official god

Chapter 413 You are willing to

Everyone was also very happy, but in the happy point, they all coincidentally thought about the lion problem. Secretary Cui just nodded and agreed that Xia wanted to be seconded to the leading group, and there was news about the Lingnan Provincial Inspection Group. Is it a coincidence or a political signal? If it's not a coincidence, Xiaxiang's energy is too scary, isn't it?

Political things, whether by chance or intentional, will always give people unlimited reverie. The larger the space. The more confusing it is

Of course, if Xia wants to say it, he is 100% convinced that it is a coincidence. Because it really has nothing to do with him. Moreover, he didn't know about it. He is now celebrating her birthday with Mei Xiaolin.

Mei Xiaolin didn't invite Xiaxiang, and Xiaxiang didn't know her day. It happened that he talked to Qiu Xufeng on the phone to talk about the pilot city. Qiu Xufeng suddenly remembered that today is Mei Xiaolin's birthday, and reminded Xia with a smile: "Mei Xiaolin's birthday is today. Why don't you .

Xia wanted to laugh at Qiu Xufeng: "You still remember Mei Xiaolin's birthday, and you are very careful

Qiu Xufeng sighed: "She is also a good woman, but it's a pity that I have nothing to do with her. It's okay not to mention it. The previous cooperation between you and her was quite pleasant, and you have to show it. She doesn't say anything on the surface, but in fact she knows it very well.

Whether Qiu Xufeng wants to emphasize the last sentence or not. Since Xia thought that today is Mei Xiaolin's birthday, she must call to say hello. Unexpectedly, after the phone was connected. She was in a hotel in Yanshi, and listening to her voice, she was a little drunk: "Xia, Xia, you actually know my birthday? Come here. I'll be at the Furong Restaurant in Yan City."

Just when it was time to get off work, Xia wanted to call Cao Shuqi, saying that he didn't have to wait for him to go home for dinner, and then drove straight to Furong Restaurant.

Furong Restaurant is located on South China Road, bordered by Guobei Shopping Mall in the east, and Wujiaohua Company in the west. Wujiaohua Company has been closed and bankrupt, leaving only one empty 6-storey office building. I heard that Fu's high-end department store will be renovated and reopened on the basis of the old building of Wujiaohua Company. The name is famous fashion.

Xia thought that Mei Shengping would be there, but he didn't expect that there were only two people in the elegant room on the third floor, Mei Xiaolin and Gu Yu!

As soon as Gu Yu saw Xia, she said, "You're here. Xiaolin is really scary. She drank a lot of wine. I couldn't persuade him to blink his eyes again. "It's a good idea that you're here. Even if she is drunk, someone will carry it."

Then he whispered, "Be careful what you say. She is a little unhappy today. If you get into her trouble and she is sad, you are responsible for the end!"

What's wrong with Mei Xiaolin? Xia thought that she was blushing, her eyes were blurred, and she was drunk. Mei Xiaolin. As soon as he stood up, he shook slightly and looked at Xia and said, "You, you're here. It's rare that you still remember my birthday. Come on, as the only man, have three drinks first

Mei Xiaolin reached out and grabbed Xiaxiang's hand. Jin'er didn't pick up a cup and handed it to his hand: "It's done. If you don't do it, you won't give it.

Mei Xiaolin really drank a lot. Xia wanted to look back at Gu Yu: "You don't persuade her either. Why do you let her drink so much wine? You are two ladies. What if you are both drunk and meet bad people?

Gu Yu stretched out his hands indifferently, and his slightly exotic eyes narrowed: "She insisted on drinking. How dare I stop her? Today is her birthday, so I have to rely on her a little bit.

I can state in advance that I didn't specifically introduce some men's and women's topics. She said it on her own initiative. She said she treated you

"No words!" The ruddyness on Mei Xiaolin's face turned redder. I don't know whether it was alcohol or blushing. She boldly looked at Xia and said, "Don't think nonsense. I'm not interested in you. Just drink too much and tell a little joke. Do you hear me?"

Xia thought and couldn't help laughing: "I heard it, I understand, remember it. I believe that you two beautiful women are not interested in me. I have never been attracted to the eyes of beautiful women. According to my past experience, the beautiful women I like don't like me, but those who like me are often not beautiful women.

Gu Yu. He smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I heard Mei Xiaolin say that there are many beautiful women around you. Not to mention that the one in your family is a beautiful woman. What else is Lian Ruohan, Yan Xiao and Qiu Ai? I heard that there is also a high school girl Song Yifan. She is very jealous of you and says that you are >

Xia wants to sweat a lot. Why do women gossip together? It's also shocking. Mei Xiaolin told all the women he knew. Isn't it too out of sight? Although he also knows that Mei Xiaolin may have some feelings for him for a long time, he has always been a colleague to Mei Xiaolin, and sometimes he will forget her gender when she is with her, because although Mei Xiaolin is beautiful. But her personality always makes it easy for people who are familiar with her to forget her side as a woman.

Xia thought he smiled shyly: "I know a lot of beautiful women, but which one in life doesn't know many beautiful women? It would be too sad if a man didn't have many beautiful friends of the opposite sex. Isn't it? But as long as it's a beautiful woman I know, it has anything to do with me. You are too subjective and have created a lot of sexual encounters for me out of thin air!"

Mei Xiaolin and Gu Yu said with one voice, "There's a lot of nonsense!"

Gu Yu picked up the wine bottle and stood next to Xiaxiang: "Drink, you will be fined three cups first." Mei Xiaolin was also staring at the side. Yes, the two beautiful women went into battle together, and the hall suddenly had to drink hard. After drinking two times, Mei Xiaolin let Xia want to sit between her and Gu Yu. Today, she wore a woolen skirt, revealing her slender thighs. She took off her coat and only wore a tight thin coat. The two peaks in front of her chest were proud and charming, and she seemed to have the intention to show her most proud side, and also walked to Xia to show her charming demeanor as a woman.

The ancient jade clothes are loose. It is more elegant and beautiful. She doesn't care what clothes she wears. The jade pendant on the chest is never taken off, and it falls between the chests every time. Xia thought that every time she saw it, she thought with a little evil interest. Doesn't she think that Yu and Pei are swaying around in front of her chest, which is a little deliberately seductive? There is also a woman's chest part that must be **, and the jade pendant also shakes like a child's palm. Don't you feel like touching it?

Of course, Xia is not a woman. If you only speculate from the perspective of a man, you must not feel accurate enough.

Xia wants to sit between Mei Xiaolin and Gu Yu. After drinking a few more glasses of wine with the two, he advised Mei Xiao and Lin to drink less. Despite the presence of Gu Yu, Mei Xiaolin suddenly grabbed Xia's hand and asked, "Xia, look at me carefully with a man's eyes. From the face to the figure, let's talk about it. Is it a beautiful woman?

When a woman has an attack, it is also amazingly spicy. Xia wanted to see Gu Yu snickering aside, which was obviously a gloating expression, and it was not easy not to answer Mei Xiaolin. He said, "You are a well-deserved beauty. Even if you don't wear makeup or dress up, it's amazing at first sight. The second eye is durable, and the third eye makes people extremely nostalgic.

"Wow, you used to have such a way to deal with women. You have a smooth mouth and sweet words. In addition, you still have a pleasing appearance, and you are a department-level cadre at a young age. You are simply a natural female killer, Gu Yu, who opened his eyes wide in surprise, with an exaggerated expression.

Xia wanted to twist the fork and look at her with a serious face: "Don't make trouble. If Mei Xiaolin goes crazy for a while, you are responsible for taking her away. Some people are usually elegant, and once they are drunk, they are very strong. You don't know what people you usually know very well will become if you are really drunk.

Xiaxiang is not alarmist. Some people taste, and wine has wine. Everyone hides deeply. But after getting drunk, ordinary polite people may point to the sky and curse on the street. And some people who usually look rude after getting drunk. Maybe it's just a deep sleep.

Gu Yu stuck out his tongue and said, "Can't you make a joke? Don't be mean to me, I'll ignore you

Xia wants to be shaken tightly by Mei Xiaolin's hands and feel the richness of her mature woman's hands


In terms of good skin, no one can compare with a baby. Even for children under the age of ten, the skin will generally be more delicate than any stunning beauty. Human skin will become rougher and rougher with age, which is a realistic law that cannot be changed. However, Mei Xiaolin's hands don't know how to maintain them, which makes Xiaxiang feel delicate and soft. It can even be compared to Song Yifan's hand.

It is not easy for a woman with a blade year to have a pair of delicate hands comparable to a little girl.

Mei Xiaolin and Xia wanted to sit very close. Perhaps because of the stimulation of alcohol, she was hot all over, and a smell of a mature woman came to her face, hitting Xiaxiang's nerves. There is a good saying: women's fragrance is indeed that every woman has a different body fragrance, either indifferent, warm, or reassuring. It may be impulsive, but there is one thing in common. For men who have experienced women, women's fragrance is fatal**.

Mei Xiaolin wanted to say something. She opened her mouth, but her eyes turned red first. Xia wanted to say hurriedly at first sight, "Why don't you praise it? I was so excited that I was about to cry. How many times have you cried since you were a child?

Fortunately, Xia thought that this sentence came in time, and Mei Xiaolin's tears were taken back. She burst into tears and smiled: "I hate it, you slippery."

Mei Xiaolin smiled and was drunk again. Don't be seductive

"You're still awesome. She only knows how to keep saying some messy things in front of me. In front of you, he is as honest as a cat. There is also a charming smile, which is really the most comforting for a woman's heart, or the man Gu Yu said with emotion.

Xia wanted to look back at her, meaning that she should not make trouble and talk less. Gu Yu smiled sweetly at Xia and said, "I know what you mean. Stop staring, I'll just shut up

After saying that, he really covered his mouth with his hand. Only two big eyes were exposed.

Mei Xiaolin smiled more happily: "You are a little goblin!"

"Goblins are goblins; they are always better than foxes, aren't they?" Gu Yu wanted to use it to Xia. With a winch, Xia figured out what she meant, so she stood up and picked up Mei Xiaolin.

"This is the end of the birthday party. Now I will send you back as a flower protector who protects two flowers at a time."

Mei Xiaolin was pulled up by Xiaxiang, and her body shook and leaned on Xiaxiang. She took the opportunity to hug Xiaxiang's arm and pressed half of her body on him. The plumpness of the chest was tightly pressed on Xiaxiang's arm. Full and elastic, Xiaxiang immediately gave an accurate evaluation.

"She drove herself from An County. I didn't drive. Now she's drunk. I happen to drive her car. You drive your car. As for her, just take your car. It's so late. I'm sure I won't go back to An County. How about let her live in a sanatorium with me at night? Gu Yu said while taking the coats of two people.

Xia can think about it. She was nodding, but Mei Xiaolin shook her head repeatedly: "I'm not going to the nursing home. I want to stay in a hotel. Xia wants to accompany me to open a room.

Mei Xiao, when Huzhou Chu. Sometimes speaking makes people speechless. Drunk. It's a little more watery and liver. Xiaxiang had no choice but to smile and said to Gu Yu, "Don't get me wrong, what she means."

"I didn't misunderstand. You are too careful." Gu Yu smiled ambiguously and leaned over to Xia and said in her ear, "Actually, she likes you very much. The opportunity is just right. Don't miss it.

Xia wants to sweat a lot. When did women become so powerful and speak so directly? He looked at Gu Yu up and down and said, "At the beginning, someone said that you were called Princess Gu and said that you were very old. Listen to what you said just now. It feels like you are also trendy.

Gu Yu's face turned red inexplicably: "What are you blind? I like to see other people's trends. It's not that I'm open-minded. I warn you, don't think about me

Xia thought was almost crazy and said, "Please. I don't have anyone's idea, okay?" But he cried in his heart. Gu Yu said that he seemed to be hungry and unscrupulous. Hasn't he ever seen a woman? It's really depressing.

It's just that she is depressed. With Mei Xiaolin close to her, she still feels a little hot. Xia wanted to admit that thinking is one thing, but the body's reaction sometimes does not obey the command of the brain.

In the end, it was under Mei Xiaolin's insistence. I opened a room for her in a nearby hotel. Gu Yu first helped Xia want to do a favor for a while. Until Xia wanted to settle Mei Xiaolin, she said goodbye on the grounds that she had something else to do.

downstairs of the hotel, Xia wanted to stop her: "No, you should stay and take care of her. It's inconvenient for her and me."

Without saying anything, Gu Yu started Mei Xiaolin's car. Before leaving, he also left a sentence for Xia: "Only men can comfort a woman's injured heart, and I haven't seen anything about what happened today."

Seeing the ancient jade that went away, Xia thought had no choice but to shake his head.

I was hesitating to go upstairs to see Mei Xiaolin again, but Mei Xiaolin called: "I have a headache. Is there any good way to sober up?"

Xia wanted to go upstairs again, made a cup of strong tea for her, and said, "If you can't drink, don't drink so much. It's uncomfortable not to drink when you are drunk. Whoever is drunk knows."

"I know. Don't talk about me anymore." Mei Xiaolin said dissatisfiedly. She kicked her shoes aside angrily, "You said I'm at least the county magistrate and beautiful. Why can't I find the right person to marry?"

"Don't you want to get married? Why did you change your mind again? Xia thought clearly remembered that Mei Xiaolin had been very determined to pursue the ideal of celibacy. "Did you regret seeing Qiu Xufeng get married?"

"It's not." Perhaps because of the fever after drinking, Mei Xiaolin stretched out her hand and took off her tight clothes, revealing her close-fitting underwear. She didn't care about Xia Xiang aside. "I'm old, and the golden age of women is about to pass. It's a little sad to think about it

Xia wanted to see Mei Xiaolin really, so he advised her: "Don't think too much. Maybe the person who belongs to you hasn't appeared yet. When he comes. You will find that all your previous waits and expectations are worth it. "

"I don't believe in love anymore. Mei Xiaolin said quietly, and then looked at Xiaxiang with amorous eyes, "Why not. Will you stay with me tonight?"

It's too straightforward and reserved. Xia thought and shook his head with a smile: "No, I'm too familiar with you. I'm embarrassed to do it."

Xia thought it was a joke. Unexpectedly, Mei Xiaolin believed it and turned to block the door: "Anyway, it's a one-night stand. It's what you want. No one owes anyone, just when I need comfort the most, you appear in time, and then, what should not have happened or should have happened, it all happened

If Mei Xiaolin is affectionate, or has the same amorous feelings as Xiao Jia, or even the same teasing and ** as Ruohan, even as shy as Cao Shuhui, it can arouse Xiaxiang's interest, but Mei Xiao and Lin are bold and straightforward. Instead, it made him feel like a game. The lust between men and women, the atmosphere is very important, and he is not an unconscious teenager. As soon as I see a woman, I want to push her down.

I don't want Mei Xiaolin to know where the courage came from. She took off her underwear, exposed the black corset with lace inside, stretched out her arms, and said contemptuously, "I don't dare to. I know you are a coward. Even if I take off my clothes and lie in front of you, you dare not

Xia Shang was also aroused a little anger: "Are you the county magistrate or my former superior leader? I respect you. Everyone is also very familiar with it. If it really exceeds the limit, it will be difficult to meet in the future. "What's wrong with meeting?" Mei Xiaolin suddenly cried again and threw herself into Xiaxiang's arms. You can't pretend to comfort me. Does it make me feel like an attractive woman? I'm almost naked and standing in front of you. You're not indifferent at all. I'm not so feminine at all?

Mei Xiaolin burst into tears like rain and burst into tears.

Xia wanted to hold her and stroked her smooth back. Her chest was stuffed with two plump things. It was a lie to say that she couldn't move her heart. Moreover, the heat on Mei Xiaolin's body exuded a lustful atmosphere, and Xiaxiang's body reacted.

Mei Xiaolin immediately realized that she hugged Xia, turned over and rolled on the carpet with him. The voice was like a whisper: "Do you want me? It's delicious and free, really affordable

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