Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 110 Cruel Gifts

When Baili Ranfeng appeared in the hall again, Helian Yunqian's hanging heart finally put down, but the contradictory psychology appeared again. Helian Yunjie's rebellion could not be determined. He even felt his indecisiveness. Even so, can't he make up his mind?

Naturally, Helian Yunjie did not notice that Baili Ranfeng disappeared and appeared again, but it does not mean that he must be the losing party. He can now feel the call of that person. Even if he can't succeed today, he must be able to retreat completely.

"Your Highness, your practice is no different from conspiracy. Please go to the subordinates. If you offend, please forgive me." Baili Ranfeng inserted into the middle of Helian Yunqian and Helian Yunjie. Facing Helian Yunjie, there was absolutely no tension, but subconsciously it was very repulsive.

"It's just that a prime minister dares to talk to me like this. Helian Yunqian, your soldiers are not very good." Helian Yunjie has always been dissatisfied with the existence of Baili Ranfeng. In his opinion, Baili Ranfeng can reach today's status entirely by virtue of good luck. Otherwise, how could his father appoint him as the prime minister of a country? That is a high-power representative position.

Whether you have the ability to talk according to the facts, just relying on Helian Yunjie's disdain is not enough to shake the status of Baili Ranfeng. What's more, such a sentence can't hit Baili Ranfeng at all, and it can also show the inferiority of Helian Yunjie.

"The King of Yan is not only dissatisfied with our emperor, but also does not like the original appearance. It seems that there are really only a few people who can enter the eyes of the King of Yan in the Manchu Dynasty. If so, I'm afraid that the King of Yan will be more difficult to go in the future, assuming there is a future."

Helian Yunjie will indeed offend people unconsciously. It is a mistake for him to appear here today. ** Naked forced palace. If Helian Yunqian has made any big mistake before, it may be easier for people to accept it. However, in recent years, the weather has been smooth and the world is peaceful. The appearance of Helian Yunjie is really a teacher. Being unknown is definitely much more difficult to be convinced than to be despised.

"Sure enough, he looks like a villain. Do you think Yuan Tang can't do it without you, Baili Ranfeng?" Baili Ranfeng is not an easy role to deal with. Helian Yunjie is clear but can't always remember this. He doesn't think that such a person without a background needs to care about anything, but he forgets that having no background is the real background.

"His Royal Highness the King of Yan said that it is true that the Yuan and Tang Dynasties will not be able to do without the original appearance, but the country cannot be without a king for a day. What the King of Yan did today is nothing more than to overthrow a capable monarch. Does the King of Yan think that the people will agree if they know such an act?" As the saying goes, the ugliness of the family should not be exposed, and the ugliness of the country should not be revealed. This point is still available, so as not to cause panic among the masses and lead to incorrect judgments and choices.

"Is there something to do? Is he also doing something? If there is no way to be fooled by Qin Jiatian, he is a faint king, that is, under the hands of such a person, you can have a day to rise. If I become emperor, it will be a gift from heaven if you incompetent people don't die. Helian Yunjie looked down on Baili Ranfeng and was still virtuous. It was like Yuan Tang's absence from him, but unfortunately, people who feel too good about themselves generally have no good end.

"The king of Yan likes to speak fast, and the subordinates are ashamed of themselves, but if it is more practical, does the king of Yan think that the extra people outside the hall should still be there?" Of course, Baili Ranfeng can't disappear for no reason, and since you want to play, it's boring to end the battle too quickly. It's even more exciting to tighten the nets little by little.

Baili Ranfeng said this, and Helian Yunjie naturally felt bad about himself. He couldn't talk nonsense inexplicably. There was some evidence to prove that his people were found, but what could he do if he found it? As long as there was that person's existence, he could not lose. Thinking of this, Helian Yunjie's confidence came back.

"If there are any more people outside the palace, it can only be said that the guards here are useless. Do you also have to rely on the king?" Helian Yunjie is virial, but it is impossible to say that he is not distressed. He has arranged almost 100 people outside the hall, which must be of course not comparable to the official army, but it is much better than those guards who are like soft-footed shrimp in the palace. If he is caught, Helian Yunjie has to wonder if it was before. What's wrong? Is it to catch a turtle in the urn? Baili Ranfeng should have known it for a long time before waiting for him to be hooked.

"His Royal Highness said that if the guard is not good, it is natural to try its best to maintain it, and the extra people will make him disappear, so as not to stand there and pollute the air. What does His Royal Highness think?" Those miscellaneous fish still can't get rid of the level of miscellaneous fish. Baili Ranfeng doesn't believe that there is only this, and the advance troops are almost the same, so his people can't relax even at the last minute.

"You have already figured out the countermeasures, and then ask me, isn't there any sincerity at all? If I say I want those to come back, you may have done it?" Helian Yunjie's seemingly unintentional question gave Wan Yiliang a bad feeling. His eyes should not be like that. Looking from her direction, it is absolutely abnormal to see the smile in Helian Yunjie's eyes.

"Why is this difficult? I will give those to the king of Yan. As soon as Baili Ranfeng finished speaking, four boxes were brought in from outside the hall. There was an unpleasant smell in the air neutral horse. If you are familiar with this smell, you will naturally know that this is the smell of blood.

"Everything that King Yan thinks of is in this box. Don't King Yan open it for acceptance?" Baili Ranfeng should have been a gentle person, but when he said this, Wan Yanliang felt that it was bloodthirsty. Why did all people become abnormal today?

Helian Yunjie subconsciously hated Baili Ranfeng's current smile. The obvious provocation and contempt annoyed him. He raised his hand and casually opened one of the boxes, and a strong smell of blood came to his face. Helian Yunjie almost fell to the ground when he saw the contents of the box.

Some good people looked into the box and couldn't help spit out all the food they had just eaten. What's more, they fainted directly. The whole box of people's head was indeed spectacular.

Even if Wan Yiliang guessed what might be in the box, but not to mention the inner shock, it is not like what Baili Ranfeng can do at all. Everyone's hair is combed with the same hairstyle, and there is no trace of chaos at all. Does this mean that it is not painful for them to die neatly, but why? Everyone's eyes are widened and want to be known all over the world?

Helian Yunjie closed his eyes and tried to calm down, but the bloody reminder function was too powerful. As soon as he closed his eyes, he could even see their unwillingness when they died. When he dreamed at midnight, would he come to ask him for his life?

Helian Yunqian was also shocked. As the king of a country, how could he have seen such a scene? The first time he saw such a head or such a number of people, Helian Yunqian felt that everything that happened tonight was testing his psychological endurance. Is this also the only way to become an emperor?

"Your Highness, are you satisfied with what you see?" Baili Ranfeng is not unnatural at all, as if he didn't do it at all, but if it weren't for his order, how could that group of people do such a thing? Sure enough, is Baili Ranfeng still the culprit? The end of a bunch of anti-thieves is definitely a great misfortune.

"Baili Ranfeng, I really misread you before. I didn't expect you to do such a thing. It seems that those other boxes also hold the same thing, right?" Helian Yunjie knew that Baili Ranfeng was a cruel character, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce. If he were given a little more time, maybe these people would become stuffing. He should not have provoke such a person, but now he doesn't even have room for regret.

"If the King of Yan likes it, just take these boxes of things with His Royal Highness the King of Yan." Baili Ranfeng smiled nakedly, and his eye-catching white teeth looked extremely gloomy on such an occasion. People who could still watch the scene with their eyes open couldn't help shivering. At this moment, Baili Ranfeng has completely subverted his image in the hearts of civil and military officials and even all people. If the appearance of a country is such a cruel and cold person, Will these people not be spared one day?

Once people associate things with themselves, they will gradually empathize, but it is impossible for a living person to experience the idea of a dead person in any case. Maybe they will feel a little resentment, but what can they do? Some officials who had a quarrel with Baili Ranfeng began to brew their own way of death. Perhaps killing with a knife is the happiest way to leave. Now Baili Ranfeng, who has not even let go of the dead, tortured people is definitely not something to celebrate.

"Your kindness is good to me, but do you think this is worth my visit? Or do you think these heads can scare me to surrender and be captured?

"The king of Yan thought too much. He just told King Yan in advance that there was a way to deal with the enemy, and he had to destroy it little by little." Baili Ranfeng did not kill anyone, but it was true that they were all killed by one of his orders. They had long been doomed to go to hell after death. Judging from today's behavior, I'm afraid that the 18th floor can't offset his sins. However, even if he knew that it was wrong to kill, when he watched others get their hands cut and be killed, the pleasure overcame guilt. He should have expected what kind of person he was.

"What if you kill them? Without them, there are more people. Can you kill them? As long as some of them win, you will lose. What else can you do then? Wagging his tail and begging for mercy like a homeless dog? Or do you want to apologize? But I'm afraid that when you die, you will go to hell. These people have been waiting for you for a long time.

"To each other, the king of Yan won't think that his hands are so clean that he doesn't even have a single life, will he? Today, all the people I ordered to kill were because of His Royal Highness the King of Yan. I didn't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me. Doesn't the king of Yan understand this truth? Baili Ranfeng wanted to laugh, but now is not the right time. He can feel that the real crisis is getting closer and closer. The only breakthrough can only be on Helian Yunjie, hoping that this guy will not disappoint him.