College Record

Chapter 015 Officially Join

Since it is a third-rate school, it is easy to go through the admission procedures.

To put it hard, generally, anyone who wants to come to a school like this will come. The school never asks about the details of the students. As long as you bring enough tuition, then whether you are a good student or a good student, in the eyes of the school, you are God, and the school gate will always be open for you.

After going to the Academic Affairs Office to fill in the subjects (martial arts) and a series of materials to be studied, Chu Nan paid three years of tuition fees and officially joined this Shengwu University. The next thing he has to do is to wait for graduation, then get the dream diploma and find a stable job.

Chunan is also very confident that as long as he has a diploma, it should not be a problem to find a well-paid job in a martial arts school in the future and live a well-dressed life with his family.

After that, under the guidance of the academic director, Chu Nan came to the door of a classroom. Before entering the door, he listened to the noise in the classroom, and the sound of ghosts and wolves were endless. The male and female mixing was high-sounding and powerful, so lively. Even compared with the booming moments in the nightclub, it was no better than that.

"This is a mixed school, so are the classrooms, and all students are seated regardless of their majors. Although everyone's majors are different, the cultural courses are the same. People of different majors have classes in the same classroom, which is also conducive to everyone's communication in various majors.

"This is your classroom. Go in and get to know your classmates first. Ask your classmates about the course of the martial arts class. Remember to go to the Academic Affairs Office to collect school uniforms and textbooks after school. That's it."

After a simple explanation for Chu Xingchen, the dean left with his hands on his back.

Chu Nan strode and as soon as he walked into the classroom, the noisy students suddenly became silent. The whole class was silent, as quiet as death, and all their eyes were focused on him alone. Some eyes were full of vigilance, some eyes were full of doubts, and even some people showed it to him. Hostile.

Chu Nan laughed it off, and everyone's performance also gave him a feeling of going back to the past. I remember the moment he first entered Nanling University and stepped into the classroom, the students of Nanling University also welcomed him with silence. The current situation, in his opinion, is exactly the same as at that time.

However, looking around, the whole classroom looks very neat. There is no unsightly graffiti on the wall, and there is no bad smell of all kinds of food. Men and women are equal, the clothes are uniform, and the seats are clear. Two people have one table, five tables in a row, a total of eight rows, neat and orderly, not as messy as other schools. A more formal classroom. According to this, the students here should also be easy to get along with.


When Chu Nan was observing, suddenly a thick and rough voice sounded, instantly breaking the dead silence of the classroom. However, this voice and name made Chu Nan feel a chill in his heart, and his hair stood up in an instant, and his goose bumps fell to the ground.

"Oh, my God, that beast is also in this class!"

In addition to the depression in Chu Nan's heart, he saw Qin Shou's rapid arrival. It was a smile on his face, horrible and scary, and he stretched out his hand from afar. First, he forcibly held Chu Nan's hand and shamelessly recognized his relatives again. Then he couldn't hide his excitement and said, "Cousin, I didn't expect us We are quite predestined. No wonder everyone says that it is not a family and does not enter a family. It seems that we are destined to become a family!"

Before the words fell, Qin Shou suddenly turned his head, his eyes were brilliant, and he looked at a girl in the seat affectionately. It seemed that he didn't say these words to Chu Nan, but as if he had been told the girl in his eyes. And with his sight, Chu Nan couldn't help smiling, because it was not someone else who saw it, it was Su Mengting.

Although this beast is five or three thick and hateful in appearance, what he said is still quite reasonable.

In just an hour, I met her three times, and I helped her before. Later, she helped herself and will have classes with her classmates in the future. If this is not fate, what else can it be?

I thought of this secretly. Facing Su Mengting, Chu Nan's smile was even stronger. In his eyes, there was also a little friendly luster, and there was a faint feeling of meeting old friends in his heart.

Seeing Chu Nan, Su Mengting couldn't help but smile with shame. At this moment, somehow, she felt very happy and inexplicably happy, and she did not have a trace of strangeness to the current boy, as if she had known him for a long time. At first sight, she was like meeting an old friend. This feeling was really magical and mysterious, almost beyond words.

"Brother Beast, when did you have a cousin? Why haven't you mentioned it before?" A classmate asked loudly.

Qin Shou looked at the classmate proudly, and then pulled Chu Nan to the podium. In that warning tone, he said loudly to everyone under the stage, "Listen to me. He is Xiaoting's cousin, that is, Qin Shou's cousin. My cousin is an honest man, and none of you are allowed to bully him. In the future, what he says is equivalent to what I say. You have to listen to it, and you have to listen to it. Do you understand?"

"Oh... It turns out that he is our future sister-in-law's cousin! No wonder, no wonder!"

For a while, more than 40 students in the class coaxed together, and their eyes reversed, all condensing on Su Mengting.

At this time, in the face of a pair of playful eyes, Su Mengting has lowered her head. Even so, she can also see that her face has turned pale. Obviously, she doesn't like others to call her, let alone look at her with such frivolous eyes. However, she is introverted and weak by nature, and even if she is ashamed and angry, she dares not say anything.

Hearing that everyone called Su Mengting "sister-in-law", Qin Shou was even more overjoyed and complacent. A big dark face was happy, and his eyes did not blink. He looked at Su Mengting crazily. No matter how big his mouth was, he could flow out.

Since Su Mengting stepped into this class on the first day, Qin Shou fell in love with her at first sight. On that day, Qin Shou swore his life and vowed to chase her until the end, and ordered all his subordinates to be "sister-in-law" to Su Mengting, and threatened that whoever dared to fight with him would kill him. Therefore, in the past month, no boy dares to approach Su Mengting easily. Even if someone wants to talk to her, he has to look at Qin Shou's face.

After all, Qin Shou is also a figure in this school. He also serves as the captain of the judo team. He is violent and frighten people. Who dares not to sell his face?

However, Su Mengting has no feelings about Qin Shou. Even if Qin Shou has racked her brains and tried her best to please her, she can't show any interest in it. So far, she hasn't said a word to Qin Shou. But today, in order to help Chu Nan relieve the siege, she opened the conversation for the first time and said a few words to Qin Shou. Up to now, Qin Shou is still very happy.

Seeing Su Mengting's pitiful appearance at this time, Chu Nan also wondered how she could survive in such a school with her submissive personality? The most depressing thing is that she has become her cousin. At present, I have the intention to get rid of the relationship with her, but if I do this, isn't it equivalent to telling the beast that Su Mengting lied to him before? What's more, this beast still screams at his cousin. If he knows that he is not Su Mengting's cousin, will he think that he has suffered losses and then can't get along with himself?

At this point, Chu Xingchen also has painful words and can only let nature take its course.

"Cousin, what's your name? Introduce yourself to everyone. Qin Shouda kindly took Chu Nan's shoulder, and his hot and affectionate eyes were always fixed on Su Mengting, as if telling Su Mengting through his eyes that the person he wanted to embrace was not her cousin, but herself.

Chu Nan looked at Qin Shou with a bitter face. At this moment, he felt that he was the tool being used. This beast is very good to himself on the surface, but in fact he wants to please himself in order to help him pursue Su Mengting. In addition, he took care of himself so much that he just wanted to use himself to win Su Mengting's favor.

Oh, he really kills two birds with one stone——

Alas! No wonder who calls himself her "Cousin"!

Chu Nan cried bitterly in his heart, but since this beast spoke, he had to introduce himself, so he said politely, " Hello, my name is Chu Nan. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time!"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the class was dumb, and their eyes were full of surprise.

After a moment of silence, the whole class suddenly burst into laughter. The boys were atonished, and they were so happy that they died. Some cheerful girls stared at Chu Nan, some with red tongues around their lips, some with bare breasts and backs, and some raised their beautiful legs. They all made hot and seductive provocative actions to him and made fun of him as a "vilet".

While enjoying the beauty, Chu Nan was also speechless and kept scratching his head. He was puzzled. Did he look very funny? Is your self-introduction humorous? As for such a big reaction?

"So you are a virgin?" A male classmate asked jokingly.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Chu Nan still didn't react and admitted it calmly. Not only is his name easy to be misunderstood, but even when others call him a " virgin", he can't hear why.

"Nothing, your name is like thunder. I have been looking forward to you for a long time." After saying that, the classmate laughed and thought that the guy on the stage was either a fool or 250. Or his parents had a grudge against him and gave him such an out of tune.