College Record

Chapter 117 Bo Yuntian

Cunan knew that Huang Han was loyal and righteous, but this incident was so big that Chu Nan really didn't want to involve him.

Moreover, these people who are now in a pool of blood are all the so-called rich second generation. Their families* should not be simple, especially Teng Ming, who is the prince of Jinsheng Group. Jinsheng Group is rich and powerful. If they take revenge, Huang Han can't stand it at all.

In addition, in Chu Nan's view, although these people deserve it, after all, they are all seriously injured. No matter what the reason is, they have seriously injured so many people at once, which constitutes a criminal case. If they want to be convicted, the charges are not small.

So in any case, Chu Nan can't implicate Huang Han, and Chu Nan has secretly decided that he will take on this matter.

At the same time, at the gate of the community.

At this time, dozens of younger brothers of Huaxing Society were blocking the door tightly, forming a human wall. They were not allowed to drive in the police car, and they confronted a large number of armed policemen.

Of course, these people also work under the order of Huang Han, but they are very righteous. At least these people are much nobler than those so-called rich second generation.

Sun Minghai also followed him. At this time, he put his hands on his waist and was staring angrily at a little leader of Huaxing Society. He only heard him say harshly, "Get out of the way, or I will sue you for obstruction of justice and arrest you all."

"Uncle, your police have to do things, and our community also need to do things. Before our chairman and President Chu finish the matter, I'm sorry that we can't let you in. At worst, you will arrest us all later. It doesn't matter to us. In the face of Sun Minghai's severe warning, the little leader was not afraid. Not only him, but all the brothers of Huaxing Society present were calm and unhurried, showing the demeanor of a big gang.

However, for these brothers of Huaxing Society, they are not only working for Huang Han, but also for Chu Xingchen, and Chu Xingchen is a famous legend, so they feel very proud, let alone the police, even if the army comes, they are not afraid.

Seeing that these people had no intention of giving way, Sun Minghai was anxious and worried.

However, Sun Minghai is not worried about what hurt Chu Nan will suffer, but that Chu Nan will be impulsive and do something that can't be turned back. In case this boy kills people again, his life will be completely over.

Anyway, it's an acquaintance. Sun Minghai never wants to see Chu Nan on the road of no return.

Sun Minghai had the intention to go in to stop Chu Nan from doing stupid things, but the door was tightly blocked by these people. Even if he wanted to arrest them all, with the current police force, he could not finish them at all.

In a hurry, Sun Minghai immediately ordered a police officer to call for support.

I didn't want the other party to show weakness, so I took out my mobile phone and began to gather brothers from all walks of life to come here.

In just ten minutes, more than 200 armed police arrived at the scene in a car.

At the same time, the brothers of Huaxing Society also came one after another from all directions. According to a rough calculation, there were 400 or 500 people. As a result, they all opened the position and stood on the human wall, three floors inside and three floors outside, firmly blocked the gate, and did not allow the police to pass.

Sun Minghai is depressed to death. In this situation, the two sides are undoubtedly evenly matched. However, he admires this group of people of Huaxing Society. For the sake of brotherhood and knowing that it is not to be violated, they also dare to openly gather people to confront the police and are not afraid of the threat of the police, so they are also It's cloudy!

There is no way. In order to stop Chu Nan from doing stupid things, Sun Minghai could only use force and gave an order to arrest all those who obstructed law enforcement, and also issued a death order. If anyone dares to resist, the police will shoot.

After receiving the order, the police present were about to take action. Unexpectedly, at this time, only one voice came and said, "It's none of their business. Don't embarrass them."

Everyone followed the sound and saw Chu Nan and Huang Han walking side by side.

Seeing this, many brothers of Huaxing Society avoided making a way for the two, and then everyone came together again and stood motionless behind them, as if to be a strong backing for them.

When he came to the gate and saw Sun Minghai, Chu Nan couldn't help laughing and joked, saying, "Uncle Sun, aren't you no longer a policeman? What, do you still have command?

Suddenly, he found that Chu Nan was bathed in blood. Sun Minghai couldn't help but feel awe. He hurried forward a few steps, looked at Chu Nan and asked urgently, "What did you do to those people?"

"What have they done to my sister, and I will do to them." Chu Nan suddenly became serious, and a sharp streamer flashed in his eyes. His voice was extremely heavy, but he also answered truthfully.

Speaking of his sister, Chu Nan's face suddenly became gloomy. At the same time, a strong feeling of missing arose in his heart. If he could, he couldn't wait to appear beside his sister immediately and accompany her through this difficult situation.

However, Chu Nan knows that at this point, he can't go anywhere. The only place he can go must be the police station, right?

"Tight get these people out of the way!" Sun Minghai became more and more anxious and suddenly shouted at Chu Nan. Although he did not see the scene, through Chunan's bloody clothes, he could already imagine what a shocking scene it was in one of the villas in front of him!

Anyway, what should be done has been done. At present, Chu Nan did not refuse, so he nodded to Huang Han beside him. Huang Han turned around and waved to the brothers. Following, many brothers dispersed left and right, giving way a spacious road.

"Quick, go and rescue the injured."

Sun Minghai gave an urgent order, and a large number of police and medical staff responded and rushed to the scene.

Before he came, Sun Minghai had already thought of the worst possibility. After all, he knew Chu Nan very well, so he had already notified the medical staff to prepare for everything.

After a while, the medical staff hurriedly ran out carrying three injured people. It was Teng Ming, Liu Jiajun and Wang Qian.

Although he opened his eyes, Teng Ming had no reaction at this time. At first glance, he looked like a vegetable. Even if the dazzling sunlight shot into his eyes mercilessly, he did not even blink his eyes and completely lost consciousness.

Liu Jiajun still howled and screamed, like killing a pig. The blood was like running water, overflowing from the broken finger of his left hand, which made people tremble and shudder.

And Wang Qian is also full of blood, which is simply miserable. Although the wound on her face has been simply bandaged by the medical staff, it can't hide her misery. At this moment, I saw her lying motionless on the stretcher. Her eyes were dull and her expression was lax. Obviously, there were signs of life, but it was as if she had died. It seemed that she had completely lost hope for her future life, or her spirit and soul had died. Even if she could survive safely, then she would be nothing more It's just a walking corpse!