official god

Chapter 73 Gains Beyond Farce

Liu He stared straight at Yang Bei for a moment, and then looked at Xia Xiang with angry eyes. Suddenly, he waved his hand at the people behind him and said, "Secretary Li is here. What are you still stupid about? Hurry up and show it."

The four people behind him bent down together and shouted in unison, "Good for Secretary Li!"

Xia wanted to almost couldn't help laughing. Liu He didn't learn anything well and insisted on learning triad from Hong Kong films. China is no better than Hong Kong. There is no soil for the underworld to grow up at all. It pretends to be decent, but you can tell at a glance that it is a mob. The only worry in his heart was that all disappeared. He waved to Liu He and said, "Liu He, the play is enough, and you have face. You can leave..." He looked at Yang Bei again, "Take away the unrelated people, don't hinder our mood of eating."

Seeing that Xia wanted to suddenly change his indifferent appearance, Yang Bei was even more hesitant. She looked at Liu He and Xia, and the tears in her eyes finally flowed down: "Xia Think, I'm sorry..."

"You can live a happy life, just be worthy of yourself. We were strangers before we met. After that, let's be strangers again! Today's meeting was a misunderstanding. Since it was a misunderstanding, now it's clear that everything is the best way to pass..." Yang Beichi didn't explain a word. She had such a snobbish mother and found a boyfriend like Liu He. Xia wanted to suddenly be in a loss of interest and couldn't even mention the intention of accusing her It's not her. She doesn't even have the courage to face it now. What's the point of him seizing the past again? It's better to let go.

The sun sprinkled on Xiaxiang's face, making his expression look lonely and resolute, and there was also a faint bleak...

Liu He, Niu Hongmei and Yang Bei walked for a long time, but Li Dingshan still didn't look good and walked around in the courtyard with his hands behind his back. Jia He was the most incontingent. After a while, he asked Xia about Yang Bei. Xia wanted to refuse to tell him, so he pestered him, which made Xia Can't help sighing. Who said that gossip is a woman's nature, and older men also have the potential to gossip.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Li Dingshan slowly calmed down his anger, Xia Xiang came over and said with a smile, "Secretary Li, how many days have we been in Ba County? He has been here for many years. Besides, didn't he call a few people to say hello to us just now?

Li Dingshan couldn't help laughing and scolded, "I know what you want to say. Don't cover it up from me. I used to be a journalist and have been engaged in text work. I don't know if you want to persuade me not to fight against them in a hurry? If you have anything to say, just say it clearly. I really don't understand what's wrong with you. There is still a girlfriend hidden in Ba County. I didn't say it earlier. It was robbed by Liu He. What a coward!"

Xia wants to shake her head heartlessly and sigh: "It's going to rain, and my girlfriend is going to run away. Who can control it? There are some things in the world that can be done through hard work, and some things can't be done no matter how hard they are, such as women's hearts. I have been in love with her college classmates for four years and have been in love for two years. I broke up half a year after graduation. Now I am with the county magistrate, which is equivalent to climbing a high branch and getting happiness. I can't linger on me. I have to live a poor life with a poor boy, right?

Having said that, Xia thought still had a faint pain in her heart. From beginning to end, Yang Bei did not mean to explain to him. Could it be that the sweet words she swore before were all deceptive lies? In the past, I always saw men's unheart, but in fact, when women are ruthless, they are not much worse than men.

Li Dingshan saw that Xia was a little frustrated. He knew that young people's treatment of feelings could be understood if he couldn't think about it for a while, so he joked, "Don't think about it. It's all over. Listen to me, Xiaoxia, I know many rich and powerful people in Yanshi, many of whom have daughters, and some of them are about the same age as you. At that time, I will see which one is suitable to introduce to you. Isn't it better than the one in Ba County? It doesn't matter if you don't want a woman who is in love with you, there is nothing to miss.

While talking, Huang Hai finally came back panting. It turned out that he had a bag full of mushrooms and ferns. He was so tired that his face turned pale and almost exhausted. He said breathlessly, "Don't think it's too little. I really can't dig. I'm exhausted... Is it worth 10 yuan?"

Xia wanted to be speechless. I don't know whether to sigh at his simplicity and seriousness, or to be sad that he worked hard for 10 yuan! He hurriedly took the sack. It was a heavy weight of a hundred and ten catties, and he almost didn't catch it. Thanks to Jia He's help next to him, he held it. Xia wanted to pat Huang Hai on the shoulder, turned out 20 yuan from his body and stuffed it into his hand: "Thank you, man, for your hard work."

Huang Hai held 20 yuan and didn't understand what was going on for a moment. He took a few breaths before he woke up. He hurriedly blushed and wanted to return the money to Xiaxiang: "It was agreed that 10 yuan is 10 yuan, and what's the matter to give 20 yuan? I dug less, not enough for 30 yuan. It can't be done. It's too much. It's not clear what Huang Hai is based on. Is it true that a sack of mushrooms and ferns is worth 10 yuan in his eyes?

Xia thought that he was not polite to him. He clapped his hand vigorously and said, "I'll take it for you. I'll work for you in the future. Is that okay? I said Huanghai, don't the villagers know what Liu He asked them to dig mushrooms and ferns for?

"I know, I know a little bit, sell it for money!" Huang Hai took the money and was so polite to Xia. He almost nodded and replied, smiling.

"Then you will work for him for free?"

"It's not exactly. Liu He also gave some money, but the village cadres can't reach us. In addition, as long as the people who work hard to dig wild vegetables, when they are taken in, the village will be reduced or exempted, which is also a little compensation. What should I say? Everyone knows that they take it to sell money, but we don't have the ability, and we don't know where to sell it, so with this strength, idleness is also idle..." Maybe 20 yuan plays a role. Huang Hai has a lot of words, and he talks endlessly, which makes Li Dingshan beside him have a very bad impression of Point, not only arrogant and domineering, but also pretending to be public for personal gain!

It's not that Xia doesn't want to give Huang Hai a little more money, but it's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. The so-called emergency does not save the poor. There are many things that need to be done to fundamentally change their poverty, rather than relying on charity. The consequences of charity can only make them lazy. The effortless money can turn an honest farmer into a cunning and greedy villain. Later, an earthquake occurred in a poor mountainous area of Yan Province. People from all over the country enthusiastically donated money. The disaster relief and various materials far exceeded the local losses of several times. Farmers not only suddenly lived in brick and tile houses provided by the state for free from adobe houses, but also coaxed materials, hid a large number of instant noodles at home, resulting The People's Liberation Army soldiers who were tired and starved by the disaster took a bite. As soon as this matter came out, a very prestigious person couldn't help commenting: "Poor mountains and rivers, shrews and unruly people!"

In fact, if we really want to improve the incentive system, formulate rules that everyone abides by, and stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers, it can still burst out great productivity. Xia Xiang's thoughts gradually took shape. On the way back, Li Dingshan saw Xia's thoughtful face and couldn't help asking him, "Xiaoxia, what ideas do you have to hide? Are you thinking about mushrooms and ferns?"