official god

Chapter 422 Detour Strategy

Go to work after two. It's a busy scene. The relevant reports on structural adjustment of the pilot cities were summarized into the leading group, after the collective deliberation of An Yixing, Xiaxiang and Zhang Mengfan. It was submitted to the Song Dynasty. After exchanging views with Xia Xiang on some of the doubts and difficulties, Song Chaodu reported to Fan Ruiheng and Ye Shisheng one by one. Finally, after the personal instructions of Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng, it was officially sent to Shancheng and Baoshi. Approve the implementation.

This officially kicked off the industrial restructuring of the two cities.

Xia wanted to lead the way. Gu Yu's client contacted Baoshi, and then negotiated with Wanli Automobile. After several trials and explorations, the client of Wanli Automobile and Guyu officially reached a preliminary agreement on behalf of Guyu's Lingyu Trading. Lingyu Trading Co., Ltd. injected capital into Wanli Automobile in exchange for 15% of the equity of Wanli Automobile.

When the agreement was signed, Cao Yongguo, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Ren Qingzhi, Mayor, attended the signing ceremony.

The news came out, and there was a shock in the province.

At a standing committee meeting, Ye Shisheng praised the excellent work coordinated by the leading group, and also congratulated the achievements of the industrial restructuring of Baoshi and single cities. At the same time. Commendation for the Song Dynasty. Song Chaodu knew in his heart that although he was the team leader, he had always been responsible for the specific work of Xia, and the credit should be attributed to Xia.

Fan Ruiheng is also very happy with the victory of the leading group. He pays far more attention to the leading group than Ye Shisheng. Ye Shisheng does not know the specific operation of the leading group, but he knows who is leading the actual affairs of the leading group. From Xiaxiang's superb means, he found business opportunities that could be used for him.

When Cui Xiang heard the news of Baofu's first success, his eyelids also jumped a few times. He was very surprised that Xia wanted to quickly unfold the layout, and he felt that Xia's talent was better than he expected. Thinking of Xia, he is now out of his control. I felt uncomfortable in my heart, so I had to think of a way to form a restriction on Xia.

In the middle of tomorrow, Lu Yuanyuan's transfer order finally came. He will go to the Western Province to serve as the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. At the same time, Ma Xiao will also take office. He will come to Yan Province to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda.

As soon as Ma Xiao took office, he showed a strong style. First, the Standing Committee proposed to strengthen the publicity work in Yan Province, and criticized the work of newspapers at all levels in Yan Province. They believed that many journalists do not have high political awareness and require a rectification campaign throughout the province, aiming to improve the quality and ideological level of journalists, and view the issue of news propaganda from a political perspective. .

Not long after that, a so-called political incident occurred in the Yan Provincial Evening News.

The cause of the matter was in a press release. A former national leader was mentioned. He truthfully marked his position at that time, but the man later defected and came to a shameful end. Although the end is shameful, it is an indelible fact that he has held a certain position, which is not a big deal. If it's a newspaper in the south. I'm afraid no one will mention that even in Yan Province, there is usually no one who has nothing to do to dig graves. During the period when Lu Yuanyuan was the Minister of Propaganda. The media atmosphere in Yan Province is relatively clear.

But Chacha Ma Xiao didn't know what kind of mind he was out of. He accidentally saw this manuscript and was immediately furious. Li Xuan called the president of the Yan Provincial Evening News and scolded him, demanding that the relevant responsible personnel be dealt with seriously.

Ding Guobing, the president of Yan Provincial Evening News, did not take it as a big deal. He thought that it might be just Minister Ma's new official to take office. He happened to find a small problem, so it was inevitable to make a fuss. He fined the reporter and the editor on duty for persuading yuan, and verbally criticized the director of the supplement. I thought that things turned big into small things.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, after Ma Xiao learned the result, he called Ding Guobing, the president of the Yan Provincial Evening News, and Gu Zeng, the editor-in-chief, immediately went to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee for a meeting. Ding Guobing and Gu Zeng did not realize the seriousness of the matter, because when Lu Yuanyuan was the Minister of Propaganda, although the propaganda mouth of Yan Province had always been conservative, there were no political events. Unbeinto not, as soon as he arrived at the conference room, he was criticized by Ma Xiao fiercely. Ma Xiao warned Ding Guobing from the perspective of political events, and asked Gu Zeng to temporarily suspend his duties for reflection, and let Ding Guobing deal with the relevant personnel seriously again. Then report the result to him.

Ding Guobing and Gu Zeng were shocked. The fire of Minister Ma's new official burned too much, right?

Even the editor-in-chief was suspended for reflection. Ding Guobing was not without political mind, regardless of Minister Ma's purpose of deliberately suppressing him. Or he is extremely conservative in politics. Whether he likes to catch the wind or shadows, the leader must obey his words. Although Yu Xin couldn't bear it, Ding Guobing knew that he couldn't get through this barrier without being ruthless, so he gritted his teeth. The writer, the editor on duty, and the director of the supplement will be fired!

The director of the supplement is Du Tongguo, Xiaxiang's good friend. And Ding Guobing and Gu Zeng are both good friends of Li Dingshan!

At the beginning, Xia thought that this matter was just an independent political event, and he just thought that maybe Ma Xiao was too cautious and liked to make a fuss. In ancient times, he was the best bureaucrat to execute the text prison. Even when Du Tongguo found Xiaxiang, he had not raised the matter to the level of political struggle.

On the contrary, Xia wanted to comfort Du Tongguo: "Forget it, isn't it just a deputy director of the Yan Provincial Evening News? If you want to do business, I will introduce you to a large group. If you still want to work in the media, I will help you contact the media in the capital and leave Yan Province. Don't some people like to be broad-minded? Can his hand go to the capital?

Du Tongguo is unwilling to leave the media. I don't want to leave Yan Province: "Let's take a break for a while. I have feelings for Yan City now, and my home is also here. I don't want to leave. However, it is difficult to engage in media work in Yan Province. After all, he registered with Minister Ma, and the whole province criticized him. Which media dares to hire me again?

Xiaxiang also knows that no media in Yan Province dares to hire Du Tongguo again, otherwise it is equivalent to openly singing against Minister Ma. However, it may not be difficult for Du Tongguo to find a media job in the province after a period of time and the matter is slowly forgotten.

Xia thought that since Ding Guobing was expelled from Du Tongguo and others, Ma Xiao had nothing to say, and the editor-in-chief Gu Zeng should also be able to resume his work.

When Xia Xiang was in Ba County, when he came to the Yan Provincial Evening News to pick up the photos, he had a relationship with Gu Zeng. Although he had never seen him again, in Xia Xiang's impression, Gu Zeng was not bad, and he was also a friend recognized by Li Dingshan. From a personal point of view, of course, Xia .

Then what everyone didn't expect. Yan Provincial Daily held a party group meeting and notified his nephew. After the handling of the incident, a personnel appointment was immediately announced. Gu Zeng served as the president and editor-in-chief of the miscellaneous newspaper, and Jiao Hua, the president and editor-in-chief of the miscellaneous newspaper, served as the vice president and editor-in-chief of the Yan Provincial Evening News.

Gu Zeng was immediately shocked on the spot, because he did not receive any notice in advance, and he did not think that a small matter could affect his position. Unexpectedly, he was sent to the miscellaneous newspaper. Who didn't know that the miscellaneous newspaper was a half-dead current political newspaper. There was no impact or circulation in the province. Not to mention the economic benefits, it is basically a pension unit.

Gu Zeng's level has not changed. It is said to be flat, but it is actually idle. Jiao Hua, who had always had no ability, was suddenly transferred to the Yan Provincial Evening News as the editor-in-chief. What's going on?

, but

Xia wanted to get an unusual political signal in a hurry. Ma Xiao quickly grabbed a political incident and made a fuss, and quickly replaced the editor-in-chief of the Yan Provincial Evening News, which was equivalent to holding the Yan Provincial Evening News in his hands. Needless to say, Jiao Hua must be Ma Xiao's person.

What on earth is Ma Xiao going to do? Control the Yan Provincial Evening News. What is the intention?

Because things happened very quickly, Li Dingshan hasn't reacted yet, and it has become a fact. I had to sigh. Gu Zeng was a department-level cadre. The Yan Provincial Evening News is the sub-journal of Yan Provincial Daily, and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee is the competent department of the Yan Provincial Daily. The Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee was angry and wanted to replace the editor-in-chief of a sub-report. It's not a difficult thing.

What's more, Ma Xiao's reason is aboveboard. Under the big hat of political events, no one is willing to take the lead for Gu Zeng. Gu Zeng could only admit that he was moldy.

Xia thought vaguely felt that things would not end here.

But after the political events of the Evening News, everything seemed to be calm again. It was not until the news that the official signing of the investment agreement of the cultural tourism project of the single-city idiom story came out, which once again caused a sensation in the province that the sequelae of the political events of the Evening News showed great power.

The successful investment attraction in a single city is also a pilot city under the guidance of the leading group, which is a major event, but in the major media of Yan Province. There is no one-word report, and the Yan Provincial Evening News, which usually likes to follow up on economic events, is even more silent, and not even a reporter has been sent.

Yan Provincial Evening News is the newspaper with the largest circulation in the province, and it is the most popular newspaper for people's livelihood. It has a broader influence than the Yan Provincial Daily.

The matter aroused Xiaxiang's attention and deep thought.

Then something happened"

In a short period of time, Baoshi and Shancheng have attracted the attention of investors and invested heavily. Doesn't it mean that investors are optimistic and supportive of the adjustment of the industrial structure? As long as it can attract investment, it is the biggest achievement and the success of industrial restructuring. Therefore, many backward cities have also begun to be eager to try and intend the provincial party committee to apply to join the second batch of pilot cities.

The company that signed an agreement with a single city is Golden Point Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 40,000 yuan. According to the agreement, the first batch of injected funds is not less than 100 million yuan. The follow-up funds will be 300 million yuan, depending on the progress of the project. Immediately, a single city applied to the province on the grounds that the development cycle was too long and the municipal government was overburdened, hoping to get the support of the provincial special funds.

After receiving the application, Song Chaodu agreed and asked Comrade Fan Ruiheng to review it. Fan Ruiheng also agreed and asked Comrade Ye Shisheng to review it. After applying to Ye Shisheng's hand, he got stuck.

The problem is not collected in Ye Shisheng's collection, but Cui Xiang raised different opinions.

"Secretary Ye, Baoshi did not apply for special funds. At present, all the work is also carried out very smoothly, but the single city has applied. Do you have any intention? There is not much money in the province. Every city wants to ask for money. The province is not a bank. Where can there be so much money? If a single city applies for the first time, it will be allocated immediately. If Baoshi also applies at first sight, will the province give it or not? If you give. The special funds will be used up. If you don't give it. Baoshi will have an opinion. Why don't you give a single city to Baoshi, and you can't favor one over the other, can you?

I have to say that Cui Xiang's words are reasonable. Ye Shisheng thought about it, so he couldn't help but hesitate.

Cui Xiang hit the iron while it was hot: "Above all, if the festival city and Baoshi pilots are successful. It is estimated that there will be a second batch of pilot cities soon. At that time, everyone will scramble to be a pilot city. Why? Because we all know that if you become a pilot city, you can ask for money! What should we do in the province? Therefore, it is necessary to prevent problems in the first place, block the idea of asking for money from the source, and prevent them from taking advantage of it

After Cui Xiang experienced a series of things. Become smarter. He is now getting closer and closer to Ye Shisheng. He no longer confronts Ye Shisheng in everything, but cooperates in small things, guides him in big things, tries to persuade or impress Ye Shisheng, makes full use of Ye Shisheng's soft-hearted character, let Ye Shisheng change his mind because of the situation, and finally achieves the purpose of agreeing

It can be said that Cui Xiang's strategy has had a good effect. Ye Shisheng unconsciously developed a benign relationship with Cui Xiang. He is very cooperative with Cui Xiang's work and is deeply satisfied with him everywhere. Because of Fan Ruiheng's estrangement from him. As well as several deputy governors of the government team, the relationship with him is average. Ye Shisheng feels that it is very necessary to be consistent with Cui Xiang, and he can also have a tough voice at the Standing Committee.

Although Ye Shisheng is a leader, he feels that few people are consistent with him in the Standing Committee, and he is also a little lonely in the provincial party committee. Together with the government, the relationship between Fan Ruiheng and him is lukewarm. Ma Wanzheng seems to have been showing the intention of approaching. In the provincial party committee, Li Bingwen, secretary of the political and legal committee, did not have much communication with him. Except for normal work contacts, there are few contacts. Xing Duantai, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, has a close relationship with Song Chaodu. Zhang Canyang, Minister of United Front Work, is an old man. It can be said to anyone. From another perspective, he will not offend anyone.

Mei Shengping, the head of the organization, and Ye Shisheng thought that he could not command and would not be with him. The rest are Chen Feng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Ma Xiao, the new Propaganda Minister. He is also a general friendship with him, and there is not much common language. In addition to Secretary-General Qian Jinsong, who is relatively close to him, Cui Xiang is the most angry with him at present.

Thinking about it like this shows the importance of Cui Xiang. In addition, Cui asked him for instructions to report to him recently, and with great respect for the authority of his leader, Ye Shisheng's good impression of Cui Xiang reached the highest value.

Cui Xiang's words made Ye Shisheng uncertain. He said, "The trial collection city is originally a new thing, and the single city and Bao City took the initiative to apply. It is to share the worries of the province, and it deserves the provincial policy preference and financial support. If it is not approved, it will make the provincial party committee lose its credibility.

"Ha ha, Secretary Ye said a lot. Batch. It is the province's support for single cities. It is not approved. It is the province's comprehensive consideration. After all, it is necessary to take into account the overall situation of single cities and the success of Bao City, which surprised Cui Xiang. He did not expect that Xia Xiang would have so much energy, and achieved results in a short time. In fact, he persuaded Ye Shisheng not to approve. I don't mean to go against Shancheng, but to take the opportunity to let Xia think too smoothly, and let Xia want to realize his existence, and at the same time. He also intends to wait until the time is ripe to bargain with Xia.

Because Cui Xiang realized that it won't be long before the list of the second batch of pilot cities will be released. At that time, the leading group will definitely be understaffed and needs to be expanded. It is estimated that there will be three comprehensive places. He wants to take the opportunity to place his own people in three places, in the upcoming tide of industrial restructuring. Take a place first, and then you can get a piece of the pie.

"My suggestion is that the approval is the approval, but not now. We need to press it down and talk about it after a while. If the application is approved, it will create the illusion that the money in the province is easy to take, and it will also make other cities feel that if they apply for a pilot city, they can reach out to the province to ask for money at will. Then I believe that many cities will soon apply to become the second batch of pilot cities, which will also be a troublesome thing at that time. Cui Xiang looked worried. Zhong Zhong looked worried.

Ye Shisheng was persuaded by Cui Xiang. After thinking about it, he said, "Single City and Bao City have been initially successful. Now it is too early to conclude that the industrial structure adjustment is effective. Only when more than three large enterprises are successfully restructured can the industrial structure be regarded as achievements have been achieved. At this stage, the second batch of pilot City, I don't think it's suitable.

, ten thousand

Cui Xiang shook his face and said, "Secretary Ye, you might as well take a bigger step, since the industrial restructuring of Yan Province was implemented under the attention of Vice Premier He. It is also necessary to give Vice Premier He good news to show Vice Premier He's wise decision. In my opinion, we should not only put forward the list of the second batch of pilot cities, but also increase the members of the leading group. Now only two offices are obviously unable to meet the functions of the leading group. We should set up three comprehensive offices and strengthen the voice of the provincial party committee in the leading group.

Ye Shisheng understood Cui Xiang's meaning. He wanted to go to the past. He waved his hand: "It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate. Industrial restructuring is originally a government matter. Under the close attention of Vice Premier He. Don't stretch our hands too long and leave a bad impression on them. When Vice Premier He raised the question, my attitude was not positive. Now when I see a little achievement, I can reach out my hand impatiently. It's too ugly to eat. It's okay to set up three comprehensive offices. Don't put in the provincial party committee any more people, at least don't put in the deputy team leader.

"Do you want to report the current results to Vice Premier He?" Cui Xiang still didn't give up and wanted to disturb the situation. He made a profit from the chaos.

Compare: First, ask for a monthly ticket, don't go away, there is still more behind,