College Record

Chapter 030 Love at first sight?

When he came to the door of the infirmary, Chu Nan hid behind the door like a thief and quietly looked in. He saw Fang Qing lying on a small disease**, with a slightly white face, sweaty forehead, moon eyebrows locked, two fists clenched hard, and his lips tightly, obviously a painful look.

The wound on her left thigh has been wrapped in a layer of bandage. Although there is no blood stain overflowing, it is not difficult to see that she should be seriously injured, at least in a short time, she specified that she would not be able to walk well.

Chu Nan secretly regretted that if he had known that he would not have done such a heavy hand to her.

But in fact, Chu Nan really didn't use much strength before, let alone that Fang Qing seemed to be tough, but she couldn't help fighting so much that she couldn't even withstand the attack of a small stone--

It seems that a girl is still a girl. No matter how strong her appearance is, her physique can't be changed. She will always be so weak and vulnerable!

But no matter what, Chu Nan admitted that it was difficult to blame. Whoever told him not to do it indiscriminately, he wanted to take action against her, which made her suffer a lot. These are not their own faults, and whose fault is it?

Chunan doesn't intend to shirk his responsibility, but he doesn't know how to compensate her?

Thinking about it over and over again, she can only owe this bad debt first. When she needs it, she will return it to her with interest--

"Dr. Wang, how is Fang's injury? Will there be any sequelae?" In the infirmary, Coach An of the Fighting Team stood at the end of the bed and asked the middle-aged school doctor worriedly.

"Fang's injury is caused by gravity. If it is stronger, I'm afraid even her leg bones will be smashed. Fortunately, she is only suffering from skin injuries now. She can recover after about half a month after a good rest, leaving no sequelae. Speaking of this, Dr. Wang looked at Fang Qing puzzledly and said, "I'm quite curious about who has such a great ability to hurt our triathlon president like this?"

After Dr. Wang said this, Coach An also became curious. He thought that Su Mengting had just joined the fighting team for a month. She was simply a layman with no power, and Fang Qing was a practitioner and had already proficient in three skills. Even if she stood still and let Su Mengting fight, where did she come from? Can strength hurt Fang Qing like this?

But if Fang Qing didn't hurt her, who would have done it? At that time, there were only two of them in the ring.

Although she couldn't believe it, after thinking about it, Coach An still imposed this charge on Su Mengting, thinking that she had played some despicable means to cause Fang Qing to be seriously injured. At that moment, she said in an unhappy voice: "That little girl named Su Mengting is too cruel! I think she obviously wants to ruin your whole leg. Sure enough, people can't be good-looking. That's really unreasonable!"

Coach An looked fierce and asked Fang Qing, "How did she hurt you at that time?" If she really plays any tricks, I will let her roll over and get out of here. My fighting team doesn't need a despicable and shameless student like her.

Outside the door, Chu Nan felt even more guilty when he heard the words. It seemed that he not only hurt good people, but also involved Su Mengting to take the blame.

She is sorry for so many things have happened to Su Mengting's family, and now she still wants to be wronged. Chu Nan is not a hard-hearted person. How can he bear this?

In order to return Su Mengting's innocence and to apologize, Chu Nan was about to go in and explain it. Unexpectedly, Fang Qing suddenly said, "It's none of Su Mengting's business. At that time, I had knocked her down, and I could see her every move. I could see it clearly. She didn't plot to me. Besides, she doesn't have the ability to hurt me like this.

As soon as he heard this, Coach An couldn't help but feel incredible. He meditated for a moment and said, "Since you are so sure that you are not the one who hurt you, and there is no one around you except Su Mengting at that time, so who is the person who hurt you?"

Fang Qing also frowned and looked at the wounds on her legs. Her expression was solemn, thoughtful, and she didn't say anything for a long time.

About how she was injured, in fact, even Fang Qing, as the person involved, didn't know about this problem. In her memory, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her left thigh, as if she had been hit by something. She only felt extremely painful, and then she was weak all over. For the first time in her life, she experienced such pain.

She thought it was a cramp. It was not until she came to the infirmary and saw the swollen wound that she realized that it was not that she had a cramp at that time, but that she was seriously injured, but how she was injured and why she was so seriously injured. She really had no clue.

In this case, she inevitably felt strange, and she couldn't help but have an extremely ridiculous idea in her heart. Is there something dirty staring at her? Otherwise, who would have the ability to hurt himself so quietly that he hurt himself so badly?

This idea is still stuck in Fang Qing's heart. She seems to be calm on the surface, but in fact she is frightened. She has been creepy and shuddered for a long time.

"Coach An, Dr. Wang, do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

Fang Qing's unexplained question. At that time, Coach An and Dr. Wang were confused. The two looked at each other. Dr. Wang smiled and said, "I won't believe such a ridiculous thing. After all, I am a medical student and prefer science, and science has proved that there are no ghosts in this world.

Coach An also shook her head and sighed, thinking that she had just injured her leg. Why did she seem to have hurt her brain?

"I think I have encountered something unclean!" Fang Qing said solemnly. Even though she tried her best to hide her uneasiness, it was difficult to hide the helplessness and panic on her face.

However, she doesn't know how to explain it other than this explanation. It is not surprising that anyone who encounters such a thing will have this kind of absurd suspicion. Although it is unrealistic, once they experience something strange and unexplained, people often think of it naturally - ghosts!

Fang Qing really didn't want to believe this kind of unreasonable thing, but she really experienced this incredible thing. She was not only in a dream, but also tasted the pain caused by skin and skin injury, so unless there is a reasonable explanation, she can't help but believe it - this is a ghost!

At this time, facing Fang Qing's problem, Coach An and Dr. Wang were silent. They did not want to admit the existence of ghosts, but they could not give Fang Qing a reasonable explanation. In the end, they could only choose to be silent.

Outside the door, Chu Nan also feels funny, and there is no lack of meaning that he is lucky to be happy with disaster.

At the same time, he was also staring at Fang Qing. At this moment, he could clearly see the fear on Fang Qing's face and the uneasiness hidden in her heart.

Although it was the first day I met her, Chu Nan's impression is that she is a man who despises people, and she belongs to the kind of person who is fearless, arrogant and arrogant, and absolutely owes a lesson.

However, at this moment, in Chu Nan's view, she is an ordinary weak girl. She also has times of fear and helplessness, and her beautiful eyes seem to contain not only fear and confusion, but also a strong desire to be protected!

Suddenly, Chu Nan felt that his heart trembled suddenly, and the gloating smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and his eyes could no longer move at all. All his thoughts were poured into Fang Qing's eyes full of various emotions. Somehow, those eyes seemed to have a magic, which made Chu Nan involun't help but The Lord took a step, attracted him, and slowly walked into the infirmary--

What's more strange is that Chu Nan's heart actually had an impulse to protect Fang Qing, and he wanted to tell her that he wanted to protect her.

Although Chu Nan also had this feeling for Su Mengting, Chu Nan knew that it was because he regarded Su Mengting as his sister. Even if he wanted to protect her, it was based on his sister.

At present, Chu Nan can't explain the impulse generated by Fang Qing.

Unconsciously, his mind has gone blank——

All he knew was that at this moment, his heartbeat was very fast and violent, as if he was about to grab the body. As he approached, various emotions began to break out in his heart. The closer he approached Fang Qing, the stronger the emotions became. In the dark, these emotions seemed to have gathered into an unknown force in his body, powerful and irresistible, constantly urging him, making him can't help walking towards Fang Qing--

Is it that Fang Qing has some kind of unknown power and uses it to control her thoughts?

Or - since I first saw her, I fell in love with her at first sight and fell in love with her so much that I couldn't bear to be afraid to see her?

Chu Nan tried his best to clear his thoughts and meditate in his heart--