College Record

Chapter 071 is too late

I casually picked up a beer bottle on the table, and Chu Nan threw it high--

When the wine bottle fell in front of him, his ready right fist suddenly burst out, and he only heard a muffled sound in an instant. The beer bottle was suddenly smashed by him, and countless glass residues burst into the group of little hooligans, and finally plunged deeply into their skin and flesh. Even the three girls were spared, as if they had been shot, falling to the ground and rolling around, both men and women, howling.

Chu Nan clapped his hands and took a long breath——

He didn't want to take action, but these scum are bullying people too much. If they don't teach them a lesson, they will not repent. In the future, they will bully others and commit crimes.

This time, take it as a free lesson, so that they can have a longer memory, at least let them understand that not everyone is afraid of them.

Seeing that the group of hooligans no longer have the ability to resist, several chefs who had been hiding in the dark were also bold and rushed out collectively, with all the things in their hands. The kitchen knives, sticks and iron spoons went into battle. They beat the group of little hooligans who were rolling on the ground and scolded them. It's hearty and refreshing.

They have been holding this anger for a long time. Now that there is Chunan Station, they have no worries. What's more, this group of little hooligans have always been arrogant and domineering. At present, they have completely lost their resistance. It would be a pity if they don't vent their anger on such a once-in-lifetime opportunity.

Chu Nan understood their feelings and asked them to teach this group of hooligans a lesson, so he did not stop them, but walked straight to Su Mengting at the counter.

When he came to Su Mengting, Chu Nan first looked at her carefully and saw that she was intact. He immediately relaxed and praised with a smile: "You did a good job just now. It seems that I looked down on you before. It turns out that you are quite good at beating!"

In contrast, Su Mengting saw her expression twisting and the corners of her mouth twitching slightly. She was crying or laughing. There was no way to tell whether she was, and when she looked closely, she found that her legs were still slightly shivering, and her little face was faintly shocked, and she looked like a nightmare.

At this time, the red-haired man who tried to attack Su Mengting just now also eased a little. Although his crotch was still a little painful, he could still rush out of here in one breath.

While Chu Nan and Su Mengting were talking, the red-haired man suddenly jumped up and ran to the door of the store regardless of the life and death of his companions. For him, this store used to be a paradise, and he could spend his time here and do whatever he wanted. However, at this moment, for him, this is a hell on earth, without any life security. If he stays for a long time, he will be injured if he does not die!

Severa few chefs wanted to stop him, but when they saw that he was still holding a knife in his hand, no one dared to pretend to be a good man. They actually avoided left and right and gave up a passage for the red-haired man.

Suddenly, she found that the red-haired man was going to run. Su Mengting was refreshed and opened her mouth and said to Chu Nan in front of her, "He... he wants to run."

Chu Nan smiled and seemed to have expected it and was not in a hurry to catch up. Instead, he walked to a table, waved an empty wine bottle, and then suddenly turned around and suddenly shook it. The empty wine bottle was like a cannonball. In an instant, it only heard a bang and exploded on the back of the head of the red-haired man. Come on, the powerful impact almost brought the red-haired man up. When he landed, he was already lying outside the door and fainted. The back of his head was bloody and shocking!

Finally, ten men and three women have all fallen to the ground. Five people were severely unconscious and unconscious. Eight people were injured, rolling all over the ground and mourning. It's just that they are so embarrassed. It's just Chunan alone, and it took less than three minutes before and after. It's extremely clean and amazing!

"Well, it's all right now. Don't worry about it anymore. Just leave the rest to the police. In the face of the tragic scene created by himself, Chu Nan was not anxious, breathless, and calm as if nothing had happened, as if all the things in front of him had nothing to do with him.

However, Chu Nan's psychological quality has far exceeded that of ordinary people. Of course, this has a lot to do with his experience. You should know that before he went to prison, he had seen all kinds of bloody scenes and created many more tragic scenes than this. He even killed people. Although it was manslaughter, from beginning to end, he was never afraid except for regret.

So, the present scene is comparable to a drizzle for him, which is really not worth mentioning.

After a brief pause, several chefs gathered together beside Chu Nan. While they admired Chu Nan's skills, they were also worried about him. It seemed that in their opinion, this was just the beginning and the matter was far from over.

It's not surprising——

Although these little hooligans have learned the rightful lessons, they are all from Huaxing Society. Now that Chunan has hurt them, it is equivalent to offending Huaxing Society. Huaxing Society is quite powerful, and the whole community has reached thousands of people, so even if Chunan can fight against each other, he can't be against the whole Huaxing Society!

Anyway, it's too late to say anything. What shouldn't have happened has happened. Now, it seems that he can only be persuaded to run away.

But before that, everyone had a question in their hearts, so they only heard a chef ask, "Who the hell are you?"

"Student." Chu Nan said it in a word, but told the truth.

"I know you are a student, I mean, why are you so powerful and deal with these gangsters in a couple of seconds?" The chef continued to ask, with worship and worry in his eyes.

"I have practiced martial arts." Chu Nan still put it in a word. Compared with the people in front of him, he was obviously the most relaxed one.

"Oh, anyway, you'd better go quickly. The farther you go, the better. In a short period of time, you'd better not come back." An older chef hurriedly advised.

"Go? Where are you going?" Chu Nan blinked twice and didn't seem to understand what the chef meant.

"These people are from Huaxing Society, and you can't beat them. You'd better go quickly, or you can't leave when Huaxingshe comes to you!"

"Yes, you'd better go quickly. We can't stay here any longer, otherwise Huaxing Society will definitely not let us go.

"Yes, that's right. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, and we will also leave here. Huaxing Society is so powerful that they are in charge of this area, and even the police can't do anything about them.

Just as several chefs opened their mouths to persuade Chunan, Xiao Ping also came over and handed over a bank card to Chunan. She said gratefully and anxiously, "Xiaonan, thank you, thank you for helping me teach these bastards. However, everyone is right. Huaxing Society is the largest gang in this area, and no one dares to offend them. There are 200,000 in this card, not a lot, but it's enough for you to use for a while. You'd better go home quickly and get out of here with your family. You will come back after the limelight."

Chu Nan smiled bitterly when he heard the words and secretly laughed at himself. Why did he still mind his own business when he knew that good people were difficult to do?

It's okay now. This nosy business is good, but how to clean up the mess behind it?

In case you really want to run away, you don't care, but how should you explain it to your family?

If parents know that they have fought and injured people again, then they don't have to leave, and they will be pissed off to death, right?

Ha ha, this 200,000 yuan can be used as medical expenses for my parents. As for running away with my family, it's really not enough!

Good saying--

Since ancient times, good people have not been rewarded, and doing good deeds has become tears!

This is indeed a reasonable saying, but Chu Nan wants to regret it, but it's too late——