The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 130 Short-lived and cruel guest, Hutong night stabbing

Xiugu and Xue Qianwu went to the shoe farm in parallel. After holding her breath, Xue Qianwu was unhappy, and the embroidered aunt was only silent. Everyone has fallen asleep, and the street is very quiet. The night doesn't seem to be very good. Without the moon, the clouds in the sky are pale and look a little darker.

Xue Qianwu said, "Does it seem to rain tomorrow? Unfortunately, I don't know how to watch the weather!"

Aunt Xiu said, "In the old days, I heard that if it rains on the wedding day, it may mean that life is not harmonious after marriage. Couples quarrel a lot, and they are destined to have one side like the rain in the sky and wash their faces with tears!"

Xue Qianwu listened and giggled unconsciously, "How can it be so effective? It's all feudal superstition, just in time for the meeting! There are also people who get married on rainy days, but by mistake, get on the wrong sedan chair to marry the right man, and achieve a happy marriage story!"

The embroidered aunt was speechless. I still don't take her seriously, and there is no end to the comparison. Besides, these statements themselves are inconclusive.

took a few more steps and turned an alley. The atmosphere was a little gloomy, which made Xue Qianwu tremble. With her hunch, something will happen. She suddenly pulled Aunt Xiu and began to run brainlessly. Aunt Xiu probably guessed something, which made her calm and run with her.

Before they ran far, three or four mysterious shadows stood in front of them, each with a shiny knife in his hand.

"Who are you?" Xue Qianwu protected the embroidered aunt by his side and asked as he retreated.

People in black don't answer, just push hard step by step.

Xue Qianwu thought to himself, who is so cruel? It's easy to kill the two of them. Just send a few sharp masters to catch turtles and pack sacks. Do you have to take weapons like this?

It seems that they are really going to lie on the spot and sprinkle blood on the street. Seeing that there was no retreat, Xue Qianwu looked for a way to the left and continued to run around. Obviously, the man in black did not intend to go around with them. The murderous spirit suddenly appeared, and the knife cut into their backs.

Xue Qianwu heard the sound of the knife and immediately pushed the embroidery to the front. As Aunt Xiu exclaimed and fell down, Xue Qianwu only felt extremely painful in her shoulder, as if her blood gushed out like water, and she was stabbed!

Although Aunt Xiu couldn't see it clearly, she could feel it. She shouted, "Sister Beggar!" I'm going to climb over.

Xue Qianwu held his dizzy head and shouted, "Don't come here to get in my way!"

One of the men in black sneered and said, "Half of your life has gone, why are you so hard? Just add another knife, and you won't have a chance to talk!"

Xue Qianwu saw that those people were forced up again, and they were all competing for meritorious service, as if Xue Qianwu's head was the most valuable thing at this time. Xue Qianwu thought that they had never met her before, and it must be the assassin who paid for it! The master behind the scenes can be secreted and hires so many people who are money-loving and cruel and short-lived. He is also very wise, but it is too vicious.

Xue Qianwu put this information together in his mind and laughed: "I finally guessed where you came from!"

"If you can guess, it's dead, and if you can't guess, it's dead!" The masked man in black said, "You might as well talk about it."

Xue Qianwu said, "With your martial arts skills, even with knives, you can't beat a well-trained warrior! My sister and I have always been guarded by someone except tonight. Seize this gap tonight to assassinate. Presumably, that man has planned to set aside all the people around us! The only one who can use the excuse to save Qin Yan is the old lady of Dongfang Mansion!"

After saying this, several masked people in black were a little impressed. One person praised: "It's worthy of being regarded as an opponent by the old lady! It's a pity to kill! But if we take other people's money, we have to get things done! I'm sorry, girl..."

Seeing that the knife was about to be cut again, Xue Qianwu shouted, "Hon! I'll say three more words!"

The masked man in black who was closest to her stopped and said, "I promise you! Hurry up if you have something to say!"

Xue Qianwu tried to gather the soul that was about to dissipate and said word by word, "Who of you wants to make contributions? Is there any possibility for the old lady to keep you alive after you kill me? I can afford the money she gave you!"

These words hit the hearts of the masked people in black, which can be said to have hit their dead hole. Especially the second question, it is deaf and makes their eyelids jump straight.

The man in black on the left took a step forward and said powerfully, "It's too late!" As a killer, there is no choice! The old lady's silver has been paid half in advance, and the other half has been paid after seeing your body! We will not accept your empty promises! Whether we can live after killing you is another matter! But I have to let you disappear first!"

As he spoke, the masked man who had jumped over her and cut at her.

The person closest to Xue Qianwu was probably afraid of being robbed of his head and stabbed!

In this chaos, Xue Qianwu understood that it was not easy to persuade all of them. He quietly put his hand into his pocket, took out some bits and pieces, and covered them into his mouth.

"She wants to swallow gold and commit suicide!" Several masked men hurried up to restrain her throat and prevent her from swallowing.

Even if it comes to a dead end, how can Xue Qianwu be stupid to think about it? When several people were close in front of her, she took the lead and spewed out a few hard cores. In the screams, Xue Qianwu quickly climbed back, grabbed Xiu Gu's wrist, and turned around and went into another alley.

Xue Qianwu's head is already bigger than ordinary people in the dark. Some of those hardcore are hitting the eyes of masked people, and some are a little short, hitting their eyebrows around their eyes, which is also extremely fragile and painful.

When they woke up from this sudden change, Xue Qianwu and Xiugu disappeared.

"Chasing..." The silver two that were about to arrive are gone. What's more, if the assassination mission fails, they will no longer have lives, so they have to catch up anyway! That girl is injured, how far can she escape!

Xue Qianwu seemed to forget the bleeding wound on his shoulder, pulled the embroidered aunt all the way, and turned around when he saw the alley. I don't know how long it took, and I came to the lotus pond surrounded by the fence in a trance. At this time, although the lotus leaves did not wither and become disabled, they had already lost the green and lushness of that day.

Xue Qianwu wanted to find a place to hide. Suddenly, a candlelight shone, and a rough shout sounded: "Who?"

Aunt Xiu heard the butcher-like loud voice and screamed, but Xue Qianwu was happy. It was a lotus slaughter!

I just hope he can help regardless of the past. Xue Qianwu called three times: "Brother Tu!" Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer. I fell down like a lamp withered.

The Lotus Tu heard the woman shouting and ran over in three steps and two steps. Under the shaking candlelight, I recognized the girl's face and felt very familiar. Then I finally remembered that it was the naughty man who circled himself in the hot sun!

spoiled half of the pond's lotus leaves, but sounded an alarm to himself and got a boat! Is she an old friend or an enemy? Lotus Tu was hesitating, and the embroidered aunt said with a pale face, "I hope this big brother can save her!"

Only then did Lotus Tu notice that the mischievous woman's injury was so serious! Immediately without saying anything, he carefully carried Xue Qianwu and ran home.

The embroidered aunt followed breathlessly until the door of an ordinary courtyard. The man banged on the door, accompanied by the sound quality of the rough road: "Heer, open the door quickly!"

The dim yellow light lit, and the soft and graceful figure swayed and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Why did you come back early today?"

When she saw the woman on her husband's back, the Dutch woman was pale with fear and trembled for a long time before asking, "She is..."

"You know her!" After saying this, Hehuatu ordered the woman to take a soft quilt and carefully put Xue Qianwu on it.

The Dutch woman recognized Xue Qianwu and couldn't close her mouth for a long time. How did the injury become like this? The beautiful eyes are anxious and full of doubts.

The embroidered aunt also has an excellent impression of this delicate woman, and she looks like a kind-hearted person. Xiugu was afraid and said, "When I went home at night, I met several people who robbed money with knives. My stupid sister confronted them and made it like this..."

This is half true. Aunt Xiu didn't want to lie, but was afraid to tell the truth. There were too many disturbances and the plot was too chaotic to describe for a while. Because of this incident, he was greatly involved with the official family, and he was worried that the Caomin couple would not dare to intervene to save him.

The Dutch woman was extremely soft-hearted. After hearing this, she burst into tears and said, "Silly sister, why don't you beg for mercy? If there is anything valuable, forget it for them! Why joke about your life!"

Aunt Xiu said anxiously, "I can't delay it. Please ask my brother and sister-in-law to save her life..." She knelt on the ground!

I have never put myself humble in my life. It's just this knee, she is willing. First, she is willing to kneel for the beggar's sister, and second, the couple in front of her is also worthy of this kneeling.

The Dutch woman hurriedly picked up the embroidered aunt and told her husband to take some powdered herbs. Then Qiaoyu expelled her husband, gathered together with the light, cut the piece of clothes on Xue Qianwu's shoulder, gently removed it, and wiped the wound with high-temperature treated cotton with warm water.

Xue Qianwu had already fainted in pain. No matter how painful it was, it was just a dream for her.

After applying the herbs evenly, it gently covered Xue Qianwu with a thin sheet. Seeing that the beggar's sister had stabilized, the embroidered aunt was so excited that she said with tears in her eyes, "How can your sister-in-law know medical science?"

The woman smiled and replied, "What is medical science?" It's just some experience in life! Your eldest brother is reckless and usually comes back with many scars. We make a living by growing lotus roots and raising fish. Sometimes we harvest lotus roots, and we are often scratched by sharp things in the mud under the water... At first, we didn't know how to stop bleeding, which made him suffer a lot. Later, the more I couldn't bear it, the more I learned from the old women, integrated the strengths of the people, and formed my own unique folk prescription..."

Aunt Xiu was moved to hear this, and she thanked me again. It is said that it is disturbing. After dawn, I will go back and report it in the future.

Lotus Tu went into the house and said with the woman, "Don't move! If the wound is cracked, I'm afraid it will be scarred. Let's stay here for a few days and wait until the injury is better.