official god

Chapter 580 Hidden Photography Event

Yu seemed to calm down his mood and came over by himself. His face was rosy, and he boldly looked at Xiaxiang and said, "It's okay. It's not my fault. It's your fault. I suspect that you can stand still, but I deliberately correct me as if I just hugged a hairy bear.

Xia wanted to explain in a hurry: "Conscience of heaven and earth, where am I? Is it so bad?"

"That's right, I don't believe that he wanted to defend Xia when he was young, but then he said it again." If he really breaks it, he won't break it in front of me. He will definitely wait for the two of you to break it, and he won't put one hand on it just now. It must take two hands

Gu Yu's face turned a little better just now and his face turned red again. He said in a hurry, "What else did you say?"

Fortunately, after a **attempted accident. Yan Xiao and Gu Yudu have returned to normal. After a while, he started laughing again. However, Xia thought ** felt that Gu Yu's eyes when he looked at him again had more complicated emotions.

After going to work the next day, Xia Xian first inspected the site of the former People's Square accompanied by the District Planning Bureau, and then returned to the newly planned People's Square for on-site inspection. In the afternoon, Dacai Group contacted the district government and negotiated the investment and scale of the wholesale market business circle, as well as the land grant.

The person in charge of Dacai Group is Vice President Shen Lichun.

Shen Lichun has a successful career recently, his family is happy, and his body is slightly fat than before. Because of the good cooperation with Xiaxiang, several investment projects have been successful, and the group appreciates him very much. The vice president of the last ranking has gradually risen, and now he is the second-ranked vice president. It can be said that he is already a very heavyweight in Dacai Group.

Thanks to the close cooperation with Xiaxiang several times, Shen Lichun has never forgotten his gratitude to Xiaxiang in his heart.

Sitting in Xiaxiang's spacious and bright office. Shen Lichun said with emotion, "In a blink of an eye, he is already the head of a district. The speed of leadership promotion is unprecedented."

Xia wanted to laugh and scold: "Do you think I'm going to be promoted soon? I really don't have enough friends."

Shen Lichun smiled quickly: "Where, where! I mean, a leader is a leader, who is different. If I hadn't followed the pace of the leader, where would it be today?

The relationship between Xiaxiang and Shen Lichun has not been a year or two, and there has been enough tacit understanding between the two. Xiaxiang didn't have a polite look with Shen Lichun: "Tomorrow is your nephew's full moon. You arrive early, take care of him, and you are still at the Yanjing Hotel.

Shen Lichun knew that he didn't treat him as an outsider after listening to Xia's thoughts, so he happily agreed: "No problem. I not only want to help, but also give my nephew a big gift."

"The gift is free, as long as the heart is ready. It's too expensive to look good. It's too light, and you don't think you can handle it. Don't be embarrassed, just buy a set of children's clothes. Xia wants to know it too. Shen Lichun will definitely have a heart. If he doesn't say it, there will definitely be a big gift. He just wants to be lively. It's enough for his friends to get together, not to receive gifts. But Chinese people pay attention to etiquette and recipros, so he just point it out directly. It also makes Shen Lichun know it.

Shen Lichun smiled and said, "I have it, I have it

Dacai Group attaches great importance to the projects of the wholesale market business circle. Other projects, whether they are luxury villas or high-end residences, are not responsible by the vice president, while the wholesale market business circle is handed over to a heavyweight vice president. Obviously, Cheng Dacai has high expectations on the wholesale market business circle. Real estate is only the dream of Cheng Dacai, and the industry is his wing. And the wholesale market business circle. It is the first step of industrial real estate.

Next, Dacai Group will also enclose the land near the North Village, and develop the economic zone in a broad sense. It is initially decided to name it Dacai High-tech Industrial Park. First, complete the initial rule, and then build a prototype of a park in the garden mode, in the park. Decorating gardens, rockeries and ponds, and repairing roads is equivalent to building a garden-style industrial park, waiting for high-tech enterprises to build factories or offices, and then Dacai Group and the resident enterprises will discuss how to build factories or office buildings.

It can be said that the concept of industrial real estate of Dacai Group is very forward-looking, integrating resources to the maximum extent, including the integration of natural and social resources, comprehensive development, and intensive operation. Once an enterprise settles in, it can save a lot of time. Whether it is building a factory or working, Dacai Group can help the enterprise complete its ideas in the shortest time. Moreover, because the leveling site and road construction work in the early stage of the industrial park have been completed, the first-come-first-served person can choose a good location first, or sell it at different prices according to different locations, etc. In short, relying on the strong strength and reputation of Dacai Group, and other advantages, the Dacai High-tech Industrial Park There is a market prospect. Of course, the district government should give policy preferences, such as giving appropriate consideration to all enterprises stationed in industrial parks in terms of tax relief and personnel incentives. In fact, there are many convenient conditions for foreign enterprises to enter the industrial park, such as eliminating tedious procedures such as land application, and the trouble of dealing with countless departments when starting construction. The preliminary work has been completed by Dacai Group. So if you want to see it in the summer, the prospect of the industrial park should be good.

Cheng Dacai does have business acumen, and the concept of industrial real estate has gone through his unremitting efforts in later generations. Slowly promote it in China. Later, he even invested in the construction of ports in coastal cities, with the strength of a group, driven by a port. A new area has been expanded for a medium-sized city!

Later, Xiaxiang introduced Shen Lichun to Chen Tianyu.

Chen Tianyu knows Shen Lichun's weight in his heart. A heavyweight vice president of Dacai Group, the mayor of any prefecture-level city, said that he wanted to introduce Rao Lichun to his absolute trust in him. He was moved by the trust in Xiaxiang, which was intended to put some heavyweight projects under his responsibility.

I thought Xia would be very protective of him. I won't trust it very much. Unexpectedly, Xia thought was really measured. He not only trusted him, but also put him in charge of many projects that the district government attaches most importance to, which gave him a kind of generosity to die for his confidants.

Chen Tianyu and Shen Lichun said a few words, and then asked tentatively, "The wholesale market business circle is the key item of the disemercial zone. Does Mr. Shen want to meet Secretary Bai?"

Have a good relationship with the Secretariat, at least a greeting is also a sign of respect, but Shen Lichun waved his hand disapprovingly: "Forget it, it's not troublesome. I will only have contact with the mayor of Xia District and District Chief Chen in the future, and I don't bother to worry about other things."

The implication is that Dacai Group doesn't care about Bai Zhanmo's attitude.

Chen Tianyu knows that Dacai Group has this courage and the strength to ignore Bai Zhanmo. Of course, the deeper meaning is that Dacai Group in Shimoma District only believes that Xia wants to be with him, and will only deal with them in the future. Chen Tianyu was a little excited and could make Da Caiji take another look, all because of Xia's face.

has a good relationship with Dacai Group. After seeing the benefits of Dacai Group's project, his heavy achievements will not be able to run away.

When Chen Tianyu looked at Xiaxiang again, his eyes were full of admiration and obedience.

After work, Xia wanted to go downstairs with Shen Lichun. When the net was about to pick up the car, he saw a red sports car rushing into the courtyard of the district party committee, and the guard was not even stunned to stop it.

The sports car is Ferrari's, and the red color is eye-catching and eye-catching. But the people who get out of the car are very different from the style of the sports car. She is simply dressed, as simple as the little sister next door, and it is Fu Xianxian.

The guard trotted all the way and shouted, "Comrade, comrade, please register first!"

Xia wanted to wave to the guard and said, "It doesn't matter. I know her. You go ahead first."

As soon as the guard saw Xia District's long speech, he nodded and retreated quickly.

Shen Lichun asked with a smile, "Who?"

Xia wanted to smile helplessly: "Let me tell you, don't be surprised. Her name is Fu Xianxian, who is Fu Xianfeng's sister."

Shen Lichun was shocked: "Leader, your wrist is too high. You directly cheated Sister Fu Xianfeng. Can't you make her angry? Send him an uncle directly, and he still has to be hospitalized?

Xia thought angrily and smiled: "Can you think of something business? Do you think I'm a coquettish pig like Sun Xianwei?

"Dealing with pioneers, regardless of the means, only ask for the results." Shen Lichun wanted to get close to Xia. Even dealing with the vanguard doesn't have any good impression.

Xia wanted to ignore him and flushed Fu Xianxian and nod: "Comrade Fu Xianxian, what are you doing?"

"Can you not call me comrades, how old-fashioned, just call me first." Fu Xian was familiar with him. He smiled at Xia and looked at Shen Lichun and said, "Hello, I'm Fu Xianxian. I didn't invite you...?"

Shen Lichun wanted to squeeze his eyes, which meant that the little girl was nice, lively and generous, and Xia wanted to pretend not to see it.

Fu Xian only said a few words to Shen Lichun and then smiled apologetically at him. Regardless of the fact that he was now in the courtyard of the district party committee, he turned around and stretched out his hand to pull Xia's arm: "Let me talk."

Xia wanted to know that she still asked about Mei Xiaomu, so he said, "I didn't see Mei Xiaomu. I just received a phone call from him. He didn't respond to your attitude."

Fu Xianxian didn't let go of Xia's arm: "I don't believe it. He can't have no feelings for me at all. You must have seen him. Are you lying to me?"

What Xia didn't know was that he wanted to shake off Fu Xianxian's arm, but was caught by Fu Xianxian, but he was looked at by Bai Zhanmo upstairs.

Bai Zhanmo was talking to Kang Shaoye in the office. He accidentally looked out of the window and found that Xia wanted to pull with a girl, so he opened his eyes wide. I thought about how the district chief could be in broad daylight. Is the girl entangled in the district party committee compound?

Bai Zhanmo said to Kang Shao in a contemptuous tone, "Xia is too self-respectful. She was held by a girl and held by her arm."

Kang Shaoye suddenly became interested: "Is it possible that you cheated a girl and was found by someone?" It's a strange thing, although he is the district chief. The problem of life style can't kill him, at least it can make him disgraced. Secretary Bai, do you have a camera? I'll take a picture.

Coincidentally, Bai Zhanmo usually likes photography. He reached out and took out a Canon telephoto SLR camera from the drawer, handed it to Kang Shaoye, and said with a smile, "The secretary secretly * took a picture of the district chief. It's not good to pass it out." He said it beautifully, but he was very proud. Unexpectedly, he was worried that he could not find Xiaxiang's weakness. Xia wanted to take the initiative to give him a big gift. How could he accept the truth?

Kang Shaoye knew that Bai Zhanmo was pretending to be a gesture. He took the camera and looked at it and said, "Nikon's wide-angle, Canon's telephoto, OK, just in time to use the telephoto." Then he rushed out of the window and took a picture. "No one knows the origin of the photo. Even . Besides, he is a universal citizen who also has the right to supervise party members and cadres.

Kang Shaoye's movements were very proficient. He took more than a dozen pictures in one breath, and said, "Secretary Bai's camera is good, and the old focal length is very practical. It just brought the scene closer. It's very clear." Who should I give the photo to?"

"Give it to Secretary Fu first and let him deal with it." Bai Zhanmo was very happy and felt that he had finally caught Xia's little braids. Although it is not a big deal, if it works properly, it is also the Eight Workers who can let Secretary Fu criticize Xia in the municipal party committee. Fry. The solstice can make Xia want to make a self-criticism. No matter whether he has anything to do with the girl or not, he will lose his style in the courtyard of the district party committee. If you are indebated and demoral, you can be held by others!

In this matter, no matter how big or small, Xia had to think of a gray face. Bai Zhanmo secretly made up his mind. I believe Secretary Fu saw his photo. He will also be very happy, and maybe he will praise him a lot. Since he came to the Lower Horse District to take office, it seems that Secretary Fu has never been sure of his work.

Bai Zhanmo is looking forward to the recognition of Fu Xianfeng.

Xia thought that he didn't know that he had been stolen* and taken photos again. If he knew, he would definitely be extremely depressed, because it was Fu Xianxian who took the initiative to pull him. He couldn't hide. It was Fu Xianxian who was too enthusiastic!

Xia wanted to turn his wrist and shake his arm, so he broke free from Fu Xianxian's hand and said with a cold face, "If you have something to say, don't pull it. It doesn't affect you well."

Fu Xianxian looks like a girl next door. But the skin was not thin at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of? All right, I won't pull you. Is it okay? I'm really in a hurry to find Mei Xiaomu. Tell me where he is.

Xia thought was almost angry: "Don't always pester me about the messy things between you and Mei Xiaomu, okay? Don't say that I really haven't seen Mei Xiaomu. Even if I see it, I won't tell you!"

Fu Xianxian didn't know whether he really didn't understand or pretended. He asked innocently, "Why? Why didn't you tell me?" Then she seemed to think of something. He said with a suddenly enlightened face. Oh, I see. You are angry with me because of my brother. Don't do this, okay? Fu Xianfeng is Fu Xianfeng, and Fu Xianxian is Fu Xianxian. In addition to being a compatriot, their personality, hobbies, world outlook and outlook on life are too different, and they are not the same kind of people at all. It can even be said that if it hadn't been for their own brothers and sisters, Fu Xianxian would not even have the interest of knowing Fu Xianfeng. Well, are you satisfied?

Xia wants to laugh and cry: "You don't have to explain anything to me. I don't know you well with Mei Xiaomu, so don't use me as a shield for the emotional entanglement between you, okay? I have something else to do. I have to get off work. Would you please get out of the way?

Fu Xian pouted and reluctantly said, "Oh": "I said, "I didn't mean to make you angry. I really don't mean any harm to you. If what I do affects your mood, I can only say I'm sorry.

Xia wanted to see her pretend to be pitiful, and couldn't help laughing secretly. He added, "When Mei Xiaomu shows up, I will tell him your eagerness to find him. But I suggest you don't have too much hope, emotional matters. It's two-sided. No matter how enthusiastic the unilateral enthusiasm is, it may still be a waste.

Fu Xian nodded first: "I know, but if you don't work hard, you will leave you with regrets. I will give myself another half a year. If I can't impress Xiaomu, I will shift my goal.

After Fu finished speaking, Chongxia wanted to wave his pink hand, and then bent down and sat in the car. With one foot on the accelerator, the sports car roared, and the smoke disappeared.

Shen Lichun stared at the taillights of the sports car for a while. He turned his head and smiled at Xia: "What's the matter again? The little witch was really born in a big family and has a personality.

Xia was so angry that he wanted to laugh: "If you have a personality, you can't always be patient with others. Any entanglement between her and Mei Xiaomu has nothing to do with me. One of them is hiding. One always annoys me. How innocent am I? Shen Lichun laughed and said, "The falling flowers are intentional. The chase game between the ruthless little girl and the little boy is exactly the disease-free moaning of their current age.

However, "He looked at Xiaxiang jokingly." I've been calling you a leader. After thinking about it carefully, I thought that the leader actually didn't even reach the age of the blade. It is also a little boy. The worst should be the first spring after the age of the year, and now it is the golden age of the second spring. I still stick to my idea. Since Mei Xiaomu is ruthless, why didn't the leader intend to take it first?

Xiaxiang laughed angrily again: "It's okay to harm the vanguard. What's the matter to harm his sister? Why don't you find a way to seduce Fu Xianfeng's wife? Get him a cuckold?"

Shen Lichun waved his hand repeatedly: "Don't talk, don't talk about it. Sun Xianwei is good at this matter, but I can't do it. Among other things, if my family knows, I won't have a good life for the rest of my life.

After laughing, Xia wanted to break up with Shen Lichun and went back to each other

Because of the delay of Fu Xianxian, Xia wanted to go home more than half an hour late. After returning to the community, the network parked the car and was about to go upstairs. Suddenly, a man flashed from the corner. Because it was dark, Xia thought that he was not psychologically prepared and almost shocked.

When she saw that the person standing in front of her, thin and slim was a woman, Xia wanted to relax the police timidity, and then took a closer look, she was dressed in a simple dress. It's no different from the average girl on the street. Ordinary jeans, ordinary top, casual ponytail on the head, haggard face, too thin, a pair of eyes are particularly large, chin pointed, plus her delicate face, the current stop, Chu Chu Chu piti.

Bibi: Fulfill your promise, today's third update. At the third update, I am more eager for the support and enthusiasm of my brothers, so that Lao He knows it well. It turns out that everyone still prefers the third update or understands Lao He's hard work, so Lao He will have more motivation for the next third update. In addition, I would like to thank the scarecrow students for their ardent rewards and their promotion to the head of the official god. Congratulations to the Chinese students for being the head of the official god and bowing. The second one will be delivered later. A