College Record

Chapter 031 If you can bear it

From early on, Chu Nan believed in love at first sight, but he never thought that such a thing would happen to him.

When he was in Nanling University, he also fell in love, but strangely, that relationship was not as exciting as he thought, and when facing that girl, he did not have such a special feeling as now. It was unclear and unclear, but it was so exciting that people couldn't help it. And this special feeling only appears when he faces Fang Qing, and it has appeared for the third time.

Therefore, Chu Nan has two conclusions. One is that Fang Qing has the power to manipulate human emotions. The second is that I fell in love with her at first sight and wanted to get close to her because I fell in love with her.

However, Chu Nan can't deny that the first conclusion is a little illusory, because he is also a powerman and knows that no one in the world can control human feelings. This conclusion is just an excuse for the second conclusion. Maybe he doesn't want to admit that he has fallen in love with Fang Qing. Besides, she doesn't seem to be her favorite type.

How can a man like a man's mother-in-law?

She is already different enough. If you like her, what does this mean? Doesn't it mean that you are more different?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan shook his head vigorously and tried his best to calm down his entangled emotions. After that, he found that there were three pairs of eyes staring at him. No, it should be said that there were three people looking at themselves as if they were fools.

Chu Nan turned his eyes and looked left and right. Then he realized that he had come to the infirmary and stood in front of the bed, and was currently facing the man's mother-in-law.

However, when he saw the beautiful face, there were waves in his heart. The mood that had just calmed down became messy again, so that he was somewhat overwhelmed that he had made a mistake and felt that he had been caught. Then he couldn't help lowering his head and felt that his heart was surging and his cheeks were hot. But he didn't say anything, and didn't dare to look at Fang Qing, and stood stupidly--

It made him more sure that he was emotional. At least, he felt that he didn't hate this Fang Qing--

Fang Qing looked at him for a moment, and then quickly covered her legs with a blanket. Obviously, she wanted to cover the wound, or didn't want to be so embarrassed by Chu Nan to see her. Then her face straightened, pretended to be nothing had happened, and showed that high appearance. She asked unpleasantly, "What are you doing here? ——You didn't get hurt as soon as you came here, did you? Humph! Waste is indeed waste!"

"Uh... you mean that only waste can get hurt?" Chu Nan didn't want to talk, but he retorted a few words and deliberately put his eyes on Fang Qing's lap to remind her that she was injured and proud.


Fang Qing was speechless for a moment, and her slightly white face suddenly turned pale and almost fainted without breath. She had the intention to refute a few words, but there was no way to speak. Who told her to be really hurt? The most depressing thing is that she still doesn't know how she has been hurt, which is undoubtedly a great shame for her triathlon master.

Obviously, he wanted to bury this boy, but he didn't want to be buried by him, and he couldn't fight back. This breath is really difficult for Fang Qing to swallow. What's more, so far, no student dares to sing against her as openly as Chu Nan--

If it hadn't been for the injury on her leg and bad behavior, with her temper, she would have flattened Chu Nan first. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the ability to move freely at present. Perhaps Chu Nan also took a fancy to this point and expected that she couldn't do anything about herself, so she boldly sang against her.

"Who are you? Do you know who you are talking to?

Seeing that Chu Nan's other party was so rude, Coach An's hot temper was immediately stimulated and immediately asked angrily. His voice was deafening, which scared Chu Nan. Moreover, the two iron fists are already clenched, and there is a tendency to take action against Chu Nan at any time.

"Hello, I'm Chu Nan. I just joined this school today." Chu Nan introduced himself politely. As for Coach Ann's second question, he did not answer, because in his opinion, he was just talking to an injured girl, that's all.

"What are you doing here?" Hearing that Chu Nan was from Shengwu University, Coach An loosened his fist. Since he is a student here, as a coach, he can't be rude. It's just that this boy is not injured or sick. I don't know what he's doing here?

Chu Nan was speechless for a moment. In fact, he was not very clear about how he appeared here?

He only remembered that after seeing Fang Qing's helpless and frightened eyes outside the house, he had an impulse in his heart, an impulse to protect her, and then made him move his step. When he came to his senses, he was already standing in front of the bed.

But in fact, he knows better than anyone why he appeared here. The reason is very simple. He was attracted by Fang Qing, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Turning his mind, Chu Nan smiled, looked at Fang Qing, and said carelessly, "I don't know how I got in. Maybe I was just possessed by a ghost?"

As he spoke, he smiled at Fang Qing and whispered, "Hey, I believe that there are ghosts in the world, and I also believe that you have been injured by ghosts."

Since he said this, even Fang Qing couldn't help clenching her fists angrily and gritted her teeth angrily. This guy didn't believe in himself. He was obviously laughing at himself.

"Bad boy, I think you're just looking for fault." As the coach of the fighting team, An Yifeng's temper is naturally very hot. In addition, the boy in front of him just said rudely to the other party, and now he has found such a blind excuse, so in An Yifeng, this boy obviously played him as a monkey.

Driven by anger, An Yifeng couldn't help clenching his fists again, and a big black face showed a fierce color, with horizontal eyebrows and erect eyes, as if he was going to beat Chu Nan. But beating the dog also depends on the owner. Before beating him, you must first find out who his coach is, so he asked, "Which team are you from?" Who is the coach?

Hearing this, Chu Nan proudly straightened up and was about to shout out the sentence "I am a martial arts team", but on second thought, it seems that the whole martial arts team has only one student, and the coach is still an old man over 100 years old, and even the martial arts hall is weak. It's faceless.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan had no confidence, like a ventilated balloon. His strength gradually disappeared, and his spine also collapsed a lot. He lowered his head, calmly and said feebly, "I'm from the martial arts team, and the coach is Wu Bo."

An Yifeng sneered when he heard the words, as if he didn't need to do anything. Just by talking, he could make Chu Nan feel ashamed. At present, he said disdainfully, "Why, is Yang Guangwu, the old stubborn, still in this school? I told the old guy a long time ago that the martial arts class has no future, but he didn't listen. How about now? I heard that even the remaining dozen students have transferred to the judo team. Ha ha, that's no wonder. I think only those students without a head will be willing to join the martial arts class, right?

In the end, An Yifeng's face was full of pride. While belittling Wu Bo and martial arts, he also indirectly scolded Chu Nan, saying that he was a brainless brain-damaged--

How could Chu Nan not understand the meaning of his words, but he also turned a deaf ear and didn't think so. He just lowered his head and giggled like a fool.

However, if it is in the past, Chu Nan will make this comfortable wind pay the due price for his own words and deeds. Whether he is a coach, a teacher, even the principal, he will finish it. But now, Chu Nan has no previous strength, and he has no cruel heart. As long as the other party is not too excessive, he can bear it and avoid causing trouble.

"Have a good rest and hope you get well soon. Besides, I'm sorry!" Chu Nan directly ignored the existence of An Yifeng, but looked at Fang Qing seriously and sincerely told her what was from his heart.

However, Fang Qing couldn't find his words. He thought that he wanted to have a good rest and wish him a speedy recovery. This sounded good, but for no reason, why did this guy apologize to himself? Are you sick?

"Oh, I'm in a hurry to pee." Chu Nan finally couldn't stand the stormy waves in his womb. After saying this, he turned around and left, and soon grabbed the door. It can be said that he came and rushed, but no one understood why on earth did he come?