College Record

Chapter 149 The Relentless Beast Father

After a while, under the leadership of the maid, a middle-aged man in a suit followed him and walked slowly.

The man wore a pair of glasses with degrees on his face and a white storage box in his hand. Although the suit was straight and elegant, he looked a little listless. He woke up and hung with displeasure on his thin face, as if he was unhappy because someone disturbed his clear dream.

The man is currently Fang Tian's main treatment and private doctor, named Fan Tong. Two months ago, he personally went to Fang's enterprise to apply for recruitment, claiming that there was a set of ancestral therapies, combined with the use of Qigong, specifically for children's autism, and promised that Fang Tian's condition would improve within half a year. Of course, Fang Zhenghao would pay him a huge fee for each treatment for Fang Tian.

Since Fang Tian's illness, Fang Zhenghao has often invited all kinds of experts and famous doctors for him, but in the end, no one can do it. Therefore, Fang Zhenghao fell into despair several times. In the end, he had no choice but to advertise everywhere, claiming that whoever could cure Fang Tian would make him want to be full of glory and wealth.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man...

It was not until two months ago that Fan Tong took the initiative to go to Fang's enterprise to ask for orders that Fang Zhenghao rekindled some hope.

Anyway, doctors in major hospitals have been treated fruitlessly. Now that some people promise to cure their son, Fang Zhenghao loves his son so much that he will naturally try it. Even if there is only a trace of hope, it is better than hopelessness.

However, the authorities are fascinated and the onlookers are clear.

In the past two months, in addition to seeing her brother suffering, she did not find that her brother's condition had improved at all, and often had nightmares. Every time he woke up from his dream, he would run to his room. Although he can't speak, Fang Qing understands that her brother wants to protect him by himself.

Fang Qing has also repeatedly persuaded her father to give up the other party's treatment, but there is no suspense. Every time her proposal, she will be ruthlessly rejected by Fang Zhenghao.

It must be known that Fang Zhenghao is such a son as Fang Tian. In the future, someone will inherit this huge family business. After he returns to a hundred years old, if Fang Tian is still not good, then he will leave these family businesses to Fang Qing to take care of.

Unfortunately, Fang Qing is a girl, and Fang Zhenghao's thoughts are relatively feudal. He always believes that if this industry falls into Fang Qing's hands, it will change its name and become other people's property sooner or later. This incident is not allowed to happen by Fang Zhenghao.

"Dr. Fan, it happens that my son can't sleep. Instead of wasting time, please treat him again. As for the fee, I will ask someone to enter your account early tomorrow morning. Fang Zhenghao looked at Fan Tong who came slowly and said politely.

"Chairman Fang is so polite. I'm going to treat the young master. You see, I even brought the equipment." While talking, Fan Tong raised the white suitcase high. At the same time, as soon as he heard that the money would arrive tomorrow, his spirit was obviously much more excited. His drooping eyelids were also curled high and his eyes were bright, but he was a thief's eyebrows and a treacherous look.

Fang Qing stood in front of her brother's room, and she didn't mean to make way until Fan Tong approached.

Every time she saw Fan Tong's stinky face with sharp-eared monkey cheeks, Fang Qing would have a sense of disgust. She always felt that Fan Tong was not a good person, and he was just like his name. In the past two months, in addition torturing his younger brother, he also enjoyed all the delicacies at home. He was definitely a veritable "rice bucket".

If possible, Fang Qing really wants to kick this goods far away and let him roll as far away. However, Fang Zhenghao regarded him as a life-saving straw and regarded him as a guest, so even if Fang Qing had the heart to beat him, she did not have the courage to implement it.

"Miss, please make way. Time waits for no one. If the young master's best treatment time is delayed, I can't bear this responsibility." Fan Tong and Fang Qing looked at each other with a smile and were polite in their words, but their hearts had long been hated by the other party, because in the past two months, Fang Qing has made it difficult for him a lot.

"Listen to me. If you come here to make up for my brother in vain, then I will definitely get this account back from you." Fang Qing's eyes were like torches, but her expression was as cold as frost. This was even more decisive, as if she could definitely do what she said.

After listening to Fang Qing's warning, Fan Tong smiled indifferently and then said calmly, "Miss, you can doubt me, but you can't insult me. If you don't believe me, I will leave here now. As for the young master's illness, you can find anyone you want to treat.

After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave. Seeing this, Fang Zhenghao quickly chased him out.

When he came to the door, Fang Zhenghao didn't say anything. He pushed Fang Qing out with all his strength and pushed Fang Qing fiercely.

Without unprepared, Fang Qing fell forward uncontrollably, and she staggered a few times under her feet and almost didn't fall. Fortunately, she has some foundation, otherwise she will be embarrassed.

Trying her best to stabilize her body, Fang Qing slowly turned around and fixed her eyes. Suddenly, she found that her father's eyes were fierce, as if she was going to eat herself. Suddenly, her heart trembled and she hurriedly lowered her head. She dared not look at her father, and she dared not say anything again, and she dared not continue to make it difficult.

"Dead girl, get out of here." Fang Zhenghao pointed to the door in the distance and first scolded Fang Qing, but when he saw Fang Qing's aggrieved face and tears flashed, he seemed to be a little unbearable, so he did not continue to say much. Then he stretched his frown and said to Fan Tong with a pleasant face, "I'm sorry, Dr. Fan, the little girl is ignorant. Don't have the same experience with her. On my thin face, please ask Dr. Fan to help treat the child as soon as possible.

Looking at Fang Qing's pitiful grievances, Fan Tong's face showed a faint pride. At that moment, he straightened his body and walked into the room arrogantly. When he passed Fang Qing's side, he also deliberately hummed gently, and his obscene eyes swept over Fang Qing's face, and then almost only Fang Qing could do. The tone he heard said, "It's really shameless. If you want to fight with me, you are still too far away.

She clearly heard these words from Fan Tong's heart, but in front of Fang Zhenghao, Fang Qing could only think that she didn't hear them, and she could only be full of anger and quietly swallowed her grievances into her stomach.

Other than that, what else can she do?

As we all know, in this family, she is a young lady on the surface, but she has no status. Even the servant can ignore her wantonly, let alone Fan Tong, who is regarded as a guest by Fang Zhenghao.

The next moment, it seemed that Fang Qing was the only one left in this huge villa.

With full of grievance, she closed her eyes slightly and tried not to let the tears that had been held for a long time come out. She sat alone by the door against the wall and began to wait quietly, but she didn't know what she was waiting for?

The front suddenly became so dark, without a trace of light or even an end!

Maybe she wanted to find a light to dispel the darkness in front of her, so she slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly two lines of tears came out, accompanied by her birthly weak girl image, which also appeared at this moment.

She doesn't want to cry, but at this moment, she can't control her emotions anyway.

She looked up. Although the lights were bright in front of her, it was confused. However, this was not because tears wet her eyes, but she suddenly found that her life had begun to become blurred. In that confusion, in addition to loneliness and loneliness, there seemed to be only endless pain that accompanied her. !

No matter how she disguises, in the end, she is still a girl. So she also has a vulnerable side, and she also has a desire to be cared for and protected. But whenever she faces setbacks and pain, she can only bear it silently!

At this moment, how much she hopes that someone can accompany her, even if she just talks to herself and makes herself not feel so lonely, that's enough.

However, where is this person?

"If you don't mind, this can also be your home. What you can't feel in that family, I hope you can fully feel it in this family. Anyway, you are not lonely, because you still have me!"

A sound suddenly sounded in her ear, which made Fang Qing feel warm, but immediately she was replaced by a layer of cold.

This is what Chu Nan said to her when she invited her home for dinner a few days ago. In Fang Qing's heart, this is Chu Nan's promise to her, a promise that she will not be lonely. However, Chu Nan's promise has not been fulfilled, because Fang Qing is still lonely as snow.

I don't know why she was ruthlessly abandoned by the person she liked, but Fang Qing did not feel hateful, but felt very empty and sad.

Maybe she thinks she is not qualified to hate, because the person who abandoned her is not in the same world as her at all.

That person has a happy family, the company of his relatives, and a loud name. But she herself has nothing, so it's not strange that she is ruthlessly abandoned by him, is it?

"Have I died? Since my heart is dead, why, why do I still miss you so much? Fang Qing whispered in her heart, unconsciously, tears were more surging, and on the side, there was no shoulder she could rely on.


After a while, Fang Zhenghao and several servants came out of Fang Tian's room one after another, and then the door was locked by Fan Tong.

Every time Fang Tian was treated, Fan Tong would do this. He closed the door tightly, which seemed very mysterious. The reason was that ancestral therapy could not be seen by outsiders.

Fang Zhenghao respects his meaning and never doubts it, so he will wait obediently outside the room every time.

Seeing Fang Zhenghao coming out, Fang Qing quickly sat up from the ground, then turned her back to the crowd, quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and continued to pretend as if nothing had happened.

When she turned around, Fang Zhenghao's eyes had fallen on her face, but even if she could wipe away the tears on her face, she could not hide the red eyes. So Fang Zhenghao knew at a glance that she had just cried.

Fang Zhenghao hates others to cry most in his life. In his philosophy, whether men or women, tears are a sign of cowardice. In this family, he will never allow anyone to shed tears casually, otherwise he will feel ashamed.

Seeing Fang Qing's eyes red, Fang Zhenghao couldn't help snorting angrily. In his sharp eyes, his eyes were full of hatred again. He went straight to Fang Qing and said, "Women are women, and they will always be so promising. What on earth did we Zhenghao do? How could God do this to me? The only son was plagued by illness and could not be cured for a long time. Now we have only one useless daughter left. How can we continue our family's incense and inherit our family business? What a misfortune in the family, what a misfortune in the family!"

Although the voice was small, Fang Zhenghao's words were clearly heard by Fang Qing, and it seemed that Fang Zhenghao deliberately made her hear them clearly and let her understand.

Although this is not the first time that Fang Zhenghao has said such a sharp and mean words in front of Fang Qing, every time she hears Fang Zhenghao's similar complaints, Fang Qing will be heartbroken and frustrated. However, she never refuted her father, because she didn't want her only father to hate her more. So she is trying to prove herself with practical actions, and then win the favor of her father.

"Why don't you talk? Do you think I'm wrong? Or do you think I'm telling the truth? Suddenly, Fang Zhenghao asked harshly. This was the first time he asked Fang Qing such a question, and it was also the first time he took the initiative to talk to Fang Qing.

Fang Qing will not miss the rare opportunity to chat with her father. Although her father's words are very harsh and impersonal, despite this, Fang Qing was secretly happy and stood still and said, "Dad, you're right. Girls are indeed not as good as boys. But not all girls are as good as boys. I will definitely prove this to you. What's more, I am also your biological daughter, and I am eager to receive your care and love. You and my brother are my only relatives in the world, so I don't want you to always treat me as air. Dad, you can dislike me as a girl, and you can hate me for this. But I hope you don't always think I don't exist. Even if you take the time to scold me, I will be very happy. Because this can prove that I am not alone in this family, at least I have a father, although this father doesn't like me very much..."

In the end, Fang Qing's eyes were involuntarily slightly moist. These words had been hidden in her heart for a long time. How she hoped that one day she could say these words in front of her father so that she could understand her feelings.

However, although Fang Qing was sentimental, and although she fully expressed her desire and emotions, Fang Zhenghao was not moved by it. Facing Fang Qing, his expression was still very stiff, and his eyes seemed to have a layer of ice, revealing a cold air, so that Fang Qing felt extremely cold and bitter when she saw it!

In fact, except for Fang Qing's sentence "I can prove it to you", Fang Zhenghao did not listen to the rest of the words at all, and Fang Zhenghao's interest was also aroused. He really wants to see how Fang Qing can prove that he did not give birth to her daughter for nothing?

"Oh?" Fang Zhenghao looked at Fang Qing suspiciously, as if looking at a stranger, and said bluntly, "Then let's talk about how do you prove that you are qualified to be our daughter?"

Hearing this, Fang Qing suddenly raised her head, and a pair of watery eyes were filled with disbelief. Suddenly, she felt like falling into an ice cave. Every inch of skin was suffering from the cold. The original hot heart also seemed to be frozen by ice. After suffocation for a long time, it resumed beating, but it was also extremely weak.

"It turns out that he has never seen me as a daughter!" Fang Qing looked at Fang Zhenghao's solemn face in an ancient well, and her heart was as painful as if she had been chiseled by thousands of cones.

Because from Fang Zhenghao's words, it is not difficult for Fang Qing to hear that he has never seen himself as his own flesh and blood. I believe that he is an emotional person, and it will be unbearable to hear his father say such words!

"What do you want me to do before you recognize my daughter?" Fang Qing lowered her head and was sad. Her heart is still beating, but at this moment, she feels that she is dead and frustrated!

"You don't even have a plan that impresses me. What else can you talk about being our daughter? I don't want to talk to you before you think about what to do, which will only waste my time. Fang Zhenghao suddenly felt a little impatient. Even if he turned his back, it seemed that he didn't want to waste any more time talking about some meaningless issues, and even he no longer wanted to look at Fang Qing.

"Nanling University..."

Fang Qing wanted to stop talking, and her face was full of melancholy. She knew that the only way to impress her father was to join Nanling University as soon as possible.

You should know that Fang Zhenghao and even the whole Fang's enterprise must respect Nanling University and must be worshipped on time every month. Therefore, Nanling University undoubtedly has a certain weight in Fang Zhenghao's heart. If Fang Qing can join it, then Fang Zhenghao will definitely look at her differently.

However, at the same time, Fang Qing also knows that it is not easy to become a member of Nanling University with her own ability.

"Good!" Fang Zhenghao suddenly looked a little excited. At this moment, he finally smiled at Fang Qing, but there was another meaning in this smile.

Fang Zhenghao will not care about Fang Qing's life or death, and no matter what method Fang Qing uses, as long as she can enter Nanling University, Fang Zhenghao will really make all the changes to her and recognize her daughter. However, in Fang Zhenghao's view, Fang Qing's chance of entering Nanling University is almost zero.

So he will laugh, laugh at Fang Qing's crazy dreams, laugh at her stupidity, and laugh at her overpower.

"I will wait for your admission notice. One day, when you really become a member of Nanling University, I will teach you to take care of Fang's enterprise in the future." Fang Zhenghao said solemnly. Of course, he didn't think this day would come.

Fang Qing nodded in embarrassment and reached an agreement with Fang Zhenghao. However, the purpose of joining Nanling University is not to be able to inherit Fang's enterprise, but that her words have been exported, and there is no room for manoeuvre at all. She has to fight hard to prove that her father's concept is wrong!

In addition, now she finally has a goal to really work hard for it. For her, whether this goal can be achieved or not, at least her life is fulfilling in this process!