official god

Chapter 30 Tell the truth after drinking

(Continue to rush to the new book list next week, and add a chapter after midnight. Please support the tickets with tears. If there are too many tickets, if you don't eat or drink, you will get more code words, and you will have to pay back on Monday and Tuesday.)

Xia wants to clearly remember that from now until later generations, the real estate in Yan City has begun to develop rapidly, which is almost divided into three stages. The first stage is that the renovation of urban villages has triggered a large-scale housing construction fever. New communities have set up in urban villages, and housing prices have also risen from about 2,000 yuan to 4,000 to 5,000 yuan in later generations, which has always been more than ten times higher than the income of residents. In the second stage, Yan City put forward the strategy of developing the whole city to the southeast. As a result, the real estate army led by Cheng Dacai entered the southeast development zone in Yan City and built a large number of emerging communities. As a result, until more than ten years later, the development of the southeast was still unsatisfactory. The streets of the vast development zone The flowers and trees on both sides are also thriving, but in addition to a few universities and a few unclimate factories, the permanent population of the whole development zone is less than 100,000. At a glance, the land is vast and sparse, showing a quiet and leisurely comfortable scene rarely seen in domestic cities, and has become the best place for love, leisure and novice driving practice.

Many of the extremely beautiful emerging communities boasted at that time had an idle rate of more than 70%. Quiet is quiet, but if you live here, you have to drive a car for nearly an hour to buy a vegetable, eat, and go to a shopping mall. Life is not blindly pursuing the realm of illusion, but the real trivial things of clothing, food, housing and transportation. No one can stand the loneliness of being abandoned by the prosperity of the city.

In the end, the real estate companies in the development zone closed down one after another, and even caused countless property disputes, as well as many problems that could not be handled by housing certificates. In the end, a straw that overwhelms the real estate developers in the whole development zone is that the new provincial party committee and provincial government has studied and demonstrated that the development strategy of Yan City tilting to the southeast due to the terrain is not in line with the scientific laws and the concept of development of the times, and Yan City should develop to the northwest. As a result, the policy came out with the same policy, and a group of old real estate developers were immediately eliminated, and a new number of new real estate developers were emerging, starting a new journey into the northwest.

This led to the beginning of the third stage of Yanshi Real Estate.

Xia can't figure out what the final consequences of the third stage will be, because he has been reborn before he saw the achievements of the third stage. Therefore, as soon as he heard Li Dingshan mention the future development direction of Yan City and Chen Feng, he couldn't help but pay attention to it. Gao Hai has moved closer to Chen Feng. Will it also affect Gao Hai's political future when Chen Feng falls? That's why he has never seen Gao Hai on the list of provincial and municipal leaders in later generations?

"Mr. Chu, is your Chu Fenglou doing well now?" Xia wanted to have an idea and took the opportunity to ask Chu Zigao.

Chu Zi's high voice was a little hoarse, which sounded a little close to Zeng Zhiwei's speaking style: "There are too few passengers, inconvenient transportation, and it's not easy to park. Now it's just barely maintained. Today, I'm just asking Secretary-General Gao for a word to see if it is possible to renovate Friend Street within two years. If there is no movement by 2000, my Chufeng Building will have to close down.

Chu Zigao's face was sad, and his exaggerated expression was more or less of a performance, but Xia thought could also guess that he was really uncertain now. In the northern section of Friends Street, where Chufeng Building is located, there is now a People's River in the west and a garbage station in the east. Although it is not far from the bustling Xinxing Road in the south, it is Dingzi Road in the north. If it is not open to traffic, it will not attract traffic. Many cars go north along Friends Street to The garbage station in the back stinks, and it's strange to have guests coming.

I don't know why Chu Zigao took a fancy to this place at that time and chose to build Chu Feng Tower here. Now that more than a year has passed, there is no sign of improvement in the surrounding environment, and he has gradually lost patience.

Xia wanted to take a look at Gao Hai. He and Li Dingshan didn't know what they were talking about. Both of them looked serious and thoughtful, which should be some relatively insider topics.

He guessed that Chu Zigao wanted to find out from Gaohaikou about whether there was a plan to transform his friend's North Street in the focus of the municipal government's work this year and next year. However, it seems that Gao Hai has not disclosed any useful information to him.

Xia wanted to gently touch the glass with Chu Zigao. Although he didn't like the strong aroma of Maotai, he always let him do it, but out of courtesy, he still drank it all.

"The garbage station behind Chufeng Building should be relocated as a whole soon, otherwise it is not in line with the development plan of the whole city. Once the relocation of the garbage station is successful, what does Mr. Chu think? Xia wanted to throw a bait.

Chu Zigao hesitated for a moment and said, "The most important thing is the city's policy support. If you can open the Dingzi intersection in the north, it will inevitably attract traffic and people. The commercial value of this section of North Street will appreciate, and you can revitalize all the hotels and shops in this section..." It should also be It is due to the wind revealed by Gao Hai, which is also the basic idea of the city's transformation of the North Street section.

In later generations, Friends North Street was indeed dragged until 2000. After opening the Dingzi intersection in the north, several restaurants, including Chu Fenglou, were saved. At the same time, a food street about 500 meters long was formed. However, because the street was not wide and difficult to expand, as soon as it was meal time, both sides of the road were full On the contrary, it affects the passage. Until Xia wanted to be reborn, the traffic situation had not improved in this period, because of the occupation of parking spaces at the gates of various hotels, there were often some small disputes.

If you want to see it in the summer, opening the Dingzi intersection of North Street is a failure in itself. Later, Yan City built a large number of viaducts in the city as a north-south smooth project that can relieve the traffic pressure of the north and south of the city. The role of this section of North Street is really limited, but during the forced demolition, the confrontation and the losses caused by the demolition caused by the municipal government at that time were a big headache. In my memory, it seems that the renovation project of North Street is Chen Feng's last achievement. At the time of the passage, it is the day of Chen Feng's downfall.

Is this only 500-meter section of North Street the last straw that led to the complete outbreak of conflict between Gao Chengsong and Chen Feng?

Xia wants to comment on Chen Feng's right and wrong, but Chen Feng can work hard. Although his style is somewhat rude, he has indeed done a lot of practical things for the people. If possible, he is still willing to let Chen Feng make more contributions to Yan City.

"Expand Dingzi Road, although it is feasible to open North Street and the North Second Ring Road in the north, it costs too much and takes too long. It is estimated that it will be difficult for the city to make up its mind for a while. When the city is determined to do it, at least it will be in 2000, because now the city's main energy is on the transformation of urban villages, and it can't care about the short 500-meter section of North Street for a while. If you really have to wait for two years, does Mr. Chu still have this patience?

Chu Zigao is not simple. In later generations, he persisted for two years. In 2000, the North Street section was successfully expanded, and his Chufeng Building also became one of the influential restaurants in Yan City. Finally, he opened several branches, which made a small profit.

Chu Zi's face was bitter, and his eyes flew to Gao Hai. He said helplessly, "We do small business. How can we have so much money and such long patience? I'm afraid we can't afford to pay for it if we want to stick to it to the end."

Xia wanted to laugh secretly. Chu Zigao led Gao Hai's line and expected Gao Hai to reveal some of the city's policies in advance. It was a fool's dream to ask him to influence the mayor's decision to make early reform. This has nothing to do with Gao Hai's influence. Even Chen Feng will not easily change the decision of multiple arguments. Speaking of which, the government is a big housekeeper. It is necessary to consider comprehensively from all aspects. Where is urgent and where the interests are concerned, it is the object of key care.

"I studied architecture. I usually like to think about things. I have a very immature idea. I can say it to Mr. Chu. Anyway, it's on the wine table. If you say something wrong, just think it's drunken words..." Xia wanted to set a tone first. He didn't want Li Dingshan and Gao Hai to think It's really hard to show the hills in the chest. "In fact, the key to the whole North Street section is a garbage station. As long as the garbage station is removed, the whole North Street can be revitalized. Although opening the Dingzi intersection has great benefits for alleviating the north-south traffic of Yan City, it is not necessary in the long run, because the current urban pattern of Yan City is bound to develop viaducts in the future..."

Before he finished a sentence, Gao Hai's face changed. He stopped the conversation with Li Dingshan and looked at Xia with great interest: "The idea is very novel, Xiaoxia, go on."

Xia thought that Gao Hai's ears were so smart. He said with some embarrassment, "I'm just talking casually. How dare I enter the ears of the Secretary-General? Secretary-General Gao, don't bully me. I just want to chat with Mr. Chu casually. In case he is happy to hear it and give me a discount card, I will be satisfied, but I dare not talk nonsense in front of you.

Gao Hai touched his stomach: "Is it possible that Ding Shan is elegant, and you think he is talented? I'm fat and deaf. I'm a mediocre person. Xiaoxia, don't judge people by their appearance. I'm humbly listening to your opinions.

Xia Xiang had a much better sense of Gao Hai. He smiled a little modestly and nodded to Li Dingshan. Seeing his approval, he said, "As long as the city is determined to move the garbage station away, and then turn North Street into a pedestrian street, then Mr. Chu can work with the owners of several restaurants to jointly invest hundreds of thousands of yuan in Build a small leisure square in the empty place, then plant flowers and trees in the open land along the People's River, and put some benches. If you have enough money, two or three more pavilions will be built. With a comfortable environment, it will naturally attract citizens living around to come for a walk and relax. If there are more people, it won't be long It turns into a passenger flow."

Xia can be sure that the relocation of the garbage station should be on the agenda now, and it will be moved outside the Second Ring Road at the beginning of next year at the latest. In fact, the crux of this section is the garbage station, but due to the limitations of the times and the environment, even the mayor of high-rise houses cannot have the advanced awareness of building pedestrian streets. Yan City as a whole is still more than ten years behind the developed coastal cities.