official god

Chapter 414 Who wins and loses

Jiang wants to lie on the ground. She was seated under Mei Xiaolin, and finally ignited her desire to Xiangzhichuan. Men should have principles, but men can't let women see, let alone fill the emptiness in women's hearts when they need it most. It's good now. After being pushed back, he suddenly remembered a poem: "Why don't you take Wu Gou and collect Guanshan fifty states!"

At present, there is no Guanshan to collect, but there is a mature woman who needs comfort. She should work hard and jump the horse and whip,"

Where did you wake up tonight?

After waking up, Mei Xiaolin stretched out her hand and pushed Xia and thought, "Get up, go home quickly. If it's too late, you can't explain it. I said that I lent you once, but it's not to occupy you all night. You can brush your clothes and hide your name.

Xia thought that he didn't have the awareness of being cheap and obedient, so he laughed and said, "I didn't expect it. Do you still have an ancient Chinese background?

"Of course, I learned Chinese." Mei Xiaolin was not wearing an inch, and under the reflection of the light, there were white flowers. The mature charm can be seen at a glance. It's really like a seductive fruit and others picking. Xia thought that he turned over and pressed her under his body: "If you want it, just leave? I'm a man, and I want to take the initiative.

After mastering the initiative again, Xia thought that she still didn't stay for the night, and still didn't give Gu Yu a chance to commit adultery in bed. Who knows if she will work hard** and suddenly kill her at dawn?

When you say goodbye. Mei Xiaolin lay lazily in **. She wanted to laugh but didn't say anything, and she didn't know what she was laughing at. Xia thought slightly sighed. The man's willpower is a little poor. How many cats will not be moved in the face of a fragrant little fish? I'm afraid not. Although he thought he had seen countless beautiful women, he still did not restrain Mei Xiaolin's **. Thinking that everyone was so familiar, he was indeed a little embarrassed afterwards and difficult to face.

Xia wants to walk halfway. Suddenly, I received a text message from Mei Xiaolin: "Nothing has happened between us!" Typically, there is no silver here. Xia wanted to shake her head and smile, but did not reply to her.

When he went to work the next day, Xia Xiang accidentally met Mei Shengping in the provincial party committee compound. Mei Shengping still had the same attitude as before, and Xia thought that he felt a little uncomfortable. It seems that he is afraid that Mei Shengping will find something. After finishing his words, after Mei Shengping went away, he realized that because of what happened with Mei Xiaolin, he couldn't let go in front of Mei Sheng's plane, right? In the final analysis, there is also a relationship between him and Mei Xiaolin, but it is not a love between a man and a woman. Of course, what happened yesterday is not pure lust, and there are also some inexplicable things. Forget it, let's not think about it. Sometimes the feelings between men and women can be clearly distinguished?

Between black and white, there is always a gray area that is not black or white.

Mei Xiaolin's matter was put aside first, and the leading group for industrial restructuring in Yan Province was officially established. As one of the team members, Xiaxiang also moved from the office of the Information Office to the third floor of the provincial government building.

Many people in the Information Office are not optimistic about the prospect of Xia's secondment to the leading group. Yang Tianke temporarily replaced Xia Chang, presided over the overall work of the Information Department, and became the actual director, but he was not as easy as Xiaxiang's departure. It was mainly when Xia wanted to be the director. I didn't deliberately suppress anyone, and I didn't have any unpleasant trouble with anyone. Others didn't know Xiaxiang, but Yang Tianke knew in his heart that Xiaxiang's mind was not in the information at all, and his eyes were on it.

Sure enough, Xia wanted to be directly named by Vice Governor Song and went to the leading group. Although the name is a member. There is no power, but it is said that the work assigned to him by Governor Song is. Contact the implementation of the industrial structure adjustment of single city and Baoshi, dispatch the allocation of funds in the province, guide and solve the difficulties and obstacles encountered by local governments in industrial structure adjustment. In fact, it is in charge of the allocation of resources of single city and Baoshi in the province, as well as the policy preference, which can be said to be in the leadership group. The real power figure.

With financial power and policy in hand, I'm afraid even the mayor will have to flatt when he sees it. Who doesn't know that the director of some key departments of state ministries and commissions holds the power of approval or resource allocation. Not to mention the secretaries and mayors of various cities, some deputy governors have also spoken in a flattering tone.

When Xia wanted to move from a separate office to a four-person office, she couldn't help sighing.

It can be said that things have been progressing in the direction he envisioned. Finally, he found a justtical excuse to jump out of the information office and came to the pragmatic leadership group. The level has not changed, the salary has not increased, and the treatment has not decreased, but the office environment has been lowered.

At least when I was the director, there was an independent office, and there were people who served tea and water. It's good now. In the office of the four-person room, I heard that the people who come here are not at a low level. They all want to lead others and don't want to be led. Well, let's make trouble if you have nothing to do.

Xia thought it was just a joke. In fact, to be fair, he was still happy to enter the leading group of industrial restructuring in Yan Province. After all, from the beginning, when he heard that Vice Premier He was going to visit Yan Province, he decided that it would be a compromise in the end, and he knew that a similar agency would eventually be set up to solve the problem of the pilot city. If the leading group is born at the right time, and he also escapes from the information calmly, no matter how long Cui Xiang's hand is, he will not be able to reach the leading group, otherwise he will not be able to pass Fan Ruiheng.

Fan Ruiheng allowed Cui Xiang to dictate on personnel issues. Ye Shisheng can also be allowed to intervene in administrative affairs. After all, he is a leader. But Cui Xiang will never be allowed to interfere in government affairs. Otherwise. His authority as the first deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor of the government will be gone.

Of course, Xia Xiang didn't mean to come to the leading group all to avoid Cui Xiang's suppression. Instead, he really valued the adjustment of the industrial structure. In the political life of Yan Province in the future, he dared to laugh at anything! Square. . You don't have to be "friends, and you still think about other beautiful women every day. Isn't it a little too philaning?"

"You don't understand, Yiping, you are too old-fashioned. And there is also a problem with the way of thinking. Only a man with a girlfriend can appreciate beautiful women other than his girlfriend. In the same sense, married men know how to cherish women more. How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, right?

"That's right, but I know a kind of man who speaks very beautifully, but after really meeting a beautiful woman, he often loses courage." A woman's voice came from the door. Her voice was slightly hoarse, with a trace of fluttering magnetic beauty. "You are just a hairy young man. You have just fallen in love. He thought he knew women, so he began to talk freely. In fact, men who really know women have always been as silent as gold.

Xia was stunned before she turned around. Why is it her?

There is a girl standing at the door. Long live the mountain, with a curvy figure, a proud and upright figure, and soft shoulders. Skinny face, apricot eyes, long hair, simple and casual dress, and a piece of jade on the chest is particularly eye-catching.

Fang Ge was dumbfounded and looked at the ancient jade standing at the door a few times. He asked, "Excuse me, are you? Who are you looking for? What you just said is belittling me, isn't it?

Gu Yu ignored the square, came directly to Xiaxiang and took the initiative to stretch out his little hand: "Hello, Director Xia, I will work under your hands from now on. Please give me more advice."

Xia wanted to be stunned for a moment, and then woke up and shook hands with Gu Yu: "Welcome Gu Yu, you come to our comprehensive work, just like the square said, there is color in the office."

Although Gu Yu's hands are not as smooth as Mei Xiaolin's hands, they are better than softness. Her fingers are slender, her hands are not big, and she feels as soft as boneless when she holds them. Xia thought suddenly remembered what the ancients said, Huai Jin holds Yu, and the jade can make people feel at ease. Could it be that Gu Yu's hand often plays with jade to have a soft feeling?

Then he remembered Chen Feng's statement and asked, "Do you have a suitable hand-to-hand one for me?" Holding Yu with Huai Jin is the blessing of life.

Gu Yu blushed and whispered, "Xia, don't go too much. Dare to tease me in public, be careful that I'm not polite to you!"

Xia wanted to be slightly stunned. Isn't he just asking for a hand play of Shoushan Stone? Gu Yu's reaction was so fierce? Then he suddenly realized that he held Gu Yu's hand and asked her for a hand play, which was easy to make people have unclear hints. Moreover, he also specifically said that Huai Jin held Yu, with beautiful jade in his arms and beautiful jade on his body. And the ancient jade in front of you is called "Jade"!

Xia wanted to quickly let go of Gu Yu's hand: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. A friend of mine also loves jade. Last time I saw the Shoushan stone given to me by Lao Gu, I saw that the taste was first-class, so he asked Lao Gu for a piece of jade that I could play with, "

"You can talk to my grandfather about this, but you can't tell me." Gu Yu said and thought for a glance. He walked to his desk and sat down.

The square and Zhong Yiping looked at each other with a stunned face. After a long time, Zhong Yiping patted the square on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Learn more from Director Xia in the future. What is a master? A master is a person who pulls hands directly without boasting!"

Fang Ge scratched his head and nodded convincedly: "It's not easy for a beautiful woman to come. It turns out that I know Brother Xia again. You and I have no chance."

Xia wanted to ignore the square joke, but realized that Lao Gu gave him the carving of the mantis to catch the cicada and the yellow finch behind, which was not a joke, nor was it a simple wedding gift... The meaning of the yellow finch in the back did not just refer to the fact that he was transferred to his side of his collection as a It shows a series of things.

It even includes the arrangement of letting Gu Yu lead the work of the group!

What is the purpose of Lao Gu? Do you want to arrange Gu Yu to lead the group? From the conversation on the car in the capital, Xia can speculate that Lao Gu has a clear understanding of the direction of the situation in Yan Province. Even like myself, I can accurately grasp the general context. He first wanted to second himself to his side, but he couldn't. He also pushed the boat and agreed to come to Yan City for recuperation. At the opening ceremony of the Treasure Garden and the Collection House, Gu Yu suddenly appeared in Yan City. At that time, it was on the eve of the establishment of the leading group for industrial restructuring in Yan Province. One by one, it seemed to be unintentional, but in fact it may

Although Xia can't figure out the purpose of Lao Gu's approach to himself, even if he can't rule out a factor of seeing the past, Lao Gu is not an ordinary old man. He has no worries about food and clothing and is powerful. Although he has retired, he still has enough influence. His every move can't It is regarded as the behavior of an ordinary old man. It must have a deep meaning and ulterior motives. Xia Xiang didn't want to maliciously guess that Lao Gu might have a bad intention. Thinking that he did not have the capital worth careful planning for Lao Gu, but Gu Yu suddenly appeared in the office of the leading group, so he had to let him think deeply. Lao Gu carefully designed, and even did not hesitate to let Gu Yu transfer to the leading the group. What on earth What's wrong with your calculation?

Sigh: Continue to ask for a monthly ticket. If you don't ask for it, you can't do it. If you don't ask for a ticket, others will ask for it. Hey hey.

Brothers, stretch out your hand. Let's move forward two more, and let Lao He refresh ourselves. In recent days, I always feel tired all over. I have the idea of being lazy every day, and I don't even bother to write. I have to perseverance and be strong! In addition to cheering yourself up, you also need the enthusiastic support of your brothers. In addition, it's Monday, comrades who don't have a monthly ticket, please vigorously hit the recommendation ticket, which is also a kind of encouragement.