official god

Chapter 524 Two possibilities

" Your analysis is unreasonable, and it is impossible for your family to force Ye Shu to move and move Secretary Ye, and you also need to submit the exchange of conditions. The question is back. Will the Fu family spare no effort in order to help Bai Zhanmo take office? I always feel that political interests are actually no different from commercial interests. We should consider the balance between investment and return. Xia wanted to take Yi Xiangshi's words and said. If Fu Xianfeng wants to take down the position of Secretary of the District Party Committee of the Horse District, he must pry out the key figures of Yan Province and Yan City at the same time. For the sake of a deputy department-level position, the Fu family should not do anything that is not worth it, so I can't figure out what to deal with Pioneer.

Yi Xiangshi was originally busy with something to do. As soon as he heard what Xia wanted to say about the sudden situation in Yanshi, he put aside his work for the time being and analyzed it with relish: "Things in the officialdom, although there are times of rigid nails, there are also times when there are changes to kill dark horses, everything should not No matter what kind of backhand Fu Xianfeng has, it is nothing more than putting pressure on Ye Shisheng and inducing him to submit the conditions to Chen Feng. After you go back, keep in touch with Ye Shisheng and Chen Feng, and then use other forces to strengthen Ye Shisheng and Chen Feng's support for you from the periphery. As long as No matter how high the wrist is, it can't be around Ye Shisheng and Chen Feng and act alone. Even if he can, he can't do it.

Xia wants to express his deep gratitude to Yi Xiangshi for his patient and meticulous analysis: "In the more than three months of the Ministry of Commerce, I have learned a lot of knowledge and learned a lot of advantages of Minister Yi, which is a major gain on my growth path

The sentence "excess" has a rich meaning, and Yi Xiangshi will smile heartily: "It's too polite to see the outside. Don't mention the relationship between Cai Jiang and me, even between us, it's also a half-friend

The sentence "Old friend. It is also reminiscent. Xia wanted to smile and nod in favor

Before leaving, Yi Xiangshi revealed to Xia Xiang that the application for Tonghai Railway submitted by the single city to the Ministry of Railways is expected to be approved in the near future, and construction will start in the second half of the year.

Xia wanted to be very happy to hear it. He said a few polite words and left.

Yi Xiangshi also solemnly sent him to the door and waved goodbye.

The secretary was surprised to see it. Xia wanted to go in and not only stayed with Minister Yi for nearly an hour, but in the end, Minister Yi also saw off the guests in person. It was really unusual for the vice minister to report his work, and it was rare for an hour, and he had never seen the courtesy of Minister Yi delivered to the door in person Who the hell is Xia?

Who is Xiaxiang? The secretary doesn't know it now. It was not until many years later, when Xia wanted to stand on the peak of infinite scenery, the secretary recognized Xia Shang on TV and remembered what happened in surprise. Only then did he realize that Minister Yi was really far-sighted. He regretted seeing Xia's lofty future early. He should have made friends with Xia.

The most surprising thing is that Xia wants to work with some colleagues in the Ministry of Commerce. During the more than three months when Xia wants to work in the Ministry of Commerce, they have little impression of Xia, because Xia wants to work alone and alone. They are neither excellent nor eye-catching, and there is nothing important. At work, so it was not until they saw Xia Xiang's speech on an important occasion that they suddenly realized that the big man everyone envied was once a member of them, and they didn't notice it at that time and missed Xia Xiang.

They all regret it.

Xia wanted to drive away from the door of the Ministry of Commerce. I also looked back at the place where I had worked for more than three months, and there was still a trace of nostalgia in my heart. He has gained a lot in the Ministry of Commerce. He has not only improved his theoretical knowledge, but also broadened his horizons and seen the working mode of the ministries, which is very beneficial to his future growth. The most important thing is. He took advantage of this period of secondment to the Ministry of Commerce. After completing his studies, he got a postgraduate diploma. It can be said that I have been in the capital for more than three months. It was Xia Xiang's stunned leisure time in his life. He often got together with Xiao Jia and agreed on a major plan to return to Yan City. He often met Lian Ruohan's mother and son, enjoyed the joy of family, and established a deep relationship with his son, which made the guy completely dependent on him. Although it is ambiguous, it can already be called "Dad" non-stop, which makes Xia want to be happy.

Moreover, he also had further contact with Wu Caijiang and Yi Xiangshi, and the relationship was one step closer than before. Although Wu Caijiang regretted that Xia Xiang's schedule was too close to go to the Central Party School, he was still very gratified that Xia Xiang had obtained a postgraduate diploma.

Generally speaking, in the three months in the capital, all the gains in Xiaxiang have not fallen. There are also many unexpected joys, such as Mei Xiaolin's mother and daughter.

Xia wants to drive all the way west to say goodbye to Lian Ruohan's mother and son. As one of the most important women in his life, even Ruohan has become an indispensable part of him, and of course, so is his son. He also knows that Yanshi will face an arduous political struggle. Only when he goes there will he show a magnificent picture in front of him. I can't get over. There may be a considerable period of sinking. No matter which one it is, there will be no more good times when I often meet Lian Ruohan and his son.

And Xiao Jia will return to Yanshi in the near future, so Xia just said goodbye to her by phone without much nostalgia. For Lian Ruohan's mother and son, they are reluctant to part with it. Recently, the relationship between him and Lian Ruohan is, needless to say, more profound. And the interaction with his son made him realize the happiness of being a father.

It's just a pity that I can't see Mei Xiaolin's mother and daughter with my own eyes.

In the middle of the car, Xiaxiang still couldn't help giving it to Mei Xiao,

"If there is no accident, I will go back to Yan City early tomorrow morning. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to come to the capital again in the short time. I hope your mother and daughter are well. Xia wants to try to impress people with emotion.

"Just do it well. Our mother and daughter don't have to worry about you. I will also take good care of my baby daughter. She is a gift from God. Mei Xiaolin's voice was still faint and tasteless, but Xia wanted to hear it. She was obviously suppressing her emotions.

Xia wanted to smile helplessly and said half-jokingly, "It's my credit that you have a daughter. What do you want to thank God for? Men are really pitiful. After being cheated by you women, you are pregnant and have children. You think that men are useless, so you kick the man away. I am the generation of the man who pity..."

"All that, don't feel sorry for yourself. You are happy, and then you will easily harvest the fruits of victory. Women have to be pregnant for ten months, and then work hard for a lifetime. "Men are the most ruthless animals!"

This sentence is a little too hard. Xia thought couldn't help but cry: "I've been an uninformed victim from beginning to end, okay? When my daughter was born, I was still in the dark. What's wrong with the man? There is no man with affection. How can there be a woman who promises life and death? Mei Xiaolin was silent for a while and said stubbornly, "No matter what you say, I won't let you see our mother and daughter anyway. I haven't figured it out yet!" She couldn't help hanging up the phone.

Xia wanted to vaguely guess Mei Xiaolin's thoughts. It was not that she didn't want to see him, but that she was afraid to see him.

Mei Xiaolin knows that there is a beloved woman around him. In his mind, she has no special place. And she may have a little attachment to him, but her character will not be revealed to him by gentleness and strength, so she wants to escape. I can't imagine that after an event of confusion, the pearl fetus was secretly knotted and gave birth to another daughter. There is an entangled relationship between her and him in this life. Whether there is a feeling or not, whether there is a result or not. The child will become a bond that can never be broken between two people.

Mei Xiaolin wanted to have a child, and the unexpected pregnancy made her ecstatic, so she was willing to give up her future and give birth to a daughter, just to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. Xia thought that she could fully understand Mei Xiaolin's thoughts. She had no intention of officialdom. When I learned that I could not have children, I suddenly had a loose meeting that I could be a mother. How could I miss it? Thinking of all the strange things about Mei Xiaolin in the past, Xia thought that he couldn't help complaining about himself secretly. Sometimes men are careless. Unexpectedly, I didn't think too much.

When I drove to the residence of Lian Ruohan's mother and son, it was already noon.

Lian Ruohan was a little reluctant to learn that Xia wanted to rush back to Yanshi. Recently, the two often get together, just like normal couples, they live a two-person life of more and less. No, together with their sons, it is a three-person world. Although Wei Xin is also there, she always dodges knowingly and basically doesn't feel her existence.

Wei Xin has been following Lian Ruohan back to China. He has always played the role of taking care of Lian Ruohan's mother and son. Her carefulness made Lian Ruohan very satisfied. It also makes Xia Chang often moved. No one wants to know more about Wei Xin than Xia. She seems to be born with a good wife and mother, regardless of taking care of Lian Ruohan's work and life. I still took Wu Lianxia to cook in an orderly manner without any arsenic leakage. Lian Ruohan said to Xia many times that they kindly helped Wei Xin once in those years. Unexpectedly, in the end, they actually helped themselves, because their good deeds at that time were exchanged for Wei Xin's meticulous care now.

Lian Ruohan knows it in her heart, no matter how rich she is. You can hire ten nannies, but you can't buy one. People's sincerity. Wei Xin to her, to Wu Lianxia. It was absolutely a sincere effort. There was no falsation, and Wei Xin never asked for anything. Even if Ruohan took the initiative to raise her salary, she refused.

Lian Ruohan regarded Wei Xin as his own sister.

When Xia Xiang came, Wu Lianxia was playing with Wei Xin. As soon as he saw Xia Xiang, he stretched out his hands and rushed to Xia Xiang, and called "Dad" vaguely. Xia Xiang held her son in his arms. Let his son's big dark and round eyes keep turning on his face, as if he didn't know him.

Xia thought that he just had a haircut and couldn't help laughing: "Dad, you don't know him after a haircut? You are really good at judging people by their appearance.

The little guy seemed to understand Xia Xiang's words. Stretch out your chubby little hand and grab Xia's hair. Xia wants to let him scratch it. Anyway, his hair is short. My son doesn't hurt either.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Lian Ruohan asked, and there was a feeling of reluctance in his eyes.

"I left early in the morning. It's urgent." Xia wanted to talk about the sudden intervention of Fu Xianfeng. You must keep an eye on it. Otherwise, it would be a pity if we lose.

Even Ruohan knows the importance: "It's time to go back, and the time is not short." It's time for girl Hui to give birth and take good care of her. Political matters. I don't know much, so I have to rely on yourself. If you need money, just let me know. I'm sorry.

Lian Ruohan is now among the people Xiaxiang knows. The most rich one, her company has now surpassed Jiasheng and ranks first in the U.S. search market. Roughly estimated, she is worth more than 10 billions of dollars. At present, the company is preparing to enter China and compete with Baidu. Even if it does not make money, it should not let Baidu do whatever it wants in terms of cracking down on piracy and maintaining the order of the normal market.

Xia wants to wave his hand: "It's too low-end to solve it with money. Political matters mainly rely on wisdom, which is invincible." He smiled and said, "Although you are a master of making money, your idea is still your own creativity, which shows wisdom

Lian Ruohan smiled and said, "No one has denied that it's not your idea. Why do you have to make it clear? Obviously, you still feel guilty. You think spending my money is detrimental to your man's dignity, don't you? Typical male chauvinist

Wei Xin interrupted with a smile: "Men are a little male chauvinistic, especially men with a successful career. Therefore, for men, we should establish self-confidence on the one hand and coax them on the other hand. Don't think men are strong. Sometimes you need to be coaxed like a child to be obedient

Xia wanted to be speechless, so she had to borrow her son to teas: "Son. Are you a strong, independent and not spending women's money?

Unexpectedly, the son shook his head very uncooperatively and reached out to grab Xia's hair. Xia thought he was happy: "You are honest. You are spending your mother's money now. It's really wrong to say that you don't spend women's money. Why don't Dad give you money to spend?

In the evening, the family gathered in Renqi for dinner. Lian Ruohan talked about the old man's situation.

At present, the old man's condition is stable and poisonous, and he has basically recovered. The doctor said that he will recover quickly when he is in a good mood. Sure enough, because of Wu Lianxia. The old man was very happy. He didn't want to eat until he saw Wu Lianxia every day. Therefore, even Ruohan rarely accompanied the old man all the time and did his filial piety. It can be said that Wu Lianxia not only made the old man in good spirits, but also repaired the slightly estranged relationship between Lian Ruohan and the old man.

It's just that even the relationship between Ruohan's biological father, Wu Caiyang, and the old man is still very tense. Although Wu Caiyang also went home occasionally, he still had nothing to say with the old man. When the two met, they just said a few words lightly and it was cold.

But it's much better than before, before. The old man didn't even let Wu Caiyang in. Now, firstly, it's because the old man is sick and not angry, and second, it's also because of Wu Lianxia. After all, Wu Lianxia is Lian Ruohan's son, and Wu Caiyang's grandson.

Wu Caiyang doesn't like Wu Lianxia. Because he asked Lian Ruohan's child's father several times, he was rejected by Lian Ruohan very rudely. He was so angry that he couldn't do it. However, Wu Caijiang always talked to Lian Ruohan, didn't let him ask too much, and said that his daughter had her life and freedom. Wu Caiyang had never worried about Lian Ruohan. Now he doesn't have to care who her son's father is. The key is that the child belongs to the Wu family and his surname is Wu, which is

Wu Caiyang has no market at home. The old man was not cold to him. The eldest brother Wu Caihe was polite to him, and the third brother Wu Caijiang was still a little enthusiastic to him. However, there is always a faint sense of alienation. It is also because he has been away from home for many years and is not close to his family. He had no choice, but because he returned to the capital, the old man was ill after all and had to come back often.

It's just that every time he comes back to see Wu Lianxia, he is angry, and he can't help but be very dissatisfied with Lian Ruohan's unknown child. He didn't say anything. When he mentioned this matter, even Ruohan was going to quarrel with him. As soon as he quarreled, the old man wanted to drive him out, which made Wu Caiyang very unhsure every time. He hated Wu Lianxia's biological father even more.

In contrast, although the old man was also dissatisfied with Lian Ruohan's refusal to say the child's biological father, because Wu Lianxia was really happy, he looked down a lot and did not deliberately check who the child's biological father was. Since Lian Ruohan did not say it, there was a reason why she did not say it. When the child is up, let her go. If you care about her for a while, you can't control her life.

Wu Caihe, the boss of the Wu family, because of his gentle personality, neither opposes nor agrees with Lian Ruohan's affairs, which is a natural attitude. He is neither curious about the child's biological father nor does he care about why Lian Ruohan doesn't tell the truth. Wu Caihe also loves Wu Lianxia very much. As the only fourth generation descendant of the Wu family, he also hopes that Wu Lianxia can grow up healthily, bring fun to the old man, and grow into a new force of the Wu family in the future.

After Xia wanted to learn about the current situation of the Wu family. He smiled helplessly and said, "It is your father who is most likely to want to clean me up, followed by the old man. What do you think your father would do to me if he knew the truth?

Lian Ruohan's face was cold: "He dares to be against you. I dare to trouble him. Humph, I haven't forgiven him for being angry with my mother. If he doesn't let go of my happiness again, I can't finish talking to him, she still hesitated for a moment. He also said, "My father is very stubborn. Generally, things he believes are difficult to change. Unless he meets someone more powerful than him, he will compromise. If he knows who you are, according to what I know about him, he will not directly destroy your future, but will use the power in his hand to transfer you to his side, and then slowly hit you, kill your will, and finally make you never turn over

With a little Cui Xiang's style, Xia Xiang smiled and said, "If the old man took action, what kind of friend would it be?"

"The old man did not go around, but directly removed you from office, directly leaving you without future and hope!" C