College Record

Chapter 016 Sure enough, the beast

In the face of the boys' loud laughter and the girls' scratching posture, Chu Nan smiled and thought that they were making fun of themselves, and he was a freshman. It was normal for freshmen to be teased when they entered the kindergarten. Chu Nan was not surprised about this and didn't care about it.

"Don't laugh!"

Suddenly, Qin Shou shouted violently, and the boy who had been laughing immediately calmed down, and the girls also obediently sat back in their original positions, all being scared by his strong and powerful voice.

Qin Shou also seemed serious, raised his voice and said loudly, "What's wrong with his grandmother's virgin? My mother is also a virgin. Do you know what this means? It shows that my cousin and I are not **. We just want to dedicate the most precious time of life to the most beloved woman.

As he spoke, his hot eyes flashed, shooting two colored mimi rays, straight forward, and projected on Su Mengting. He deliberately pretended to be a pure young man, lowered his rough voice, and deliberately teased, "Xiaoting, do you think I'm right?"

Chu Nan was confused and heard it for no reason. Why did this guy get involved in the issue of "Virgin"? It's disgusting! Besides, whether he is a virgin or not, is it none of his business? Do you need his help to explain? There is enough to beat!

In the face of Qin Shou's question, Su Mengting didn't say anything. She buried her head a little and almost stuck it on the desk, hoping to find a hole to get in. However, although she couldn't see her expression, Chu Nan could clearly see that her body was trembling slightly. Through the gap under the table, Chu Nan looked again and saw that her two small hands were tightly clenched. Due to the strength, her arms also trembled slightly, and then drove her whole body. It's hard to get angry.

Although she hasn't known each other for a long time, Chu Nan feels that she already knows Su Mengting very well and knows her temperament. Even if she is wronged, she will swallow bitter water into her stomach and never dare to say a word. Otherwise, on the bus, she will not be bullied by the pervert. At present, what this beast said is no different from insulting her, so it is natural for her to be angry, but by nature, she chooses to be patient.

"Hey, look, my sister-in-law is shy." A male classmate shouted vibly. Either out of ignorance or intention, in short, she doesn't care about Su Mengting's feelings at all. Not only him, but everyone in this class seems to regard Su Mengting and Qin Shou as a couple, or in their opinion, Su Mengting is destined to become Qin Shou's lover. Otherwise, he will not give up with Qin Shou's stubborn temper. However, in Chu Nan's opinion, this is childish and ridiculous.

In the hall full of laughter, Su Mengting folded her waist and lowered her head, just like a lotus flower, with a faint shyness in the cool breeze. Qin Shou was also deeply attracted by her eyes. After all, he couldn't suppress his excitement. He strode to her desk, sat next to her, and then raised his arm. Without any permission, he forcibly put it on her crisp shoulder and grinned and said, "Xiaoting, you look so beautiful. I'm more I like you more and more. Don't worry, Brother Shou will decide you in his life. No man wants to get close to you except me, or I will break his dog's leg!" In the end, Qin Shou's eyes clearly showed ruthlessness and firmness, which did not seem to be joking.

Looking at Qin Shoutian's shameless behavior, Chu Nan's mouth twitched slightly, crying and laughing, and his eyes were full of contempt. He said that if a man wants to get his beloved woman, he must have a brazen spirit, move forward bravely and vow to die. But this beast is too brazen, isn't it? Not to mention self-affection, there is still a threat in his words, so he is not far from the hooligan, so he has to fight hard. Um... It's really a beast!

At this time, feeling the pressure brought by Qin Shou's claws, Su Mengting did not dare to say anything. She just shrugged her shoulders and motioned him to let go, but Qin Shou was already fascinated by her beautiful appearance. Her thick arms were like paint and glued tightly glued to her fragrant shoulders. She refused to let go, so that Su Mengting was also had nothing. But I can only endure it silently.

After a moment of silence, Su Mengting suddenly moved her heart and slowly raised her head. She looked pitifully at Chu Nan on the podium. In her eyes as clear as water, there were ripples again, which actually showed a pleading look, which was exactly the same as her look she showed when she was rude by a pervert on the bus. .

Perhaps, in her opinion, the Qin Shou around her is no different from the pervert who insulted her on the bus, so she hopes that Chu Nan can help herself again.

Looking at Su Mengting's pitiful and pleading eyes, Chu Nan also smiled bitterly and avoided her eyes, but he couldn't bear to look at her. And, somehow, he always folded this Su Mengting with his sister, so when he saw her being bullied, Chu Nan always had an impulse to protect her.

While the two were staring at each other, Qin Shou turned his head along Su Mengting's sight and suddenly found that she was looking at Chu Nan affectionately, and both of them couldn't take their eyes off each other as if there was no one else, like a couple who fell in love. Qin Shou couldn't help but feel a good anger.

But on second thought, since these two are cousins, what does it matter if they look at each other?

Thinking of this, Qin Shou was not suspicious.

However, if other boys and Su Mengting stared at each other at this moment, Qin Shou would have been very animalistic. If he did not remove each other's limbs, he would also break his ten ribs to serve as an example!

Anyway, Qin Shou will never allow Su Mengting to have other men in her eyes. Simply put, his love for Su Mengting has reached a pathological level. As long as he is a man, he will never allow Su Mengting to look at him for more than three seconds.

So in Qin Shou's view, although Chu Nan and Su Mengting are cousins, after all, Chu Nan is also a boy. When they look at each other like this, he is inevitably jealous.

So in order to cut off the sight of the handover between the two, Qin Shou looked at Chu Nan and said angrily, "Don't stand on it stupidly. Hurry up and find a seat."

With that, he suddenly looked up and looked at the last row of empty seats near the window. A big black face became solemn for no reason, and even his eyes were filled with a little awe. He told Chu Nan very seriously, "Remember, you can sit anywhere, but you can't sit there."

Following Qin Shou's eyes, Chu Nan looked up and looked curiously at the vacant seat near the window. At this time, he did not need to ask him that even people like beasts were afraid of this seat, so the owner of this seat should be the boss of this school.

Although the seat is empty, Chunan does not plan to take a seat, not because of how big that seat is, but since that person already has a master, how can Chunan take the master?

So he strode and walked straight to Qin Shou and Su Mengting and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll sit next to my cousin. Anyway, she and I are both relatives, and we can take good care of our studies.

Hearing this, Su Mengting couldn't help moving the corners of her mouth, bringing a happy and charming smile, and her heart was even more excited, as if a deer was hitting her heart. At the same time, she knew that she was willing to share a class with Chu Nan. Although she didn't say anything, the faint smile on her face at this moment has explained what she meant.

On the contrary, Qin Shou was stunned when he heard the words, and his face became extremely gloomy at that time. There was some anger in his big eyes. He raised his head slightly, glared at Chu Nan, and said in a warning tone, "I forgot to tell you that you can't sit in the last seat except the last seat. You You can't sit either. Because this seat is Laozi, no one wants to sit with Xiaoting except me. Now you ask me to give up my seat to you. Are you fucking looking for death?

Qin Shou is obviously unhappy. He wants to pursue Su Mengting and wants to stay by her side all the time. At present, Chu Nan actually wants to sit in his seat to accompany Su Mengting instead of him. How can he be willing?

If Chunan hadn't had the title of "Cousin", with his explosive temper, he would have already raised his fist and smashed Chunan with his face. How could he talk nonsense with him peacefully?

Chu Nan smiled and seemed not to be afraid of Qin Shou's dark eyes and threats at all. In fact, he already had a countermeasure in his heart, so he slowly bent down and whispered to Qin Shou, "I know this seat is yours, but didn't you ask me to help you pursue my cousin? If I can sit with her, I will have the opportunity to say good words for you every day, so that you and her will have a better chance of becoming lovers. You don't know my cousin. Since she was a child, she didn't listen to anyone, but she just likes to listen to me. You'd better think about it. I'm also thinking about your lifelong happiness. It doesn't matter if you don't let me. Anyway, it doesn't matter where I sit. But if you can't catch up with my cousin in the future, don't blame me and say that I didn't help you.