official god

Chapter 523 Sudden Change of Situation

Jiang Guan and Wu Caijiang also regretted that Xia Xiang's schedule was too tight. Originally, he also thought of studying in the Central Party School for a period of time, but because the work in the dismounting area was about to be carried out in an all-round way, it was obviously inappropriate to study in the Party School at this time, and he could only wait for the opportunity to talk about it later. However, Wu Caijiang is still happy that Xia wants to be able to worship Gao Ru as a teacher. It is also a gratifying thing to get a master's degree with the approval of the Confucian.

After Xia wanted to be slightly stunned, he smiled calmly, shook hands with Cheng Xixue, and said, "I didn't expect Professor Cheng to be here. I only brought two bottles of wine for the old man. I'm sorry. How about I bring you two bottles next time? It's the best wine. It tastes very good.

Cheng Xixue waved his hand quietly: "You're welcome. Besides, I'm not good at drinking and talking. He still took the wine from Xiaxiang with great interest and looked at it carefully, "That's good. Yes, after repackaging, the visual impact is very strong. If you work hard on the brewing process at the same time, I believe that there will be a broad market prospect for Taiwanese wine. As Professor Cheng said, the Changtai winery itself has a profound cultural heritage, and also has a traditional brewing process, which is not a problem in technology. It is not difficult to improve. And now the market prospect is very good, and the Taiwan wine can be brought to the market in a short time. In addition to the power of CCTV advertising, it also benefits from the extensive attention caused by the debate with Professor Cheng. To be fair, I really want to thank Professor Cheng Xia for the Taiwanese winery for his understated attitude towards Cheng Xixue. He was deliberately and gently touched him.

A trace of anger flashed in Cheng Xixue's eyes, and then he smiled indifferently. Yun Feng said lightly, "At that time, it was just an academic debate. I didn't expect to attract so much attention. I could take the opportunity to make Taiwan wine famous, which is also a contribution to the single city. Ha ha, if I Thank you so much.

He said a few weak words lightly. Cheng Xi learned to get up and say goodbye. Before leaving, he seemed to have accidentally remembered something and said, "Promoting the establishment of a new district is an initiative, but it is not easy to really turn an initiative into a feat. It's easy to get out, but the wind is so strong that it turns into a show. If it's not easy to finish, it's asking for trouble

Xia didn't answer his words, so he thought he was talking to himself.

After Cheng Xixue left, Mr. Gao said that Cheng Xixue came here today for a meeting, but he passed by and said a few words. He didn't want to meet Xia unexpectedly. Xia wanted to laugh: "Professor Cheng and I are very predestined. Maybe he will still have an account with me in the future"

Then, putting aside from Cheng Xi's learning, Xia Xiang reported the final academic situation to the old man and reported it for more than an hour. During this period, the old man asked a lot of sharp questions. Fortunately, Xia Xiang had worked hard recently and basically answered them all.

Noon. Xia wants to invite the old man to dinner.

Bei Lao has been thinking about something else with Xia. He didn't say anything about his achievements. After dinner, Xia wanted to accompany the old man back to the Academy of Social Sciences. After Mr. Gao sat down, he had a cup of tea and said earnestly, "Recently, you have really worked very hard, and the completion of your homework is also very good, but there is still a fire before graduation. But you are much better than when you were young. I haven't finished my recent homework when I was a child, and I'm not very satisfied with her.

Yan Xiao's Idiom Story Culture Palace is now in the critical stage of closing, and she can't get rid of it at all. It's normal to waste her studies. After all, she is the same as herself, not out of school. It's right to be strict, but for the on-the-job students, it's better to take proper care of them.

In Xiaxiang's selfishness, of course, he hopes to get the graduation certificate before returning to Yanshi.

But it seems that he is not going to send it to him, which makes him a little disappointed.

But Xiaxiang still said a few good words for Yan Xiao, which made it clear that he was objective. Nevertheless. The old man still said, "No matter what. As long as she can't meet my requirements, I won't give her a diploma.

As for you," he looked at Xiaxiang with a grim face, "For more than three months in the capital. Your dedication and hard work are commendable. Although it is still a little short of my request, because you have a real example of persuading Kodak, you can also make up for some theoretical shortcomings. Learn to apply, since it is practice first and then theory. There is a reason for proper care, a debate with Cheng Xi, and refute his speechless eloquence face to face, based on the above considerations. I decided to issue you a graduation certificate as an exception"

The old man stood up, took out a certificate from the drawer, and handed it to Xia Shen's hand: "Remember a sentence, apply what you have learned, and no matter how advanced the theory is, if it can't be transformed into a real valuable action, it's just a piece of paper after all

Xia wanted to solemnly take over the certificate, held back the excitement in his heart, and bowed to the old man: "Thank you, Mr. Gao, the old man's teaching, I will remember it in my heart."

The old man laughed again: "Actually, you can see it. I'm not a rigid and flexible person, but I still found a reason to convince myself. In fact, to be fair, Xia thought, you are many times better than the people who die and learn in the ivory tower. I have high hopes for your future growth.

The old man then told Xia some things, all of which were his way of life and political philosophy. Xia wants to listen carefully, be inclusive, and learn from it appropriately.

Say goodbye to Mr. Gao and return to the Ministry of Commerce. Xia Xiang entered the office and received a phone call from Li Dingshan.

"Xiaoxia, it's time to go back to Yanshi. Are you ready?" Li Dingshan's voice was a little eager, and the "competition of the district party secretary" suddenly seemed to be fierce, and the pressure from all parties was unexpected. If it hadn't been for Secretary Chen's nomination, he would have almost missed it

Xia was shocked to eat, and something happened. Could it be that Ye Shi had a change?

"We will talk about the details when you come back." Li Dingshan did not disclose the inside story, but just said one sentence and put down the phone.

Xia Xiangren has always been in the capital and knows the trend of Yanshi like the back of his hand. He has always been determined to win the position of the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee. Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou also know his intentions and are also single-minded to help him take office. Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng nodded in the province, basically a matter of certainty. Listening to Li Dingshan's tone, it seems that the situation is quite serious. If it weren't for Ye Shi's changes, there would be pressure from Yan City.

Or is there also an abnormal movement in the capital?

Yan City is too close to the capital. As soon as the wind blows, the capital will know that even the establishment of a new district in Yan City will let some people in the capital keep an eye on its position and reach out to Yan City.

Even Wu Caijiang is the same, not to mention others?

Xia wanted to go to Yi Xiangshi's office and say goodbye to him.

In the three months of the Ministry of Commerce, Xia Xiang had little contact with Yi Xiangshi. He only had contact once in the middle, and he didn't even have a chance to meet each other for the rest of the time. Yi Xiangshi is busy with all kinds of affairs. I don't care about Xia's thinking at all. Even if I think of it occasionally, I forget it in a blink of an eye. Xia Xiang is busy with his studies and all aspects of things, and he is also embarrassed to trouble Yi Xiangshi. After all, he is the best of the class.

If you want to leave, it's better to explain it in person.

The Ministry of Commerce is no better than the Yan Provincial Party Committee, and few people know Xiaxiang. Xia wants to come to Yi Xiangshi's office. He proposed to the secretary to meet Minister Yi. The secretary looked at him a few times and said lightly, "If you want to see Minister Yi, you must register for an appointment. When Minister Yi has a suitable time, he will arrange to meet you." Please leave your name and phone number, and what's important to see Minister Yi

It's a completely business tone.

The county wanted to know that it was useless to argue with the secretary. Instead, it seemed that he had no insight, so he registered cooperatively, then turned around and left, intending to go back to the office and call Yi Xiangshi. Unexpectedly, just a few steps, the secretary shouted at him from behind. Comrade Xiaxiang, please stay, the minister let you in!"

Seeing Xia Xiang's figure walking into Yi Xiangshi's office, the secretary was still puzzled and wondered in his heart, what Xia Xiang came from. Why did Minister Yi take the initiative to open the door when he heard the voice inside and proposed to let Xia Xiang come in immediately. Although Minister Yi was usually more approachable, he was too polite to Xia Xiang

Xia Xiang had no more than three times to meet with Yi Xiangshi alone in the three months of the Ministry of Commerce, and he seldom meet. After all, everyone has something to do. As a part of the hall, Yi Xiangshi is also busy with official business. Basically, Xia wants to call him very little, if he has nothing to do. He doesn't want to bother Minister Yi either.

As soon as we met, Xia Xiang said a few polite words and expressed her heartfelt thanks to Yi Xiangshi for the care and care she had received in the Ministry of Commerce recently. And put forward. Because of the work, we should return to Yanshi as soon as possible.

Yi Xiangshi sat on the sofa and said with a serious face, "It's the dish. As for your three months of work in the Ministry of Commerce, I will personally write a resume and send it to Yan Province."

Xia wanted to know that Yi sent a generous gift to his teacher, so he officially expressed his gratitude.

Yi waved his hand and stood up, and his face was still solemn: "Fu Xianfeng suddenly nominated Bai Zhanmo at this time. There will definitely be a backhand, and it will not be aimless. Cai Jiang and I agree that Fu Xianfeng is the most potential political figure in the Fu family. He has insight, vision and skill, compared with him. You are still a little immature. You should be more careful

After Yi Xiangshi finished talking about business, he mentioned private matters, and also brought out Wu Caijiang. Obviously, he no longer talked to him as a minister, but as the Wu family.

When it comes to Bai Zhanmo, Xia Xiang was also cautious, thinking of Li Dingshan's phone call and the situation in Yan City that he further learned about.

Originally, after a period of open and secret struggle in Yan City, the candidate of the secretary of the district party committee and the district head of the lower part of the horse. As well as more than a dozen candidates for the Standing Committee have been settled. When they were about to be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion, Fu Xianfeng suddenly nominated Bai Zhanmo as the candidate for the Secretary of the District Party Committee. His attitude was very resolute, and he also took a strong attitude to the end. If the Organization Department did not pass the nomination, he Suppress the nominations of others.

For a moment, everyone was puzzled. I don't understand why Fu Xianfeng gave up at the critical moment and suddenly raised a dark horse. Everyone knows that even if the Organization Department passes the nomination of Bai Zhanmo, even if Fu Xianfeng is willing to submit it to the Standing Committee for discussion, with the joint hands of Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou, it is impossible to pass the appointment of the Standing Committee!

Why does Fu Xianfeng have to do more than this?

It was to see that it was impossible to pass the discussion of the Standing Committee, and Fang Jinjiang did not fight with Fu Xianfeng. Instead, he passed the nomination of the Organization Department. He also had the idea of watching jokes. He saw what ability Fu Xianfeng could have to break through the encirclement of Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou, only with the energy of one of his deputy secretary. Can you make a turnaround in Yan City? Even if several people in the Standing Committee make the same voice as him. But both the secretary and the mayor nodded. With the strong recommendation of his organization minister, he will not be able to pass the appointment of the Standing Committee. It's just a joke.

Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou also didn't know Fu Xianfeng's intention. They thought that he was just making trouble and deliberately looking for trouble, so they didn't pay too much attention to it. Basically, it has been nominated and examined for several months. Babei has been implemented. Who holds what position? Almost all the power of Banlan Dingding, Fu Xianfeng intervenes at the last moment. How much wind and waves can it set off?

Yan City is his Chen Feng's Yan City!

Chen Feng's self-confidence comes from the support of Hu Zengzhou. The secretary and the mayor have made a joint decision. Even if Fu Xianfeng and Tan Long join hands, it is impossible for the two deputies to pry the decision of the two forehand.

Li Dingshan was worried and always felt that things were not as simple as it seemed. He always thought that Fu Xianfeng's move was not intended to make trouble or confuse the eyes, but most likely to be a well-arranged play, which took the opportunity to take the fruit of victory. As for what else Fu Xianfeng has, although Li Dingshan doesn't know, he thinks about it for Xia. He called Xiaxiang in a hurry and asked Xiaxiang to come back immediately.

Because Li Dingshan knows that in case of uncontrollable changes, in case the nomination of Bai Zhanmo is approved at the Standing Committee, Xia Xiang's dream of the secretary of the district party committee will be shattered. In the future, if he wants to enter the main dismounting area, it will become empty talk, because the dismounting It is impossible for important positions to change in a few years.

In this way, Xiaxiang was rejected by the gate of the dismounting zone, which is equivalent to picking the fruit of victory by the vanguard. Xiaxiang's painstakingly promoted industrial structure adjustment policy led to the establishment of the dismounting zone. Everything I tried my best in the early stage has become a wedding dress for others. Isn't it pitiful and pathetic?

Li Dingshan's love for Xia Xiang is sincere and spares no effort. It is precisely because he has been guarding against Fu Xianfeng in the municipal party committee. He always feels that Fu Xianfeng is an unfathomable and extremely difficult person to deal with, because Fu Xianfeng is calm and steady, and does not take action easily. The more it made Li Dingshan feel that Fu Xianfeng had chosen an appropriate time to take action, not just to stir up the mess, but to get something.

Li Dingshan urgently hopes that Xia wants to return to Yanshi and discuss countermeasures in person.

Xia wanted to remember Li Dingshan's care and realized the seriousness of the matter, so she decided to return in a hurry. Although Li Dingshan did not clearly tell the inside story, Xia Xiang called back to Yan City and learned about Bai Zhanmo.

Bai Zhanmo was originally from the capital. He has worked in Yanshi for more than two or three years and has been serving as the director of the information department of the municipal party committee and the public office. He usually does not show off. He is very low-key and belongs to the forgotten category of people. I didn't expect him to be a family member. He was buried deep enough.

According to this analysis, the Fu family came to Yanshi to serve as a deputy secretary in order of Fu Xianfeng, and there was an arrangement two or three years in advance, which was really awesome.

Bai Zhanmo is young this year, before coming to Yan City. After working in the Ministry of Transportation in Beijing and arriving in Yan City. The work is sincere, so that people can't make any mistakes. This time, he was suddenly nominated by the vanguard, and everyone seemed to have noticed the existence of Bai Zhanmo, and began to study Bai Zhanmo's resume. I don't know if I don't see it. I was shocked when I saw it.

Bai Zhanmo is really not simple.

He graduated from a famous university. When he served in the Ministry of Transport, he also served as a technical backbone, participated in the planning and well setting of many major projects, and even published relevant works. He had the title of engineer, and also won many awards for key national key projects. He is a comprehensive talent, and his achievements are not much worse than Xiaxiang. Even above academic qualifications, it has an advantage over Xiaxiang.

After Xia wanted to learn about Bai Zhanmo's resume. It is more certain that compared with his full confidence, Fu Xianfeng suddenly threw out the nomination of Bai Zhanmo, which is also a bound to win.

Just when Yi Xiangshi said goodbye, Yi Xiangshi took the initiative to mention Fu Xianfeng, and Xia Xiang did not hide it, and told the details of Fu Xianfeng.

Yi Xiangshi listened and frowned slightly.

"The situation in Yan City is still relatively stable. Chen Feng is very strong, and Hu Zengzhou will also be on your side. Therefore, Fu Xianfeng wanted to pry from the interior of Yan City. It was unlikely that Yi Xiangshi analyzed the situation for Xia. He leaned against his desk, put on a very casual posture, and said, "There is only one possibility for Fu Xianfeng to realize his proposal. Pressurized from top to bottom, and the capital came out to put pressure on the Yan Provincial Party Committee. Specifically, it was to put pressure on Ye Shisheng. If Ye Shisheng swayed, his attitude would affect the centrists in the Standing Committee of Yan City. In addition, Cui Xiang took the opportunity to take the opportunity to take action again. It is not too surprising that the secretary can't control the Standing Committee. At that time, unless Chen Feng uses a veto power, he will only forcibly pass the appointment of the Standing Committee, and the vanguard can make a big deal

"There is another point" Yi Xiangshi lives in the capital. His eyes were longer and more thorough than Xia's, "If Fu Xianfeng really tried his best to help Bai Zhanmo rise to power, and some high-level officials in the capital were dispatched, he called Chen Feng directly and proposed exchange conditions. For the sake of personal interests, it is normal for Chen Feng to give up on you at the critical moment. However, this situation is less likely to happen, because if you want to impress Chen Feng, you must show enough sincerity. For the sake of a district party secretary of the disema qu, the Fu family will not make an uneconomical exchange C