Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 27 Royal Transaction

Carved beams and painting columns, brocade cables and teeth, as soon as entering the palace door, it is as deep as the sea.

Zhou Huaiyi and other princes knelt on the bluestone board in front of the imperial study, with a poisonous sun on the top and a cool stone slab underneath. Wei Fuyan looked at it and felt distressed.

However, the most worried thing was not that she felt sorry for him, but that when she walked by them with the bodyguards, Zhou Huaiyi suddenly looked up in consterred and was about to get up, but was pulled by Sheng Qian's sleeves as if praying. Zhou Huaiyi suddenly knelt down again and knocked out a heavy "dong" on the bluestone slab. It directly hit Wei Fuyan's heart.

The sun is poisonous, and Zhou Huaiyi has been kneeling for a long time. His face is tanned black and red, his lips are dry and bleeding, and the corners of his eyes are red and burning.

Wei Fuyan stopped and asked the bodyguard beside him: "Does the emperor have an order not to allow me to talk to King Huai?"

In theory, the emperor punished Zhou Huaiyi to kneel down. Naturally, Zhou Huaiyi could no longer drink water and eat and talk, but the emperor did not give orders as Wei Fuyan said, so the leading bodyguard answered half in embarrassment: "Go back to the princess, no, but--"

"In this case, my concubine will talk to King Huai before leaving. Please wait a moment."

Wei Fuyan was getting closer and closer, but Zhou Huaiyi looked at him and shook his head firmly.

Don't come over, don't get close, don't set yourself on fire, and don't offend the man in the imperial study.

She came forward to kneel like him, but Zhou Huaiyi reached out to stop her and shook her head gently again.

She is a person with two bodies, and she has his thoughtful child in her belly. How can she kneel on this cold stone slab? He is reluctant to give up.

Wei Fuyan realized, so he just pulled out a silk handkerchief and bent down to help Zhou Huaiyi wipe the sweat from his forehead, helped him cut his hair and skirt, and finally kissed his forehead gently. No one jumped out and despised such a vulgar thing, but several little princes looked envious.

"Wait for me, wait for me to come back!"

It was almost exactly the same as what Zhou Huaiyi said to the sleeping Wei Fuyan on the night of August 15. Zhou Huaiyi felt uneasy as soon as he heard it. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he saw Wei Fuyan shaking his head gently and firmly. After put away the silk handkerchief, Wei Fuyan smiled at Zhou Huaiyi, and then followed the bodyguard into the emperor's imperial study.

There is a strong incense in the imperial study, but it still can't suppress the smell of medicine. After the faint smoke was a large desk, which described the withered Emperor Changxi sitting crookedly, looking like a dry corpse that had been dead for a long time. It seems that Emperor Changxi is really coming, but now the emperor of the State of Li is still trying his best to protect the country of Li. Wei Fuyan is really a little admired.

"My daughter-in-law, long live my father!"

"No gift," Emperor Changxi ordered, "Sit down and watch the tea."

There was still a fetus in Wei Fuyan's abdomen, and Emperor Changxi didn't seem to need to be disguised, so he thanked Sheng En and sat down. Her so-large idle people in the imperial study retreated completely, and in a blink of an eye, there were only Emperor Changxi and Wei Fuyan.

Emperor Changxi looked at Wei Fuyan for a long time and coughed twice and said, "I have thought about the plan I made after. It's all because the fetus in your womb is in chaos. Even if I have the intention to sacrifice you, I can't bear to make any mistakes in my heart. What do you think I should do?"

Wei Fuyan's heart tightened and knew how bad it was today. Thinking for a moment, Wei Fuyan still said, "My daughter-in-law is stupid, please make it clear."

"Stupid?" Emperor Changxi looked at Wei Fuyan with a scrutiny look and said, "If you are stupid, I won't marry you to Yi'er!" You deserve him, so I choose you."

Is there another one? Wei Fuyan didn't know it, so he only listened obediently and didn't say anything.

"According to my intention, you don't have to live. Let Yi'er marry Princess Jingyu of the Moon Kingdom, and then kill Princess Jingyu to give the people of the Moon Kingdom a chance to send troops. After that, Yi'er will lead troops to fight against the Moon Kingdom and come back to claim the throne when he gets the battle. By the way, take advantage of killing you to marry the princess of the Yue Kingdom to let the State of Chen send troops to the Yue Kingdom. In the opinion of Princess Duanyang, is this plan feasible?

Wei Fuyan was fully prepared when he came, so he didn't feel good when he heard this. He just smiled faintly and said, "It's not workable."

"What a bold man."

Emperor Changxi's tone did not sound like angrily. Wei Fuyan bowed his head and smiled, "My father just said that he was reluctant to have the king's child, so he would naturally not kill his daughter-in-law now, so his daughter-in-law said it was unworkable."

"What if I can give up again?" Emperor Changxi's eyes were deep and said with a smile, "When Yi'er becomes emperor, what kind of heir can't you ask for? Sacrificing something for the great cause is really insignificant.

If others say this, it doesn't matter, but Emperor Changxi, who had a deep affection for Zhou Huaiyi's biological mother, said, Wei Fuyan smiled indifferently and said, "I don't care about my father and daughter-in-law, but I'm afraid that Huai Wang will be angry."

Emperor Changxi's own son must have known that Zhou Huaiyi has never been interested in fighting for power and throne, and he specially returned to Luodu just to save the brotherly prince. Wei Fuyan knew very well how terrible he was.

"What's so annoying? If one day you rule the world, three thousand fans in the three palaces and six courtyards can sit. Why does Princess Duanyang think that King Huai will not let you go?

Wei Fuyan squeezed his lips and smiled softly. After a long time, he said, "There is no such thing as me."

Emperor Changxi suddenly coughed heavily and said intermittently, "No, no... like this..."

This meal was a long time. Wei Fuyan couldn't help looking at the door when he remembered Zhou Huaiyi and others who were still kneeling outside. Emperor Changxi had a panoramic view of this scene and raised his voice and ordered, "Wang Fushou, let those incomnable things roll back!"

Wei Fuyan nodded with a smile and said, "My daughter-in-law thanked the emperor for the king!"

Emperor Changxi nodded and said, "In this way, we can get to the point!" First of all, tell the princess that the Jinxiu King of the State of Chen is plotting a coup. According to the news I received, the Jinxiu King has a 90% chance of winning.

Wei Fuyan was shocked. Is Jin Nian going to usurp the throne?

"There have also been some small troubles in the city that can't sleep. Yi'er's master is afraid of being trapped in it and can't come back for the time being."

Wei Fuyan's heart tightened, and Hua Wrong Dad was trapped in the city that didn't sleep? So he didn't come back, didn't have a letter, and may not even know that Wei Fuyan already had a child?

"The situation is not good for Yi'er," Changxi Emperor continued. "First of all, it's because of you. The words of the third brother of the Tuowang family have been circulating in the court. At present, everyone knows that you are Xiuji's master.

Wei Fuyan smiled gently, and Emperor Changxi said that he didn't believe it?

"Second, the relationship between Yanjing and Yier is too deep. As soon as they heard the rebellion in Yanjing, everyone thought that Yier was going to rebel. So, I thought of a way, why don't you guess, princess?