Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 111 Strange Wonderland

The dangerous footsteps are getting closer and closer, but the poor people in it don't know it.

Baili Ranfeng's hunch was that there was nothing wrong. Looking at why, Helian Yunjie suddenly opened all the boxes impulsively. It contained the same content, but different faces. The almost dissipated bloody gas condensed back together, which was better than before, and choked many people. Straight cough and nausea.

"Haha...haha..." Helian Yunjie laughed like crazy, and his voice was harsh, as if with some terrible penetration. Even if he covered his ears, he could hear it clearly.

Baili Ranfeng suddenly felt bad when he saw Helian Yunjie like this, and the time passed, but the blood did not disperse a little, but also became thicker and thicker. It seemed that they could already see the formed blood fog, and the air they breathed was so unacceptable.

"Helian Yunjie, what on earth did you do?" Baili Ranfeng grabbed Helian Yunjie's collar, but found that his mind had begun to be unconscious, his eyes were empty and there was no living person.

Baili Ranfeng turned around to ensure the safety of Helian Yunqian. Obviously, he could feel his breath but could not see him at all. His eyes were blood red, and there was nothing around him. Gradually, he could not even hear the voice of others, as if he was the only one in the bloody fog.

Not only Baili Ranfeng encountered such a situation. A moment ago, Wan Yanliang and Youqin Jiatian held hands to watch the fun. When they felt something was wrong, no one carelessly let go of the other party, but now the palm of their hands were empty. Wan Yanliang couldn't find Qin Jiatian at all, especially when he couldn't hear any sound. After the sound, I knew that it was really bad.

Wan Yuliang stood still, surrounded by blood and red. Presumably, the situation encountered by others would not be much better than her, but who had such a great ability to create such a fantasy to trap everyone in? Is it really the person behind Helian Yunjie? Looking at his state just now, he is probably inseparable from him, but it seems that he is not much better.

There was no sound, as if even her breathing was blocked. Wan Yiliang tried to say a sentence. The vibration between her throat was very obvious, but her ears still couldn't hear anything. In this case, even if she shouted here, it was in vain.

But it's okay. Although it's difficult to do this in this case, what can we do?

Wan Yanliang walked a few steps forward intuitively. He should have put the table, but there were no obstacles, just like on an empty field, but he was alone. This feeling is not good. It is easy to arouse people's inner fragility and fear. Maybe this is the purpose of that person.

Qin Jiatian has experienced a lot of storms and waves, but he has never encountered such a strange thing. Suddenly, in such an environment, the annoying red is with an indescribable demagination at this moment. I don't know what's wrong with Liang'er? With her ability, she shouldn't have to worry about herself, but how can she not worry? If he had known that there would be today, he should have solved Helian Yunjie as soon as possible, but it is useless to treat the symptoms but not the root causes.

Baili Ranfeng groped forward. He had already figured out the layout of the palace, but there seemed to be no end to how to go. The same concentration of blood fog seemed to tell him that he was standing still. Is this a punishment for ordering to kill so many people? The color of blood is really disgusting. There is a sense of powerlessness, and danger has come. What should he do?

The three were still calm. Helian Yunqian was about to collapse at this moment. The red eyes reminded him of the unwilling eyes of many people before his death. During the period when he first ascended to the throne of God, he could not count how many lives he had accumulated in his hands, and those potential dangers were ordered by him to deal with. It fell off, and the little one who once wanted to come to avenge her also couldn't close his eyes in front of him. The more Helian Yunqian wanted to forget these, the clearer these pictures appeared in his mind. It seemed that he suddenly returned to that time and became a ruthless man, ending other people's lives at will.

Helian Yunqian desperately controlled himself not to think nonsense. As a result, the picture turned into the scene of his childhood. At that time, his father was still alive. He was the most favored prince, but also the most lonely prince. No one dared to approach him. He didn't want to experience that kind of loneliness again in his life, but the environment was good. It was like magnifying the loneliness countless times, and his heart seemed to lack a mouth, bleeding out.

"Ah..." Helian Yunqian shouted and sat on the ground, holding his head tightly, with a painful face. Why was he born in the royal family? Why can't he live like ordinary people? Why are his hands stained with blood?

No one can give him an answer, and he can't save himself. He can only let the darkest memory in his heart devour him over and over again. The painful feeling makes people want to break themselves, but they don't have the courage.

The king of a country is still like this, and the ministers who usually only know how to eat and drink and flatter can't help themselves. Once the deepest desire in people's hearts is excavated, nothing can fill it. They now exist in their own world. There are no bystanders. They can do whatever they want, and there are even graceful beautiful women. Their expressions are extremely amorous. No wonder they provoke men to gallop on them and waste their abilities. Physical strength.

The irresistible pleasure hits the mind they think still exists, but they don't know that the thing has long disappeared. Their current behavior is like an immature barbarian in ancient times, blindly focusing on the present without considering the consequences.

As a result, excessive pleasure will not get permanent comfort, but a hell that will always come. Maybe they will not experience it at this moment, but soon they will not even have time to regret it. In a short period of time, the high-intensity consumption is like a ball full of air suddenly being trampled on. Without the process of slowly degassing, it suddenly fell from heaven to hell. The taste is really 'wonderful'.

In this way, the number of guys who have completely disappeared in this world has expanded to be daunting. Presumably, even the Lord of Hell is too busy to receive these lonely ghosts at this moment. All three souls and seven souls are pitiful, and there is no room for resistance to be put down the oil pot. In fact, it is quite pitiful.

But the owner of the fantasy world does not seem to care about this at all. The manipulation of human life is a very happy thing in his eyes. Everyone's mood in the face of death is different, or fear, or calm. These emotions can only be collected to make up for his gap. In fact He doesn't even know what happiness is like. He was born without any feelings. After living for so many years, he has only got one-tenth. He still doesn't seem to be a complete person, or he is not a person.

Speaking of which, the cooperation with Helian Yunjie or the unilateral use of Helian Yunjie is completely coincidentally. Of course, he will not pay attention to Helian Yunjie, but it is just a small game he chose when he has nothing to do. Unfortunately, Helian Yunjie is too useless and can only cause such a disgusting scene and let him escape. , also for the sake of his company.

Wan Yiliang has gone for a long time, knowing that there will never be an end in this situation, but she has no other way. This supernatural situation can never be solved by her own strength. She knows that she does not have that ability, but no one can be willing to die here, but she What I don't know is that too many people have died, and she is already the lucky one.

It is basically impossible to meet Youqin Jiatian in such a fantasy. Even if she sees Youqin Jiatian now, she can't guarantee that it is true. Like this illusion, she once saw something in the book, but she did not write a way to crack it. The person who wanted to write the book did not come up with a way. She could only put it there and expect future generations to make a breakthrough, but even if she meets it now, there seems to be no place to break through.

Everyone's every move fell into the man's eyes, which was originally the illusion he created, but if they died in the fantasy, in reality they also died. This is the strength of that person. It's easier for him to take people's lives than to speak, so he has no friends and puppet hands. There are several, but there are no emotional fluctuations, just doing something for him. I really don't know whether this kind of person is lucky or unfortunate to survive in the world?

Youqin Jiatian tried to rush out of this blood fog with light kung fu, but after reaching a certain height, the pressure will become heavier and heavier, like a barrier there, which can't be passed. I wonder when he was so embarrassed and imprisoned in an endless space.

Baili Ranfeng's mood was very calm. His mind was running fast, but he didn't find anything suspicious. However, after Helian Yunjie lost his mind and opened several other boxes, he arrived here. He was definitely not the only one. Everyone was spared. An important figure of Yuantang In this hall, he has never thought of such a way. It's really spectacular.

But why did Helian Yunjie look like that? Normally, he should be sober enough to see their jokes. That dull look is really a little happy. I don't know what's going on with this accomplice now? Maybe it has long been out of danger.

Baili Ranfeng thought so, and Wan Yanliang and Youqin Jiatian also thought that Helian Yunjie must be watching their jokes intact now, but otherwise, the man captured Helian Yunjie's mind to control his thoughts and opened the box. Helian Yunjie's spiritual strength was not strong enough. That man was a small The impact is enough to destroy his brain. Now although he is not in the fantasy and has left a life, it is no different from being mentally retarded.

If you do evil, you can still live; if you do evil, you can't live!