College Record

Chapter 150 Provoke Interference

"Little bastard, your good sister fucking targets me everywhere. If I don't show you something today, I really can't calm down."

In the room, Fang Tian was tightly cringing in the corner of the wall, his hands and feet were tied tightly and unable to move. His young face was full of panic, and his weak body was also constantly trembling. A pair of bright pupils were like a mirror, reflecting Fan Tong's figure. At this time, Fan Tong was already fierce and his nature Bi Lu, and he was breaking his fist hard and pressing towards Fang Tian, but he had no intention of treating Fang Tian at all, but obviously wanted to give him a look.

Sure enough, when he got close to Fang Tian, Fan Tong suddenly looked cold, waved his big arm, and directly slapped him heavily in the face. Suddenly, he only heard a crisp sound, and the echo spread in the room. However, because this is a high-end villa with excellent sound insulation, people outside naturally can't hear the indoor sound.

Five bright red fingerprints appeared on Fang Tian's left cheek. At this moment, there was a trace of blood hanging on the corners of his mouth, but he did not shout, cry or make noise, and always bowed his head and was silent. Of course, if he knows how to resist, cry or make noise, or shout or shout, it means that his condition has improved. However, his current performance is really in line with his symptoms.

Fan Tong took a fancy to this point and knew that the boy could not speak or cry, so he had the courage to vent his anger on him.

In the past two months, Fang Tian has really suffered a lot, because Fan Tong is torturing him every so-called treatment, and from Fan Tong's point of view, he has no worries at all.

You should know that if Fang Tian speaks and expresses his own thoughts because he can't stand Fan Tong's torture, it also means that his condition has improved. This is undoubtedly a great achievement for Fan Tong, and Fang Zhenghao will definitely be greatly rewarded at that time.

At the same time, this is Fan Tong's so-called "ancestral therapy". Of course, Fang Tian is not good, and his animal behavior will not be exposed. No matter how he tortures Fang Tian, Fang Tian will not resist, let alone go out. After all, he suffers from severe autism. Even if he left scars on his body, Fan Tong would say that it was caused by "qigong", and it was expected that Fang Zhenghao would believe it.

Grabbing Fang Tian's collar, Fan Tong suddenly shook it hard, just like throwing a kitten, and threw Fang Tian to sleep**.

Going to the bed, Fan Tong opened the white suitcase he brought and looked at the various utensils inside. His eyes lit up, and he couldn't help twitching slightly at the corners of his mouth, drawing a cold smile.

When he first arrived, he told Fang Zhenghao that the box was full of ancestral medical devices, and it was quite precious to be seen by outsiders. Fang Zhenghao respected him and did not witness what precious things were contained in his box.

However, at this moment, the box is full of worthless sundries, including embroidery needles of different lengths, hemp ropes of different thicknesses, a pair of * plus a mouthball, and even a black leather whip like a snake, all of which are some ** equipment. Although they are not particularly abnormal, they are also relatively different.

His eyes inadvertently fell on a shining and cold embroidered needle. Suddenly, Fan Tong's face smiled even more, so he pinched it in his hand and then moved to Fang Tian.

At this time, he only saw Fang Tian lying motionless and sleeping**. Although his hands and feet were tied up by the servant and could not move, he saw that he was biting his lips tightly with his teeth. Obviously, he was very afraid, but his illness made him not know how to express it at all.

"I've played all the other tricks, but your boy is useless, so I can't get rich. In this case, I will do 'acupuncture' for you today. I don't believe it, and you don't know the pain?"

As soon as the words fell, Fan unified raised Fang Tian's coat and pricked his back with a needle in the other hand. Every time, he plunged deeply into his delicate skin and flesh without mercy, and the more he pricked, the more excited he became...

It was not until dozens of times in a row and Fang Tian's back skin was about to become a sieve. Fan Tong felt that his arm was a little sore, so he reluctantly stopped and let Fang Tian go for the time being.

It is said that the "embroider needle" is the first of the top ten instruments of torture in the court in ancient times, and it is also the favorite punishment method of those concubines. With a needle, the wound hardly bleeds. The key is that it will not leave scars, but the tortured can feel the pain of skin and flesh. It is a very vicious trick, but it is very real. Use.

"Damn, this little bastard's skin is quite hard. OK, let's see how hard you can be?"

In fact, Fan Tong really hopes that Fang Tian can shout, which can prove that his opponent's treatment has played a role. In this way, how can Fang Zhenghao treat him badly?

But Fang Tian did not open this golden mouth, forcing Fan Tong to impose a severe punishment on him.

But in fact, Fang Tian has completely closed himself into another world. The more pain he suffers in this real world, the more he wants to run to that virtual world. In medical terms, he is escaping from reality, because he has been greatly stimulated in reality, which makes him afraid of reality, and then closes himself and is unwilling to face reality. This is also a common manifestation of people with autism.

After a short break, Fan Tong took out a large embroidery needle from the white suitcase, which was better than the previous one, no matter how thick and slender it was.

Return to Fang Tian's side and looked at his already devastated back. Fan Tong seemed to be admiring the art made by himself, with a proud and evil smile on his face. The other party said, "If it hurts, say it out loud. As long as you open your mouth, even if you say a word, I will make you suffer less."

After saying that, Fan Tong couldn't wait to repeat his old technique. He looked at Fang Tian's back and pierced it with a crazily. As soon as he entered and pulled it out, a small drop of blood would ooze out of blood from the skin and skin. Although it was not obvious or even difficult to see it with the naked eye, the pain caused by the needle quickly pulling away from the skin and flesh was crazy. Hit the soul of Fang Tian.

Fang Tian suffers from autism and can't control his emotions freely, but this does not mean that he is unconscious.

He will also feel pain when attacked by external forces, and the severe pain is enough to open his mouth that has been closed for many years.

Finally, Fang Tian couldn't stand it and cried loudly. Even if the room had a good sound insulation effect, it could not stop his crying from spreading everywhere...

In Fang Tian's harsh crying, Fan Tong also sweated, hurriedly stopped the inhuman abuse, hurriedly put away all kinds of things, covered up the white suitcase, and then took out a portable paper towel, wiped away a small amount of blood on Fang Tian, and helped him put on his coat. Soon, everything recovered as usual, and there was nothing strange about the scene. After that, Fan Tong urgently made up appropriate reasons in his heart. If Fang Zhenghao investigates it, he must have an explanation for him.

Outside the room, she suddenly heard her brother's painful crying. The first thing Fang Qing thought of was that her brother had been bullied. At present, she raised her legs and kicked the door open.

Suddenly, he found that his younger brother was lying on ** and crying, and the crying was so desolate. Fang Qing only felt a pain in his heart and stepped forward. At the same time, after seeing Fang Qing, Fan Tong also flashed and calculated his mind.

"Miss, you can't come in. I haven't finished the treatment for the young master yet. Your recklessness will only affect the young master's condition.

"Get out of here!"

Fang Qing ignored Fan Tong's dissuasion and suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed Fan Tong over.

Go to the front of the bed, Fang Qing sat up and helped him untie the rope.

Seeing that her brother's face was full of tears, as if she had been greatly wronged, Fang Qing's heart was full of mixed feelings, and her eyes also unconsciously began to rosy. While helping her wipe away the tears from her brother's face with her sleeves, she looked carefully at his body to see if he had been beaten by Fan Tong, but she could not see why at all. .

"Little brother, tell your sister, did this person bully you just now? If so, you can nod and my sister will make the decision for you immediately. Fang Qing's fingers, Fan Tong, who had just got up from the ground, looked at Fang Tian sadly and asked. As long as Fang Tian nod, Fang Qing will immediately help her brother return the color. With her skills, it is not difficult to make Fan Tong a disabled person in a short time.

At the same time, Fang Zhenghao also followed. At present, he was also excited to see his son crying. He was not angry but laughing. He was overjoyed and almost burst into tears, so he almost cried with Fang Tian.

Fang Tian was still in tears and choked. Suddenly, he rushed forward and drilled into Fang Qing's arms. A pair of thin arms came from nowhere. He hugged Fang Qing tightly, as if he wanted to tell his sister through his body words that he was eager to be protected by his sister.

At this time, there is no need for her brother to speak, and Fang Qing also guessed it. She didn't think this Fan Tong was a good thing. At present, her brother was crying so sad that even his body was trembling. I think Fan Tong must have done something too much to his brother.

But it's not the time to settle accounts with him. At least you have to comfort your brother first.

"Well, with my sister, you don't have to be afraid of anything. If someone really dares to bully you, I will definitely smash him to pieces!" Fang Qing's eyes were cold and squinted at Fan Tong beside him, pointing out clearly and implicitly.

In order to soothe her younger brother in her arms, Fang Qing gently patted him on the back. Unexpectedly, Fang Tian suddenly straightened up, and his little face full of tears was even more painful and cried louder.

Through her brother's reaction, it is not difficult for Fang Qing to guess that she hurt him just now. But he didn't force at all, just patted it gently. Why did he react so much?

In order to find out, Fang Qing immediately went around her brother's back and lifted his coat. She fixed her eyes and couldn't help but be shocked. She saw Fang Tian's back covered with small holes, like acupuncture, and many small holes were bleeding out. Although the amount of bleeding was not much, it was also red, even a little swollen and eye-catching. Shocking.

Fang Qing gritted her teeth with hatred, and a pair of angry eyes went straight to Fan Tong and asked harshly, "What's going on?" What on earth did you do to my brother just now?

"I... I'm just doing normal treatment for the young master. Is that wrong?" Looking at Fang Qing's cannibalistic eyes, Fan Tong was very scared, but on the surface, he looked calm and reasonable.

"I'll kill you!"

Fang Qing attacked her heart angrily. If she didn't talk nonsense, she suddenly strode and was about to show Fan Unification. Unexpectedly, Fang Zhenghao suddenly shouted fiercely: "Stop it."

Hearing her father's drinking order, Fang Qing couldn't help but stop all her actions.

Since her father opened her mouth, she had to obey, but she was very unconvinced, so she returned to Fang Tian, lifted his coat again, looked at her father and said, "Dad, look at my little brother, how is he hurt? Fan Tong is a charlatan at all, and I don't know how much his brother has suffered under him. Dad, I know you love your brother very much. Can you bear to watch your brother suffer from him?

"It's been seven years, seven years. I've never heard this little guy make a sound. But today, he cried and shed tears. This shows that his condition has improved. Since he will cry today, maybe he can speak and call me dad again in the future. God, our family is hopeful!"

Fang Zhenghao ignored Fang Qing's words and didn't seem to even listen to them. At this time, he looked at Fang Tian with joy, and his eyes sparkled with excitement. Although the surface was calm as usual, he cried with joy in his heart and couldn't wait to hear his son call his father again.

At the same time, Fang Zhenghao's great credit is undoubtedly on Fan Tong. No matter what he does to his son, Fang Zhenghao will not blame him, because in Fang Zhenghao's view, his son has indeed improved a lot. At least today he knows how to cry and cry, which is obviously a way to express emotions, and also The best proof that patients with severe autism are gradually recovering!

"Dr. Fan, you are indeed a magic doctor! I didn't get you wrong, and it's worth spending a lot of money to invite you to treat children. Fang Zhenghao couldn't suppress his excitement. He looked at Fan Tong gratefully and said boldly, "I will ask someone to pay you twice tomorrow. In the future, as long as you can let my son call me father again, we promise that Dr. Fan will never worry about food and clothing and enjoy glory in your life!"

As soon as he heard this, Fan Tong was happy, but he was not happy, but secretly glanced at Fang Qing. Suddenly, he was so angry that he began to pretend to be unhappy and sighed, seemingly extremely disappointed.

Seeing him like this, Fang Zhenghao was in a hurry and hurriedly asked, "Dr. Fan, what's wrong with you? Could it be that I said something wrong just now?

"Covering diseases and saving people is the purpose inherited from my ancestors. Even if Boss Fang doesn't give me money, I will treat what should be treated. The so-called doctor's parents' heart. It's just a pity..." At this point, Fan Tong sighed again, but in fact, he was very happy, because he had figured out a countermeasure to teach Fang Qing a lesson, and said that he could make her disappear temporarily.

"What's the pity? Please ask Dr. Fan to speak directly. Fang Zhenghao was deeply bewitched and could no longer extricate himself. At present, seeing Fan Tong's sad face and wanting to stop talking, he was also more and more anxious.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Fan Tong looked at the tearful Fang Tian with a sad face and made up, "The reason why the young master cried and made trouble was that I just gave him an ancestral acupuncture therapy, which stimulated the nerve tissue of his ear root, and then indirectly stung his brain, making his nervous system and nerve reflexes. Maintained the balance, which stimulated his closed emotions for a long time. If I had time to complete the second round of acupuncture treatment, the young master should be able to speak now. Unfortunately, the young lady was so reckless that she rushed in directly and mistakenly thought that I had hurt the young master. In fact, the wounds on the young master's back were caused by acupuncture. It doesn't matter. The key is the young lady's recklessness. Not only did she not let me complete the second round of treatment in time, but I'm afraid that the previous treatment will be abandoned. Alas!"

Since he intends to cheat in the name of treatment, Fan Tong will learn about autism in advance. Although what he said at present is fabricated based on the knowledge of autism, it also makes Fang Zhenghao believe it.

After listening to Fan Tong's words, Fang Zhenghao suddenly became furious and strode to Fang Qing's front, indiscriminately. He raised his hand and slapped Fang Qing's cheek. With a harsh crisp sound, five red fingerprints suddenly appeared on Fang Qing's face, and a trace of blood also dripped along the corners of her mouth. It can be seen how hard Fang Zhenghao slapped him in the face.

"You stinky girl, there is no more than failure. What on earth did we Zhenghao do to give birth to such a broom star as you?" Fang Zhenghao's eyes were congested and violent. Fang Qing stared angrily. He gritted his teeth with hatred and said angrily, "I know, you just rushed in on purpose. I don't want Dr. Fan to treat your brother. Damn girl, don't think I can't see your little thought. Are you afraid that after your brother recovers, he will take away everything you want and make you have nothing? Are you thinking that if your brother is always like this, then you can inherit the whole family business? Am I right?"

Fang Qing was stunned when she heard the words, her eyes were wide open, and she was speechless for a long time.

She knew that her father hated her, but she never thought that she was a despicable man who intended to kill her brother in order to inherit the family property!

At this time, Fang Zhenghao was already overwhelmed by anger. Coupled with Fan Tong's provocation of discord, he was even more angry. Fang Qing couldn't help saying, "Listen to me. Even if your brother is like this in his life, I will not entrust this huge family business to you. I... I'd rather go bankrupt and donate all my industries than leave you a piece of money. You'd better remember what I said today!"

"Dad, why don't I want my brother to get better soon? How can I want to compete with my brother for family property? Dad, it's not your brother who is sick, it's you!" Fang Qing couldn't stand it anymore and retorted aggrievedly. But at this moment, in her opinion, her father is really sick. Maybe his illness is more serious and difficult to treat than his brother's!



However, Fang Qing's retort was like adding fuel to the fire, which made Fang Zhenghao's anger soar, in exchange for Fang Zhenghao's heavy slap in the face.

Fang Qing's little face, which was originally red, is even more bright and red at this moment. However, she can completely ignore these, but she doesn't know how to heal the pain from the depths of her heart?

"Boss Fang, don't be so excited. There is something to say, and there is something to say." Seeing that Fang Qing had suffered such a great grievance and had been slapped twice in a row, Fan Tong finally took a tone and acted as a good person and comforted him: "Since I have made the young master better after a period of treatment, as long as I follow this treatment and continue to treat the young master in the future, Then I believe that one day, the young master will call Boss Fang your father. Besides, the young lady is also unintentional. I think Boss Fang still gives me a thin face. Forget it.