College Record

Chapter 294 Threat

Chu Nan quickly returned home. After explaining the situation to his parents, Chu Changtian and Zhang Cuifang almost fainted, but the heart that was eager to protect their daughter made the couple stand up.

After that, the family of three did not talk nonsense and rushed to the research institute under the leadership of Chu Nan.

When he came to the research institute, Pei Shiqing personally took Chu Changtian and Zhang Cuifang to meet with Chu Xingyue, while Chu Nan continued to wait in Pei Shiqing's office. Only Sun Minghai accompanied him, but Sun Minghai did not say a word from beginning to end, and he was also waiting, but he was not waiting for the result of Pei Shiqing, but Waiting for something else.

came to the laboratory and suddenly saw the daughter lying in **. The couple suddenly shed tears of heartache. Zhang Cuifang desperately called her daughter's name, but finally did not receive any response from Chu Xingyue.

"Don't worry, Qianjin just fell asleep. Once the medicine in her body fails, she will wake up." Pei Shiqing explained for the couple.

"Mr. Pei, I heard from my son that if you want to save my daughter, you must collect the serum of our husband and wife. If that's the case, please ask Mr. Pei to arrange for us to draw blood as soon as possible. Chu Changtian said impatiently.

"Indeed, the serum of the two is essential to make the daughter safe and sound. I will also collect blood for the two of you personally and be responsible for the treatment of the daughter. But it's not here. Please come with us.

After Pei Shiqing said this, a team of people in camouflage military uniforms suddenly rushed in from the outside and surrounded the family of three in an instant.

"Who are you? What does this mean? Chu Changtian was shocked by this sudden scene, and he was sure that these people would forcibly take away himself and his family.

Sure enough, at this time, one of the soldiers quickly stepped forward, picked up the sleeping Chu Xingyue, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the door and disappeared.


Chu Changtian and Zhang Cuifang were shocked and were about to catch up. Unexpectedly, two of the soldiers quickly knocked the couple unconscious, and then forcibly took them to the military vehicle that had been waiting outside for a long time, including Pei Shiqing, and all of them left silently.

Chu Nan still walked around Pei Shiqing's office, full of expectation and anxiety, which made him unable to stop for a moment.

Sun Minghai still didn't say a word, standing silently against the wall, sometimes looking at the time, sometimes looking at Chu Nan, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Three hours have passed.

During this period, Pei Shiqing never appeared again, and Chu Changtian, Zhang Cuifang and Chu Xingyue also had no news.

Chu Nan became more and more anxious, and he didn't care much at the moment. He was about to ask Pei Shiqing to understand. Suddenly, Sun Minghai's mobile phone rang.

When the call was connected, Sun Minghai still kept silent. With the news from the other party, he just kept nodding. In the end, he only heard him say, "I know. You must take care of their family of three and tell Mr. Pei by the way that he must cure the child's illness."

As soon as Sun Minghai said this, Chu Nan's heart sank. Although he didn't know what had happened, he could also realize that the situation was not good through Sun Minghai's words.

"What do you mean?" Chu Nan's face suddenly changed, stared at Sun Minghai, and asked in a cold voice.

Facing Chu Nan's angry eyes, Sun Minghai didn't care and said seriously, "Your sister will get the best treatment. It won't be long before she will regain her health. You don't have to worry about this at all. As for your parents, they have also been transferred to a particularly safe place, so you don't have to worry.

"Where did you take them? Why did you do this?" While talking, Chu Nan clenched his fist tightly, and his eyes were burning with flames, showing his full resentment.

If it were someone else, he would not bother to talk nonsense and directly torture him to force a confession, but Chu Nan would not easily attack Sun Minghai until he met Sun Minghai and didn't get a reasonable explanation.

However, if Sun Minghai can't give him a reasonable explanation, even if he is an old acquaintance, Chu Nan will not show any mercy. Compared with the safety of his family, nothing is important in his eyes.

Now, Sun Minghai doesn't want to beat around the bush. What should be done must be done, and what should happen has happened. Next, it depends on whether anyone does it and how to do it.

"How chaotic the college world is now. I don't think you, a former figure in the college world, don't you know? Especially for those students with powers, they have no king's law, do misdeed, gangs, and make the land kings, which makes the social order chaotic. They are miasma all day long. They also grab territory everywhere and collect protection fees, which makes people panic..."

"To the point, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

Chu Nan interrupted Sun Minghai's words. Chu Nan knew what he said and did not need him to emphasize it repeatedly.

A few steps on the sea, Sun Ming and Chu Nan looked at each other and said with awe: "Local governments have long wanted to rectify the current students, but their number is too large, and many people have powers. There is nothing local governments can do about this. I think you should be very clear about this. So..."

"So what do you want me to do?" Chu Nan was not surprised by Sun Minghai's remarks. In fact, since Sun Minghai went all out to help him for the first time, he had expected that Sun Minghai would return himself to him sooner or later.

"With the name of Chu Xingchen and as the president, I want you to return to your Nanling University. I want you to unify all the colleges and universities in the four major regions within two years. I don't want to see universities kill each other again. In addition, I want all students with powers to be centered on you. I don't want to see them scattering sand and rowing the ground as king. I think you should understand what I mean, right?

Sun Minghai stood with both hands. At this moment, he is obviously not speaking as a friend, but for the highest level of the country, and the meaning of the words is very simple, that is, to let Chu Nan unify the college world. In this way, there is no division in the college world. If there is no division, there will be no division. There is war.

Chu Nan is not a fool. What's more, Sun Minghai expressed his meaning so clearly. How can Chu Nan not understand?

However, with the changes of the times and the rise of powers, the struggle of the young generation in China has indeed become more and more fierce, but any more famous universities will not pay attention to the law at all. Not only that, students also fight and kill all day long, often setting off bloody storms. According to this, the balance of society will be sooner or later. It will be broken, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Since ancient times, where there are fighting, there will be heroes, and where there are heroes, there will be peace. The most basic condition for peace is to calm down the chaos and then unify and split.

Therefore, as long as one person is willing to stand up and has the strength to completely unify the whole university world, once this person succeeds, there will be no more struggle and bloodshed in the university world, and a new social order is just around the corner.

In terms of the best candidate, this person is only Chu Xingchen. At least in Sun Minghai's eyes, he has the ability to unify the university world. Most importantly, he has a group of classmates who vowed to accompany him to death. As long as he orders, Nanling University is definitely a huge force that cannot be despised, and it will be invincible and establish a great place as soon as possible. Bureau.

However, Chu Nan is eager to get rid of his past life, but now he wants him to go back to the past and continue to fight and kill. How can he be willing?

Sun Minghai knew Chu Nan that he had no choice but to take Chu Xingyue as a condition to force him to submit.

The reason why Sun Minghai took Chu Nan's parents away is just to protect them. After all, Chu Nan still has a long way to go, during which he will definitely make countless enemies. If someone tries to harm his family, it will be bad.

Chu Nan held his stomach full of fire. At this time, he really wanted to beat Sun Minghai happily in order to vent his anger. However, Sun Minghai has an advantage, and whether Chu Xingyue can be safe or not depends on Pei Shiqing, who is obviously on Sun Minghai's side. Speaking of speaking, Sun Minghai is still the key, so Chu Nan has to endure it.

"What if I don't agree?" Chu Nan asked tentatively. He didn't believe that Sun Minghai would be so cruel, let alone that he would ignore his sister and let her become a vegetable.

Sun Minghai didn't want to think about it. He looked at Chu Nan seriously and said righteously, "From the standpoint of a friend, I don't want you to go through this muddy water, let alone see what's wrong with Xiaoyue. But from the standpoint of the country, I hope you can agree to my request just made. Of course, you can also think that I am doing a deal with you, and the transaction is mutually beneficial to both parties. If you help me, I will naturally help you. On the contrary, I can only say that there is nothing I can do!"