official god

Chapter 31 Rewarding is not an accident

(P: Today's third update, the first update will be delivered! A new week, a new beginning, and another charge to the new book list. It is the time to need the strong support of your brothers. As long as the brothers have enough votes and have a good ranking on the new book list, He Chang's promise is to update ten thousand words today, and continue to update ten thousand words tomorrow. Waiting in front of the computer in the early morning, crying for tickets!)

Gao Hai's eyes never left Xiaxiang. His eyes flashed, and there was a trace of bitterness in his heart. Many experts have demonstrated that the Planning Bureau has studied it in many ways, and the conclusion has not been more relevant than the words on the young man's wine table in front of him, which is more in line with the interests of many parties. Yes, the relocation of the garbage station is imperative. The city only needs an official document to set this section as a pedestrian street - it is originally Dingzi Road, there are not many passing vehicles, and it will not cause much rebound if cars are not allowed to pass - then let several enterprises that urgently need to improve the environment will invest in the construction of leisure squares, and the city A penny can bring tangible benefits to dozens of businesses on the North Street and the surrounding citizens. It is not too much to say that this method is a golden idea of stone into gold.

Xia thought did not know Gao Hai's surprise and emotion, and continued: "After the business of the restaurant led by Chufeng Building is good, the city can introduce relevant preferential policies to build this 500-meter-long section into a food street. Maybe it will become a well-known place in Yan City in the future..." < /P>

The last sentence of Xia Xiang was said in a teasing tone, which sounded like a casual joke, which can make people sound like a talk of a young man who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. Chu Zigao and Jia He didn't think much about it, but fell into Li Dingshan and Gao Haier, which shocked the two extremely I saw puzzledness and surprise in his eyes.

A young man in his 20s who can't have access to the core part of the city's policy can have such an opinion and see it in such a long way. Is it really a natural talent?

Jia He never spoke on such occasions. After all, Chu Zigao was only a businessman and his vision was not broad enough. Obviously, he didn't realize that even if Xia thought what he had just said was heard by Mayor Chen Feng, he would be shocked on the spot. He just looked at Gao Hai with an expectant face and asked carefully, "Secret That's great. I don't know if it can be achieved?"

Xia thought that without waiting for Gao Hai's answer, he quickly picked up his glass and said, "Don't take the drunken joke seriously. Come on, I would like to give a drink to Mr. Li and Secretary-General Gao.

Li Dingshan and Gao Hai smiled heartily. Both of them picked up their glasses and drank them all, which gave Xia Xiang's face, and it was also a appreciation for his timely relief.

It is impossible for Gao Hai to make any statement about what Xia wanted just said. After all, as the secretary-general of the municipal government, how can he easily open his mouth to decisions related to some major projects? Although Gao Hai's question to Chu Zigao can be lightly pushed aside, it is more effective for Xia to come forward and prevaricate with a drunken joke.

Chu Zigao is also a smart man. He immediately realized that the question just now was inappropriate. He hurriedly stood up and said with an embarrassed face, "I also respect the Secretary-General and Mr. Li for a cup. I will punish myself for three cups first." After saying that, he drank three glasses in a row.

Li Dingshan didn't say anything or a cup, but just looked at Gao Hai with a smile. Gao Hai couldn't see anything on his face, but he still slowly picked up the glass, drank half a cup, laughed and scolded, "Lao Chu, why should you give Xiaoxia a discount card? I think at least it should be a gold card."

Li Dingshan also took a sip of wine and said, "Lao Chu gave me a silver card. Would it be too generous to give Xiaoxia a gold card?"

Chu Zigao hurriedly took out two gold cards from his leather bag and signed them respectively. One was given to Li Dingshan, and the other was given to Xia Xiang. He said, "As long as the consumption does not exceed 2,000 yuan in a year, this card is free of charge. After that, there will be a 30% discount on all of them.

When Li Dingshan and Gao Hai went to the bathroom together, Gao Hai shook Li Dingshan's shoulder vigorously: "Oy, Dingshan, when did you pick up the treasure? This Xia's thinking is really not simple. I can say ugly words to the front. If he wants to follow me, you have to let him go. I promise to let him go to the deputy department within a year.

Li Dingshan pushed Gao Hai: "Speaking of serious, don't rob people from me. There is no one available around me when I go down to the county. How can I carry out the work? It's nothing to go to the deputy department in a year. I will help him to the head of the county bureau in a year.

Gao Hai saw that there was no one left and right, but he still said in a low voice, "I'm embarrassed to open my mouth, but I don't have any scruples in front of you. I will sort out something according to Xia's thinking and report it to Mayor Chen. I guess it's very likely to pass at Mayor Chen' For the sake of Chu Zigao, but for the real purpose of doing something for the people of Yan City.

Li Dingshan smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense to me. I don't care about the relationship between you and Chu Zigao. If you want to keep up with Chen Feng is also a sign of progress. I have no problem with stealing Xia Xiang's idea. Since he said it in person, he is selling your favor. But one thing, old classmate, you still have room for progress. Be careful not to stretch your hand too long, and be careful not to be caught.

Gao Hai nodded and suddenly sighed: "I'm also an old classmate, why is Chaodu always lukewarm to me?"

Li Dingshan knew the kindness of the Song Dynasty, but it was not easy for him to express his opinion, but he shook his head and didn't say anything.

In the elegant room, Chu Zigao took the opportunity to check out the bill. Only Xia wanted to be with Jia He. He picked up the gold card and said to Jia He, "Xiao Jia, I'll give you this card. I don't use much."

Jia He waved his hand: "My own people don't make these polite things. I follow Mr. Li to socialize everywhere, and I don't need to keep it by yourself." With his mouth, his heart was still slightly warm. He felt that although Xia thought that although the momentum of rising recently was very strong, he was still the same as before, and there was no contempt for him at all.

After two days of delay, Xia thought handed over the land approval to Wen Yang. Although Wen Yang tried to keep a calm face and did not lose his composure in front of him, he still carefully found that when Wen Yang took the approval, his hand trembled slightly. Xia suddenly thought of what Li Kailin was going to transfer. I don't know if Li Dingshan told Wen Yang? Perhaps with the approval, Wen Yang also believes that the success of the LCD large screen project is in sight, which can enable him to show his skills.

However, it is estimated that Wen Yang has known that the bank loan is going to be yellow, but with the approval in hand, he must have increased his confidence.

After a few days of nothing to do, Xia wanted to look through the Ericsson mobile phone T28 given to him by Feng Xuguang, a very small flip phone. The advertisement made by Andy Lau was very popular for a while. Although the mobile phone at this time cannot be compared with the many functions of later generations, now this black-and-white mobile phone, which is as large as a computer display screen, costs more than 3,000 yuan. It is really hard to believe the rapid development of mobile phones in later generations. In the past few days, Xia thought seems to have fully adapted to his current identity. As for whether he was reborn to the present or just lay on the table and had a big dream of life, it seems that the boundary between him began to become blurred.

Whether it's a big dream or rebirth, it's right to live well.

Li Dingshan also set a specific date for taking office in Ba County, which is July 15, and there is still a week left. At the same time, he transferred Xiaxiang's personnel relationship to the Youth League Provincial Party Committee through the relationship. For the time being, he could not transfer to Ba County, so he had to wait for a while. At the same time, he also resigned as the head of the reporter station in Yan Province, with Xu Shengzhi, another reporter from the reporter station.

After Wen Yang officially accepted the company, he was not appointed as the general manager by the newspaper. He still presided over the overall work as the vice president, but it was obvious that the newspaper had no intention to send people for the time being, so he also began to work, recruiting personnel and so on. Every day when he saw Xia, he came back to the company, I had to pretend that I couldn't see it. The main reason is that Li Dingshan and Jia He are still living in the company. As soon as the time comes, the three of them will leave together.

Xiao Jia's resignation did not make a sound in the company. Instead, Teng Qiang came once. He heard that Li Dingshan was going down to the county to be the county party secretary. He rushed upstairs and stayed for a while. A few minutes later, he went downstairs with a pale face, simply packed up his things, and then slammed the Wen Yang turned a blind eye to Teng Qiang's appearance, but occasionally when he saw Xia, he always showed a gloomy look.

Xiao Jia should have been busy with her book editing. When Xia thought of Xiao Jia, she always felt that under her stubborn appearance, there was actually a soft heart hidden. Thinking that she was going to Ba County soon, there was a faint nostalgia in her heart. She made a lot of money by compiling books. I hope she can stop in time and put her heart on the right path.

Although the network is not yet developed at this time, Xiaxiang still went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet as soon as he was free, searching for some information about Ba County, so that he could know it. Yang Bei is from Ba County. From her mouth, he also knows more or less about the situation of Ba County, but it is only a little fur. He only knows that the area of Ba County is very large, but very poor. It is located in a cold area. The winter is extremely cold and the summer is short...

In the afternoon, when Xia wanted to pack up and was about to go back, she accidentally received a phone call from Chu Zigao.

I don't know how Gao Hai affected Chen Feng. Chen Feng's decision came very quickly. The city ordered all garbage stations to be moved within 15 days, and North Street was declared a pedestrian street. Chu Zigao and five restaurants jointly invested 500,000 yuan to build a public welfare leisure square. The main purpose of his call was to hire Xiaxiang as a leisure square designer.

"Mr. Xia, you must do me this favor this time. I want to make the leisure square a beautiful scenery in Yan City, so that people can enjoy talking about it. Only a talented person like you can make such a big deal. If you don't help me, I will die. In case no one likes the square built, I will lose the face of Secretary-General Gao..."

I can't see Chu Zigao's appearance, but Xia can also imagine his exaggerated expression, coupled with his slightly hoarse voice, like a vivid drama. Chu Zigao is a shrewd businessman. Whether it is because of Gao Hai's hint or not, since he opened his mouth, it proves that he intends to get close to Xia, and he also recognizes Xia's talent.

Chu Zigao is a little shrewd, but he is also a friend to make. Xia wanted to meditate slightly and promised, "Well, I'll try my best to do it once. However, I majored in industrial and civil construction, and I am not very good at planning. I will introduce someone to you, and I can definitely design a first-class leisure square.