The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 240 Hijacked

The days of love always make people feel fast. In a flash, at the end of the year, debts, repayments, gambling, and all kinds of trivial disputes are likely to lead to cases. Dongfang Ye handled these civil lawsuits all day long, which made him a fair and decisive decision. There was no delay in solving them one by one, so that he barely caused a backlog and complaints.

The beggar is also so busy that he doesn't even have time to breathe. The neighbors in the countryside are afraid that it will be too late to buy pancakes and scramble to make a reservation.

They haven't seen each other for three days. On the evening of the 12th, Dongfang's confidant came and said that Dongfang would come to see her tomorrow night. The beggar asked a few words to give Master Dongfang a good life, and his entourage went back. After finally getting rid of the last buyer, the beggar took a hot bath, rubbed his sore knees, and fell asleep.

At the third watch, the beggar felt that his mouth was covered by someone in his dream and carried it. She was confused and thought that she was sleeping and wanted to adjust her sleeping posture and continue to sleep.

There is something wrong with it. There is actually a strong arm wrapped around my body! Let her not be able to move!

The beggar's forehead was sweating and he wanted to shout, but he could only make a whining sign.

Sleepiness disappeared in fear. He didn't make too much money and attract thieves to cove it, right? If you lose money, you can earn it again. If you lose your life, you can't get it back!

The more the beggar thinks about it, the more afraid he is. He won't meet someone who is crazy and seeks money to kill him, right?

The beggar is excited and completely awake. He found himself on the shoulder of a man in black and covered with black cloth, and he was quickly fleeing in an unknown direction.

You won't take her to a desolate place, will you?

The beggar was upset, but he couldn't say a word. At this speed, it's time to leave the county at dawn! Can't she become a lonely soul in the wild without the protection of Master Dongfang?

She accurately bit his index finger when she walked on a rough road and the man's hand covering her mouth moved away a little.

The man was in pain, "oh" and his arm, trying to get rid of the beggar.

The beggar bites to death. There seemed to be a salty ** spreading between her lips and teeth.

The beggar hated for a while. I don't know if there are five poisons, germs and so on in his blood, but he doesn't care so much. The only way to exchange for negotiations is to bite him forget his parents and beg for mercy.

The man walked slower and slower, and finally squeezed out a few words: "Let go! I have something to say."

The beggar shook her head and bit it tightly. Her teeth were about to lose consciousness. She said vaguely, "No. I'm not that stupid."

The man said hoarsely, "Do you think I can't do anything about you?" At the same time, the arm wrapped around the beggar turned over and nodded the beggar's hole.

The beggar's mouth loosened, and his fingers got out of control.

The beggar saw that the finger was already skinned and bloody.

He tore off his skirt and wrapped his fingers. During the action, his body was uneven, and the beggar fell to the ground from his back.

Looking at him, he saw that the top and bottom were covered tightly, and only a pair of dark eyes were exposed, and the anger gathered together, which was unpredictable.

The beggar estimated that he should do the next step, but he had to close his eyes before he died. She asked, "If you want money, just kidnap me directly at home. Why did you bring me here? I don't have any money. When you solve my life and turn back, the streets and alleys know that I'm missing. As soon as the government intervenes, is the money still yours?

The man ignored her and carried her to continue to fly away in her despair.

The beggar was surprised and asked, "Where are you taking me?" Do you want silver or death... or do you want sex?

The man seemed to have never heard of it, climbing over the mountains and walking like flying. When the sky was dark, he had taken her out of the county border.

The pancake shop was already full of people waiting in line. Everyone knocked on the door, but there was no response. When it lasted until the end of the day, someone told the government that something might have happened to the boss's wife.

Master Dongfang was anxious to take people and pried open the door. Except for the scattered sheets and quilts, there was no beggar's figure. This night, the two handy men rested next to each other. Because they were tired, they got up late. When asked by Dongfang about what happened last night, they knew nothing about it.

People speculated that the beggar may have been murdered by local black hands. Dongfang Ye issued a search order, then quietly took away the onlookers, came to the house, checked the gold storage tank hidden by the beggar under the floor, and found that the silver was both there and was not lost. It was expected that it could not be for money.

But the beggar did not offend people in the county. Where can he go? More than a dozen speculations lingered in his mind, and Master Dongfang became more and more cold. Could it be that the prince arranged for a secret guest in the county and accidentally recognized the beggar and took her away?

Repeatly, this is the most likely. Dongfang Ye's regrets and self-reproach surged up. If he could accompany the beggar every day, if he didn't let the beggar show up to sell pancakes, if he could recklessly let the beggar live with him in the county... Then, even if it attracted the attention of Taizi, it would not be so easy to take her away from his eyelids.

Master Dongfang secretly decided to wait a few days before the New Year to borrow the reason for returning to Beijing to inquire about the news in the palace.

In the next days, it is bound to lose all its meaning. Master Dongfang is buried in the scattered business and tries not to think about the situation of beggars. He knew that if he fell somewhere else, the beggar would definitely be able to escape; but if he entered the palace, he would not be likely to escape.

Even if Master Dongfang personally goes to the palace to look for it, there may not be a result. After such a long miss, the joy after recovery is so short. Dongfang Ye was trapped in this kind of thinking and was in a bad mood. He only looked forward to returning to the capital day and night, but he was at a loss what he could do after going back.


Let's talk about the beggar, no matter what he said on the way, whether it was sarcasm or abusive, the man ignored it and never saw him take off his mask. When he lived in a hotel for dinner, he clicked the beggar's acupuncture point and hid outside to eat first. After eating, he put on his mask, and then went into the room to untie the beggar's acupuncture point and forced her to eat.

When the beggar wanted to solve the size, he also waited not far away, which made the beggar extremely embarrassed and held it for a long time in vain.

Looking for a chance to run away, the man was very treacherous. As soon as he had an idea, he was sealed with one finger and died in the bud.

The beggar doesn't even know where he is going to take her. Is it a paradise to cultivate immortality or to dig a coal mine in the deep mountains and old forests?

However, the street market seen by beggars is becoming more and more prosperous and prosperous. Those who sell vegetables, New Year paintings, seafood and live fish can smell the strong flavor of the New Year.

If she hadn't been kidnapped, she would have been lying in the arms of Dongfang Ye at this moment, like a beloved little wife, talking about wrapping him all kinds of dumplings. The shape and filling would be omnivorable, making Dongfang Ye afraid to chopsticks.

However, the dream is a dream after all. When she wakes up, she is still on the shoulder of the masked man. It can be sighed that the world is sad. I don't know whether it is the reason why the masked man's feet are too fast and his figure died suddenly, or because of the indifference of pedestrians and unwillingness to get into trouble, no one took action to save the beggar.

In the evening, they came to a restaurant and heard the crackling sound of firecrackers, and the beggar realized that it was already childhood!

The masked man asked for two dumplings, and the beggar said happily, "It's rare that you haven't destroyed Tianliang, and you still have some fun!"

The man in black looked at her and said with a gloomy smile, "Don't you want to see who I am? The destination is here, so it's okay for you to have a look. After saying that, the man in black slowly took off the mask.

The beggar opened his eyes wide and searched for this familiar face in his mind.

After a long time, the dumplings were all lumps, and then she exclaimed: "Doctor Yobitus! Wu Chaoqing!"

He smiled and said, "You have a memory!"

"No!" The beggar thought slightly and was shocked that his pupils divergent: "Doctor Yong... Nangong Zhili! Aren't you dead?"

The man smiled in a trance and evilly: "Nangong is dead, and it is Wu Chaoqing who is alive!"

"You mean... you have changed your soul? So that quack is purely a walking corpse?" The beggar's head is not enough at all.

"Yes..." Nangong Zhili, no, it should be said that Wu Chaoqing, complained, "The Lord of Nangong died with anger and his soul is not scattered, so he attached it to me and let me continue his unfinished career!"

The beggar said, "What do you want?"

"If you don't want to do anything, just offer a favor to the beauty!" He has a good time.

Wait for the beggar to sort out the context and scolded, "Don't pretend to be a ghost!"

"Wu Chaoqing" was very surprised and said, "Pretent to be a god? Play the ghost? Isn't that what you used to do?

The beggar has been sure that he is Nangong Zhili. He not only did not die, but also followed him all the way. No wonder when she sold pancakes in the county, there were always a few pancakes in a day. At that time, she didn't care about it and thought it was a mistake.

Now I understand that it must have been stolen by Nangong Zhili! The beggar said angrily, "Thanks to you, I thought you died and shed a few tears for you!"

"Cat crying mouse, don't mention it!" Nangong Zhili seems to be very resentful.

The beggar said, "I was teased by you from beginning to end, and you still said you were a mouse? I'm almost a rat!"

"That's what you said." Nangong Zhili shouted at the end of the words: "Rat!"

The beggar was so angry that his face turned blue. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the dumplings that had not moved their chopsticks and said angrily, "Open my acupuncture point! I'm hungry!"

Nangong Zhili obediently untied the acupuncture point for her. The beggar swallowed the dumplings and didn't recognize anything. After eating, she threw the bowls and chopsticks on the table and asked a series of questions: "Are you haunted by the hotel that night?" There are some unexpected problems on the road I took. Unless I change to the designated road, these strange things will disappear. Are you guiding me to the county? What kind of intention did you take me away when you asked me to be a short-term couple with Dongfang Ye, and the old love rekindled each other's nostalgia? Have you peeped at me and Dongfang Ye's ** again? You think I'm a doll, and you can mention it wherever you want, right? Have you considered how I feel? Can you feel how Dongfang Ye should be hit this time?

Nangong said: "What happens is doomed. Don't worry, this time Master Dongfang is no longer sad and desperate, but Geng Jie and hatred. This helps me."

"Speaking of which, you have been taking advantage of our feelings!"

Nangong Zhili said lightly, "Only by using the most sincere weapons in the world can we control everyone and not make mistakes."

The beggar said angrily, "Next time you really die, I won't shed a tear."

Nangong's courtesy was calm: "I can't expect this result. It would be good if you didn't whip my body."

"I still think my hand hurts from whipping the corpse!" The beggar said disdainfully, "No wonder you played a mask to deceive Zhao's cunning donkey! As the leader of Blackwood Cliff, your identity is too secret to see anyone!"

Nangong Zhili said lightly, "No matter how secret it is, I haven't hidden it from you."

The beggar turned his face and said coldly, "Prince, have you sent someone to inform him? When will you meet?

Nangong Zhili was surprised by her calmness at this moment, but it seemed to be expected. He said, "Today's banquet in the palace, he will come out of the palace when everyone is happy. I just said that there was a very important secret to tell him about the whereabouts of his favorite woman. He didn't know I brought you here.

"Is this to make the surprise reach its peak?" The beggar sat down and said, "Okay, you tell me how you perform this scene."

Nangong Zhili looked into her eyes: "You hate me to the bone, don't you?"

The beggar's voice is light and indifferent: "It's not worth hating. I just feel sorry for Dongfang Ye and want to spend the rest of my life with him. Since fate is involuntarily, just accept it calmly.

Nangong Zhili whispered, "Forgive me for being selfish... Even if you have to choose a man, I hope it's Major General Ximen."

"He is your brother, isn't he?" The beggar asked scornly.

Nangong was rude and said for a long time, "Don't you miss him at all? Really?"

The beggar's eyes suddenly flew to the vast desert with his thoughts drifting. Is he all right?

Nangong Zhili seemed to understand her mind and said, "He has recovered 30% or 40% of his skills. In another year or so, if there is no change, he should fully recover."

"Isn't it your fault that he became like that?" The beggar threw a word to him.

"If I didn't set fire that night, the story would have happened under the effect of spring sweat medicine. Won't you be sad later?" Nangong Zhili sighed and looked directly at her and said, "It's better to blame the old general than to blame me. But whether it's me or the old general, the damage in the world is added by the closest people. Although the major general still doesn't know the existence of my brother.

The beggar did not refute.

Nangong Zhili said, "I also hate my exchanged identity, but it has to be done. Unsurprisingly, he is coming in person. Don't move in the inner room. I'll pick him up..."

The beggar hummed and said, "If you design him like this, you might as well assassinate him!"

"Assassination of him is just the pain of losing his son. If you can't subvert his foundation, won't you take advantage of him?" Nangong Zhili said cruelly.

The beggar sighed and said, "Go out. Actually... you are not the only one who hates them."

Nangong Zhili took a few steps, and his eyes overflowed with tenderness and said, "After a while, including for a long time, there will be no Nangong Zhili in the world, only Wu Chaoqing. I hope you can be more open-looking and not torture yourself like last time. At this point, you blame me and hate me, and it's irreparable.

The beggar said, "I know. Go ahead."


Nangong Zhili walked out and closed the door. The messy footsteps sounded, and the polite greetings of the clerk clearly came to his ears: "Master, please inside."

"I'm looking for a magic doctor in the west side room on the second floor."

When the beggar heard the sound, his heart still couldn't help moving. It's not missing, it's not caring, but an indescribable complexity.

Wu Chaoqing opened the door, Zhao Qianping withdrew everyone and went into the room to sit down for tea.

Wu Chaoqing said calmly, "I haven't seen you for a long time. The prince seems to be much haggard."

Zhao Qian did not answer and has fallen into excitement and eagerness: "Where did the magic doctor see her? Tell me, I'll reward you with 10,000 taels of gold!"

Wu Chaoqing smiled and said, "Wanliang of gold is easy to be a beautiful woman, does not belittle the beautiful woman?"

"So...what do you want? You should be rewarded." Zhao Qian's breathing is a little short.

Wu Chaoqing said slowly, "I just hope that after she returns to the prince, I can freely enter the palace at any time to treat her."

Zhao Qian naturally agreed: "In addition to the magic doctor, I'm still worried about others!" I recruit you as a royal doctor and go in and out at will.

"Thank you, Prince. You should try your best to serve your life."

Zhao Qian couldn't sit still, pulled Wu Chaoqing and asked anxiously, "Where did you see her?" How did you see it? Have you ever talked to her? Is she feeling better?"

Wu Chaoqing said with a smile, "It's also a coincidence. Half a month ago, I went to the bitter cold place of Beishan to collect cold jade. Unexpectedly, I met a woman in the jade cave. When I fainted from the cold, I treated her. When she woke up, I found that I was familiar with her. Because her mind was damaged, she didn't seem to remember me much, and she was very grateful to me, so I found a good place for her to live..."

Where is it? Still in the bitter cold land of the North Mountain? Shall I go with you?" Zhao Qian even forgot that the trip slipped out of the palace and couldn't wait.

"How can I help the prince?" Wu Chaoqing said, "Prince, please move in."

Zhao Qian didn't know why and confusedly opened the door inside. Seeing the back of the woman sitting on the chair, he couldn't say anything, and his hand holding the door trembled slightly.

Wu Chaoqing said, "Prince, please talk about the feelings of parting. I'm guarding outside." Then he retreated.

Zhao Qian was in a dream and dared not make a sound for fear of breaking the fantasy.

Until the beggar slowly turned around and asked without raising his eyelids, "Who are you?"

Zhao Qianfang woke up and trembled, "Beggar? Don't you recognize me?"

The beggar's eyes were blurred, carefully identified the person in front of him, and muttered, "It seems that I have seen it somewhere... I can't remember it for a moment."

"You have an impression of me, right?" The prince was as happy as a child. He took her hand and said, "You will remember me, you will!"

was excited for a while and whispered self-denial: "No! It's best not to remember! I can start from the beginning... I can start over with you!"

The beggar has been looking at her in a daze, with too much confusion in her eyes.

Zhao Qian said, "Let's go. I'll ask them to prepare a set of eunuch clothes for you. Let's go back together."

Where are you going? Is there anything delicious?" The beggar's eyes are full of purity and expectation.

Zhao Qian nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, what do you want to eat?" I want to build you a most beautiful garden, in which you can play like butterflies all year round!"

The beggar said coquettishly, "That's great!"

Zhao Qian held her hand tightly, as if she had won the most precious treasure. Wu Chaoqing and others picked it up and went to the palace.