The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 34 Pure silver children, priceless and sky-high

There are not many days left in Yanlan City. Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Biren went to Gaofu first and announced that Jia Yubo would take over the government office on the same day and take charge of the safety of the people.

Su Xier and Jia Yubo both knelt down to listen to the order, with a shocked and ecstasy look, like a surging auspicious clouds, floating around their faces.

On the day Gao Lujie's bloodshed, they left early and didn't know that Mei Yanduo saw Dongfang Biren. Maybe they can't figured out why the dream came suddenly?

So the sky was overjoyed, so that they forgot their reaction, thank you, and words.

On the way back to the post hall, Xue Qianwu asked Master Dongfang, "Look at the couple's expressions, you must be stunned. Thinking about Xi'er's intention to hire an official for Jia Yubo that day, you still clenched your teeth and didn't let go. Now that they have faded their hearts and don't think about it, you have lost a bomb instead. I guess you can't digest it!"

Dongfang Biren smiled and said nothing.

Xue Qianwu said, "This Yanlan City should be lively! Regardless of whether Jia Yubo is the government candidate in their hearts, after all, the excitement of the new official's appointment and the intention to welcome the new official are indispensable! Besides, their parents were personally appointed by Dongfang Ye!"

"This is the crux of my problem..." Dongfang Biren slowly said, "It doesn't matter if Jia Yubo doesn't make a mistake. If you bury hidden dangers in the future, it's my fault."

"How can it last too long? Who can guarantee that a person's life will not deviate from the right path? Is the original high government office very competent? Even if the emperor personally appointed officials, will there be fewer people who become greedy in the end? Officials are like rivers and flowing water, and the back waves drive the front waves, which are in the process of updating and changes. Give your cousin a chance. In the future, if he is really unable to help Adou, there is nothing to say!"

Dongfang Biren smiled and said, "I want to be as open-minded as you, and everything will be over. But people have no foresight and must have immediate worries. I always have to look forward and backward and be more cautious.

Xue Qianwu smiled and said, "If you are as heartless as me, everyone can become a green master!" You can do whatever you want to do. Don't listen to me! I'm just talking nonsense and adjusting your pastime!"

Dongfang Biren smiled and said, "I'm really happy to have you by my side! The number of laughs these days is better than the past ten years!"

Xue Qianwu's sense of achievement arises spontaneously, patting his chest and bragging: "I'm a miser and a joy! Have you ever seen pistachio wood? I giggled so much that my mouth cracked, but my price is very expensive. I can sell it at a better price than I can!"

Dongfang Biren frowned and smiled: "Is this comparable? No matter how expensive pistachio is, it is valuable, but you are priceless.

What does priceless mean? Xue Qianwu opened his eyes with urgency: "You can't sell it for a dime, can it?"

Dongfang Biren looked at her and ignored her.

"You should be honest! The word priceless is too nihilless, and it is not as important as 'cheap'! Although it's cheap, it's still a little expensive!" Xue Qianwu said in contrast.

Dongfang Biren asked her, "Who said you couldn't sell it?"

Xue Qianwu thought for a moment and recalled, "Your aunt, when she sold me to Yiyuan, said that I have no breasts and no buttocks, and it's not worth any money!"

Dongfang Bi Renqi said, "Is there such a thing? I said, it feels like you two have known each other for a long time! How dare you not tell me?"

"You didn't ask me how to get to Yiyuan..." Xue Qianwu shook his hand and said, "Don't mention it again. Anyway, it's not a glorious thing!"

Dongfang Biren has asked: "Do you and Aunt Duoer not know each other? Did you take her things illegally?

Xue Qianwu cut up with him: "You haven't answered yet. Is your priceless? Is there a price? Even if it's a zero price or a negative price, you have to tell me? Otherwise, if I think about it day and night, I won't be able to sleep!"

"My pricelessness means sky-high." Dongfang Biren couldn't resist her and gave her an answer.

Xue Qianwu's eyes lit up and said happily, "Look, are there many shiny little stars flying out of my eyes?"

"What star?" Dongfang Biren looked into those bright eyes and found that his mind could not turn: "How can stars fly out of his eyes?"

"By the way, why don't you fly out of the stars?" Xue Qianwu added, "My Venus can be explained in two senses. One is the love and worship of Dongfang Master, and the other is the surprise of my high value and can be exchanged for countless gold and silver wealth!"

Dongfang Biren shook his head and said with a smile, "I didn't see any stars, but I saw silver glitter!"

Xue Qianwu was stunned when he heard the words. What was Master Dongfang talking about? What light did he see in my eyes?

Do I have any silver? I'm very pure. The earth of the emperor's queen can be proved, and the sand guarding the palace on his arm can be proved. Fairy brother, you wronged me to death.

Dongfang Biren looked at her greasy expression and poked her forehead again: "If you think nonsense again, use your little flowery heart to push me, I can't forgive you!"

Xue Qianwu breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly became much more relaxed. It turned out to be her fault. She took the gentleman's belly with a crooked heart.

With a smile, Xue Qianwu grabbed the short hair in front of his forehead and asked, "Let me talk about a deal for you..."

"What transaction?" Dongfang Biren's heart just came back, but when he heard her strange words, he couldn't help hanging up again.

Xue Qianwu smiled sinisterly: "Didn't you just say that I was sky-high?"

"That's right..." Dongfang Biren absolutely admitted.

"Can you turn the sky-high price into silver? How much can it be folded? Xue Qianwu approached him and asked.

"Uh...this..." Dongfang Biren guessed and said conservatively, "It's probably worth the national treasury."

Xue Qianwu took his hand and slapped him: "The immortal brother is so good! Why don't you give me so much money and sell you my sky-high price?!"

"..." Dongfang Biren didn't swallow it in one breath, choked there, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Xue Qianwu shook him and said understandingly, "Of course, if you can't take out so much money for a while, don't worry. Anyway, I have plenty of time to wait!"

Dongfang Biren's handsome face was stiff. He originally thought that he didn't need to spend a penny to take home as a little fool. Now, this little fool doesn't want it, but it's a lion's mouth. Does he still have to retreat now?

It's time to take her back to the capital. Although she hasn't started cooking yet, the rice has been put into the pot. Can it be fished out again?

Dongfang Bilen is used to sticky rice like her. If it is changed to other varieties, even if it is a little different, she really doesn't want to cook it. It seems that he is really picky in terms of taste.

It's like tasting tea, which was originally served in a purple sand pot, and then brewed by a plain and unstained wife with strong love. Taste and know the taste, refreshing the spleen into the marrow. If it is replaced, even if it is made with the original tea set, but mixed with the fragrance of another woman's powder, I always feel that it is not the same.

Dongfang Biren has always been a delicate person, and the same is true for feelings. Habit becomes natural, and falling in love is forever. If the bandit goddess goes, his pot will be empty.

So if he wants to keep her, he has to follow her will. It's just that this treasury-like silver is really expected.

He lived so much that he never took money seriously until Xue Qianwu's words were enough to hollow out his family.

Calculation, the house is sold and offset against the national treasury, which is estimated to have a slight surplus. But he is only a member of the family. It doesn't matter to be poor, but how can he explain to the prime minister's father and the majestic mother?

If you think too far, you are worried. The key in front of you is, will her parents accept her? Everything is still unknown.

Xue Qianwu looked at him like wood and patted him, "Are you scared? I can pay on credit!"

Dongfang Biren smiled bitterly and asked, "Are you afraid of people's words? How many setbacks can you withstand?

"What I'm least afraid of is human words! Under the sky, who has the ability to speak to me as a bandit goddess? Xue Qianwu was very heroic and said happily, "My ability to resist fall is even more powerful! I want to pick the flowers in the capital and Zhang Tailiu. You just blocked my mouth and broke my throat, but you can't stop me from going to the fireworks road! I'm just a copper pea that can't be flat, boiled, fried and sound!"

Roared here, Xue Qianwu looked at Dongfang Biren and smiled a little apologetically, "Guan Hanqing's words can't be remembered clearly. You can always make do with it!"

Dongfang Biren sighed and exhaled the worry in his chest: "I'm relieved... In fact, I'm more nervous than you to take my ugly daughter-in-law to see my parents-in-law..."

Xue Qianwuyuan opened his eyes, but he was arguing in a weak voice: "I'm not ugly either... Although standing with you, one heaven and one earth is not so suitable..."

Dongfang Biren smiled and said to her, "It's still divided into heaven and earth. At the beginning, I don't know who fell from the sky!"

Xue Qianwu laughed and said, "If you don't say it, I forgot that I fell from the sky!" Thinking that I fell into the air, I smashed a calm and wise fairy brother, smashed my head, was dazzled, and fell in love with me, a beggar girl!"