College Record

Chapter 070 Unrepentant

Sure enough, Chu Nan's attention was successfully attracted by the blue-haired man, and the blue-haired man was relatively tall and standing directly opposite Chu Nan, covering almost all the sight in front of him, so he could not see the things behind the blue-haired man at all.

However, Chu Nan really wants to talk to the blue-haired man. At least he wants to find out who is the boss of this 'Huaxing Society' and whether he knows him. After all, when he was in Nanling University, he had met many gang bosses. If he knew the leader of the 'Huaxing Society', he could also avoid some troubles. Born.

Unexpectedly, before Chu Nan asked a question, suddenly, the red-haired man hidden in the back ran to Su Mengting in front of the counter.

Seeing the fierce red-haired man coming, Su Mengting couldn't help opening her eyes and her head buzzing, and she immediately understood what he was going to do.

Su Mengting was too late to run. At that moment, she exclaimed, intending to arouse Chu Nan's idea. When Chu Nan heard the sound, she was stunned to find that Su Mengting had been taken hostage by a red-haired man!

The red-haired man's left arm hugged Su Mengting's upper chest, including Su Mengting's arms were also firmly entangled by him and could not move. He held a knife in his left hand, and a foot-long knife was mounted on Su Mengting's throat without any gap, which scared Su Mengting's face, but she did not dare to act at all.

At this moment, if the red-haired man wants to end Su Mengting's life, he can do it easily as long as he strokes gently.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan's anger soared rapidly, and a pair of eyes full of disgust flashed fiercely. He hated the methods of these little hooligans--

Is it still a man's job to bully a girl who has no power to bind a chicken?

"Do you still want to play?" Chu Nan's voice was cold, and he stared at the blue-haired man in front of him without blinking, and his words were full of warning.

"As long as you let us out, we won't hurt this little girl. I don't want my brother to cut her neck, do you? But if you continue to fight against us, we won't have a good end, and she won't want to live. At worst, we will die!" The blue-haired man warned back. At this time, he couldn't help but be a little proud. After all, he came up with this idea. At the same time, there was a hostage in his hand. He was also much bolder, and it was expected that Chu Nan would obediently.

"No, no, please, don't hurt my daughter..." Xiao Ping alternated with tears in her eyes. She was in a hurry and begged the blue-haired man bitterly. If her daughter has a long and two short stories, she doesn't want to live as a mother.

"Your daughter's life is not in our hands, but in his hands. It's useless for you to beg us. You'd better beg him. As long as he promises us to leave here, we will let your daughter go. The blue-haired man's attitude is cold, full of proud smile, and a little domineering, which is annoying to watch.

"Xiaonan, auntie, please get out of the way and let them go. I'm just a daughter like Xiaoting. I can't let her have something to do, otherwise I can't live!" Xiao Ping looked at Chu Nan with tears in her eyes, restless and panicked face, full of prayer and worry.

Even if Chunan didn't want to give in, he had to compromise now, so he took a few steps to make way for them.

"Give it to me."

Seeing Chu Nan give in, the blue-haired man became more and more bold. At this time, he went straight to Chu Nan and reached out to ask him for the pistol.

"Don't give him the gun. If you give it to him, they will definitely not let you go!" Su Mengting suddenly shouted. Although this is the first time she has experienced this situation, she often sees similar plots on TV, so she is sure that if Chu Nan gives the gun to these people, they will definitely retaliate against Chu Nan and escape.

Speaking of which, Su Mengting has always been timid and more afraid of death than anyone else. But somehow, she suddenly got a lot of courage from nowhere, and she could even ignore life and death.

Anyway, Su Mengting has only one idea in her heart at this moment, that is, she would rather have something to do than Chu Nan, especially her firm eyes to Chu Nan have shown, which has shown her determination!

"Bad girl, don't you fucking want to live? Shut up!" With that, the red-haired man pushed the knife up, and half of the blade was almost buried in the skin of Su Mengting's throat. With a little force, he could cut the bleeding!

Chu Nan held a gun in one hand, and the other hand had already been held tightly, secretly complaining that he was distracted, so that these scum could take advantage of it. At the same time, he wanted to solve the red-haired man in one breath and save Su Mengting from danger. But because the distance is too far, it is difficult for him to do it. If you force it, it will only hurt Su Mengting!

However, Su Mengting is right. Now Chu Nan has a gun in his hand, so they don't dare to mess around. If Chu Nan gives them the gun, they will definitely give Chu Nan a few bullets for their teeth and blood for blood!

But if Chu Nan doesn't do what they want, Su Mengting will be very dangerous. Even dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry. What can't these scum do?

For a while, Chu Nan was also in a dilemma. He didn't want these hooligans to hurt himself, nor did he want Su Mengting to be hurt, but time was tight, and he really had no way to relieve the current impasse--

Seeing that Chu Nan has not responded for a long time, the blue-haired man inevitably felt a little impatient. You should know that if it goes on like this, the police will come. At that time, even if Chunan is willing to give in, I believe that those police will not compromise.

In a hurry, the blue-haired man stopped talking nonsense and suddenly stretched out his hand in an attempt to grab the gun in Chu Nan's hand. As long as there is a gun in hand, everything will be easy to do.

Almost at the same time, Su Mengting suddenly struggled hard and got rid of the bondage of the red-haired man's left arm. Immediately, she raised her hands, grabbed the red-haired man's right arm with a knife, pulled hard, and made the sharp blade deviate from her throat.

Before the red-haired man could react, Su Mengting suddenly turned around, took a step back, rushed out with her right foot, aimed at the man's weakest place, and kicked it mercilessly--



The red-haired man hummed, and the knife in his hand fell off at that time. His hands instinctively covered his crotch and slowly knelt on the ground. Under the severe pain, his face was rapidly congested. Soon, his face was as red as his hair, and his mouth couldn't help moaning painfully, with a decline that was worse than death.

If a person is in danger or in an extremely urgent situation, the potential power in his body will be stimulated. Su Mengting's performance just now is exactly like this. Besides, she didn't practice this month's fighting skills in vain. At the critical moment, she will always come in handy. Coupled with Chu Nan's true biography, as long as she has the courage to do it, she can make an ordinary man powerless and then feel the pain of life and death!

Seeing that Su Mengting had resolved the crisis safely, Chu Nan was relieved and breathed a great sigh of relief.

Seeing that things were not good, another red-haired man close to the counter rushed straight to Su Mengting, intending to repeat the technique and continue to take her hostage.

But this time, Chu Nan does not intend to give anyone another chance to hurt Su Mengting--

"Hmm! It's really unrepentant. If you want a gun, then I'll give it to you..."

Before the words fell, Chu Nan was full of strength. He raised his hand and threw the gun out. In the blink of an eye, he only heard a "bang" and hit the back of the red-haired man's head, so that he had fallen to the ground before he could get close to Su Mengting, and a large amount of blood followed the back of his head. He rushed out and dyed his red hair more red, but when he saw him lying on the ground motionless, he lost all his reaction, and his life and death were unknown!

Except for the blue-haired man, everyone was dumbfounded again at this time. No one dared to act rashly in front of Chu Nan, otherwise, they would become a red-haired man at any time.

Seeing that Chu Nan was empty-handed, the blue-haired man couldn't help but be happy. He didn't have a gun, and he was still afraid of his hair?

It's not enough to think about it. The fierce light flashed in the blue-haired man's eyes. He stepped forward brazenly and stabbed Chu Nan with a knife.

Chu Nan reacted very quickly, his feet shifted, and he dodged sideways. The blue-haired man suddenly rushed to the air. Chu Nan looked at the right time. At the moment when the blue-haired man passed by him, he quickly reached out and grabbed the high knife-wieldy arm of the blue-haired man, started suddenly, and ran all the way. He pulled him to a dining table, pressed his right arm on the table and grabbed the knife in his hand without saying a word. The knife fell and pierced his right palm fiercely. The sharp blade penetrated his whole palm, and even pierced the table, firmly nailed his palm to the table!


A thorough scream shook the hearts of everyone present, while Chu Nan's cruel methods and superb strength made the remaining gangsters out of reach, and their spirit almost collapsed in an instant, completely putting down their resistance.

But Chu Nan did not give up. In order to avoid these scumbags from messing up again, only by lying on the ground honestly and believing that they will wait for the police to come...