and flew to a higher roof. The winter wind was still a little cold. Youqin Jiatian hugged Wan Yanliang and protected her in his arms. The two actually sat on the roof and looked at the stars.

Wan Liang leaned on the shoulder of Qin Jiatian and raised his head slightly. His eyes were full of twinkling stars, two, three and four connected into a line, as if they formed some kind of pattern. Unfortunately, she didn't have any research on astrology, otherwise she could really say something at this moment.

"If only it could be like this all the time." Enjoy this moment of tranquility with your beloved. As long as she closes her eyes and suddenly wants time to stay at this moment and never wake up, then she must be the happiest person in the world.