College Record

Chapter 293 Shocking News

Twenty minutes later, Chu Nan waited anxiously in Pei Shiqing's office, while Sun Minghai quietly left the office and came to Pei Shiqing's laboratory.

He gently knocked on the door. When Pei Shiqing looked this way, Sun Minghai gently waved to him, signaling him to come out to meet, which was quite mysterious.

Pei Shiqing just stepped out of the threshold and only heard Sun Minghai say, "Can Mr. Pei take a step to speak?"

Pei Shiqing looked around, then approached Sun Minghai's ear and asked quietly, "What's the matter? Is there any arrangement?"

Sun Minghai nodded, then went to a secret place side by side with Pei Shiqing and began to chat. As for what was said, no one knew except the two.

At the end of the conversation, Pei Shiqing nodded heavily and said solemnly, "I understand, but can Chu Xingchen compromise if we do this?"

"I can't care so much. Everything should focus on the overall situation. Just do as I want when you get back. As for that boy, I will find a way to convince him.

Hearing Sun Minghai's words, Pei Shiqing focused again and immediately went his way with Sun Minghai. One went back to the research room and the other went back to the office.

Seeing that Chu Nan was like an ant on a hot pot, Sun Minghai looked at him meaningfully and did not speak, but lowered his head with a thoughtful look.

An hour later.

Pei Shiqing finally completed the inspection of Chu Xingyue and returned to the office.

Without waiting for Pei Shiqing to drink water and take a breath, Chu Nan quickly asked, "Well, what's wrong with my sister?"

According to Chu Nan's previous description and the just completed diagnosis, Pei Shiqing has come to a conclusion and slowly explained to Chu Nan: "Because your sister's last car accident caused great bleeding, at the same time, this also promotes the new blood to breed crazily in your sister's body, just like a flood. It can be cleaned up, and then causes your sister's genetic disorder. Simply put, your sister's genes have mutated, greatly improving the agility of her brain nerves, so she was able to respond quickly to what hasn't happened before. This is also the main reason why her body recovered quickly.

Speaking of this, Pei Shiqing sighed deeply and lowered his head and said, "Unfortunately, the mutant gene has a rejection effect with your sister's genetic genes. They seem to have life. The former wants to maintain your sister's status quo, while the latter wants to give your sister strength. As a result, the two did not give in to each other and excluded each other in your sister's body, gradually causing genetic disorders. This will overload your sister's body, affect her nerve cells, and eventually degenerate, fail and die. Your sister has lost her memory because her brain nerves have begun to fail rapidly. If you don't find a way to save her in time, your sister will not only lose her memory forever, but also..."

Pei Shiqing stopped talking and pondered, as if he couldn't bear to go on.

"What else will happen? Mr. Pei, please say something directly. Chu Nan was calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was beating like thunder.

Pei Shiqing was silent for a moment and finally said bluntly: "If you don't find a way to deal with it as soon as possible, your sister will not only lose her memory permanently, but also her IQ will gradually decline from 17 to 10 years old, and then from 10 years old to 5 years old. When her IQ drops to zero, it means that her brain nerves have died and she will not wake up. Medical terminology is called vegetative people!"

After Pei Shiqing said this, Chu Nan still heard the thunder, which made his head buzz, and his feet couldn't help staggering for two steps and almost collapsed.

For Chu Nan, this is enough to be regarded as shocking news. Even if he is usually so strong, he can't bear the huge blow of his sister becoming a "vegetative man"!

In a short moment, Chu Nan suddenly woke up with a strong helplessness on his face. He wanted to change his sister's fate, but he couldn't do it. He knew nothing about this kind of knowledge.

So his only hope is Pei Shiqing, who pleaded, "Mr. Pei, I know that you must have a way to save my sister. I beg you, no matter what, please do your best. No matter what you ask me to do, I will promise you, even if I give my life to you!"

Chu Nan, who has always been calm, is really anxious. Now as long as someone says that Chu Xingyue can be cured, he believes that no matter what the other party asks him to do, he will not hesitate to agree.

Pei Shiqing did not promise Chu Nan, but turned his eyes slightly and looked at Sun Minghai. It seemed that everything depended on Sun Minghai, and Pei Shiqing could only follow the order.

At this time, Sun Minghai nodded gently. Pei Shiqing immediately understands his meaning when he saw the situation. He smiled and said to Chu Nan, "There is no way. It's simple and simple to say that it is complicated."

Pei Shiqing first sold a good boy, but Chu Nan was ecstatic when he heard it and hurriedly inquired, "Mr. Pei, what do you think is the way?"

"Since your sister's genes are disordered, it's very simple. Just recombine her genes. Let's put it this way, at present, there are two groups of genes in her body that are * each other, so as long as one of the genes in her body is removed, the other group will return to its initial state, so that your sister's situation will naturally improve.

Pei Shiqing's words are so clear that almost everyone can understand them.

Chu Nan was overjoyed when he heard the words, as if he had taken a reassurance pill, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Pei Shiqing sighed helplessly at this time. Contrary to Chu Nan's good mood, he said in a low voice, "Recombinant genes are not difficult. We are enough to do it. However, this requires third-party serum to mediate in order to promote the breeding of growth factors and facilitate the recombination and recovery of genes. Without the mediation of this serum, there is nothing we can do.

"Third" Chu Nan gradually restrained his newly rising smile, and was replaced by a puzzled face, asking, "What does this third-party serum mean?"

It is the blood of others, but it needs to be cultivated and observed for a long time. In addition, it is better to provide blood from relatives, which is conducive to combination and is not easy to be rejected.

"relatives' blood?" Chu Nan suddenly smiled and said, "It's not easy. I'm her own brother. Isn't it enough to cultivate serum with my blood?"

Pei Shiqing looked at Sun Minghai again. Sun Minghai also nodded mysteriously to him. Pei Shiqing saw it and said seriously to Chu Nan: "Genes are usually inherited from parents, and the degree of agreement is also extremely high. If you can extract your parents' blood for cultivation and use it on your sister, I believe it will be better.

Chu Nan didn't want to think about it and said, "Okay, I'm going to pick up my parents. I'm sure they won't object."

Before the words fell, Chu Nan had already grabbed the door and left.

Confirming that Chu Nan had gone far, Sun Minghai took action, took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone, and said, "The time is ripe. We can start to take action. In addition, his sister suddenly fell seriously ill and needed long-term treatment. I can take this opportunity to safely isolate his family, so that the boy will have no worries and concentrate on what he should do.

"Okay, just do as you say. I will send someone there now and take his family to a safe place. When he finishes what he has to do, he can reunite with his family at any time.

There was a majestic voice on the phone. Sun Minghai straightened his waist and vowed to promise, "Please rest assured, I will arrange everything!"

After Sun Minghai hung up the phone, Pei Shiqing said worriedly, "Sun, is it inappropriate for us to do this? What's the difference between us and blackmailing his relatives?

"There is nothing we can do. Maybe this is the boy's fate. Since he became famous, his fate has been doomed. How can we control this?" Sun Minghai also said helplessly, "What's more, the current social order is too chaotic, and those powers are even more lawless. If you don't restrain it as soon as possible, the future consequences will be unimaginable!"

Pei Shiqing nodded with approval, gradually put aside his worries, and decided to follow the instructions from his superiors.