Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 26 Insight into the Holy will

Wei Fuyan shook off Acacia's hand and was about to leave but remembered something. He turned around and saw the four treasures of the study room that forgot to put away on the seventh day of the stone table. He picked up the pen and hurriedly wrote a few words to blow dry the grinding marks and fold them and gave them to Acacia: "Acacia, put this letter in my black wooden box, and then put the whole box with my lyre. Hand it over to King Huai. The sword given by Xiuji was handed over to Dr. Hu for careful investigation. If there is nothing abnormal, he will transfer it to Liu Qingzhou. Yao Ji, after Xiuji's death is found out, he will report to King Huai. If my father does not come back, the flowers will be handed over to King Huai. Qiyun, if there is any wind blowing, you can directly report it to King Huai or Liu Qingzhou. If you need to rely on the hermits, you can find Men Qingsong. Others should not disclose it too much. Don't forget!"

The three hurried to stop them. Wei Fuyan settled down and said, "Don't go out. It is well known that I had a slemate with Huai Wang last time, so Qiyun should not have appeared here. Acacia went back to Lu Zhong for the time being and told him that I didn't have to worry about it. And the people who have been protecting me... Jiangbei, shadow, are you still there?"

It seemed that two shadows flashed by. Wei Fuyan saw two more people around him, so he nodded and said, "Go back separately!" This is a great opportunity. King Tuo's life is now in my hands!"

She understood the emperor's intention, knew the emperor's taboo, and was fully aware of her chips - herself!

As long as King Tuo shows that he is teaming up with Emperor Chen, King Tuo will have no chance!

The front yard was full of people, and it was Chai Guifei, the mother of King Tuo, who stood in the front. Liu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu were blocking the door with all their strength, but they were outnumbered. In addition, the other party had an imperial edict, and the scene was very stiff for a while. Wei Fuyan took a deep breath and walked over. When he arrived, he saw a small body shrinking in the corner, covering his face and looking at Princess Chai timidly.

...How familiar that scene is.

Once upon a time, Wei Fuyan also hid in the corner and trembled with fear. He had just been fished out of the cold lotus pond by a stranger, and his blood marks were whipped, trembling like a wounded beast. But so many people around looked at her half indifferently, half distressed but did not dare to even hand her a cup of hot tea.

...just like today's seventh day of the first lunar month.

What a proud female bandit Li Chuqi is, how rampant troublemaker, what a domineering little demon, what a headache and loveable favorite, has made Chai Guifei slapped cowardly today?

Wei Fuyan felt sorry for him. At present, he walked directly to Chuqi regardless of the eyes of Chai Guifei and Cheng Yu Liu Qingzhou.

Chuqi shrank his shoulders to prevent Wei Fuyan from looking at her face, but the small slap could not cover the redness and swelling of her face. Wei Fuyan squatted down and looked at Chuqi and asked, "Chu Qi, tell your aunt who hit you?"

In the seventh year, his eyes were filled with tears, but he just covered his face and shook his head desperately.

Wei Fuyan pressed her shoulder and carefully took down her hand covering her mouth and said, "Li Chuqi, stand still. Wouldn't it be humiliating your parents' reputation to cry?"

Chuqi was stunned when she heard the words and watched her tears flow down in an instant. After all, she was a stubborn child. As soon as the tears fell, she raised her hand to wipe her tears, but Wei Fuyan saw the purple red marks on her face.

"Who hit it?"

Xiao Chuqi took a timid step back and shook his head desperately.

"I beat it!" Chai Guifei was still seriously ill, but she looked more and more arrogant. She hummed coldly, "My good daughter-in-law Xiuji passed away and revealed a shocking secret before leaving. I came to take you to see the emperor today!"

Wei Fuyan didn't seem to hear it. He looked at Chuqi and smiled and said, "What did the prince teach you? If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. What's the next sentence?

I almost blurted out on the seventh day of the first lunar month, but in an instant, he lowered his head and shook his head desperately.

Cung Yu came forward and said, "Princess, why not..."

"Li Chuqi," Wei Fuyan interrupted Cheng Yu and gave a strong order, "What's the next sentence? Say it!"

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, I have never been forced by Wei Fuyan. Today, I have suffered such a great grievance. I can't wipe my tears in front of Wei Fuyan's face. On the seventh day of the lunar new year, he said, "People don't offend me, I... I don't offend. If people, if they offend me, they will return their teeth!"

Teaching children should not be like this, but Zhou Huaiyi believes that there is no need to compromise the person he wants to protect. It is also because of the current appearance of Xiaoqi that he looks more worried. Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, his little body suddenly fell to his knees and cried, "Aunt, aunt! Are my parents dead? Is my sister dead? The woman said that she said that Yanjing was in chaos and our family was gone. She said that the uncles who brought me up were not good people. She said that those uncles were dying soon, and I would die, aunt, aunt..."

Wei Fuyan's body stiffened, and he turned his head and glanced at Chai Guifei coldly. If the accident between Li Shaotang and his wife is related to Chai Guifei and King Tuo, she will definitely not let them go!

"Tell me first, why did you kneel down for me?" Wei Fuyan didn't help her, but just asked, "Are you crying like this and have no bones under your knees? Did I teach you or your parents?"

Li Chuqi stood up in shock and said, "It's not on the seventh day of the first lunar month!"

Good! Wei Fuyan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then why are you crying? What are you afraid of? What are you wronged about? What are you kneeling for?

When I saw Chai Guifei again on the seventh day of the first lunar month, I was already fearless, but I said excitedly, "I'm not afraid, I don't want to cause trouble for my aunt!" My father won't let me make trouble for my aunt! But I'm still in trouble. Auntie, you shouldn't have come out..."

Wei Fuyan was moved for a while. Looking at Chuqi's face tightened more and more painfully, he heard Chuqi continue to say, "My parents said before going out last time that they would come back in three days and let me take good care of my sister. But aunt, you said that my parents took my sister out... So are they really out of trouble? I already guessed... On the seventh day of the first lunar month, I was obedient. On the seventh day of the lunar month, I practiced calligraphy obediently and martial arts obediently. When I grow up on the seventh day of the lunar month, I will beat this evil woman who bullied my aunt to avenge my aunt!"

"You--" Chai Guifei was immediately angry, but Wei Fuyan smiled deeper and only waited for the next day of the seventh lunar month.

Chuqi suddenly sank and asked quietly, "Auntie, can you do something on Chuqi?"

Wei Fuyan nodded and motioned her to go on.

"I want to go back to Yanjing on the seventh day of the first lunar month! My parents and sister are no longer there. Jiutu Mountain has been passed to me. I have to go back!"

Chai Guifei smiled coldly and shouted at the people around her, "There was no reason to catch a little girl, but if she was the head of Jiutu Mountain, it would be great!" What are you waiting for? This is the descendant of the rebel butcher family in Yanjing. Why are you still here if you don't arrest the traitors?

Wei Fuyan asked with a smile, "On the seventh day of the first lunar month, are you afraid?"

Chu Qixiong said angrily, "Don't be afraid! My parents are heroes, not traitors. They don't do bad things, and they don't do bad things on the seventh day of the first lunar month. We are not afraid! That bad woman will be punished!"

Chai Guifei coughed violently and stared at the people around her, but a palace guard nodded to Wei Fuyan and said, "See Princess Huai! The emperor ordered to ask the Huai royal palace to enter the palace with a humble position.

Wei Fuyan stood up and said, "I know, thank you!"

Bend down and patted Chuqi's head. Wei Fuyan turned around and said to Liu Qingzhou, "Liu Qingzhou, I have told you a lot of stories you want to hear, and your father's Moyu's black pearls have also been returned to you. But there is another secret that I'm afraid I won't have a chance to tell you. Come and I'll tell you.

Liu Qingzhou is grateful to help Cheng Yu resist the outsider Wei Fuyan when there was an accident in the house today. Although she did not intend to tell all the secrets this time, but...

Attached to Liu Qingzhou's ear, Wei Fuyan said, "Mo Tan's wife Su Yue, surnamed Bai."

Liu Qingzhou's body stiffened and fixed himself into the most surprising posture. It took him a long time until Chai Guifei began to look at him frequently before he nodded stiffly and said, "Oh..."

Wei Fuyan patted her on the shoulder and said, "You value kindness and want revenge. I understand, but the deceased has passed away, so it's better to cherish the living people around you. Your master, your brothers, and your hermit brothers, can't they add up to a past? I am full of gratitude and relief that you and Cheng Yu have just guarded this house for me. Now I tell you this, just because if something happens to me, she may be implicated. I hope you can protect her. As for whether she tells you the rest of the story or not, it's her business. I don't know if it's fate to see you again. If I can come back alive, I hope you and her can greet me together. Don't let me help you with the coffin.

Liu Qingzhou frowned confusedly and looked at her, but did not interrupt her endless chatter. Wei Fuyan deliberately exaggerated the ups and downs of the road ahead, and Cheng Yu's eyebrows were deeply locked. Wei Fuyan smiled and said, "Thank you for teaching him those martial arts these days. I have always been in the intention to tell him, but I don't do martial arts and so on."

Cung Yu glanced at the people in front of the door and simply said, "You don't have to do this."

What is said is that there is no need to thank you, and there is no need to follow these guards obediently. Wei Fuyan understood, so he said, "Nothing, don't worry. Tell her about the Li family on the seventh day of the first lunar month and teach her to practice martial arts.

Liu Qingzhou, Cheng Yu and Chuqi all looked half confused and reluctant. Wei Fuyan said goodbye to Liu Qingzhou and Cheng Yufu, and then turned to face Chai Guifei and said, "The noble concubine's ceremony is too big today. She must come and look at my concubine by dragging the sick body. My concubine is really scared. However, the imperial edict has not been handed over to you. If you don't return to the palace immediately, what if people see you leaving the palace without permission? My concubine doesn't have the ability to give back your life!"

Chai Guifei's face stiffened and retreated half a step. It seemed that it took all her best to endure her resentment. Then she immediately coughed again and again. Wei Fuyan looked at her heavy makeup and wiped her obviously haggard and desperate face. He stepped forward and said to the guard in the palace, "The things on my side of my side have been arranged. Thank you for your hard work!"

The leading bodyguard immediately said respectfully, "I dare not do it. Princess Huai, please!"