Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 55 Despicable Means

Although the energetic Huangfu Yuexun walked into his study without paying attention to Li Wanwan, how could he not mind this kind of thing as a man, but he has no time to consider these now, and his main focus is still on dealing with internal and external troubles.

Huangfu Yueyang has been proud of the spring breeze recently. Although his health is not completely good, the number of people who are optimistic about him has gradually increased because of Huangfu Zhuotian's relationship. This is nothing more than making enemies for him, and Huangfu Yueyang doesn't know what a tree attracts wind at all. He still thinks it is a good thing for people to come and go. It is obviously to give Huangfu Zhuo the heavenly eye medicine, which can be seen from his attitude towards some ministers in the past two days.

But in contrast, his chips are still less than Huangfu's, and I hope the next place he will go will help his plan.

"Xun, I haven't seen you come to see me for a long time." Murong Lunshu was reconciling accounts in the back hall of the store. He heard a report from his subordinate that someone wanted to see him. He knew that there were not many people who would be here at this time, but it turned out that it was his old friend who came to visit.

Huangfu Yuexun was a little embarrassed by Murong Lunshu. Their friends for so many years seem to come more diligently every time he has something to do. In addition, there are so many things he has recently that he really can't afford Murong Lunshu.

"Is it possible that I still blame myself? It doesn't seem like your style." Murong Lunshu looked in a good mood, and Huangfu Yuexun always felt different from before when he saw him.

"Don't make fun of me. It's really business to come to you this time."

"When did you come to me for something?" Although Murong Lunshu said so, he still directly led Huangfu Yuexun to the inner room. After all, if others see that the official and the people's family have become like this, they may not hear what version in the current situation.

"Has anything happened recently?" Huangfu Yuexun looked a little anxious and asked impatiently before he could sit down.

"There are many people who see the wind steering the rudder. Naturally, Huangfu will not refuse to come, and he can hold the beauty back." Murong Lunshu has always adhered to the principle of being a gentleman, so he has always looked down on Huangfu Yueyang, not only because he has flirted with good women, but also because of his small-belly style of dealings. If anyone offends him, he will never make that person better within his ability.

"What kind of people are there?"

"Nah..." Murong Lunshu pulled out a folded letter paper from his arms and handed it to Huangfu Yuexun's hand. "The names are all on here."

Huangfu Yuexun opened the paper and took a rough look. There were many people who defected on his side. Sure enough, they were right not to trust them at the beginning. Even if they went to Huangfu Yueyang's camp, they would not know anything about him.

When Huangfu Yuexun's eyes read the last person's name, the expression on his face became slightly surprised, "How can Wan Tongjing's name still be on it?"

"Of course, she is also a member of Huangfu Yueyang." Murong Lunshu was also hesitant to write her down. To be honest, a brainless woman is not worth their attention, but Wan Yisheng's daughter and Wan Yiliang's sister made him curious about whether he could dig something out of her, but so far, except that she is a Other than the watery woman, she didn't get any useful information.

"She and Huangfu are getting together?" It's true that people are grouped by class and divided by things.

"No, it's just that they had sex, and then Wan Yanjing's most recent sexual targets are Huangfu Yueyang's subordinates." Now when it comes to Wan Yijing's romantic history, people who are a little more broad must know which day she has slept with. Anyway, she doesn't shy away from it herself, so what others can say.

"I don't see that this woman is still so good."

"Xun also wants to try it."

"Forget it, I don't know if I will get any disease. I don't want to get infected with such an unclean person." Obviously, it's two sisters, how can the gap be so big? Wan Yuliang has always been clean, but Wan Yujing... Wait, why did he think of Wan Yuliang again? Damn it!

"Yes, but you have a lot of women at all. Be careful." Murong Lunshu deliberately but pretended to look at the part of Huangfu Yuexun and coughed softly.

Huangfu Yuexun gave him a warning look, and what he said returned to the topic. "In this way, the overall pattern of Chi'an has not changed much."

"That's true, but Huangfu's momentum is more and more powerful, which is harmful but not beneficial to you."

"I know that, so I'm considering whether to do it first."

"Are you really going to do this?"

"You can wait a little longer, but in the end, we will definitely build a kingdom that belongs to our Huangfu Yuexun step by step according to the plan."

Murong Lunshu looked at Huangfu Yuexun, is he finally going to take action? He or he has waited for this moment for too long, and when they almost calmed their anger, now he is more or less happy to see that Huangfu Yuexun finally made up his mind.

What are you going to do about the hell? If it hadn't been for this, your father wouldn't have been dissatisfied with you so soon."

What can I do? Now that the old man doesn't trust me at all and will definitely not give me any chance to atone for his sins. Maybe he will take the opportunity to pay back to Huangfu.

"But isn't this too obvious?"

"Isn't it obvious what he is doing now?" Huangfu Yuexun sneered. After all, it was not that he was anxious, but that Huangfu Zhuotian forced him to be anxious. It was also time for him to take care of the years.

"That's what I said." People with this identity have always been involuntarily masters. He is in the Murong family and the heir of the Murong family. He will not be under less pressure than Huangfu Yuexun. For example, this kind of intrigued life is also frequently staged around him, and even Huangfu Yueyang is accustomed to fools.

On the other side, Huangfu Yueyang, who didn't know who the sender was, received an anonymous letter. The envelope was very ordinary and did not leave any mark that could prove the sender's identity, but the content inside surprised him, or was overjoyed, because the letter turned out to be some relatives of the dark religion. In this case, the above even told him what to do to catch Youqin Jiatian, which is very detailed.

Huangfu Yueyang looked at the letter in his hand and was very uncertain. He also heard the news of Huangfu Yuexun's defeat. Can people who can't do anything about Huangfu Yuexun be annihilated with this letter alone? Huangfu Yueyang didn't believe it, but he really wanted to try it. After all, he had to make some achievements, and those who did not support him Only when people can see his talent will he have a greater chance of winning. Huangfu was entangled and didn't know whether he should tell his father about this matter. If he told his father, if he asked him where this thing came from, what should he say? This letter really raises too many problems.

"Yang'er, what's so sad?" Su Zhixin opened the door and saw Huangfu frown more and more. Now the situation is so favorable to them, what else would make his son show this expression?

"Mother, why did you come here?"

"Didn't I come by to see you?"

"Mother, it's just right. Please take a look at this letter for me." Huangfu Yueyang has never been on guard against Su Zhixin. Almost everything is discussed by mother and son together, and this matter is no exception.

"Where did you get this letter?" Su Zhixin took the letter with a smile as to why it was a big deal, and the content made her look serious.

"I don't know." It would be better if Huangfu Yueyang knew where it came from.

"It seems that God is going to help us." Su Zhixin thought for a while and felt that it was better to make good use of this opportunity than to make blind suspicions here, but Huangfu Yueyang obviously did not agree with Su Zhixin's such a thoughtless decision.

"This letter is unclear. Do we really want to believe what the letter says?"

"Why not?"

"Do you have to report this matter to your father first?"

"It's not too late to tell him when it's done." Su Zhixin can't care about Huangfu Zhuotian's thoughts now. Naturally, his son is the most important, and now she finally has an opportunity to make her son famous in World War I. Of course, she wants to grasp it well.

Huangfu Yueyang took a strange look at Su Zhixin, but when he thought about it, if he told his father now, he would definitely be suspicious. At that time, not to mention meritorious service, it would be enough for him to deduct any charge. Isn't Huangfu Yuexun a living example?

The idea of mother and son has reached the same. The next step is to capture the people on the list as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the news is leaked, they may not be able to take it. Besides, according to the report of this war, there seems to be a secret weapon hidden in the hands of the underworld religion that they don't know, Huangfu Yuexun If they lose to this, they can't make the same mistake again.

"Yang'er, in any case, now we can only move forward and can't retreat. Those who do great things are informal, and your hesitant personality really needs to be changed." Su Zhixin can't protect Huangfu Yueyang for the rest of her life. Besides, she has little capital to do this now, but no mother in the world is not thinking about her children. If Huangfu Yueyang needs it, even if she tries her best to protect him first. This is the last thing she can do for her son as a mother. One thing.

"Mother, don't worry, I know what to do." Huangfu Yueyang also saw Su Zhixin's worries. Naturally, he didn't want his mother to worry so much. After all, his mother has been taking care of him for so many years. He knows his own virtues, but he doesn't know whether it's too late to change now.