College Record

Chapter 029 Expected Work

Su Mengting nodded and said nothing more, because she had already finished what she had to say.

It's clear. The reason why she came to this school and signed up for the major of free combat is that she wants to become strong, but she doesn't want her parents to be bullied by those hooligans again.

She understands that meat is weak and forced to eat.

She also understands that only by making herself strong can she avoid being hurt by others.

Although she didn't expect Chu Nan to help herself, she also felt much more comfortable when she could tell the unhappiness that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

"Why don't you and your mother hide first? In this way, your father will have no worries. After your father testified to that group, the group will also be punished by law. Isn't this going to solve the problem?" Chu Nan was surprised and couldn't help asking.

"They not only threatened my father with me and my mother, but also threatened me and my mother with my father. He said that as long as we dare to leave Qinhai City, they would attack my father and said that with their ability, they could kill my father in the detention center. Su Mengting said helplessly, with worries in her eyes.

"Oh... they won't say anything, you will all believe it, right? If they really have this kind of ability, will they still bully honest people like you? You, your mother, and your father are indeed a family. You are really naive. Is your father willing to be this big man, and you and your mother are willing to let them bully you? Chu Nan felt very funny, not only laughing at the dirty tricks of the group of hooligans, but also laughing at the innocence of Su Mengting's family.

Su Mengting did not say anything, but quietly stared at Chu Nan's smiling face, thinking that he had never experienced his own experience, so he said it so simply.

However, there is no denying that for Su Mengting, Chu Nan's smile is definitely a good medicine. After seeing it, Su Mengting couldn't help relaxing and blooming a rare smile. Her delicate and graceful face was dotted with tears, especially that smile, which was like a rose in full bloom. , amazing and beautiful, the tears are like morning dew, which adds a little vitality to her beauty.

"Thank you!" Su Mengting said these three words gratefully and deliberately wanted to change the topic. She really didn't want Chu Nan to share her unhappiness anymore.

"I didn't help you. Why did you thank me?" Chu Nan was a little embarrassed, and then lowered his head and did not dare to look at Su Mengting, as if he was ashamed of his powerlessness.

Even big things such as urgent urination have long been forgotten by him.

"Thank you for listening to me and staying here for so long." Su Mengting looked more embarrassed than Chu Nan. Her head was lower than Chu Nan. She said in a flowing voice, "I'm not sociable and I can't get along with people, so I don't have friends around me. Only my parents are willing to listen to my nagging, but even my parents often say that I'm more rigid, and they have doubted whether I am Suffering from congenital depression. I haven't seen my father for a long time since something happened at home, and my mother has become silent. So I want to thank you. After telling you about these things, I feel much more comfortable. It seems that I haven't said so much for a long time.

Speaking of her parents, Su Mengting naturally thinks of a once happy family, and the smile on her face is also a little stronger.

But soon, her smile was replaced by endless sadness, and her former happiness was also swallowed up by the current melancholy.

Yes, Dad was wronged and is still suffering in the detention center.

Mom also has to often face the harassment of those bullying hooligans. If they are slightly dissatisfied, they will be punched and kicked at any time.

As their children, how can Su Mengting be happy in the face of many helplessness and helplessness?

It's just that she didn't say her unhappiness to Chu Nan anymore. After all, this is her own family's business, and it's useless to talk too much.

"You don't have no friends." Chu Nan suddenly opened his mouth. Although there was a joking smile on his face, he looked at Su Mengting very seriously and said with a smile, "Am I your friend? Of course, if you like, you can also call me cousin, so that our relationship seems to be deeper.

"Friend?" Su Mengting raised her head, quickly blinked her big eyes twice, and said incredulously, "Would you like to be friends with me?"

"You're wrong."

As soon as Chu Nan's three words came out, Su Mengting couldn't help but feel cold and extremely frustrated. It seemed that she was self-indued.

"We are already friends."

After listening to Chu Nan's words, Su Mengting was warm and happy again.

In just two seconds, because of Chu Nan's words, she fully experienced two completely different moods. The former fell from the sky to the bottom of the valley, like falling into an ice pool, cold to people's hearts. The latter rises from the bottom of the valley to the sky, floating like a fairy and comfortable.

"Is your restaurant still short of people?" Chu Nan asked with a smile. He is not kidding, he really needs a job.

In the face of Chu Nan's sudden question, Su Mengting was puzzled and asked inexplicably, "Why did you ask that?"

"Because I need to work." Chu Nan said solemnly, "I don't have much time during the day, because I have to go to class. But from afternoon to evening, I should be very idle. Your family runs a restaurant again, and you should be very free in the morning. I think I will be busy in the afternoon and evening. It's just in time for me, so if your family is short of people, I can go to work. Now I really need a job."

In the end, Chu Nan's tone was almost mixed with the taste of pleading, and his eyes were also generous. He stared straight at Su Mengting, looking forward to giving her a job, and also expected that her restaurant was short of manpower.

However, he is right. Generally, during the afternoon and evening, Su Mengting's restaurant is indeed very busy and her business is booming. In addition, her parents have amazing cooking skills, so as soon as dinner, there is an endless stream of passengers. In this area, it is also a little famous.

Unfortunate, this is the past.

Now, those hooligans will go to her restaurant to eat and drink, and drive away the guests there in order to do some illegal things. Moreover, the original waiters have been scared away by them, and so far no one dares to apply for the job.

But even so, the business of the restaurant will sometimes be very good. After all, the hooligans still have scruples for fear that Su Mengting's father will turn over the confession, so they will not make trouble every day, in case the dog jumps over the wall. And Qinhai City is so large and populous that there will always be people who go to eat.

However, whether the business is good or bad, Su Mengting's mother has always supported it alone. Since the restaurant business is the only source of income for both mother and daughter, she has to insist on running it.

"Why, I don't believe my work ability?" Seeing that Su Mengting did not speak for a long time, Chu Nan's face darkened and pretended to be unhappy. He has thoroughly regarded Su Mengting's personality and expected that she can't see herself angry. Once she sees it, she will definitely be obedient.

Sure enough, seeing that Chu Nan was unhappy, Su Mengting quickly waved her little hand and explained repeatedly, "No, no, no, I'm just afraid that that group of people will trouble you..."

"It's not enough. I think you have hired me." Chu Nan interrupted Su Mengting's words, then turned away and said as he walked, "Then after school in the afternoon, please take me to work. As for the salary, we can talk about it in detail then. I have something else to do. See you later."

Looking at Chu Nan's fading back, Su Mengting was stunned and did not move for a long time.

Of course, she hopes to find a helper for her mother and bring a job to Chu Nan. However, she was also worried and puzzled that she had just said so terrible about those hooligans, but he still insisted on working. Isn't he afraid at all?

Out of the Fighting Hall, Chu Nan stood in front of the door, looked up, smiled, and felt very happy. He really stepped on the iron shoes without hiding. It took no time. He didn't expect to find a job so soon.

With this happy mood, he just wanted to take a step, but he vaguely felt that he had nothing to do. It was not until a surging excitement came from his lower abdomen that he suddenly felt that, er, he hadn't gone to the toilet yet...

Forget it, let's go to see the man's mother-in-law first. I hope she is not as serious as she thought...