official god

Chapter 74 is to fish in troubled waters

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Xia thought suddenly figured out that in his previous life and this life, he always remembered only the old love, but Yang Bei was good to him in the past. It was precisely because he had been thinking about her kindness and her warmth, but he ignored too many things. For example, Yang Bei's forgetfulness may not be for any other reason, but she was tired and In the warm home of the county, she no longer wants to go to Yan City with him to suffer from wandering around. She yearns for a comfortable life and pursues a kind of happiness within reach, rather than his empty promise.

Do you choose to suffer and be with the people she loves in Yan City, or do you choose to be with the people you love in Ba County without suffering from the wind and sun? Yang Bei's last choice was the latter...

Li Dingshan might as well ask and interrupt Xia's thoughts. He smiled and thought about it. After thinking about it, he still didn't say all the plans in his heart. Instead, he didn't want to deliberately hide it from Li Dingshan, but didn't want to reveal too much information before the matter was uncertain so as to distract him: " There is still a long way to go before the implementation. When I have a basic idea, I will report it to you. Now the situation in Ba County is very complicated. Secretary Li doesn't have to be distracted by these small things. It's better to leave the small things to me.

Li Dingshan smiled and said, "Well, at present, Dam County looks calm. In fact, there are undercurrents everywhere. Just wait for a suitable opportunity to burst out in an all-round way. We are still a little weak. I have decided, Xiaoxia, bring you to the deputy section level as soon as possible, but we need an appropriate opportunity."

Xia wanted to nod. He was the secretary of the county party secretary, but he had no real power, and it was inconvenient to act. Soon after he came to Ba County, he mentioned the deputy section. Although he was a little too hasty, if it was operated properly, it could not be wrong. In fact, he already had a preliminary plan in his mind, and he was ready to cooperate with Li Dingshan to take the opportunity to raise his deputy department to stir up the political situation in Ba County.

When it is calm, the mud and sand sink at the bottom of the water, which makes it difficult to distinguish. Once the water is muddy, although the mud and sand makes it more difficult to distinguish good from the bad, one of the biggest benefits is to fish in the muddy water.

Li Dingshan did not forget to call Gao Hai again. When he was about to arrive in the county, as soon as he received the signal, he talked to Gao Hai. However, without saying a few words, Gao Hai seemed to be very busy. He just said that as soon as Xia wanted to have a chance to go back to Yanshi, he would immediately go to him.

"Yes, Secretary Li, we use a round-way approach to deal with Liu He's matter by cutting meat with a blunt knife. To develop a grassland tourism resort, you need to take it to the Standing Committee for discussion and see everyone's reaction. As for the deputy director of the Cultural Bureau, I don't have to pay attention to her. She is just an insignificant little person who can't disrupt our plans for her. Xia thought of Yang Bei's sad eyes. Although he hated Niu Hongmei's snobbery and invincible virtue, he couldn't bear to see Yang Bei sad because Niu Hongmei threw her official hat. He always complained about Li Dingshan's soft heart. Unexpectedly, when it came to an end, he found that he also had a he

They are all living people. It is impossible to be ruthless enough to meet each other without knowing each other. It is only suitable for bitter hatred, and it is not suitable for unforgettable feelings. When it comes to easy and difficult to do, there is nothing better in the world. What he didn't expect was that Yang Bei actually followed Liu He, and he would inevitably have a conflict with Liu He. Even if it didn't end with your life and death, at least he had to distinguish between victory and defeat. He could not coexist peacefully. Where will Yang Bei go then?

Xiaxiang is no longer a bloody young man. Although he has previous emotional factors with Yang Bei, it will never affect his judgment. For Liu He, he is originally the target of focus, because Yang Bei's appearance may make him more cruel.

At the same time, Xia thought did not rule out that he wanted to let Niu Hongmei lose her heart all day long. He was always worried that she would be removed from office and was afraid all day long. For some people, although it is pleasant to be beaten to death with a stick, it definitely does not make her worry about gains and losses every day, and it is more reassuring to live in panic all the time.

Li Dingshan smiled and didn't say anything. He is not a person who will repay, but he is not without any idea about those who dare to challenge his authority. Niu Hongmei is just an insignificant deputy director. The reason why she is arrogant everywhere is not because she thinks she has such a big backer as Liu Shixuan? Liu Shixuan, he frowned slightly. He remembered that although Liu Shixuan's performance in the past few days was a little arrogant, it was generally reasonable. He kept the rules, did not speak casually, and always looked as stable as Mount Tai.

Liu Shixuan was not easy to deal with. Li Dingshan turned his mind around and passed the attitude of several members of the Standing Committee in his mind. He also thought of Zhang Shuying's pick-up banquet. He vaguely felt that he had grasped something, but he didn't get the point.

Since Gao Hai did not point out what was wrong with the transformation of the village in the city, it is estimated that it was not a very serious problem. Xia thought that he relaxed his tense nerves a little. In the afternoon, Li Dingshan contacted his relationship in the capital and began to verify the Sanshan Resort. He hid outside and called Feng Xuguang.

Feng Xuguang was very interested, and he was very excited that Xia wanted to call him. He talked about the current situation of his supermarket. The decoration has been completed in advance, the staff are all in place, and the supermarket's investment promotion work has also been a great success. Many well-known manufacturers have taken the initiative to join, far more than Expectations.

Xiaxiang can understand Feng Xuguang's joy. As the first super-large supermarket in Yan City, it is both an opportunity and a challenge. If it succeeds, it will take the lead. If you fail, you will be defeated. Fortunately, Feng Xuguang's vision was not bad, and he took a very solid first step.

The next news surprised Xia, and at the same time, he couldn't help but be ecstatic.

For the purpose of protecting Xiao Jia, Xia wanted to introduce Xiao Jia to Feng Xuguang and entrusted him to protect Xiao Jia from bullying. Feng Xuguang didn't ask about his relationship with Xiao Jia, and agreed. What Xia didn't expect was that after Xiao Jia introduced Feng Xuguang, she was very interested in Feng Xuguang's supermarket and intended to be an agent of some manufacturers to coordinate the middle of goods into the supermarket. Because some manufacturers can't directly contact the management of the supermarket for various reasons, or they already have agents in Yan Province, so it is not easy to come forward to negotiate directly with the supermarket, and the agents will refuse to cooperate with the supermarket because of their different interests and demands. Xiao Jia took advantage of the loophole in the middle and negotiated in the middle. Unexpectedly Become a first-level agent under the general agent, directly supplying to Jiajia Supermarket to earn the price difference.

Feng Xuguang is naturally happy to see such a thing. His supermarket is large enough. Although the investment attraction is very successful, as a supermarket, the more complete the goods are, the more influential they are, so he is also full of praise for Xiao Jia's business ability and keen vision. What made him look at Xiao Jia Gao was that Xiao Jia also pointed out the shortcomings of his supermarket, that is, the vegetable area was too small and the location of the fruit area was not good.

Xiao Jia's view is that in the future, when the supermarket develops, many old people and housewives are willing to come to the supermarket to buy vegetables and fruits, and buy some other things by the way, because even if the vegetables and fruits in the supermarket are not cheaper than the outside, many people believe that the fair scale of the supermarket is accurate, which is This is also very cost-effective. Of course, there is also a habit problem. Coming to the supermarket is to make it convenient, cheap and convenient. Since it is purchasing, of course, the more things the better. Maybe many people will come to the supermarket to buy vegetables. As a result, when they are tempted by other things, they spend more money.

After listening to Xiao Jia's analysis, Feng Xuguang was immediately surprised. After thinking about it carefully, he admired Xiao Jia's not only careful vision, but also quite business acumen. At that time, he wanted to keep her as the vice president of the supermarket, but he did not expect to be euphemistically rejected by Xiao Jia.