official god

Chapter 581 Full Moon Wine

Cong Shuer. Xia wanted to see that it was Cong Zi'er's accident and was stunned. He said, "Why is it you?"

Cong Baner stared at Xia's face with beautiful eyes, with complex emotions in her eyes, gratitude, sadness, helplessness and loss. She smiled tiredly: "Guntain Xia, don't worry, I'm not here to frame you today, but to express my gratitude to you. Please accept me and apologize. I'm so sorry for what happened before!"

Cong Baner took a step back and bowed deeply to Xia! Xia couldn't figure out his hand to help her and hurriedly said, "It's all over. Don't remember it anymore."

"I will always keep it in mind that you are the best person, the best man and the best official I have ever met." Cong Fenger bit her lips, and her eyes were warm and bold. I always thought you would retaliate against me afterwards, but I didn't expect you to mention it at all. After the last meeting in the Chao Building, I thought you would let Mr. Li fire me, but I didn't expect it. You didn't say anything. Mr. Li later promoted me. I knew that as a man, you are the most reliable man in a woman's mind. As an official, you are the most practical leader in the minds of the people. I just know how stupid I used to be to frame you

Tears gushed out of Cong Ban'er's eyes, and she choked and couldn't go on.

After the last time Cong Ban'er met Xiaxiang in the Chao Building, he was very uneasy. She realized that Li Qin was waiting for someone in the office, and it must be Xia Xiang. She thought about it. Xia Xiang is the mayor of the Lower Horse District, and may have a good relationship with Li Qin. He can let Li Qin be fired in one sentence.

Cong Fenger is ready to be cleaned up by the company.

I don't want anything to happen after work the next day. Li Qin asked without asking her a word, and she knew that Xia Xiang had no intention of pursuing her previous affairs.

It's been a while since she did a good job. Li Qin was also promoted to her position and let her serve as an assistant manager. Cong Fenger was even more grateful to Xia Xiang's generosity and tolerance, because she really needs this job now, and she is also doing it well now and doesn't want to lose everything she has paid for.

Cong Fenger gritted her teeth and worked hard. She always completed the work ordered by Li Qin. Li Qin didn't do the work she ordered, and she also took the initiative to do a good job. She was not afraid of hardship or fatigue, just for an unyielding belief in her heart.

Li Qin also saw Cong Baner's efforts. She also secretly appreciated it and often comforted her with concern, so that she would pay attention to her health. Cong Baner was recognized by Li Qin, and she was also secretly happy. Once, she dared to ask Li Qin a topic about Xia Xiang.

Li Qin did not say much about the relationship between the company and Xia Xiang. She just told Cong Baner that Xia Xiang had asked her a word and said nothing. Cong Fenger knew that Xia Xiang had no hatred for her, because she heard the clue from Li Qin's tone that Xia Xiang had far more than a district head to the company. Influence!

Xia wanted to let her go, and didn't even say a bad word to her. Thinking of her framed Xia Xiang, the guilt and uneasiness in Cong Ban'er's heart became stronger and stronger, so he felt that it was necessary to express his heartfelt thanks to Xia Xiang face to face.

She has been waiting downstairs for nearly an hour. I'm just waiting for Xiaxiang.

Cong Fenger stuffed the handbag in her hand into Xiaxiang's hand and said firmly, "Please accept the gift I gave to your son. Don't worry, it's definitely not the same trap as last time. If there is, I'm going to die!"

Hearing what she said, Xia wanted to quickly accept it: "Okay, I'll take it. Cong Fenger, you are actually quite capable. Do a good job in the company, and there will be a future in the future.

Cong Baner said, "Well," he said, "Thank you, Chief Xia. You are the most grateful person in my life. If there is a chance, I will definitely repay your great kindness!"

Xia wanted to wave her hand: "What can I say? I just did what I should do, and I didn't ask you for anything, as long as you go your own way."

Cong Fenger bowed to Xia again and turned around and left quickly. Xia wanted to see her back bleak and lonely, and her shoulders looked much thinner because she was thin, so she couldn't help shaking her head secretly. Cong Fenger has a stubborn side in her character. Sometimes she can't choose her own luck and misfortune.

At dawn the next day, Xia wanted to get up early. Prepare for the full moon wine. Before long, Dad, Xia An and Xu Ning all came over. They came to Yan City yesterday and lived in another house in Xiaxiang. Only their mother stayed at home with the girl.

Cao Yongguo and Wang Yufen also returned to Yan City yesterday. Xia Dong's full moon wine has become a big event, and all three families have been dispatched, attaching great importance to it. In fact, according to Xia's original intention, I didn't want to do anything. The little kids are popular, but the old people on both sides want to have a big fight. To please a celebration, Xia wanted to be filial, so he had to agree.

As the protagonist and the party concerned, Xia Dong is eating his fingers and sleeping sweetly. No matter whether others put a full moon wine for him or not, he just eats and sleeps. Go to bed and eat. If he has milk, he is a mother. Anyway, his greatest happiness is to have milk at any time. He opens his eyes and drills into Cao Shu's arms. In addition, he doesn't care about big things.

Not long after, Shen Lichun, Li Hongjiang, Sun Xianwei, Zhu Hu, Xiao Wu and Feng Meimei all came downstairs. Several people did not go upstairs, but waited downstairs for Xia to make arrangements. came downstairs to see everyone, and Feng Xuguang also came.

Feng Xuguang did not come empty-handed. He was followed by several Jiajia supermarket cars with wine, fruits, drinks and all kinds of desserts. In short. He had everything he needed at the banquet. Unexpectedly, he pulled it over.

Feng Xuguang first said hello to Xia, and shook hands with everyone one by one. The atmosphere was very warm. Xia wanted to complain and said, "Why don't you just move your supermarket here? I'm ready today. Why are you pulling these things?"

"I know your temper and relationship" Xiaoer is not easy to close the market. The gift is heavy. You absolutely can't take it out of Nian Dinglian. Xiaohao pulled a few cars over. After all, my nephew is one month old. I didn't say anything about my uncle. What if he has a problem with me when he grows up? Feng Xuguang said with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

Xia wanted to resist everyone's enthusiasm and said, "We are not outsiders. Don't give any gifts. If you give gifts, I have to think about it back. How tiring it is. Today, I will give you all the chores to greet the guests, decorate the scene and other chores. Just do your efforts

Zhu Hu said in a loud voice, "Yes, no problem. Do you have any hard work to carry things? I'll do it!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Xia wanted to ask Feng Xuguang to lead everyone to the Yanjing Hotel first. He went upstairs and told his family. Because Cao Yongguo brought two cars when he came from Baoshi. Coupled with Xia An's car, it's enough. In fact, with Xia's ability to move more than a dozen cars with one phone call, who can't find more than a dozen cars with just a group of friends? It's just that there is no need to fan a lot.

Xia wanted to explain, and then went downstairs. Feng Xuguang's group of people had left, and the square, blue socks and Wang Linjie came together. There are still a few words of cold noise, and Yan Xiao and Gu Yu have also arrived.

Yan Xiao and Gu Yu are both dressed up today. One is bright and eye-catching, and the other is bright and shining. The current stop of the two immediately attracted the attention of Fang Ge and Wang Linjie.

Fangge and Wang Linjie lowered their heads and leaned aside. He whispered, "Gu Yu is getting more and more beautiful. What's wrong?"

Before he finished speaking, the square's arm was twisted by the blue socks. Fang Ge hurriedly shut up, and Li Li made self-criticism: "Friend's wife, don't bully. I can't think of the meat in my friend's wrist.

Wang Linjie smiled, looked at Xia and didn't say anything. The blue socks looked hesitant, thought for a moment, and then twisted the square: "Don't talk nonsense."

Fangge hurriedly begged for mercy: "Yes, auntie! Don't twist it, okay?

Xia wanted to see Yan Xiao and Gu Yu come, so he asked them and Blue Socks to go upstairs first. After a while, he accompanied Cao Shuhui to the hotel. He drove to the hotel with Fang Ge and Wang Linjie. As soon as he arrived in Yanjing, he found that Qi Yanan and Feng Xuguang were arguing. The focus of the dispute was on a few carts of drinks and drinks in Feng Xu's throat. What Zia Nan means is that today's banquet is under the responsibility of Yanjing Hotel. Everything is ready in the hotel, and there is no need for any foreign food.

What Feng Xuguang means is that it is his intention. Whatever he says, let Qi Yanan accept it. Qi Yanan felt that it was disgmined to use Feng Xuguang's things, and he refused to accept anything, so he was deadlocked.

The main reason is that Qi Yanan and Feng Xuguang are too enthusiastic, and they both feel sorry for Xiaxiang if they don't need their things.

Xia thought that he had to come forward to reconcile: "Use half of each other, and Yanan, don't argue. Since Xuguang's things have been pulled in, take them off first. They are all placed together and let everyone choose. The taste of the guests is different, which is just a choice for everyone.

Xia wanted to speak, so Zianan had to respond. However, he still said to Feng Xuguang dissatisfiedly, "Mr. Feng, as long as the mayor of Xia has something to do in the future, he will come to Yanjing. Don't be busy. There is everything in the hotel. Don't pull a cart of things to lose my face, okay?"

Feng Xuguang smiled and said, "I also have refrigerators, color TVs and washing machines in my supermarket. Do you have any in your hotel?"

Zia Nan was stunned, "Are you sincerely angry?"

Xia wanted to laugh and scold: "Okay, don't argue. If you fight again, I will ask Xianwei to pay for today's banquet and a few cars of things,

Sun Xianwei was so winked that he immediately took out his wallet and shouted, "Do you want cash or a check?"

Feng Xuguang and Qi Yanan smiled and said to Sun Xianwei together, "Fuck you, go away!"

"Haha," everyone laughed.

Xiaxiang didn't invite too many people today. The province only gave invitations to the Song Dynasty, and others did not want to be alarmed. It's not necessary. The city only invited Chen Feng, Fang Jinjiang, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai. Fang Jinjiang happened to be on a business trip, so he didn't come. After all, the one-month banquet is a private banquet. Xia wants to invite only friends and leaders who have a good personal relationship with him, and does not publicly invite people in the disema qu. It's not good to disturb too much left, but to let some people with ulterior motives come uninvited, give gifts or make other ideas.

But the situation is the same as Xia wanted to imagine. Instead, it was the people who came to the disema qu first.

Huang Weigang and Jin Hongxin appeared first. As soon as they saw Xia, they said awkwardly, "Leader, I, we are uninvited. You can criticize us, but we will come as soon as we come. We are not afraid of the leader's criticism."

Xia thought it was easy to criticize them, so he had to pretend to be angry and said, "Okay, I'll come as soon as I come. Sit inside and go back quickly. Don't delay your work. It's not good for the district party committee to say that it's not ours.

Both of them understood and nodded gratefully to Xia, and then sat down.

Then Chen Tianyu and Fu Xiaobin came uninvited. Both of them came with a gift, and a few polite words returned to the district committee. Today is Friday. As the executive deputy head of the district and the director of the district party committee, there may be something important for them to deal with. Although both of them want to stay, because they know. There must be many senior officials from provinces and cities today. It's just right to exchange feelings.

Shi Changle and Tan Changtian appeared at the banquet together, especially Shi Changle did not regard himself as an outsider at all. After coming, he pretended to be half a master and made Xia want to shake his head and smile secretly, thinking that Shi Changle was also interesting. After showing loyalty, I care very much about every opportunity to perform.

Talk about Changtian since the last appeasement. I feel that I have a much closer relationship with Xia Xiang, and I often report my work to Xia Xiang. Because he has a good relationship with Jin Hongxin, he wants to enter the core circle of Xia Xiang. Today, I also wanted to take the opportunity to show Chen Xiaoxiao one by one, but he saw Shi Changle's great attention. He despised but didn't feel slippery. Let him learn, but he really can't learn.

It is only a long time to find that flattery is also a knowledge, or a profound knowledge, and it is difficult to learn the essence.

Then, Bian Xiuling and Huang Jianjun came to show themselves, and returned to the district committee without stopping, just in line with Xia's thoughts. Now that the situation in the lower part of the horse area is initially settled, he doesn't want to move half of the members of the Standing Committee to the Yanjing Hotel because of a full moon wine! If it's good or bad, it will give other people's ignorant opinions.

What I didn't expect was that Mu Yunrang. He Tengfei also came to congratulate Xia in the name of passing by. At the same time, he also euphemistically expressed Mayor Hu's blessings to Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to express his gratitude with a smile and accepted the gift money from the two. I don't have much money, it's my heart. He accepted it and accepted the goodwill of the two.

Xia Xiang didn't invite Hu Zengzhou. After all, the last incident still left a shadow in his heart.

Hu Zengzhou felt a little sorry that the county did not inform him about the one-month drinking. To be fair, he still hopes to receive Xia's invitation. He even made a plan, as long as Xia's invitation arrived. He found a reason to go there and did not hesitate to participate in the full moon wine of the son of a deputy department-level cadre as the mayor, which was equivalent to giving Xia enough face. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to invite Chen Feng, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai. I forgot him alone.

It's not forgotten, or Xia wants to alienate him from the bottom of his heart, have a sense of distance from him, and is unwilling to further develop a personal relationship. The people who can let Xia want to take the initiative to participate in the full moon wine are the closest people in Xiaxiang's mind, the most worth dating, and the person he thinks is the most reliable.

Hu Zengzhou knows that it doesn't matter whether it's public or private. He doesn't have the requirements of Xia. He also knows it. Xia wanted to set up a full moon wine for his son, not only at the banquet, but also at his long and near relationship in Yan City.

Although he also knows that the current situation is caused by him, he is still a little dissatisfied with Xiaxiang. If Xia wants to lower his posture a little more, he is willing to go to support him in person regardless of the mayor's respect, which is also full of face. Xia wants to be, but he still has to pinch it. Do you really think that he is a dignified mayor? Does Xiaxiang's immediate boss have to ask Xiaxiang to establish a personal relationship with him?

Hu Zengzhou guessed half right. Although Xia wanted to not invite him, it was because the last incident also made it difficult for Xia to let it go. Another key factor was that Xia wanted to get too close to Hu Zengzhou now. He wanted to observe Yu Fanran's attitude before making a choice.

Yu Fanran's attitude is crucial. After all, he is the Wu family. Although he and the Wu family don't seem to have any signs of reconciliation now, so is Mr. Wu. Wu Caiyang may not compromise with him, but it does not mean that Yu Fanran will not approach him. Yu Fanran is a member of the Wu family, but from his resume, he should have a good relationship with Wu Caijiang, not Wu Caiyang.

Xia's idea is that Yu Fanran is a bridge. He is the middle man in the thawing of the relationship between him and the Wu family. In the long run, he would rather approach Yu Fanran than deal with Hu Zengzhou. Be able to abandon him to the people who ignore him at critical times. There is no guarantee that there will be no next time. Fundamentally speaking, Xiaxiang has not re-established trust in Hu Zengzhou.

In a short time, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai arrived.

Li Dingshan and Gao Hai came with their wives. The meaning is obvious, which means good for the whole family. It is the manifestation of close personal relationship to a certain extent. Xia wanted to be very happy with the arrival of the two. Let's sit inside enthusiastically.

Today, because there are not many people invited, and they are not outsiders, Xia wanted Qi Yanan to prepare a large and elegant room, which can set up three round tables to accommodate people. The preliminary arrangement is that Sun Xiaoxianwei and others sit at a table, Cao Shuhui and his relatives and a group of ladies sit at a table, and provincial and municipal


Li Dingshan and Gao Hai are particularly happy today. Xia Xiang almost watched them grow up little by little. From the first entry into the officialdom, to the deputy department to the deputy department and then to the deputy hall. He also witnessed the whole process of Xia Xiang and Cao Shuhui from falling in love to getting married, and now they have participated in the full moon wine of their love crystallization. The joy in my heart comes from sincerity, which is a kind of love for the elders for the younger generation.

And because of Xiaxiang, the relationship between Gao Hai and Song Chaodu has gradually improved. He loves Xiaxiang even more, and he is still a little grateful.

After settling down Li Dingshan and Gao Hai, Chen Feng will arrive.

As a big leader, Chen Feng is at least a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. He should arrive a little later to show his identity. However, in Xia's affairs, he has never put on airs and doesn't pay attention to false traps. He wants to come early. As soon as Chen Feng came, it became lively. Everyone stood up to greet him one after another to show respect for the leader of Yanshi.

Chen Feng patted Xia on the shoulder and smiled: The young man is very capable and has come to this day step by step. I have a wife, a son, and an official. What else is missing?"

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