College Record

Chapter 118 What is the law?

Looking at the tragic situation of the three people, Sun Minghai couldn't help trembling, but he was more helpless and angry at Chu Nan's cruel revenge!

Although Sun Minghai understands Chu Nan's mood and understands that his heart is full of hatred, is it necessary for this boy to seriously hurt these people like this?

Strongly resisting his anger, Sun Minghai gradually calmed down. At present, he still has no time to take care of other things. For him, the most important thing now is how to calm this matter, otherwise Chu Nan's designation will be difficult to escape the law and the disaster of prison is inevitable.

Of course, Sun Minghai did not deliberately protect Chu Nan, but because Chu Nan was still very useful, so this boy can't have an accident.

However, this incident is so big that one of the injured is the son of the president of Jinsheng Group. If you want to calm it down, how can it be easy?

While Sun Minghai was thinking about a good plan, a nurse rushed over and said breathlessly: "Mr. Sun, there are more than 30 injured people at the scene. They have been pierced by glass fragments, causing a lot of blood loss. Several people were seriously injured. We don't have enough manpower and ambulances are limited. Can you talk to these police and ask them to help transport the injured?

Suddenly hearing the nurse's words, Sun Minghai was stunned for a moment, and then did not dare to delay. Without any permission, he acted as the on-site commander and ordered the police to cooperate fully to rescue the injured. And those policemen are also obedient. No matter what Sun Minghai says, they will all do it.

In fact, this is not surprising. Sun Minghai has served in the police all his life and has great achievements and has considerable influence in the police. Even if he is not in his position now, he has a certain leadership and credibility. Therefore, the police present will naturally follow him.

After everything was arranged, Sun Ming's sea darkened and he couldn't help being angry. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Chu Nan's collar and asked angrily, "Do you know what on earth are you doing?"

Chu Nan smiled inadvertently and said calmly, "Of course I'm doing what I should do."

"Do those people who were injured by you hurt Xiaoyue? What's the difference between you and the thugs who hurt people indiscriminately and unscrupulously? Sun Minghai blushed with anger and was furious.

When he came, Sun Minghai had found out the context of the matter, and also found out that Teng Ming and Liu Jiajun were the only culprits who hurt Chu Xingyue. Wang Qian was the provocator, and the others were accomplices.

In a word, the total number of people involved in this incident is no more than 20, and there are more than 30 people here, all of whom were seriously injured, that is to say, Chunan did not even let go of those innocent people!

At this time, in Sun Minghai's eyes, the boy in front of him is simply terrible!

He not only regarded the law as nothing, but also achieved the point where he would rather kill than let go. Such a bad means of revenge is simply a demon!

In the face of Sun Minghai's questioning, Chu Nan didn't care. However, his blood-stained face had become solemn and said in a low voice, "You said that I hurt people unscrupulously, so I would like to ask you why my sister offended these people and why she is lying in the doctor now. In the courtyard? In your opinion, maybe I am a thug, but in my heart, I just treat others in their own way. In a word, I would rather carry a crime of hurting innocent people than give those who hurt my sister a chance to be free!"


Sun Minghai was furious when he was angry, and a pair of angry eyes went straight to Chu Nan, but he was speechless...

Yes, it's not an exaggeration to put the two sentences "treat their bodies in their own way" on Chu Nan. Who told this group of scungs to hurt Chu Xingyue for no reason, and as the little girl's own eldest brother, no matter how Chu Nan injured these scounds this group of scounds, it was the people in the end.

Isn't that what the so-called revenge and grievances mean?

However, Sun Minghai has been on the police for many years. He has his own concept, and in his concept, this is a society ruled by law, not an ancient world, and everything can be solved by force.

Therefore, no matter what the reason Chu Nan has, he has no right to hurt others, and everything must be handled by law.

But this boy has seriously injured so many people, but he is still so righteous. If everyone is like him, won't the world be in a mess?

After holding back for a long time, Sun Minghai finally said a few words. He still grabbed Chu Nan's collar, looked at each other angrily, and said harshly, "I tell you, there is a law in this society, not what you want. These people should be punished, but they should not be punished by you, because you don't have the right. Do you understand? Have you been in prison for two years?

In the face of Sun Minghai's rudeness, Chu Nan was not angry. He knew that Sun Minghai was doing it for his own good and didn't want to see him go to a dark prison life again. He also knows that Sun Minghai is a good person who is responsible for his profession and society, but Chu Nan really can't praise the contemporary legal system and those public officials who eat people and don't do anything.


Hearing Sun Minghai's words, Chu Nan's expression was obviously unhappy and said solemnly, "If I don't care, can you guarantee that Teng Ming will be punished by law? If you hadn't asked about this matter in person in the hospital at that time, would the two traffic police go to the hospital to find out the situation? If I don't ask my friend to investigate in person, will the person Teng Ming and the person who hurt my sister be in the first place? Have you ever said that the law has worked for those rich people?

After Chu Nan's words for a long time, Sun Minghai was silent, and even lowered his head, shameless.

Indeed, Chu Nan was right. If Sun Minghai hadn't asked in person in the hospital at that time, the police would not have learned about the situation at all. If Chu Nan hadn't asked Huang Han to use the power of the community to find out the truth of the matter, Teng Ming and his friends would have been at large, not to mention that they would have been in the first place.

Because Chu Nan is right, for those who are rich and powerful, the "law" is like a lie and has no effect.

This is the contemporary environment and a common disease left by China since ancient times. Since the 21st century, many cases have confirmed this. Moreover, even Sun Minghai can't deny this fact.

By the way, if Chu Nan does not have the ability to revenge, if he is just an ordinary student, then this matter will be over sooner or later.

In fact, if the "law" can solve this matter satisfactorily, Chu Nan really doesn't want to go this far.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and Chu Nan is also forced to do it.

You should know that in today's society, there is either money, power or power. Otherwise, if something happens, it can only be borne by the people who have no power, power or money. Never expect the "law" to come forward for them.

And Chu Nan has none of the above three things, so he doesn't expect to get the help of the "law". In desperation, he can only choose to do it himself to help his sister get justice!

Slowly loosening Chu Nan's collar, Sun Minghai was speechless for a long time, and there was a little shame on his gloomy face, which obviously acquiesced in Chu Nan's point of view.

In fact, Sun Minghai doesn't know how bad the modern social atmosphere is?

In addition, he really wants to change the current unbearable social situation, eliminate those corrupt officials in one fell swoop, and give the majority of people a harmonious society, but others are weak and can't achieve what they want at all.

Chunan doesn't want to be too entangled in this issue. Moreover, the things that need to be solved have been solved. Since the overall situation has been decided, it is meaningless to talk too much.

At this moment, several armed police quietly surrounded Chunan, and one of them asked harshly, "Did you hurt those people in the villa?"

Chu Nan nodded and acquiesced.

At the same time, Huang Han was about to say something. Unexpectedly, Chu Nan's eyes were bright and his hands were quick. He immediately raised his knife. Without waiting for Huang Han to open his mouth, he directly hit the large artery of his left neck, which instantly caused his carotid artery to be blocked, which made his body soft and fainted on the ground. Moreover, he could not wake up in a short time.

Chu Nan naturally knew what Huang Han was going to say. He only wanted to confess his guilt with him, but this crime was not trivial. He has done so much for Chu Nan. How can Chu Nan have the heart to drag him into the water again?

Seeing this scene, a large number of armed police around were also shocked. They collectively raised their guns and pointed their guns at Chu Nan's head, waiting for it.

Obviously, Chu Nan has become a criminal at this moment. At least in the eyes of these policemen, he is an extremely serious offender who has injured more than 30 people in a row!

Many brothers of Huaxing Society were also dumbfounded and really didn't understand why Chu Nan suddenly took action at Huang Han?

However, even if everyone's heart is full of doubts, no one dares to ask each other. After all, Chu Nan is not equally idle in their eyes, and even Huang Han is stunned by him. As Huang Han's younger brother, who dares to take risks and find Chu Nan to argue?

At this time, only one policeman raised his voice and warned Chu Nan loudly: "Now I order you to hold your head and lie on the ground. If you dare to resist, you are arrested against the law, and we will shoot at any time!"

The current situation has long been expected by Chu Nan, so he is not panicked at present. What's more, it's not the first time he has been pointed at the head with a gun. He has long been used to this kind of scene, and there is really nothing worth his fuss about.