The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 239 Warmth of Spring

The beggar's muscles/crisp/soft, remembering that Mr. Dongfang's body is not very well and he has recovered if he doesn't recuperate. In case he damages his essence, he is afraid that it will be more serious, so he struggles and refuses, "Don't... don't mess around...wait for a while..."

Master Dongfang respected her very much. Hearing what she said, he stopped his rushing thoughts, half of his body, and said with concern, "What's wrong?"

The beggar said, "I want to blackmail you."

Master Dongfang was surprised: "Why do you want to blackmail me? Why did you blackmail me? Did I make you sad?"

"It's you who messed with me." The beggar pouted, extremely uncooperative, and a little angry.

Master Dongfang said, "It was fine just now. What's going on?"

The beggar recounted him: "If you don't pay attention to your health, you are sick... How can I toss you?"

Master Dongfang was stunned, then laughed, nodded her forehead and joked, "Are you worried that I can't do it? How about we try to see who loses first?

The beggar hurriedly said, "I'm afraid that you... will damage your spirit!"

Master Dongfang hugged her, half pressed her lower abdomen, and said with a smile, "Stupid girl, I'm not/indulging/excessive, proper sex, physical and mental relaxation and pleasure, which is conducive to smooth blood circulation. What's more, you forgot that every time I made out with you in the past, I was like practicing martial arts and making a leap, and you were so tired... So, you can't escape today. If you want me to recover quickly, you have to help me more. How can you shorten my food?"

The beggar's breathing was tight and his eyes were blurred. He still felt that it was not appropriate. He said, "No... If you don't take good care of your body, you can't stop coughing blood. I'm afraid it will really damage your qi and blood... Anyway, I've decided that if you keep cough, I won't let you touch me! You have to bear with it!"

Master Dongfang was helpless and couldn't use it, so he had to promise her.

In the next few days, Dongfang not only increased his appetite, but also took all the time he could squeeze out to practice and strengthen his body. The beggar was both distressed and happy to see it. He made some soup for Dongfang Master to protect his liver and lungs, and he drank it all.

It really works. In half a month, the blood cough has been very rare, from plaque to a piece as big as a nail cover.

The beggar was very comforted and encouraged Dongfang Ye: "If you stick to it, I guess you will be cured in another year and a half."

Master Dongfang said bitterly, "You don't have to wait for me to recover before agreeing to have sex. Moderate patience is okay. If it is too much, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive.

The beggar blushed and said, "Then wait for another half a year, and the blood stain will be as small as sesame, so I can rest assured."

Master Dongfang said with a wry smile, "Actually, it's useless. You let me control myself, but how can I control it by your side? You have to solve it by yourself!"

The beggar was shocked: "What?"

Master Dongfang said, " don't know how much I miss you!"

The beggar is not calm now. He solves it by himself... Isn't it in vain? What should I do?

If the beggar thinks about it, if he wants to gallop on his own, it will only be more rampant. It's better to grant him in advance, which can also remind him of moderation.

That night, Master Dongfang came again, and the beggar summoned up the courage to say, "You'd better not solve it by yourself. I promise you."

"Really?" Master Dongfang has been hungry for so long that he can't believe it for a while.

The beggar said shyly, "If it's fake, don't come."

Master Dongfang is ready, with fine sweat on his forehead. I just fell on the beggar, but I heard her say, "But then again, just solve the need a little. Don't ask too much."

Master Dongfang can still distinguish between east, west, north and south, smiling happily: "Who made you sleep with me for so long? Even if I can't stop, it's caused by your cruelty.

The beggar still had time to defend, and Master Dongfang rudely reached into her profanity with both hands.

The heat is turbulent and graceful, and both of them release the most repressing and hot feelings.

Since they broke up in the palace, the beggar has never enjoyed such a mixture of fish and water. Maybe people really need to fit together, or maybe it's because her body has been branded by the true spirit of the Oriental Master. Only when she is like this can she be smooth and happy, even if she is exhausted. And every time Prince Zhao forced her to run rampant, it made her feel like a dislocation of organs, torn apart, life is worse than death, until she loses consciousness.

At this time, the beggar's potential exploded. When she thought that when Dongfang Ye was excessive, she stopped him in time, but later fell into it and carried over every kiss and lingering of Dongfang Ye.

Master Dongfang's illness seems to have completely disappeared. He is full of blood and vigor, and he can't wait to melt the beggar into bone and blood.

It lasts forever and sometimes comes to an end. Everything is silent, and in the cold winter night, the extra warmth has brought a moist nectar to the long-dden soul. You are no longer you, and I am no longer me. Master Dongfang and the beggar have forgotten all all the troubles in the outside world. Even if life stops abruptly, it is still a beautiful and regretless bloom.

On the sun, Master Dongfang woke up, and the corners of the beggar's mouth were still smiling and sleeping fragrantly. Looking at her light red, light blue and purple, Master Dongfang couldn't help but feel guilty and gently kissed her again before dressing.

The beggar woke up passively, rubbed his eyes, and suddenly sat up and shouted, "Why is it so late? have to be late?"

Master Dongfang sighed gently and happily, "Why don't you be late a few more times? Anyway, I don't care about my reputation in front of you!"

"It's not serious!" The beggar got up in a hurry and tied his hair and collar.

Master Dongfang didn't move and only stared at her.

Only then did the beggar realize that he was naked and full of kiss marks! He was hot and ashamed. The beggar said, "Take care of it yourself!"

Master Dongfang said dreamly, "It's so beautiful!" He was distracted and hugged the beggar and didn't let go.

The beggar whispered, "And in the future..."

"Are you sure you don't make things difficult for me?" Dongfang Ye said with a smile, "If you make it difficult, I will ask for enough at a time to make you sleep for three years!"

"Do not talk nonsense!" The beggar said andly, "Eat some food quickly and leave quietly!" Otherwise, wait for the entourage to buy pancakes and see how you deal with it!"

Master Dongfang said, "You were too tired last night and got up so late. What about today's pancake? Why don't you close the door for a day?"

The beggar said, "I'm afraid the man has prepared the raw materials and waits for me to make noodles."

"Where do they live?" Master Dongfang said, "Will you hear us..."

The beggar blushed and said, "If they are busy too late, they will live here; if they finish their work early, they will go home. Yesterday, I intended to send them back early.

Master Dongfang said, "It's still you... well deployed. Otherwise, if we get involved, it won't be good for outsiders to hear it.

This statement reminded the beggar of Nangong Zhili's words. In order to prove it, he asked Mr. Dongfang, "You are good and must be extremely alert, but if someone peeks or eavesdrops when we have sex, can you feel it?"

Master Dongfang smiled incredibly and said, "Your head is always thinking about some ghost ideas! Who will have this hobby?"

"That's not necessarily true." The beggar said, "There are all the strange worlds. Maybe someone is a strange psychopath! That's why I asked you!"

Master Dongfang thought for a moment and said, "Although my soul was tied to you at that time and I didn't feel as keen as normal, I can still detect it if ordinary people are nearby."

"What if that person is a rare master?" The beggar asked.

"I can't feel it when I'm comparable to me." Master Dongfang said so.

The beggar understood and said angrily, "No wonder."

Master Dongfang was confused: "No wonder? Why do you want to ask this?"

The beggar said, "Suddenly, I was curious, so I asked."

Master Dongfang had dinner and asked, "Where should I go out?" Is the front door OK?

The beggar was in a hurry and grabbed Master Dongfang's collar and dragged it to the back door: "Just go out from here without saying a word!"

Master Dongfang frowned and said, "You have wrinkled my clothes!"

"If you don't leave, you will arrive at the Taishou Mansion at noon!" The beggar jumped with his feet in a hurry and urged him.

"It's late. Why don't you take it easy and be a stupid official who is not diligent?" Dongfang Ye sighed, "It would be great if your pancake shop was closer to the county. It would be much easier to see you, and you don't have to be so busy! Alas, after this... I'm afraid there will be no end to the days when I can't get up!"