The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 129 Good intentions to visit the doctor, all become donkey liver and lungs

Seeing the bloody veil, Dongfang Biren was shocked and quickly threw Xue Qianwu in **. Without saying a word, he rushed to the prime minister's mansion. At this time, Xue Qianwu's sad mood was all gray. After all, it was his mother. In case she got angry on the eve of this wedding, wouldn't she become a sinner pointed out by thousands of people?

Spitting blood is not a fun thing. There are often people who say, "Young people spit blood, and the years are not guaranteed. Even if their lives are long, they will eventually be useless." What's more, it is menopause like Mrs. Mei? If vomiting becomes a disease and there is no cure, it is estimated that it will be upturned in less than a year.

Xue Qianwu has always been not willing to speculate on people with the worst thinking. When some people make their hearts angry and unhappy, the potential is even more endless. In the final analysis, this also stems from her active thinking, which should be regarded as honored and arrogant.

After Dongfang Biren left in a hurry, Aunt Xiu asked Xue Qianwu, "Isn't the situation serious? Would you like to visit?"

Xue Qianwu refused for a while and shook his head repeatedly, "It's still okay! Originally, it was a good intention, and it would only be regarded as a donkey liver and lung! I'm worried that as soon as I appear on the stage, I will roll my eyes and completely cry!"

Aunt Xiu listened helplessly and wanted to laugh. Master Dongfang's mother and beggards were really incompatible, but anyone who made concessions a little, Master Dongfang was not so difficult. However, there is nothing wrong with the beggar, only because of the preconceived concept and the gap in status.

Love is something without impurities. How beautiful you want it to be, it can be, all created by both men and women. However, what you are in is not a paradise or a fairy mountain. After all, you have to return to the dust. Firewood, rice, oil and salt, competing for glory and exaggeration, famous reinant locks, glorious ancestors. In the final analysis, it is secular.

Although Qin Yan is a subordinate of Dongfang, he has a deep affection for the prime minister's mansion. Hearing that Mrs. Mei spit blood, he also wanted to go back and have a look. Xue Qianwu thought about it and couldn't let it go, so he begged Aunt Xiu to accompany her to visit the doctor.

There is nothing to refuse. Kanping Shoezhuang was built with the support of Dongfang Ye. In the eyes of outsiders, even if the special relationship between Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Ye is ignored, the embroidery aunt and the friendship between them is quite deep. Now that Mrs. Mei is seriously ill, they should just go to see her as friends of Master Dongfang.

Although Xiugu is not very concerned about the worldly wisdom, since the beggar's sister opened her mouth and remembered the ordinary kindness of Dongfang Ye, she agreed.

Not long after Dongfang Biren returned home, Qin Yan, Xue Qianwu and others had prepared gifts to go there. There is nothing to bring. The prime minister's mansion doesn't care about these ordinary things, and it's just a matter of mind.

Xue Qianwu knew some scientific knowledge and thought that coughing up blood must be caused by Mrs. Mei's internal fire. Through the dietary therapy of clearing heat and nourishing the lungs, it should have a good effect. So I brought some Sydney, lilies, white fungus, rock sugar and so on, which are carefully selected fresh things. Xue Qianwu and others have never bought them at such a high price. First, because of the rush of time, I don't have time to pull my throat to bargain. Second, it looks really bright. The pear skin is orange and yellow without any spots, which makes people feel sweet, crisp, cold, and full of saliva. Lily and white fungus are also newly launched, which is extremely rare. Rock sugar is a treasure in this era. The agate rock candy they bought is uniform in size, crystal round, transparent and plump, especially rare.

Xue Qianwuxiang loves money. After a rough calculation, these things will probably cost the shoe farm a month's income. As usual, she has long been heartbroken and her stomach cramps.

But this time, the eyelids did not blink, and the generous posture made Aunt Xiu sigh in her heart. Xue Qianwu asked Qin Yan along the way, "What does the old lady like to eat?"

Qin Yan frowned and thought for a moment, scratched his head and said, "I only know what Master Dongfang likes to eat... As for Mrs. Mei, she seemed to eat blood swallows for a while."

Xue Qianwu was shocked. That thing is very expensive. It can be eaten as the master, and it is not for ordinary rich families. Even if it is extremely rich and expensive, only a few people in the family can barely afford it. If everyone can enjoy it, I'm afraid that in less than a few years, the family will be empty.

If you want to come to the bird's nest, it can be divided into blood swallows, yellow swallows and white swallows. Among them, blood swallows are popular as treasures with bright red color, rich nutrition and scarce yield. Without Qin Yan's reminder, Xue Qianwu almost forgot that the main function of Xueyan is to nourish yin and moisten the lungs, beautify the face, nourish the deficiency/adjustment/meridian, etc. The effect is said to be much better than the soup made of pear rock sugar. After all, the functional range of these soups is narrower, but the blood swallow can not only nourish and nourish, but also recuperate, which can be called a great collection of maintenance products.

The strange thing is that Mrs. Mei married to the prime minister's family and can eat so well, but it doesn't work for her health? Xue Qianwu muttered, and Xiu Gu asked, "Would you like to buy some bird's nest and send them together?"

Xue Qianwu asked casually, "How many silver taels?"

"Just now, I was thinking about how generous you are. It turns out that your nature hasn't changed!" Qin Yan laughed and said, "Since I bought it, it can't be too little. I guess it will cost so much money just now to be enough!"

Xue Qianwu paused and said with a red face, "I won't buy it! It's up to you!"

The embroidered aunt smiled and said, "Give me a reason."

Xue Qianwu said from the bottom of his heart: "Mrs. Mei eats bird's nest all year round, but her body is not good. Even when she is excited, she will spit blood! It proves that bird's nest has no obvious effect on her. No matter how much you eat, it's a waste. It's better to try another recipe! Rock sugar pear with soup made of lilies and drink refreshingly to moisten the throat. It is a good choice at the turn of this hot summer and autumn! Although it is not as nutritious as bird's nest, sometimes it has to be narrow in function to cure the disease! Bird's nest lies in nourishing, while rock sugar snow pear soup lies in moisturizing. Mrs. Mei has been nourished too much, but only moist can it work!"

The embroidered aunt Qin Yan looked at each other in condolence, but there was a little truth. She couldn't help saying, "This layman can actually speak insiders!" It's just in the ears of unknown people. It's time to misunderstand that you are stingy!"

Xue Qianwu Yuyu said, "Is there still less misunderstanding? That's it, just have a clear conscience."

The three walked and talked, and it didn't take long to get to the prime minister's mansion. The gatekeeper recognized Qin Yan, who was from Dongfang Ye. Anyway, he didn't dare to neglect him and quickly greeted him with a smile.

When she saw Aunt Xiu and Xue Qianwu, she hesitated and said, "This is..." Xue Qianwu had been here, but in fact, the gatekeeper also saw her. However, she heard that the woman's way was unknown and she was extremely unpopular with the old lady. Last time she came, she was scolded back. This time, the old lady's illness was also mostly related to the private meeting of the young master of the East. Therefore, I want to slow down the time and make it difficult.

Qin Yan said, "The two girls are friends of Master Dongfang. I heard that the old lady was uneasy, so they came to have a look together!"

Gatekeeper: "The rules cannot be abolished! I dare not let strangers in. I hope you can forgive me!"

Qin Yan said urgently, "Then please go in and inform me, how about it?"

The gatekeeper reluctantly half closed a door and blocked Qin Yan, who stepped in with half his foot: "If I go, who will guard the door?"

Xue Qianwu is a **. He has captured some clues from his expression and words. He must have a problem with himself, so he deliberately pestered and hummed angrily, "You don't have to have a good slave face! If you don't want me to go in, that's all. I'm waiting outside! But my sister has always been a better person than me. Can you go in with Qin Shiwei? It's also right to represent my heart!"

The gatekeeper saw Xue Qianwu holding his arm and was really not ready to enter. Then he relaxed and gave way to the two of them.

The embroidered aunt has a retreat. The beggar's sister should not enter. What's the point of going in by herself? He simply asked Qin Yan to deliver the things, and neither of them went in.

Before he could express his views, Qin Yan held the door with his backhand and prevented the gatekeeper from closing. With one arm stretched out, he had brought Xue Qianwu into the door. His left and right hands pulled the two girls at the same time and rushed to the inner courtyard. The gatekeeper shouted from behind, who still paid attention to it?

The maids had already sent the letter to the room of Dongfang Biren and Mrs. Mei.

At that time, Mrs. Mei got up in good spirits and prepared her son's outfit for the next day. Dongfang Biren advised, "Isn't your mother very sick? Don't fuck these for Ren'er, you'd better lie down and have a good rest!"

Mrs. Mei swept away her illness, and her eyebrows were full of kind love: "Don't worry, Ren'er. As long as you are a good son-in-law, your mother won't have to rest much, and she will recover."

Dongfang Biren was silent and numbly let his mother take care of her clothes for herself. There are many sleepless people tonight, not just the bride and groom.

Hearing the maid's report, Dongfang Biren and Mrs. Mei were shocked at the same time. The former's faces showed incredible surprise and excitement, while the latter was more panicked and angry and hostile.

It is finally a good quality formed all year round. After a while, Mrs. Mei calmed down.

The hand holding his son's shoulder loosened, and his body shook, as if he was extremely dizzy. He was powerless to lean on his son's shoulder. He could only breathe, and he couldn't even move anything else.

Dongfang Biren sighed, "Mother, what's the pain? I agreed to let you rest! You just don't listen to advice..."

Put your mother in **, put it properly, and massaged the acupuncture points for a long time, and Mrs. Mei half opened her eyes.

Xue Qianwu and others who walked straight in have taken this scene in their eyes and hurried to the bed and stood quietly for fear of shocking the old lady.

Dongfang Biren looked at the three people, and finally glued his eyes to Xue Qianwu's face for a while, showing a tired and happy smile. At that moment, Xue Qianwu felt pain in his heart and felt sorry for him.

Mrs. Mei lay motionless. After a long time, maybe the atmosphere was too quiet. She turned over and glanced at several people standing in front of the bed with dark eyes.

Dongfang Biren smiled and said, "Mother, they came to see you."

Mrs. Mei said lightly, "I know..." and coughed.

Xue Qianwu took out the things in his hand and put them on the table one by one. He did not feel shabby and said humbly at all: "I often hear that Sydney is cold, rock sugar is moisturized, and the lily nourishes... The soup made by them can be drunk for a period of time to remove the boil. Although it is not more precious than those rare and precious, it is like the reed root everywhere, which also has its own value.

Dongfang Biren nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes! Ren'er almost forgot that her mother might as well use it instead of bird's nest and have the right to try to see which one is more suitable for your physique!"

Mrs. Mei turned away and said sadly, "Son, do you want to change your mother's staple food after listening to some untundraed village girl's wild words? Mother knows that one day this family will be yours. If you change it earlier, you can save some money for you if you don't eat such expensive things!"

"Ren'er doesn't mean that!" Dongfang Biren explained at a loss, "Ren'er just wants his mother to try it. If it's not as good as bird's nest, she won't replace it!"

Mrs Mei hummed, "My Ren'er, I don't know it best! Naturally, that's not what it means! But that's what some people mean! Do you think it's up to you to interfere in this family? Let me tell you, you can't even compare with a stray dog!"

As soon as this statement came out, the air was terribly quiet. Dongfang Biren said sadly, "Mother! How can you say that!"

Qin Yan and Xiugu were also uncomfortable and looked at Xue Qianwu worriedly. Xue Qianwu bit his lips and looked at Mrs. Mei. His eyes were stubborn and endured the tears of humiliation, so that his fragile heart would not flow out.

Mrs Mei scolded her unsatisfiedly, and then issued an eviction order and said sarcastically, "Your so-called heart, please take it back!" It's annoying to see me! Such a bitch only deserves to be fed to dogs!"

Xue Qianwu's teeth bit blood marks on his lips. Her heart was not only spoiled, but also insulted. With tears in her eyes, she packed up all her things and was ready to leave.

Dongfang Biren pressed her hand and said, " Keep it for me. I like this soup."

He was so light that he turned all his mother's words about Xue Qianwu to himself. Xue Qianwu looked at him and didn't know whether to be angry or happy. Why? How can she be willing to let him be scolded?

Mr. Mei looked down and said angrily, "Didn't you say that you are not welcome to step into the door again? I hope you will keep it in mind in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel! As soon as I see you, my blood will rise!" Mrs. Mei said and coughed again, as if she wanted to cough up her heart, liver and lungs together.

Aunt Xiu came over and said, "Madam, take care." He pulled Xue Qianwu, who was stiff like a puppet, and turned around and left silently.

"Bear!" Dongfang Biren shouted.

Xue Qianwu couldn't help looking back at him again. It's only because of your review, which makes me think of you in the morning and evening.

Dongfang Biren conveyed his deep feelings with his eyes, and then said to Qin Yan, "Send them back."

Qin Yangang walked out of the door and only heard Mrs. Mei call: "There is a shortage of people in the house, and I don't want to hire new people. After all, it's not going well, and I'm using life... It happened that I heard the maid's report in the afternoon, and there were still twelve armchairs left. Why don't you do it for me! Go to the account room to collect the account first, and then buy it back quickly!"

Qin Yan's face is difficult. After all, he is a dark guard to protect Xue Qianwu's safety, but now he is sent as a handyman. How can he not feel depressed? But the old lady's intention could not tolerate resistance, so she had to bow her head to the accounting room.

Dong Biren wanted to explain what Qin Yan did, but Mrs. Mei said, "Ren'er, go and bring your mother's lotus-colored curtain. ** This has been used for more than ten days. Last night, a hole was accidentally broken by the stupid maid... The mosquitoes in early autumn are terrible, and the mother has to sleep soundly tonight. She has to get up early tomorrow morning!"

Dongfang Biren went to get the account. Somehow, he couldn't be at peace. After putting back the account, I wanted to go out and have a look. I didn't think my mother had a lot of things tonight. One after another, it was endless, so crowded that Dongfang Biren didn't have any time.