official god

Chapter 423 Looking for a Breakthrough

"I don't want it for a while." Although Ye Shisheng's impression of Cui Xiang has improved now, his sudden conservatism is deeply rooted, and he can't change for a while. Don't be too hasty in everything, let alone carelessly. Single city and Baoshi have achieved a little, and now they will report it. What if they encounter major failures in the next adjustment? Isn't it a joke!"

Cui Xiangjian made up his mind when he saw Ye Shisheng. There is no more reluctance.

He also knew that things could not be rushed, so he could only do it slowly.

Walking out of Ye Shisheng's office, Cui Xiang suddenly felt that his style of doing things was getting closer and closer to Xia Xiang. He shook his head and smiled. Isn't it a little embarrassing for him to be a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and want to learn the way of life from Xia, who is at the department level? Think again, as long as the goal is achieved, no matter who learns the means? The purpose is fundamental. The means are just the way. It's everyone's way. As long as you can reach your own destination.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to suppress Xiaxiang, but he escaped in the name of the leading group. Fortunately, he learned a lot from his means, which was also an unexpected gain. On second thought, if there are three comprehensive places, who should be arranged to go? You must arrange your own people, so that you can kill two birds with one stone. It not only restrains Xiaxiang, but also can share a piece of the pie.

After the report of the single city's application for funds was suppressed by Ye Shisheng, Xia Xiang knew that Cui Xiang must have added chaos to it.

Recently, the relationship between Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng has not only greatly eased, but also has a tendency to get closer and closer, which makes Xia Xiang also guess Cui Xiang's thoughts. After several times of hitting the wall, Cui Xiang also understood that although Ye Shisheng was weak, he also had a bottom line, and after all, Ye Shisheng was the secretary of the provincial party committee and a leader. If he really had an attack, others would give in. Moreover, there were several incidents that Cui Xiang dealt with a little rashly, unpopular, and also gave people a sense of arbitrariness. It is estimated that Cui Xiang also felt that few people made the same sound as him in the Standing Committee, so he retreated and turned to approach Ye Shisheng, trying to slowly gain the trust of Ye Shisheng, and then slowly It affected Ye Shisheng's decision.

It must be admitted that Cui Xiang is really smart and will take it first.

Regarding the strategy of Cui Xiangxian approaching the Fu family, attracting differentiation among the Standing Committee, and gradually approaching Ye Shisheng, Xia Xiang deepened his slowness in Cui Xiang's alertness. If any high-ranking political figure can see the most advantages in the complex relationship, so that he can turn the advantages into his own fulcrum, it is possible to take the initiative and achieve the goal.

, more than the north

At present, the most advantageous point of the provincial party committee is Ye Shisheng.

Ye Shi is weak in nature and his ears are soft. If he is hard with him, he may touch his bottom line, but if he adopts a round-around strategy. Get close first, and then obey everything. He will gradually gain his trust, and then rely on Cui Xiang's wisdom and means to gradually let Ye Shisheng be confused by his illusion and lead his nose with rhetoric. In the end, Ye Shisheng may become Cui Xiang's microphone, but he didn't know it at all.

If the secretary and deputy secretary makes the same voice, there will be considerable authority.

The biggest headache for Xiaxiang is that among the other members of the Provincial Party Committee, except for Qian Jinsong, other people are not very close to Ye Shisheng. On the surface, there is respect and contact, but the personal relationship is average. I don't know if it's because Ye Shisheng doesn't like personal relations, or because when he was the governor, he was crushed to death by Gao Cheng, and as a result, he was looked down upon by other members of the Standing Committee. It's one thing that no one thinks of him. Now, Ye Shi has become a leader. Before the other members of the Standing Committee reacted, Cui Xiang made full use of the defects in Ye Shisheng's personality and stood on the same front as Ye Shisheng.

Can you find a way to let Qian Jinsong intervene in the alliance between Ye Shisheng and Cui Xiang and divide the relationship between Ye Shisheng and Cui Xiang? Xia thought hard and felt a glimmer of light in the fog in front of him.

Ye Shisheng is still an alliance that can cooperate. People are not bad, and they don't have too much ambition. It's just that Cui Xiang took the lead. Even if Qian Jinsong and Ye Shisheng came together closely. It's also better than Cui Xiang. Cui Xiang is ambitious. He is a competitor of Ma Wanzheng and Song Chaodu's inevitable candidate for the next governor, and there is no possibility of cooperation.

Once Cui Xiang became the governor, Xia figured it out. Everything he carefully planned in Yan Province, the An County project, the single city and the Bao City project, and even the future development of Yuanjing Group in Yan City and Yan Province will become Cui's target. Politically, picking peaches is secondary. Maybe there will be some means to transfer the project to his people, with a bumper harvest both politics and economy.

In Yan City in June, the weather turned hot. With the heat sweeping Yanshi, there is also a surging undercurrent. Before the Cui Xiang incident was resolved, Xia Xiang finally found that the impact of the sequelae of Gu Zeng's incident was so huge!

When the leading group network was established, Yan Provincial TV Station and Yan Provincial Daily all focused on publicity reports. However, after signing the agreement on cultural tourism in a single city, the provincial media was silent, and Xia wanted to know that it must be Ma Xiao's handwriting.

The cooperation between Wanli Automobile Factory and Yuling Trade in Baoshi officially signed an agreement. Song Chaodu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor, visited Baoshi in person and attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony. All the local media in Baoshi were dispatched. When the report was broadcast continuously, the tapes of the provincial TV stations, newspapers and other media that accompanied Song Chaodu were edited, and the press release was also written. After sending it back to the headquarters, it was not broadcast. It's like a stone sinking into the sea.

The member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the deputy governor attended the large-scale joint venture project that caused a sensation in Yan Province, and there was no synchronization in the news of the provincial, Taiwan and the provincial newspaper: "Butterfly. It's so abnormal. Maybe ordinary people don't have any feelings, but the provincial party committee is very clear about the intrinsic connection between news and politics. If the activities of important people are not introduced in a few words in the news and do not appear on TV, it means that there is a major problem. Maybe this person's political life will come to an end. Yes.

Xia thought of this incident to the fact that Gu Zeng was transferred from the Yan Provincial Evening News some time ago. As soon as Ma Xiao took office, he grabbed a small matter and insisted on fire the director and replace the editor-in-chief. Now it seems that the incident at that time was just an excuse. Ma Xiao's purpose is very clear, which is Medium.

Xia wants to come to the provincial party committee compound for a long time, and he has never been to the office and office of Song Chaodu. Today, he came to the office of the deputy governor of Song Chaodu for the first time to have an interview with him.

Song Chaodu's office is quite simple and looks very organized, with nothing superfluous. Xia wanted to sit down and saw Song Chaodu frowned slightly and was smoking one by one.

Smoke floated from the window behind the sleeve to the surface, and the poplar trees outside were shining in the June sun. The vitality has been restored, the branches and leaves are particularly vigorous, the wind is blowing, and the leaves are clamored. In Xiaxiang's impression, the leaves of poplar trees should be the most beautiful sound when they are blown by the wind.

Song Chaodu did not want to appreciate the wonderful sound of the leaves. He had dissatisfaction, anger and puzzlement in his heart.

He also knew the inside story through relevant channels, the spirit of the internal instructions of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and the recent news of the industrial restructuring of pilot cities. All shall be submitted to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee for review, and all media units are not allowed to broadcast without authorization. If it is broadcast privately without the approval of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, political responsibility will be investigated.

A political responsibility is enough to scare many people! Both the director of the provincial station and the president of the provincial newspaper are all politicians with a very high degree of politics. They are not media people. It is the official of the party, who is in charge of the key position of the party's mouthpiece, which is especially important. No one dares to joke about the political future. If you work in the propaganda department carelessly, your future may be ruined. Words can shape an unknown person into a hero, and it can also degrade a famous person to nothing. Killing people invisibly.

After receiving the notice, the provincial media submitted the news of Song Chaodu's trip to Baoshi to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee for instructions. Unexpectedly, after submission, there is no follow-up. At first, there was a rush. It is said that the news should be broadcast in time to have news value, otherwise it will become old news. As a result, the reply given by the Propaganda Department is: "The leader is reviewing, and there will naturally be a reply after the review, and it is useless to urge."

As soon as the result is delayed, it will be a week.

One drag

In a week, the cauliflower has been cold. People who work in journalism don't have any political mind. It's one thing to be white. There is an internal conflict in the provincial party committee, and the Propaganda Department of the provincial party committee is deliberately trying to embarrass the family.

Family, of course, refers to the Song Dynasty. Song Chaodu didn't understand whether Ma Xiao's real thoughts were aimed at him personally or the pilot city. Is it Ma Xiao's personal intention or Ye Shisheng's instruction? Just as he was puzzled, Xia wanted to call and say that he wanted to come to report his work, and he knew that Xia also realized that there was something wrong with the publicity.

In the past, when Lu Yuanyuan was the Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, he didn't think how important publicity was. Now with Ma Xiao, he immediately came to kill people with a soft knife. What on earth does he want to do?

Xiaxiang couldn't guess Ma Xiao's real intention. Although Ma Xiao is the Fu family, it may not be Fu Xianfeng's idea to promote the pilot city and Song Chaodu's neck. Presumably Fu Xianfeng will not do such a boring thing. If there are other reasons, you should also communicate with Song Chaodu in advance. After all, Song Chaodu is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

Xia thought for a moment and said, "Minister Ma was transferred from a province in the northeast. Will he feel that it is not appropriate to publicize the success of the pilot city at this stage because of his too conservative personality? It is not too late to publicize it after achieving greater results? However, no matter what, he should say hello in advance, instead of directly suppressing it.

Song Chaodu was slightly angry. He gently knocked on the table with one hand and said, "Ma Xiao is too good at doing anything. This matter must be said to Secretary Ye. If the propaganda can't keep up, it is equivalent to not being recognized by the provincial party committee, which will make others wonder whether there is still a need for the leading group!"

Song Chaodu's view of the problem is of course higher than Xia's, but Xia's thought still feels that he is a little too high for this matter. Maybe Song Chaodu feels that he has lost face and has not received the treatment he deserves. He can also understand his thoughts. Now Song Chaodu is eager to prove himself, and he was originally It's just a political adventure to share the worries for the provincial party committee. Now Ma Xiao understates his political achievements in propaganda. It's no wonder he's not angry.

"There is no problem with Secretary Ye's theory, but I don't think there is any result. I dare say that Secretary Ye must know this matter and know it well. Otherwise, Ma Xiao would not dare to come to Yan Province online, so he would have the courage to make his own decisions. Even if Secretary Ye didn't nod, it was a tacit attitude. At the same time, it was certain that Secretary Cui nodded. As soon as Xia thought of Song Chaodu, he also vaguely felt that he had caught something.

In the final analysis, it is still related to Cui Xiang. It has something to do with Cui Xiang and Ye Shisheng's approach.

It seems that Cui Xiang's weight in the provincial party committee is getting heavier and heavier, and he has become the one behind the scenes

Xia thought that Cui Xiang would not be stupid enough to find ways to suppress the leading group. If he and Ma Xiao work together, he must want to take the opportunity to put forward some conditions in exchange for greater benefits!

Xia Sang really guessed it. After Song Chaodu found Ye Shisheng, Ye Shisheng's explanation was. He also knew about this matter. Ma Xiao reported to him. In order to take care of the mood of large state-owned enterprises in Yan City and other cities, and also for the sake of caution, it is not appropriate to focus on the achievements of the leading group for the time being, and the results achieved at this stage are not enough. In order to avoid the members of the leading In the future, unless greater success is achieved, the news about the industrial restructuring of the pilot cities will be dealt with in a low-key basis as much as possible.

Ye Shisheng used an indisputable tone, and it was also reasonable. Obviously, he had set the tone. Song Chaodu had no choice but to accept the decision of the provincial party committee. Ideology was originally under the control of the party committee. As the deputy governor of the government, he had no choice but to obey.

Xia Shen was not idle. He judged the situation. It is believed that the Tonghai Railway in a single city will be put on the agenda in the next stage, followed by Dafu film and Maosheng pickles in Bao City. If the above projects are further established and invested, the results of the leading group will basically lay a solid foundation. If it works properly, even if the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee suppresses it, he is confident to alarm Vice Premier He. Once it is heard by Vice Premier He and the state media makes a positive report, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee must respond as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be a great dereliction of duty.

It's just that Dafu film and Maosheng pickles have not found investors for the time being, although attracting investment is not the responsibility of the leading group. However, Xia's idea is that since he persuaded Shancheng and Baoshi to take the initiative to become pilot cities, he has the responsibility to make a good start for Shancheng and Baoshi and help them open up the situation.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Once the situation is opened in the early stage and a successful example is set, the work in the later stage is much easier to do.

On the weekend, Xia wanted to make an appointment with Yan Xiao and wanted to talk to her about single-city investment. Of course. He also has deeper ideas to achieve through strict hours.

The two of them made an appointment to meet at a good coffee.

The weather is getting warmer. When Xia Xiang still feels that it is slightly cool in half-sleeved clothes, the women on the street are already like flowers competing for beauty, competing to wear colorful skirts, revealing Bai Zhe's arms and thighs. Yan Xiao was no exception. He also wore a long white dress, as graceful as a wedding dress and as light as haze.

Somehow, Yan Shi's white skirt reminded Xia Chang of Lian Ruohan for a moment. When he and Lian Ruohan first came to Yan City, when Lian Ruohan was with him in the International Building, he wore a long white dress, which was as beautiful.

And now Lian Ruohan is approaching the due date, and Xiaxiang is preparing to fly to the United States. When Lian Ruohan gave birth, he must accompany her by her side. He also hopes that when the child is a little older, even Ruohan can return to China. He wants to be with her and be fair to her.

Sitting in a semi-enclosed seat, Yan Shi saw that Xia was in a trance, so he laughed at him: "Which woman must be thinking about? In my opinion. Only women can make you restless, and you can deal with political and economic events calmly.

Xia wants to smile bitterly. Is this praise or sarcasm? He didn't answer Yan's words. He took a look at her, who was as light as a chrysanthemum, and said: The beauty of the time is becoming more and more natural. Congratulations on changing from a beauty at first sight to a beauty that never gets tired of. I'm afraid the reason is still due to the influence of culture.

"Wrong, it was a big mistake. When he was praised by Xia, he was also happy, but he still frowned slightly and said playfully, "The beauty of women. The first eye flows from the surface, the second eye comes from intellectuality, and the first eye is because of amorous feelings. As for never getting tired of it, it's love. How many of the countless famous actresses on TV will make you never get tired of watching? You said that I never get tired of seeing it, doesn't mean any hint?

Xia wanted to do a sweat wipe: "The coffee shop is too stingy. Why don't you turn on the air conditioner on a hot day?"

Yan Xiao laughed and said, "It's fake. It's too fake, Xia think, you also have unnatural times in front of women?

"Coffee is actually not very good. Many people like it. It's probably just a fashion, isn't it?" Xia wanted to take a sip of coffee, with a smile on his face. When you were young, you were a beautiful woman and attractive enough to men. But for me, it is still not attractive enough. Do you know why?

Yan Xiao's face changed slightly: "What is it? Don't talk nonsense, or I'll be angry."

"Men like noble women, because the process of conquest is full of fun. Men also like women like girls next door, because they feel kind and approachable. But men like women who are both arrogant and sexy most, giving people unlimited reverie space, not only the pleasure of conquest, but also the deadly **. But men don't like a woman, that is, a beautiful and holy woman. Jewish women are as high as gods. For men, they can only be seen from afar, as long as they appreciate it, but they can't get close to the fragrance.

Xia wanted to look at Yan Xiao with a smile, with a playful look in his eyes. "Men are all pragmatists. If a woman can't be used to get close, they will stay away from it."

Be than: The second is to ask for a monthly ticket, followed by "